Khamis, 30 Mei 2013

Lim Lip Eng

Lim Lip Eng

Residents want vacant land cleared to get rid of snakes

Posted: 29 May 2013 11:53 PM PDT

A resident showing Lim (fourth from left) a large hole in a compound while other residents shared their experiences with him.
RESIDENTS of Taman Segambut Damai, Segambut want the authorities to clear a vacant plot of land near their houses where snakes have been spotted.
The most recent incident involved a man who was bitten by a snake that slithered into his bed. Neighbours said the snake had probably got into the second-storey bedroom by slithering up a tree.
A neighbour, K. Kanapathy, 51, said this was merely one of the incidents in the neighbourhood involving the reptiles. "Some of the residents have seen the snakes, including pythons and cobras," he said.
S. Perumal, 57, said a long black snake had entered her porch last month. "I was scared but quickly closed my door and called the Fire and Rescue Department. "They came within 15 minutes and caught it," said Perumal, adding that prior to this, she had seen smaller snakes in her house compound. Perumal also said the snakes usually appeared after heavy rain.
Another resident, Yap Pik Yuan, 58, said she once saw a snake that was green and yellow in colour. She estimated it at over 10 feet long. "Every time we see one, we call the Fire and Rescue Department. Sometimes they manage to catch the snakes," said Yap, adding that the snakes only started appearing in recent years.
The residents said they had complained about the problem to Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, who visited the site yesterday.
"This is public land so I will ask Alam Flora and Kuala Lumpur City Hallto clear the land and level the plot. This may help get rid of the snakes," he said. The land is located on higher ground next to Jalan 3/60B and is covered with undergrowth as well as rubbish.

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