Jumaat, 11 November 2011

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Drop New Politically Motivated Investigation Against Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:21 AM PST

We are disturbed and appalled that the police have commenced a new criminal investigation against opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The federal opposition leader has been ordered to report for police interrogation at the Kepong police station for an investigation under s.182 of the Penal Code.

This is a new and desperate attempt to prosecute and imprison Anwar Ibrahim, halt the movement for national political and economic reform and prevent Pakatan Rakyat from winning federal power in the coming general elections. Instead of engaging in legitimate political debate and discourse with the opposition, UMNO/BN is once again unlawfully using the police to fabricate criminal charges against Anwar Ibrahim. In previous unsuccesful attempts to silence Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 and 2008, UMNO/BN had also fabricated baseless criminal charges against Anwar Ibrahim with the complicity of the top police leadership and the Attorney General’s chambers. In this regard, we have no confidence that Attorney General Gani Patail will exercise his powers fairly and impartially; serious allegations of fabrication of evidence by the AG against Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 made by former top cop Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim remain unanswered.

This political persecution of the national opposition leader by the corrupt use of law enforcement agencies is doing immense damage to Malaysia’s international reputation; UMNO/BN is bringing our country down to the level of Assad’s Syria or Egypt under Mubarak. We call upon the BN government, the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney General to immediately drop this latest politically-motivated investigation and cease all police and prosecutorial harassment and intimidation of the the opposition leader.

Issued by,


Tarikh PRU13 Dan Projek Lembu 1Malaysia

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 11:29 PM PST

Oleh Ahmad Lutfi Othman
Teka-teka tarikh Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 memang tidak akan berakhir selagi Parlimen belum dibubarkan. Walaupun saya sendiri menjangkakan ia mungkin diadakan selepas Tahun Baru Cina 2012, tetapi masih ramai yang suka meneka tarikh lebih awal, dengan andaian Dato’ Seri Najib Razak lebih selesa mengadakannya selepas balik daripada menunaikan fardu haji.

Mana-mana Perdana Menteri tentu tidak gemar jika telahannya mudah dibaca umum. Bagaimanapun, pastinya mereka tidak akan mengubah tarikh yang dipilih secara cermat itu hanya kerana ia sudah dijangka. Apatah lagi PRU13 adalah mengenai persoalan hidup dan mati Umno-BN. Mandat BN akan tamat pertengahan tahun 2013.

Saya tidak melihat episod Najib dan isterinya, Datin Seri Rosman Mansur ke Makkah mampu meraih lebih sokongan mahupun simpati pengundi, malah ia boleh bertukar menjadi sebaliknya jika publisiti media nampak “keterlaluan” dan kelihatan sarat dengan “motif politik”.

Bukankah isu gambar pengawal-pengawal Najib yang ramai semasa di Masjidil Haram, pakaian Rosmah yang tidak sempurna menutup aurat, dan terbaru, kenyataan PM bahawa urusan hajinya selesai awal, turut mengundang kontroversi, terutama di laman-laman sosial internet, serta mendapat ‘teguran’ Mufti Perlis, Dr Juanda Jaya?

Walaupun tarikh 11.11.11 nampak menarik untuk tarikh pembubaran Parlimen, namun bagi saya, tiada alasan untuk Najib tergesa-gesa memilihnya sebaik tiba dari Tanah Suci. Jika ia dicadangkan juga oleh para penasihatnya yang ramai itu, mungkin istilah lebih tepat buat mereka adalah “punahsihat” …

Lagi pun, masakan PRU13 bakal berlangsung semasa masih ada jemaah haji yang belum pulang ke tanahair? Negara juga bakal menghadapi musim banjir tidak lama lagi. Lebih penting daripada itu, Bajet 2012 yang menjanjikan begitu banyak peruntukan ‘one-off’ berbentuk wang tunai belum dapat dilaksanakan lagi. Paling awal dapat diagihkan pada Disember ini dan memakan masa sehingga melewati tahun baru.

Begitu juga dengan jaminan transformasi politik Najib seperti memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan pindaan Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan, yang hanya dapat direalisasikan sekitar sekitar Mac tahun depan.

Pemansuhan ISA adalah peristiwa besar yang tidak akan disia-siakan Najib; mengadakan PRU13 sebelum janji itu dikota akan membawa padah lebih besar dan mengukuhkan lagi persepsi ramai bahawa BN-Najib tidak boleh dipercayai. Ya, lebih baik tiada jaminan pemansuhan dibuat pada malam Hari Malaysia yang lalu jika beliau mahu mengadakan pilihan raya cepat.

