My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉 |
- Penang State Government allocation to support Chinese primary school
- Real Estate boost for Medan and Penang
- Helping to rebuild the front part of Wah San Soon temple, Air Itam
- Freedom Film Fest at Kampung Melayu, Air Itam
- Better road infrastructure for Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Air Itam
Penang State Government allocation to support Chinese primary school Posted: 06 Apr 2012 09:07 AM PDT |
Real Estate boost for Medan and Penang Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:41 AM PDT ![]() ![]() As report in The Sun. Real Estate boost for Medan and Penang Posted on 6 April 2012 - 03:37pm By Himanshu Bhatt and Bernard Cheah, Business relations between the regional sister cities of Medan and Penang received a welcome shot in the arm when chambers of commerce from both sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to further explore commercial opportunities recently. In particular, members of the real estate sectors in both cities, which are separated only by the Straits of Malacca, are hoping that the MOU will help to heighten cooperation in developing much-needed new property-related economic projects. Significantly, the MOU was signed on the sidelines of the recent Penang International Property (PIP) Expo, and witnessed by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. The parties – the Medan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), and the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCCI) – were respectively represented by MCCI vice-chairman Rusmin Lawin and PCCCI president Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping. Medan, which is located in Sumatra, Indonesia, and Penang have traditionally had many similarities in their development and culture, despite the former having been colonised under the Dutch and the latter under the British. Both have similar multi-cultural populations, including sizeable Chinese Hokkien, Malay, Tamil, Punjabi and Eurasian communities. Aside from such cultural similarities, both cities are now facing demand for further development, especially to house their booming populations. This is an area that developers on both sides are hoping to further tap on as available space, especially in Penang island, reaches saturation point. Medan still has available land and property demand in the suburban outskirts is growing fast. Developers from Penang can contribute to meeting this demand. Many Medan folk are also increasingly looking at purchasing property in Penang, due to the