Isnin, 11 April 2011

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali


Posted: 11 Apr 2011 10:29 PM PDT

 Recently, TV selangor and wikileaks were under cyberattack. Harakahdaily may be affected too.
Sarawak Report will have to go on the run for the next few days until the election.
( pic left: #3 Taib Mahmud's BOMOH )
In a DDoS attack, multiple requests by bots, or programmes running on servers or personal computers, will bombard a site's server with requests for data, overwhelming its capability to respond to actual viewers.

Rewcastle Brown had revealed herself as the person behind Sarawak Report and Radio Free Sarawak in February, which since October last year, have mysteriously been putting out reports alleging widespread corruption by Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud during his 30-year administration.

In an email to The Malaysian Insider, she accused the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) of coordinating the attacks.

"BN is clearly fearful of what we may cover in the last few days of the campaign — not least because we have been throwing light on their tactics of bribing and bullying the voters in numerous and illegal ways," she said.

However, she admitted that she had no proof it was BN, although "there was a lot of money and sophisticated equipment thrown at us."

"They are welcome to deny it. Maybe we have other hugely well-funded enemies out there who are keen to knock us out in the week of the election?" she said.

In her email today, Rewcastle Brown promised to publish "some great stories, which clearly our persecutors would rather we did not get out," at the new address and said that the website would aim to garner even higher readership than before despite the harassment.

It has previously been reported that the site received 18,000 hits a day earlier in the year and has risen during the current election campaign.



Posted: 11 Apr 2011 09:06 AM PDT

Apabila kerajaan meminta rakyat mengubah gaya hidup, kerajaan pula memboros belanja untuk yang tidak memanfaatkan rakyat langsung seperti memewahkan anak isteri.Adilkah kepada rakyat jelata. Sudah tiba masanya rakyat bersungguh mengambil tindakan tegas dengan undi mereka kepada pimpinan BN yang pandai bercakap dan berlakon tetapi menelan berjuta wang rakyat. Hak rakyat untuk tahu yang benar.

Lagu khas ini ditujukan untuk rakyat SARAWAK

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 08:52 AM PDT

Kalau sekali mungkin sebab tak kenal. Kalau dua kali mungkin terlupa. Kalau ketiga kali sebab leka.Tapi kalau setiap kali ditipu oleh taktik penipu janji BARISAN NASIONAL maka kita PENYUMBANG KEROSAKAN BANGSA, KERUGIAN NEGERI DAN NEGARA, kemusnahan masa depan generasi.
Come on all peoples of Sarawak, YOU CAN DO IT!!Call all your friends, families, colleagues, kampung and longhouse mates.
Make a better SARAWAK!!
Agik idup agik ngelaban!


Posted: 11 Apr 2011 06:43 AM PDT

TPM minta 'jasa baik' guru di S'wak sokong BN                

Menteri Pelajaran, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin meminta 'jasa baik' para guru di Sarawak supaya menyokong BN dalam pilihan raya negeri itu pada 16 April depan.

Beliau yang juga timbalan perdana menteri menggesa mereka membantu BN menang besar, dengan memangkah calon-calonnya dalam pilihan raya negeri Sabtu depan.

Muhyiddn yang juga timbalan pengerusi BN berucap kepada kira-kira 400 guru yang mengikuti satu program untuk pendidik di Sibu petang ini.

Selepas ini, kata Muhyiddin, pembangkang akan mendakwa BN berkempen melalui guru-guru, tetapi tegasnya, ianya bukan hanya satu peringatan lembut, tetapi juga peringatan yang penting.

Sambil mengkritik kempen Pakatan Rakyat untuk membawa perubahan, Muhyiddin berkata, rancangan pembangunan mungkin terjejas jika berlaku perubahan tersebut.

Menurutnya, rancangan pembangunan akan terjejas jika berlaku gangguan atau perubahan mengikut cara pembangkang.

Beliau mengumpamakan kempen pembangkang untuk perubahan itu umpama 'tikus membaiki labu' - satu pepatah Melayu yang bermaksud tindakan yang akan memburukkan lagi keadaan.

Sementara itu sebuah helikopter terhempas dari ketinggian 10 kaki ketika hendak berlepas dari Dataran Sibu.

Kejadian itu berlaku selepas helikopter tersebut menurunkan anggota rombongan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Sebelum kejadian tersebut, tiga helikopter membawa rombongan timbalan perdana menteri balik dari Bintangor ke Sibu.

Bagaimanapun, Tan Sri Muhyiddn tidak menaiki helikopter yang terhempas. laporan selanjutnya di SINI

Adakah pimpinan dan ahli parti PAKATAN RAKYAT bersedia untuk cetus tsunami PRU 13?

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 05:46 AM PDT

How would the Malaysian masses act to ensure real transformation in the country? This would really put to test the collective spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional capital of the Malaysian population to effect a new social norm which chooses an effective government that ensures their quality of life.   Will the leaders and the supporters of the PAKATAN RAKYAT able to achieve a critical mass to effect  a political tsunami that will be able to tear down BN from their half century grip?

Is there enough zest? Is vision sharing among different party members reaching the target numbers?
BN is doing their calculations..................before that DAY

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