Selasa, 1 November 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on YB Dato’ Seri Nazri: SPRM mengambil perhatian berhubung penukaran saham MAS-AirAsia by Mohd from Khazanah

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 03:06 AM PDT

I have been informed that one MAS staff has lodged a report with MACC regarding the share swap.

The non announcement by MAS and ArAsia directors regarding the share swap negotiation sis a clear case of breaching of the Bursa Rule. Why are bursa KL and SC are dragging their feet in taking actions against the MAS director namely Datuk Azman Yahya because he was the director of MAS and Khazanah and he must be aware of the secret share swap deal. Datuk Azman Yahya was subsequently appointed as a director in AirAsia. We in Khazanah knew that Azman Yahya is fully aware of the negotitations on the share swap.

The other offence is the insider trading. The share movements of AirAsia and MAS during the material times were indicative of it. Why was SC also dragging its feet over this matter. Zarina must be too busy soritng out her husband’s problem in hte E & O share to the extent of not able to tka eaction against the insider trading.

MACC should move in to investigate why SC and Bursa KL are dragging their feet in such obvious case.

Comment on YB Dato’ Seri Nazri: SPRM mengambil perhatian berhubung penukaran saham MAS-AirAsia by Serina

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 02:12 AM PDT

HI Malaysian, the turun padang by AJ, TF, Km and budak bina tak fikir (Danny) is on the 2 November 2011 at 9.00am. All these people semua muka tak malu..dah makan … RAKYAT berani lagi turun padang…think their skin is thicker than the kulit gajah or kulit badak.

These are a group of poeple are all like tin kosong…make a lot of noise and got no brain….or I shud say they are all full of SHIT…maybe that’s why they are so damn stink.

Wonder what is taking the MACC to investigate into this bloddy share swap thing….have all of them gone to sleep and just let those bloody idiots telan MAS bulat-bulat. HEY GUYS IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP AND DO YOUR JOB!!!

Comment on YB Dato’ Seri Nazri: SPRM mengambil perhatian berhubung penukaran saham MAS-AirAsia by Anonymous

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 02:05 AM PDT

Hi Malaysians, the turun padang by AJ, TF, KM and Budak Bina TAK FIKIR akan turun padang at MAS Academy on 02 November 2011 starting at 9.00am.
Ini semua muka tak malu……hope MAS Staffs will bombard with questions after questions and how they will handle it.

Wonder what sorts of Town Hall this will be? The whole bunch of them are just tin kosong….always make lots of noise but dalam kosong….or I should said they are full of SHIT…..think that’s the reason why they are so damn stink.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yaacob

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 01:14 AM PDT

Kepada Penduduk-Penduduk dan Pengadu di Blok D 3 dan D 16 seksyen 2, Wangsa Maju.

Merujuk kepada masalah aduan jalan berlubang di blok D3 dan D 16.

Pihak kami hari ini telah menghubungi DBKLWangsa Maju dan pihak kami di maklumkan bahawa masalah jalan berlubang di blok D3 dan D 16 tersebut telah dipanjangkan ke Jabatan Kerja Awam untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Pihak kami dimaklumkan bahawa oleh kerana jalan yang berlubang tersebut agak panjang, lebih kurang 150 meter maka masalah tersebut diserahkan kepada pihak JKA untuk melakukan kerja-kerja membaik pulih jalan tersebut kerana ianya melibatkan kos yang agak tinggi.

Pihak kami juga telah menulis surat rasmi kepada pihak JKA supaya Jabatan berkenaan mengambil serius masalah berkenaan dan mengambil tindakan segera bagi membaiki jalan-jalan yang rosak dan berlubang sebagaimana aduan penduduk-penduduk.

Kami juga akan sentiasa memantau aduan tersebut dan akan memaklumkan kepada penduduk-penduduk sekiranya pihak kami mendapat maklum balas dari pihak DBKL.

Terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu kepada
YB Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yaacob

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 12:36 AM PDT

Kepada Penduduk-Penduduk dan Pengadu-Pengadu di Desa Setapak, Wangsa Maju.

Merujuk kepada masalah Pasar Pagi di Desa Setapak.

Pihak kami hari ini telah menghubungi DBKL, Jabatan Penjaja tetapi masih tiada jawapan yang diberikan berhubung dengan masalah kacau ganggu yang di sebabkan oleh aktiviti-aktiviti pasar pagi tersebut. Walaupun tempoh satu bulan sebagaimana yang diminta oleh Jabatan penjaja telah pun berakhir.

Oleh yang demikian pihak kami telah menulis surat rasmi sekali lagi kepada pihak DBKL, Jabatan Penjaja dan mendesak supaya pihak DBKL boleh mengambil tindakan segera dengan memindahkan aktiviti-aktiviti pasar tersebut ke kawasan yang jauh dari rumah kediaman dan bagi mengelakan masalah kacau ganggu tersebut berterusan menganggu kepada penduduk-penduduk berhampiran dan sekitar.

Pihak kami akan sentiasa memantau masalah tersebut dan akan berhubung dengan pihak DBKL supaya tindakan memindahkan pasar pagi tersebut dapat diambil dengan segera. Dan kami akan menyampaikan sebarang maklum balas yang diterima dari pihak DBKL kepada penduduk-penduduk di kawasan berkenaan. Dan sekiranya pihak penduduk-penduduk inginkan maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi pejabat kami di no. 0341433322 atau 012 2186929.

Terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu kepada
YB Wee Choo Keong

Comment on WAU! What a rosy report on MAS! by sputjam

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 11:55 PM PDT

double first from cam-bridge?
remember those harvard and Yale mat grads that were given the responsibility to manage penang bridge?
Initially, they were interviewed in a glowing manner by our news corps. Then, several years later, a forced bailout, with PLUS having to take over the ailing company.
These guys from ox-fart and Harf-fart are useless. Just look at London financial district and wall street. These guys create wealth from bubbles i.e. make money out of nothing. And they strive on volatility. that is why the prices of commodities are going up and down like a yo-yo. the make money both ways, i.e. short selling when going down. The victims are consumers and long term manufacturers, who have to hedge their cost, not only for commodities, but also currencies. end result, the cost of manufacturing goes up.

Guess what? They are using the same method in our supermarket. Prices goes up and down like a yo-yo. So if you go on the wrong day, they whack you upside down.

Comment on TM UniFi “D-Link router only can do” – another TM monopolistic policy that raises suspicion! by Anon

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 09:23 PM PDT

TM really does suck. My connection failed at critical times twice in the last month. Calling customer support is a very bad experience, they make you hold forever and nothing gets done. Only competition can fix such lame service.

Comment on YB Dato’ Seri Nazri: SPRM mengambil perhatian berhubung penukaran saham MAS-AirAsia by Rahman

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 07:36 PM PDT

MACC should investigate market why no actions taken by BURSA KL and SC on the no announcement of the share swap negotiations by the directors of MAS and AirAsia. This was illegal as we have seen the Transmile director has been jailed for one year and fine RM300,000 each for false reporting. The MAS -AirAsia case was worst than this many times over. This was a clear case of violation of the BURSA KL RULE on disclosure.

MACC please move in to restore confidence in the securities market and the image of MACC.

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