Saya kira imej Najib juga tercalar teruk jika PRU13 diadakan sebelum cadangan pembaharuan sistem pilihan raya oleh jawatankuasa terpilih khas Parlimen (PSC), yang dipengerusikan Dato’ Seri Maximus Ongkili, dilaksanakan. Pada 22 September lalu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata PSC itu diberikan tempoh enam bulan untuk menyiapkan cadangan mereka.

Meskipun tiada sekatan untuk Najib mencadangkan tarikh pembubaran Parlimen lebih awal, tetapi beliau sudah tentu tidak boleh meremehkan sensitiviti majoriti rakyat terhadap kepincangan proses demokrasi negara kita, sepertimana digambarkan melalui perhimpunan raksasa Bersih 2.0, 9 Julai lalu.

Menarik komentar Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat, Dato’ Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man: “PM yang baru balik haji dengan semangat melontar jumrah, sehebat melontar sifat mazmumah dalam diri, sudah pasti akan membawa pelbagai perubahan sama ada dalaman dan luaran, kerana ia antara tanda-tanda haji mabrur.

“Lebih besar dari itu, rakyat yakin PM yang dapat haji mabrur akan hanya mengadakan pilihan raya setelah segala penyelewengan sistem pilihan raya dapat diperbaiki. Mana mungkin mereka yang dapat haji mabrur sanggup mengadakan pilihan raya dengan penipuan, ketidakadilan dan daftar pemilih yang tidak bersih?”

Selain itu, isu-isu sensasi terkini, seperti skandal penyelewengan lebih RM250 juta Projek Fidlot Kebangsaan (NFC) membabitkan suami dan anak-anak Dato' Seri Shahrizat Jalil, menteri kabinet yang juga Ketua Wanita Umno, dipercayai mampu memberikan tekanan besar kepada BN-Najib.

Persepsi masyarakat bukan Melayu terutama pengundi Tionghua memang lebih terkesan dengan isu-isu seperti rasuah, kronisme, salahguna kuasa, skandal kewangan dan Laporan Ketua Audit, tetapi saya yakin kesedaran berpolitik orang Melayu juga semakin matang dan mereka turut prihatin dengan persoalan integriti dan akauntabliti.

Sementara orang Cina kian menjauhi BN dan dan melihat gabungan parti itu langsung tidak boleh dipercayai untuk memegang amanah pemerintahan, pengundi Melayu pula bakal menjadi penentu siapa peneraju Putrajaya. Dan saya jangka, isu NFC bakal mengocak keyakinan Umno-BN terhadap orang Melayu.

Jawapan Najib dan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Dato’ Seri Noh Omar terhadap isu yang yang dibangkitkan Pengarah Strategik KeADILan, Rafizi Ramli jelas mahu memperbodohkan rakyat. Shahrizat pula sehingga kini gagal menjawab bagaimana suami dan anak-anaknya, yang tiada pengalaman dalam bidang ternakan boleh diberi kepercayaan dan modal (pinjaman RM250 juta, geran RM6.1 juta dan 5,000 ekar tanah) sebegitu besar.

Rafizi mengemukakan bukti bahawa keseluruhan RM250 juta telah disalurkan kepada akaun NFC menjelang menjelang 31 Mac 2009. Pada 6 Mei 2009, NFC memindahkan wang pinjaman ini, RM116 juta, ke dalam akaun deposit tetap milik NFC di Public Bank Berhad.

Penyata kewangan NFC yang difailkan di Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia dan badan-badan lain menunjukkan NFC mendapat keuntungan faedah dari simpanan deposit tetap berjumlah RM666,952.96 bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2009.

“Keuntungan faedah RM666,952.66 bersamaan 23% daripada perolehan hasil penjualan lembu, seolah-olah NFC sebuah syarikat pelaburan kewangan dan bukannya operator ladang ternakan lembu,” kata Rafizi.

Tidak terhenti setakat itu, beliau turut mendedahkan:

* Analisis rekod kewangan NFC bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2009 menunjukkan operasi ternakan lembu rugi besar dan tidak mungkin berupaya membayar kembali pinjaman RM250 juta.

* Bagi tahun 2009, kos purata mengimport, menternak dan menyembelih seekor lembu di NFC berjumlah RM4,481 seekor.
* NFC memberi diskaun RM2,964,555 kepada Real Food Company Sdn Bhd (RFC) yang mengendalikan restoran mewah Meatworks milik keluarga Shahrizat, atas alasan mengurangkan harga jualan memandangkan kos terlalu tinggi.

* Bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2008 dan 31 Disember 2009, NFC rugi RM7 juta (2008) dan RM11 juta (2009).

* Kos operasi tinggi bermakna besar kemungkinan NFC akan terus rugi bagi tahun-tahun mendatang, apatah lagi sasaran ternakan dan sembelihan tersasar jauh.