various facilities and attractive lifestyle here. Another area of cooperation is heritage restoration and redevelopment or refurbishment of existing buildings and quarters. Both cities share many identical elements, such as the traditional shop-house, in their urban architectures. A good example of shared values in building can be seen in the uniquely identical 19th century mansions of tycoon Cheong Fatt Tze in Penang and his nephew Tjong A Fie in Medan. Both mansions, though built in different cities, are similar in design and proportions, demonstrating similar ties, both in culture and in real estate, that the two cities have. Rusmin Lawin said the MOU would help in this regard, with both cities boosting closer ties among members of both chambers. "Penang is the most strategic place for us to build a solid network for international connections," he added. Rusmin, who is also the deputy secretary-general of Real Estat Indonesia and the secretary-general of the International Real Estate Federation's (Fiabci) regional secretariat for Asia-Pacific, stressed that the sister cities shared a common platform. Lim also welcomed the signing of the MOU. "In line with the growing significance of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) that serves three countries, the development potential of this cooperation is immense," he said, noting the region had a consumer population base of about 70 million. "I believe the involvement of industries from both cities and the people-to-people relations will further enhance trade amongst the people living in Medan and Penang," he added. Organised by PIP Creation Sdn Bhd, the event was supported by the Penang state government, Penevents Sdn Bhd and Raine & Horne International, with theSun as a media partner. Some 40 exhibitors participated in the expo. They included the government of Medan which had a special booth there to promote tourism and trade. |
Helping to rebuild the front part of Wah San Soon temple, Air Itam Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:15 AM PDT ![]() As reported in China Press 天德園華山祠地面裂痕 發展商撥款維修 (檳城6日訊)天德園華山祠地面出現裂痕,在該寺廟前方擁有房屋發展計劃的佳景集團撥款1萬令吉協助維修。 華山祠前方原本為擱置10年的珍美園房屋計劃,在民聯政府執政檳州后,2008獲得"白武士"佳景集團"拯救",在該處進行另一項房屋計劃。 2009年,疑因溝渠排水阻塞,天德園華山祠圍欄處防崩牆在無法負荷大量雨水衝擊下,出現嚴重下陷情況,當時佳景集團也進行搶修工作,也在翌年3月完成鞏固斜坡工作。 亞依淡區州議員黃漢偉指出,有54年歷史的華山祠,最近地面出現裂痕,在工程諮詢顧問進行評估,指該處沒有發生斜坡土地移動問題,但是接近溝渠部分出現裂痕,同時出現泥土流失跡象,需要修補。 此外,水溝中的樹葉及水管也對水流通造成障礙,需要清理。 他昨早前往華山祠巡視及出席修復工程祈福儀式時,這么指出。 重鋪洋灰 其他在場者包括華山祠理事會主席鄭文勝、壇主鄭雅嶸、佳景集團工程總經理林明豪等。 林明豪指出,該集團將重新修補華山祠出現裂痕地面,包括挖起出現裂痕部分及重新鋪上洋灰。 黃漢偉指出,他身為檳州非伊斯蘭教宗教場所委員會主席,近年來也協助及協調各神廟組織申請宗教用地及各風波,包括日落洞心佑堂、過山孫劉二王府、亞依淡普華堂、梵香寺及極樂寺等。 另一方面,他說,天德園大道的擴建工程及路中央安置路錐后,邱公司殯儀館方面曾反映舉殯隊伍將面對的問題,公共工程局將跟進此問題。 |
