Rabu, 4 Mei 2011

Blog DR LO'LO'

Blog DR LO'LO'

Looks like "Show me your peni-flutter" is coming soon

Posted: 04 May 2011 12:05 AM PDT

Dear Editor,
We are indeed living in the most ridiculous times here in Malaysia.
First it was a peek-a-boo leak of a porn video. Next came a bold disclosure of "we did it."
Then close on the heels came the dramatized 'sumpah laknat' in full bullet proof vest that for the uninformed eye one could have mistaken that terrorists are lurking within our very own sacred compunds of worship.
And now, there is this bold challenge to take a lie detector test.
My, my, my. What's next? A 'show me your peni-flutter' challenge so that everyone and sundry gets to peek at Anwar's manhood?
And all these ridiculous drama is even defended by our leaders. One, both the PM and his mentor-Tun claimed that it is their (The D-Trios) right to do so. Two, the PDRM goes the distance to give them police protection for the drama to be staged.
Many honourable leaders within and outside of Islam have expressed their utter disgust. Many righteous and law abiding citizens have written unendingly in the public domain pleading with the authorities to stop all these disgusting erosion of moral values and the blasting of human decency .
But it appears that all effort is of no avail. There only seems to be more 'Coming Soon" trailers.
What do we do? What must concerned citizens and responsible leaders do? What do all loyal citizens of this Nation do to save the integrity, honour and dignity of their nation? What, when all else is failing do we do? Cry? Shut up? Or just comfort ourselves with "wait for GE-13."
J. D. Lovrenciear
Kuala Lumpur

Pusat Khidmat Wakil Rakyat Titiwangsa, No 10 Jalan Raja Muda Musa, Kg Baru, 50300 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 0326980025 Fax: 0326980026 yb.drlolo@gmail.com twitter: docmarjan Fb: Yb Dr Lo'Lo'

Baru 2 minggu ditambak ..Tanah mendap berulang lagi ( terbaru )

Posted: 03 May 2011 11:19 PM PDT

Kejadian tanah mendap di Jalan Syed Mahadi berulang lagi walaupun kerja penambahbaikan telah dilakukan dua minggu lepas..

Pusat Khidmat Wakil Rakyat Titiwangsa, No 10 Jalan Raja Muda Musa, Kg Baru, 50300 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 0326980025 Fax: 0326980026 yb.drlolo@gmail.com twitter: docmarjan Fb: Yb Dr Lo'Lo'

Progress Penambahbaikan Tanah Mendap Di Jln Syed Mahadi Kampung Baru

Posted: 03 May 2011 07:15 PM PDT

 Tembok Baru telah Dibina Dan Longkang telah dibuat yang baru ( Yg Lama Tiada Saliran Longkang )

 Masih Terdapat Mendapan walaupun tanah telah ditambak

Pusat Khidmat Wakil Rakyat Titiwangsa, No 10 Jalan Raja Muda Musa, Kg Baru, 50300 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 0326980025 Fax: 0326980026 yb.drlolo@gmail.com twitter: docmarjan Fb: Yb Dr Lo'Lo'

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