* Kerajaan Pusat tiada pilihan kecuali melupuskan pinjaman RM250 juta seperti mana amalan sebelum ini yang membabitkan Perwaja.

* Rekod kewangan NFC bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2009 menunjukkan RM827,579 digunakan untuk pelbagai lawatan luar negara dan keraian oleh pengarah NFC yang terdiri dari suami dan anak-anak Shahrizat.

* Kalau pun NFC perlu membuat lawatan ke luar negara untuk meninjau lembu dan mengikat perjanjian komersil, jumlah itu terlalu tinggi dan bersamaan RM511 setiap seekor lembu yang disembelih pada 2009 oleh NFC.

* Hanya 1,618 lembu disembelih pada 2009. Daripada kos purata penternakan dan penyembelihan sebanyak RM4,481 seekor, 11% (RM511) adalah kos lawatan ke luar negara dan keraian yang dibelanjakan keluarga Shahrizat.

* Kos operasi di NFC 22 kali ganda lebih mahal berbanding anggaran kos Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar semasa kertas konsep projek fidlot dibuat.

Sebelum ini, Rafizi mendedahkan walaupun sasaran permintaan yang ditetapkan adalah 40 peratus tetapi NFC hanya mencapai 0.6%. Jumlah lembu yang perlu disembelih untuk mencapai sasaran adalah 1,500 ekar sehari tetapi realitinya kini sekadar 20 ekor.

Beliau juga mempersoalkan: “Berapakah hasil dari kayu kayan yang ditebang untuk membuka ladang sedia ada di atas tanah seluas beribu ekar dan siapakah yang mendapat keuntungan dari urusniaga kayu kayan tersebut?”

Persoalannya, mampukah isu-isu yang real ini menangkap imiginasi pengundi, khususnya orang Melayu, berbanding isu-isu rekaan berkaitan kepentingan Melayu, yang dicipta Umno, melalui penonjolan Utusan Malaysia dengan jurucakapnya, Perkasa dan beberapa individu seperti Zulkifli Nordin dan Ezam Mohd Noor?

Saya bimbang jika isu jadi-jadian, atau seperti rakan saya, Zulkifli Yahaya, sifatkan sebagai “pelbagai cerita hantu atau kisah seram ciptaan BN untuk takutkan pengundi Melayu”, dapat mempengaruhi khalayak …

