Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Malaysia should condemn brutal attacks on civilians in Syria

Posted: 29 May 2012 06:34 AM PDT

Malaysia should condemn brutal attacks on civilians in Syria

The Malaysian government especially Foreign Minister Anifah Aman should condemn brutal attacks on civilians in Syria. The non-interference stance by the Malaysian government is not tenable.

Pakatan Rakyat strongly condemns the killing of more than 90 civilians in Syria last Friday of which 32 were children under the age of 10. We further demand that the Syrian government immediately cease the use of heavy weapons in population centers, and call on all parties to abide by Kofi Annan's peace plan.

It has been reported that more than 9000 people consisting of civilians have been killed in Syria while tens of thousands displaced since the uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad began. After 15 months of violence, we call on all parties to halt violence in all its forms.

With these attacks, the peace plan and the United Nation (UN)cease-fire that went into effect on April 12th are nothing more than history.

Although Syrian government officials deny any military involvement in the massacre, activists claimed otherwise. Survivors interviewed by Human Rights Watch claimed that armed men, dressed in military clothes, attacked homes on the outskirts of town and killed entire families.

This is compounded by the findings of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) observers confirming that artillery and tank shells were fired at a residential neighborhood. Here lies our suspect with the claims made by the Syrian government that terrorists groups such as Al-Qaida were involved since it is widely known that they are not that well equipped.

In the name of justice, the truth should prevail and those responsible for the atrocities must be held accountable.

Hence, we urge the Malaysian government to observe Human Rights Watch's call for accountability by referring the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Inaction is no longer an option as the longer we wait, more precious innocent lives will be lost.

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Dr Dzulkefli Ahmad
Liew Chin Tong

Marilah Bersama Mengecam Keganasan Politik

Posted: 28 May 2012 11:47 PM PDT

Marilah Bersama Mengecam Keganasan Politik

Jawapan Datuk Raja Nong Chik terhadap isu "Malam Berdarah di Lembah Pantai" membuktikan wujud percubaan untuk mengalih perhatian dan memutarbelit fakta kejadian.

Tidak boleh dinafikan telah berlaku keganasan yang mengakibatkan kecederaan kepada seorang warga emas yang wajib dihormati dan kepada seorang anak kecil yang wajib dilindungi. Malangnya, serangan keganasan ini bukan hanya satu serangan terhadap rakyat yang tidak bersalah tetapi juga merupakan satu serangan terhadap demokrasi.

Pertama, keganasan yang berlaku dipupuk melalui suasana intimidasi dan politik samseng yang diwujudkan UMNO Lembah Pantai, seperti yang telah disaksikan pada malam itu dan juga kejadian-kejadian sebelumnya. (Seperti dalam kes 1) protes Pekida di Masjid al-Ikhlasiah, Pantai Dalam; 2) kes Adam Adli ditumbuk di Flat PKNS 4 Tingkat Kg Kerinchi oleh ahli UMNO Lembah Pantai yang dikenalpasti; 3) ceramah TIBAI-UMNO yang dibuat di Kg Kerinchi baru-baru ini.)

Kedua, usaha lemah untuk mengalih pandangan umum dengan membuat spekulasi dan menyalahkan KEADILAN kerana menjemput "orang luar" menghadiri program politik setempat adalah tidak lain tidak bukan satu usaha merendahkan martabat demokrasi yang langsung merugikan penduduk Lembah Pantai.

Sebagai Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai saya mengalu-alukan kehadiran pemimpin nasional seperti Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Tun Daim Zainuddin dan mana-mana lagi menteri kabinet yang telah turun ke Lembah Pantai dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini. Saya tidak melihat tindakan UMNO ini sebagai usaha membawa masuk "orang luar" ke dalam "politik tempatan" tetapi ianya adalah satu pengiktirafan bahawa KEADILAN telah melakukan banyak perkara dengan betul untuk layak menerima layanan sebegini.

Tambahan pula, layanan luar biasa dalam bentuk dana dan perhatian yang dicurahkan ke Lembah Pantai berbanding kawasan-kawasan parlimen lain di Kuala Lumpur oleh Datuk Raja Nong Chik sebagai Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar, serta seorang datuk bandar yang tidak dipilih, adalah bukti kerajaan persekutuan harus bekerja dua kali ganda lebih keras apabila sokongan majoriti di Kuala Lumpur bersama Pakatan Rakyat.

Ketiga, berkaitan dakwaan tidak cukup bukti mereka yang bertanggungjawab terhadap keganasan di Pantai Permai, saya jemput Datuk Raja Nong Chik untuk bersama saya mengecam semua bentuk politik keganasan dan bersama-sama saya menjemput Polis Di-Raja Malaysia dan SUHAKAM untuk menyiasat kejadian ini secara adil pada Khamis ini.

Akhir sekali, untuk memupuk semangat demokrasi dan membuktikan politik keganasan tidak boleh diterima segenap lapisan masyarakat, saya sekali lagi menyatakan kesediaan saya untuk berdebat dengan Datuk Raja Nong Chik, dua minggu dari sekarang di Pantai Permai, tempat sama seperti ceramah saya minggu lalu. Saya nantikan sama ada beliau mampu menterjemah percakapan menjadi realiti oleh sebab beliau percaya bahawa semua politik itu bersifat setempat.

YB Nurul Izzah Anwar
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai
merangkap Naib Presiden KEADILAN


Let’s Jointly Condemn Political Violence

Raja Nong Chik's response to the ‘Night of Bloodshed in Lembah Pantai’ reveals an attempt to distract and distort the facts of the incident.

The fact is that violence did take place which caused injuries to an elderly man and a young girl; both who rightly should be respected and protected by society. Unfortunately, it was not only an attack on innocent citizens but also an attack on democracy.

Firstly, the violence that occurred was fostered through the UMNO Lembah Pantai-created climate of intimidation and political thuggery, clearly seen by several incidences on the night and prior to it as well. (In the cases of 1) Pekida protest at Masjid al-Ikhlasiah, Pantai Dalam; 2) the punching of Adam Adli at Flat PKNS 4 Tingkat Kg Kerinchi by known Umno Lembah Pantai members; 3) TIBAI-UMNO organized ceramahs such as the one in Kg Kerinchi recently).

Secondly, the feeble attempt to distract the public's attention by speculating and blaming KEADILAN for inviting outsiders to what he claims is local politics is demeaning to democracy and a disservice to the people of Lembah Pantai.

As the Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai I have always welcomed a long list of national leaders such as Najib Razak, Muhyiddin Yassin, Daim Zainuddin and other cabinet ministers that have graced Lembah Pantai over the past few months. I do not see this as UMNO inviting outsiders into local politics but rather as a recognition that KEADILAN is doing something right to deserve such attention.

Furthermore, the disproportionate attention and funds lavished on Lembah Pantai compared to other Kuala Lumpur constituencies by Raja Nong Chik as Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister, along with an unelected mayor, is proof that the government needs to work doubly hard when the majority of support in Kuala Lumpur is with Pakatan Rakyat.

Thirdly, with regards to the claim that there is lack of proof of those responsible, I invite Raja Nong Chik to jointly declare with me to condemn all forms of political violence and to jointly invite both the Police and SUHAKAM to investigate fairly on this Thursday.

Finally, in the spirit of setting a healthy democratic example and to demonstrate that political violence is unacceptable, I wish to once again reaffirm my acceptance of Raja Nong Chik’s invitation to a public debate in two weeks time at the same location, Pantai Permai. I shall be there and wait for him to translate words into deeds as he appears to believe that all politics is local.

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai
and Vice President for KEADILAN

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