Isnin, 11 April 2011

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Bersama Jana Perubahan Sarawak

Posted: 11 Apr 2011 12:01 AM PDT

‘Super Sunday’ Melanda Sarawak

Posted: 10 Apr 2011 08:49 PM PDT

Dari Malaysiakini

Suhu politik di Sarawak mula bergelagak dan lazimnya malam Ahad yang sunyi dikejutkan dengan kedua-dua BN dan pakatan Rakyat memperhebatkan kemprn masing-masing.

Pertarungan paling sengit berlaku di Kuching, malam semalam. DAP melabelkannya sebagai ‘Super Sunday’, di mana hadirin sehingga melebihi 10,000 orang membanjirinya dua rali yang dianjurkannya.

Jumlah hadirin terbesar adalah di Batu Kawah, dengan dianggarkan tidak kurang 8,000 orang yang datang dan sanggup berdiri berjam-jam lamanya semata-mata untuk mendengar ceramah daripada tiga ‘orang kuat’ Pakatan – setiausaha agung DAP Lim Guan Eng, ketua umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat.

Sebaik sahaja Anwar menyebut mengenai "video seks’, para hadirin gelak dan ramai yang dilihat kurang mempercayai bahawa pelaku di pita itu adalah dirinya seperti yang didakwa.

Kehadiran orang ramai menyebabkan kesesakan lalu lintas sehingga lima kilometer di Jalan Batu Kawah. Ada juga yang membawa kerusi plastik masing-masing dan berada di jambatan Batu Kawah, kira-kira 200 meter dari lokasi ketua pembangkang itu sedang berucap.

“Saya juga diberi amaran – sekarang ini seorang pegawai Kastam telah meninggal dunia, DNA saya juga akan ditemui di sana," kata Anwar sambil disambut gelak ketawa daripada hadirin.

Dalam nada yang lebih serius, beliau juga menimbulkan isu kitab Injil berbahasa Melayu yang dirampas di Pelabuhan Klang dan Kuching oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri.
31,500 kitab Injil berkenaan dirampas dan ditahan kerana dikatakan mengandungi beberapa perkataan yang dilarang termasuk penggunaan kalimah Allah.

“Nama bapa kepada Nabi Muhammad ialah Abdullah (maknanya hamba Allah) dan beliau dilahirkan 70 tahun sebelum kedatangan Islam, jadi ini bukan isu," kata Anwar.

Beliau juga membidas kehadiran Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak sendiri berkempen di Sarawak.

Sambil menyifatkan ia sejarah dalam pilihan raya Sarawak, katanya kehadiran Najib membuktikan BN kini terlalu takut dengan kuasa rakyat yang kini sudah tidak boleh menerima lagi Ketua Menteri, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

Nik Aziz pula dalam ucapannya mahu rakyat di Sarawak memilih pemimpin yang amanah dan tidak mengkhianati rakyat dan tidak melakukan kemungkaran di bumi Allah.

Beliau yang juga menteri besar Kelantan berkata, apa yang sudah terbukti, Pakatan Rakyat telah mempamerkan urus tadbir yang baik di negeri-negeri yang diperintah mereka termasuk Kelantan yang diperintah sudah lebih 20 tahun dengan menerapkan nilai agama Islam.

“Pilihan raya ini tempat kita nak pilih pemimpin yang baik dan amanah.

“PAS berkawan dengan DAP dengan PKR dan berjanji untuk menjaga rakyat dengan lebih baik.

“Jadi pilih calon Pakatan Rakyat. Kalau calon DAP bertanding, pangkah DAP, kalau PKR tanding, pangkah PKR, kalau PAS tanding pangkah PAS,” katanya yang turut mendapat tepukan gemuruh hadirin.

Buaya dua kaki

Lim yang juga ketua menteri Pulau Pinang ketika berucap, turut menyeru rakyat Sarawak memilih calon Pakatan Rakyat.

Dalam nada berseloroh, katanya, wakil DAP di Batu Kawah, Christina Chew berkeupayaan menangkap ‘buaya dua kaki’ yang sering memakan harta rakyat negeri ini.

“Di Sarawak ada banyak sungai, dalam sungai ada banyak buaya, bukan buaya empat kaki, tapi buaya dua kaki.

“Kalau empat kaki takpa, kita boleh tembak saja tapi ini buaya dua kaki, kita kena undi Christina untuk ajar itu buaya dua kaki,” kata Lim yang menyebabkan hadirin tidak kering gusi.

