Khamis, 13 Jun 2013

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on “Now Everyone Can Buy AirAsia X shares 10 times above its par value of RM0.15″ by Azam

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 07:28 AM PDT

Nazir is an idiot that should be shot or kick into the longkang. How could a company like AirAsia X, which is a failed company, to have its IPO price fixed at RM1.45. Par value is 15 Sen. it was still in the red a few years ago. Starting to make profit these one or two years. He is just a wheeler dealer. A useless CEO. tak malu kah?

Comment on AirAsia & AirAsia X have not handed over unclaimed airport taxes to MAHB by John behan

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 01:31 AM PDT

Behan Behan
Ton., how can you carry-on & enjoy life as if there was nothing wrong in your world ,the truth is you are destroying & shattering peoples holiday plans & travel plans & turning peoples dreams upside down & inside out with your shonkey companies ,give the people their refunds ,you cancelled their flights , you have employed people that only have the ability to steal from the poor travelling public & not deliver a service , you commend these employees on their ability to think-up shonky ways to steal from the customers , just look at the diabolical mess you have created in the Philippines in a few short months , your customers from europe are shell-shocked from the way they have been treated , so true “everyone can now be ripped-off by Air.. “……..Like · Reply · 2 · Tuesday at 10:21pm..French Mustard Ton. will rot in hell someday so he can think about your post forever there!

Comment on “Now Everyone Can Buy AirAsia X shares 10 times above its par value of RM0.15″ by Ganesh

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 01:01 AM PDT

To make the happy family to be happier, I would think that AAX IPO will be over subscribed by 100 times. ka! Ka! ka! Both Tony and Nazir thought that we are all stupid to jump on the band wagon. No deal. God bless CIMB with all the big loans to AA & AAX.

Comment on “Now Everyone Can Buy AirAsia X shares 10 times above its par value of RM0.15″ by Ramli

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 11:24 PM PDT

Even the business section of the mouth piece of Tony, The Star, article by B S Sidhu was trying to paint a good picture of AirAsia and its expansion to India. ANA already issued a statement of the breaking up of ANA and AirAsia but the Star was trying to give the impression that AA was sill looking into the partnership. Sidhu has been writing rubbish especially on the subject involving AirAsia. She thought that we are all stupid except her and her boss Tony. Sudahlah bodoh atau telah mabok dengan iklan2 AirAsia.

Comment on “Now Everyone Can Buy AirAsia X shares 10 times above its par value of RM0.15″ by Anonymous

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 09:42 PM PDT

Bang on the money with yr great analysis
Our geographical advantage ia being wasted for the greed of a few

Comment on “Now Everyone Can Buy AirAsia X shares 10 times above its par value of RM0.15″ by Azlan

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 07:52 PM PDT

kita boikot AA dan AA X aja. Jaganlah kita semua diperbodohkan oleh Tony dan Nazir Razak. Nasib baik YB highlight harga IPO 10 kali ganda harga asalnya iaitu 15 Sen. Boikot, Boikot, Boikot AirAsia dan AirAsia X.

Comment on “Now Everyone Can Buy AirAsia X shares 10 times above its par value of RM0.15″ by Nordin

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 06:56 PM PDT

AAX IPO? No way. AA no way. Just look at AA track record. It never gave out dividend. Don’t waste your time. Thank you YB for the article. How I wish you are still in Parliament to whack this red Indian and his outfits. This Datuk Nazir Razak must be stupid to get involve or he is equally desperate because of the huge loan given.

Comment on “Now Everyone Can Buy AirAsia X shares 10 times above its par value of RM0.15″ by Anonymous

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 09:38 AM PDT


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