PM Najib Misled The Citizens Since Day One

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 08:05 PM PST

1.?"PM and agro minister lied on NFC"."PM lied about NFC loan".That was the headlines in Malaysiakini and Malaysianinsider respectively on 8.11.2011.But to many people,these headlines did not cause any ripple nor hearing something strange which they never heard before.
2.?Whether knowingly or otherwise,PM Najib had in fact misled or more appropriate to say that he has deceived the rakyat from the first day he was appointed  as the 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia on 3.4.2009.
3.?On that historic day,during the oath-taking ceremony before SPB Yang Di-Pertua Agong,the ."Prime Minister swear in the name of Allah the following words…."Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim..Wallahi, wabillahi,watallahi. Saya Muhammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak telah dilantik memegang jawatan Perdana Menteri,dengan sesungguhnya bersumpah…."
4.?PM Najib affirmed in the name of Allah that his name is "Mohammed Najib".The swearing-in ceremony was witnessed not only by two former Prime Ministers and their spouses, but more than 300 dignitaries who were present,and millions of citizens watching on their tvs.
5.?Again on 9.4.2009,when the PM announced his Cabinet line-up,flanked by the DPM and KSN, he gave his name as "Muhammad Najib".
6.?However two and a half years later,on the 21st and 23rd September 2011 when the PM affirmed his affidavits in support and corrections,in his application to set aside his subpoena in the Sodomy II trial,he signed his name as "Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak" only.There was no "Mohd.or Muhammad" before Najib.  
7.?The name "Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak" was written a total of 8 times in both his affidavits.Not likely to be a mistake.The affidavits must have been thoroughly scrutinized by at least, 4 very experienced solicitors representing him to set aside the subpoena
8.?Over and above that,the PM's wife,Datin Seri Rosmah binti Mansor,in a separate afidavit of her own, affirmed on 21.9.2011,stated her husband's name as Dato Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak.Not as "Muhammad Najib".Who would have more rights to confirm her husband's name,if not his wife?.  
9.?Based on all the affidavits affirmed by PM Najib and his wife,there are no doubts at all, that his name as appeared in his identity card is, "Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak" and NOT "Muhammad Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak" as sworn by him in the name of Allah,before the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong on 3.4.2009.
10.?Be as it may,PM Najib is still responsible to explain to the citizens as to the difference in his name in both the affirmations which he executed.
11.?Whether there would be someone from amongst the citizens that would challenged the validity of the Prime Minister's swearing-in on 3.4.2009,is a matter of their rights and freedom of choices.
a)?A simple example in point is the 'Akad Nikah' ceremony.Just for some simple mistakes by the husband wannabe such as pronouncing a word incorrectly, or misstating the bride's name,the process is repeated several times over until he gets it right before the 'Akad' being declared valid.  
12.?US President Barrack Obama was compelled to retake his oath of office on 21.1.2009 after he made a slip on just one word during the official swearing-in the day earlier.
13.?If just a slip of that one word could cause the swearing-in of a US President be declared void,if not corrected immediately,then the mistake in PM Najib declaring his own name whether purposely or otherwise,is a more serious matter.
a)?Should PM Najib's swearing-in is declared void,for using a name that is not his own,then legally speaking he is not the Prime Minister of Malaysia.If that be the case,then he has no powers to dissolve the Parliament expected anytime from now.
14.?I have written a lengthy letter touching this issue dated 8.11.2011,addressed to the Inspector General of Police and copied to the Hon.Minister of Home Affairs.However I reserved my rights in not divulging the entire contents of that letter since some of my averments, may be construed as subjudice to the on-going Sodomy II trials.
a)?I leave it to the Police to investigate certain contents of PM Najib's affidavit which are suspected to be in violation of the law as pointed out in that letter.
15.?Nonetheless,I am fully aware of the powers of PM Najib and the Government machineries under his command.He may find ways and means to circumvent the questions surrounding the difference in his name between both the affirmations.
a)?However the issue of his name is not the main matter I raised in my letter dated 8.11.2011.Affirming any material facts which are untrue or misleading in an affidavit is an offence under the law.
16.?Whatever steps to be taken by PM Najib to overcome various questions that have been posed,it is hoped that he shall not allow himself to be trapped again such as the affirmations he made in those affidavits.He should take cognizant of what others have that could be exposed.
17.?What should be of utmost importance  to PM Najib are his sincerity, truthfulness and openness since he is the Prime Minister.
a)?His abilities are not measured by how much powers he wields or his capabilities or the people close to him to manipulate facts or to cheat to remain in power.
18.?Be as it may,by affirming those affidavits PM Najib have effectively put his fate and that of his wife in the hands and mercy of a couple of scoundrels.May Allah have mercy on all of us.
Mat Zain Ibrahim.

1,400% Hike in Postal Voters Shocks Nurul Izzah

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:49 PM PST


Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar today raised concern over a massive spike in the number of postal voters in her constituency, as the most recent electoral roll, released on Nov 2, shows.

Speaking at the Parliament lobby today, Nurul Izzah said the number of postal voters spiked by 1,363 percent in two months – from a mere 149 on Sept 26 this year to 2,180 on Nov 2.

Worse still, she said, checks with the Election Commission revealed that 457 of these postal voters are from the Kampung Bohol in Bukit Jalil, which is outside the Lembah Pantai constituency.

“There are 2,180 police personnel who are postal voters, and this does not include their wives. The winning majority for PKR in Lembah Pantai in the previous general election was 2,895 votes.”

Nurul Izzah said that this finding had been confirmed by the EC, and was among thousands of other “doubtful” voters found in the electoral roll for Lembah Pantai.

A report has been lodged with the commission, with a copy forwarded to the parliamentary select committee on electoral reform.

Of the new postal voters who are police personnel, the MP also raised suspicion over 15 new postal voters registered to the Bangsar police station.

"Those who go there will know that it is just a small room, which is a tight squeeze even for two people," she said.

Nurul Izzah said other "irregularities" include some 3,384 voters whose addresses are not listed in the roll, while 200 voters are registered under a single address in Bukit Kerinchi. 

3,300 voters in demolished village

She also pointed out that 3,300 voters are registered to Kampung Haji Abdullah Hukum, although the village has been demolished and residents moved to make way for the KL Eco City development.

"Surprisingly. there was an increase of voters from 3,204 to 3,300, a hike of 96 names when Kampung Haji Abdullah Hukum no longer exists in the Lembah Pantai map," she said.

The EC last month admitted that a whopping 40,000 names on the electoral roll are "doubtful" and that it will publicly display these names so those listed can come forward to help clean up the roll.

Sidang Media: Intimidasi Siasatan Polis Terbaru Terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 11:13 AM PST

Satu Sidang Media tentang Intimidasi Siasatan Polis Terbaru terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersama Sivarasa Rasiah dan N. Surendran.

Tarikh: 11 November 2011
Waktu: 11.30 pagi
Tempat: Ibu Pejabat KEADILAN

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