Freedom Film Fest at Kampung Melayu, Air Itam Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:07 AM PDT 自由電影展今年首次走入社區,在組屋底下的民眾會堂內舉行預覽,吸引了約50人參加。(圖:星洲日報) 黃漢偉鼓勵更多的非政府組織走入社區,傳達人權、自由、民主等觀念,唯有這樣由下而上,國家的民主才能穩固。 As reported in Sinchew. 傳達人權概念‧自由電影節首次走入社區 北馬 2012-04-06 14:08 自由電影展今年首次走入社區,在組屋底下的民眾會堂內舉行預覽,吸引了約50人參加。(圖:星洲日報) (檳城)"自由電影節"(Freedom Film Festival,簡稱FFF,也作自由電影節)今年首次走入社區,來到甘榜馬來由組屋內的民眾會堂和大家見面! 過去8年,自由影展來到檳城時,多數在檳大會堂、大專院校禮堂、愛心大廈等大型場地進行。今年來到第九屆,該會一反往常,走進住宅社區,讓民眾一下樓就可以看戲去。 黃漢偉:助打開視野 掌管檳州藝術事務委員會的黃漢偉前晚(4日)在甘榜馬來由為這項活動主持開幕儀式時,讚揚主辦當局即馬來西亞人權組織社會傳播中心、人民之聲和檳政府合作,讓影展的預覽可以在最草根的社區內舉辦。 "如果把影展辦在大會堂,最草根的人民可能無法參加,但如果影展就在他們家樓下,他們就可以很方便的去看戲了。" "這些普羅大眾更需要接觸有關人權的概念,透過這樣的方式,有助於打開視野。" 週三播放的30分鐘紀錄片為"市議員——人民的橋樑",吸引了約50名住戶參加。看完紀錄片後。負責人也解釋了一些市民的權益,並和參與者對話。 自由影展,是由馬來西亞人權組織社會傳播中心(Pusat Komuniti Masyarakat,簡稱KOMAS)主辦的影展,鼓勵馬來西亞民眾通過拍攝以及觀看紀錄片的方式,推動和平與民主。這個影展每年舉辦一次,在全馬各大城市巡回放映參展作品,其中有國人拍攝的紀錄片,也有國外人士的作品。 除了舉辦巡回放映會以外,自由影展主辦單位也設立劇本創作比賽,鼓勵有意拍攝紀錄片的民眾撰寫他們的拍攝計劃,然後申請紀錄片拍攝基金。從2007年開始,每年有三位申請者可得到社會傳播中心提供的6千令吉資金和技術資源。 夏美玉:確保公平公正 公眾一起來監督大選 馬來西亞人權組織社會傳播中心主任夏美玉也呼吁大眾加入監督第十三屆大選的行列。 "只要登入http://www.pru13.info登記成為會員,大家即可學習如何監督。希望大家踴躍參加,以確保一個公平公正的大選。"(星洲日報/大北馬) |
Better road infrastructure for Lebuhraya Thean Teik, Air Itam Posted: 06 Apr 2012 04:02 AM PDT ![]() 天德园大道加至6通道 黄汉伟:建商负责加宽 二零一二年四月六日 凌晨十二时二十一分 (槟城5日讯)为应付未来的交通流量,天德园大道旁的屋业发展计划的产业公司,都需要附带扩建及规划该大道路段的条件,避免出现更严重的交通阻塞问题。 槟州行政议员黄汉伟说,佳景集团在天德园大道旁进行屋业发展计划时,愿意承担该大道扩建工程,从原本双向的4条通道,扩建成为双向的6条通道,即来往方向各3条通道。 "另外,在天德园大道另一端也有屋业发展计划,所以该发展商也会在未来时间内,负责天德园大道近峇都兰樟路的路段扩充工程。" 他说,天德园大道从以前的乡间小路已经演变成为住在垄尾区、亚依淡区、发林新市镇居民的主要道路,每天预料有上万人使用。虽然在有关道路扩充计划进行时,遭天德园花园居民投诉该项路程太靠近其住家,不过,经过了解之后,是有关住宅在较早前私自进行扩建。 他补充,为了避免车辆超速失控而冲向住家,佳景集团特别在天德园大道路中间筑起9寸高的路墩,以及在天德园花园住家后面设立栏杆,以避免殃及无辜,并且能安抚当地居民担忧的心情。 他说,邱公司公冢也在路段扩建工程结束后,才致函要求能让举殡队伍转向右边。"由于天德园大道已经升级成为大道级别,来往车辆很多且速度较快,所以我们都避免车辆右转。不过,基于邱公司公冢提出诉求,他将和公共工程部了解及跟进。" 他是出席华山祠动土礼祭拜仪式后,在佳景集团工程经理林明豪、华山祠理事会主席郑文胜及坛主郑雅嵘陪同下召开记者会。 助神庙搬迁让路发展 黄汉伟说,本身在近期内曾经协助多个神庙组织搬迁,让面对发展计划的神庙组织免于流离失所。 他说,近期内低调地协助多个神庙组织搬迁,其中包括日落洞双溪槟榔心佑堂搬迁至威省、西南区3间宗教组织租用市政局地段、解决亚依淡普华堂及邻居纠纷、协助邹新庆路梵音寺及三慧讲堂向土地局申请土地税优惠、垄尾慧音社交通规划问题、垄尾佛教居士林与邻居纠纷,以及极乐寺交通规划及停车场问题。 他说,本身是运用城乡规划的权限来协助有关神庙组织,以便在发展巨轮之下能继续生存,普渡众生。 佳景集团助华山祠巩固斜坡工程 佳景集团再度协助华山祠进行巩固斜坡工程。 黄汉伟说,位于佳景集团产业计划Melody Home后方的华山祠,在2009年面对土地流失,当年获得佳景集团协助,并在2010年完成修复工程。 "不过,现在的华山祠前段的土地出现裂痕,所幸没有出现更严重的问题,所以佳景集团再度进行修复工程,协助该祠进行巩固工程。" 林明豪说,这项修复工程大约耗资1万令吉,约2周时间即可完工,并解释说,在2010年首度完成巩固斜坡计划后,由于屋业发展工程进行时,仍有很多重型车辆经过,所以出现裂痕是难免的。 "鉴此,在屋业发展计划近完工时,公司再度替该祠进行巩固斜坡工程,避免再度出现裂痕。" 他也和林明豪,在郑文胜陪同下到华山祠祈福,以保佑华山祠前地段修复工程得以顺利进行。 |
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