Sambil merayu penduduk di bumi Kenyalang itu agar berhenti memberi mandat kepada BN, beliau juga mahu rakyat jangan terus tertipu dengan janji Taib yang mahu menjadikan Sarawak negeri terkaya.

“Nak jadi kaya mesti zero corruption, kalau tidak, you zero income”, katanya.

Lim seterusnya mengajak hadirin menukar rangkap lagu ‘I want nobody nobody but you’ nyanyian Wonder Girls kepada ‘No money no money for you’ untuk ditujukan kepada Taib.

Weapon of The Weak- 1

Posted: 10 Apr 2011 06:47 PM PDT


The people of Sarawak have nothing to lose except the brutish rule that has turned them into subservient and pliant putty. For 30 years, Taib Mahmud and his gang have shaped the putty into unquestioning objects and digits. Receiving a sudden windfall of RM 500, RM1000 or whatever amount must not be treated as the universal panacea for all the hurt and grief that you have suffered.

It is worth repeating- people of Sarawak have nothing to lose but the chains that have kept you in servitude. You were slaves to the white haired Rajah.

Here is a major problem for the BN tacticians and strategists. The sex video is not salable. The promises for development are not salable. Nothing seems to sell that can replace and heal the deep hurt and grief.

The people in Sarawak are not buying the sex video story. The sex video is a wholly semenanjung affair and does not concern Sarawak. Sarawakians are consumed with only one thing at the moment- kick out Taib Mahmud. With Taib Mahmud out, you have solved half of your problems. Do not be derailed from your historic mission.

And you can already sense the horrifying panic among BN politicians who are trying to instigate people not to make rash and rushed decisions. What rash and rushed decisions? That rash and rushed decision was made 30 years ago and the result has been nightmarish days and nights. You have been living under the oligarchic rule of Messrs. Taib Mahmud and his family, Alfred Jabu, and George chan. Your own James Masing is but a peon and thamby.

The only regrets that Sarawakians are going to feel will be felt IF they don’t take the opportunity to create history by democratically kicking out a brutish state government. This is the only weapon of the weak. Use it decisively. This is the only effective weapon against oligarchy and plutocracy. Don’t mind the meaning of these terms. They represent whatever is bad that Taib Mahmud has brought to bear upon Sarawak.

Taib Mahmud has become a loathsome figure that symbolizes everything repugnant about a government. Incompetent, negligent, corrupt, arrogant, hypocritical, bully and so forth. Taib Mahmud is a liability to BN. and you must keep it that way. Let BN keep Taib Mahmud and it will sink together with him.

What Taib Mahmud has is a huge war chest with billions of Ringgit. What he has is the threat of coercive tactics. The rakyat are fearful of the instruments of repression. The presence of army personnel or police near and around long houses are sufficient to induce pliant behavior.

But let the people of Sarawak be reminded- you have the greatest weapon of all. YOUR VOTE. You also have the law on your side.

Sarawakians must celebrate the victory of the 640 villagers from Kuala Nyalau and Ulu Nyalau who were awarded RM66.75 million by the Bintulu High Court recently. The laws can’t be twisted forever by the powerful oligarchy- for that is what the Sarawak government has become. It’s no longer a party for the people. It’s a party for the elite and the rich. It’s the party for towkays represented by SUPP, a party for people like Taib Mahmud, Awang Tengah, Jabus and George Chans.

The people of Kuala Nyalau and Ulu Nyalau are just common people, driven by the desire to correct an injustice.

Sarawakians have only this mission- to correct the injustices brought upon you by the oligarchic government of Taib Mahmud. The people of Kuala and Ulu Nyalau fought for a 13-year-long legal battle with the state government.
What did it show? Victory is possible.

Learn from the examples of ordinary villagers Amit Salleh, BakDrahman, Sapuan Abdullah and Chapon anak Banyai. They, on behalf of 636 other villagers, had sued the superindent of the Land and Survey Department, Bintulu, the Minister of

Planning and Resource Management and the state government of Sarawak for seizing their land. The villagers claimed the government had expropriated 3,022 acres of native customary rights (NCR) land in 1998 for the purpose of constructing an aluminum smelter plant.

The pattern was the same elsewhere. Villagers were given alternative sites to relocate. For the Kuala and Ulu Nyalau people, they were given an alternative site located in Tanjong Panyung, which was swampy and unsuitable for planting.

That’s land grab for you.

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