Lim Guan Eng |
- BN Should Not Politicise Economic Data That Penang Has Recorded Negative Economic Growth When This Is Not The Reality On The Ground And Even Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Complain That Their Biggest Problem Is Finding Workers (en/cn)
- The Prime Minister Should Prove That BN Is Ready To Change By Not Only Changing The Sarawak Chief Minister But Asking Tan Sri Taib Mahmud To Share His Wealth With The People Of Sarawak. (en/cn)
- The Only Way To Restore Public Confidence And To Prove The Government’s Commitment To Integrity, Rule Of Law And Public Safety Is To Establish The IPCMC And Implement The Recommendations Of The 2005 Dzaiddin Royal Commission Report.(en/bm/cn)
Posted: 25 Nov 2012 07:51 PM PST The Penang state government regrets the irresponsible attempt of Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim at a Penang MCA economic forum to manipulate economic data to benefit BN politically. Donald Lim's claims that Penang Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth for the first nine months of this year showed a drop to 1.8% is not reflected by business sentiment nor the worker shortage in Penang. The BN Federal government should not politicise economic data that Penang has recorded negative economic growth when this is not the reality on the ground and even small and medium enterprises (SMEs) complain that their biggest problem is in finding workers. Only on Thursday whilst attending the Small and Medium Enterprises Association(SAMENTA) dinner at E&O Hotel, I was told by its President that business orders were firm and their biggest problem was finding workers. Also on Thursday, multinational corporations(MNCs) B. Braun had just announced a RM 1.75 billion additional investment over 3 years beginning this year and Agilent Corporation announced a USD 200 million investment next year, both in Penang. Are the announcements of such investments by these 2 foreign MNCs reflected in the BN government's figures? The failure by Donald Lim to factor in these two important developments by SMEs and MNCs raises strong suspicions about the credibility of his remarks, bearing in mind BN's past tendency of manipulating figures and statistics in their favour. For instance BN's claims of successfully fighting crime shown by declining crime index does not reflect the prevalence of crime continuing throughout Malaysia until former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan even suggested a review of the crime index due to the disconnect between the figures and the actual situation on the ground. Donald Lim claimed in the same Penang MCA Economy forum that the poor GDP record this year has put Penang behind the national GDP of 5.3%. This is unusual and goes against the economic trend that Penang, as an industrialised state with 97% of GDP from manufacturing and services sector, will either perform better than the national GDP when GDP is growing or worse than the national GDP when growth is slowing by a factor of at least 10%. In other words if Malaysia's GDP is growing 5%, then Penang GDP will be at least 10% higher with a growth rate of at least 5.5%. Likewise if Malaysia suffers a negative growth of -2% then Penang will slow down even more, with a larger negative growth of more than -2.2%. Penang's reliance on trade results in Penang being directly exposed and affected by the health of the world economy. With no natural resources, Penang relies on our human resources to generate growth in the manufacturing and services sector, which has resulted in Penang contributing to 25% of Malaysia's imports and exports, more than 60% of Malaysia's medical tourism receipts and comprising 28% of Malaysia's FDI in 2010 and 2011. Such claims by Donald Lim are so divorced from reality that he should do his homework and check whether sectors such as medical tourism are slowing down with negative growth. Instead almost every private hospital is expanding. The illogical reasoning and self-contradiction of Donald Lim reflects his lack of understanding of how the economy works. This lack of economic knowledge is cruelly exposed when he talks about rising property prices in Penang in a slowing economy. Property prices are always associated with a booming economy, never with an economy that is slowing down. Penang must be the only place in the world where property prices are going up when the economy is slowing down. I know that Donald Lim has not read economics at university but can Donald Lim do his homework to learn what economics is all about before embarrassing Malaysians with his ignorance and incompetence? LIM GUAN ENG ================================== 国阵不应该将经济数据政治化,声称槟城经济负成长,这说法不符合实际情况,因为即使是中小型企业也申诉他们最大的问题反而是员工短缺。 槟州政府非常遗憾副财政部长林祥才在槟州马华经济座谈会中不负责任地操弄经济数据,让国阵在政治上获利。林祥才声称槟州的国内生产总值(GDP)今年首9个月下跌至1.8%,这不能确实反映槟州的真实商业氛围及槟州的员工短缺。 国阵联邦政府不应该将经济政治化,声称槟城经济负成长,这说法不符合实际情况,因为即使是中小型企业也申诉他们最大的问题反而是员工短缺。就在刚过去的周四,我出席中小型企业协会(SAMENTA)在依恩奥酒店举办的晚宴,我被该协会会长告知中小型企业的订单一直都非常稳定,他们面对最大的问题反而是在寻找员工。 也在同一天周四,德国国际跨国公司贝朗(B. Braun)已经宣布从今年开始,将在未来3年在槟城投资17.5亿令吉,而安捷伦科技(Agilent)明年也将在槟城投资2亿美元。这两家跨国公司宣布的投资是否有反映在国阵政府的数据党中。 林祥才无法洞察中小型企业及跨国公司这两个重要领域的发展动向,让人强烈怀疑他的言论可信度,也让人想起国阵过去为了利己,一直操弄数字与数据。远的不说,就说最近国阵声称在降低罪案率方面取得成功,但却无法真实反映出全国罪案一直发生,促使前全国总警长丹斯里慕沙哈山建议重新审阅如今的罪案率,因为罪案率的数据与实际情况不符。 林祥才也在同一个槟州马华经济论坛中声称,糟糕的国内生产总值已经导致槟城被5.3%的全国国内生产总值抛在后头。这是针对槟城经济趋势非常不寻常的说法,槟城作为工业化州属,有高达97%的州国内生产总值是出自制造业及服务业,因此当全国国内生产总值增长的时候,槟州的表现只有比全国的更高出10%,相反的,当全国国内生产总值放缓的时候,槟州表现最多也只会比全国落后10%而已。 换句话说,如果马来西亚的国内生产总值增长5%,槟城国内生产总值将至少比全国高10%,也就是5.5%的增长率。相反的,如果马来西亚面临负增长-2%,那么槟城的负增长最多只会多过2.2%。槟城依靠州内的贸易量,但这也让槟城直接暴露在世界经济当中,受到世界经济的健康与否影响。 在没有天然资源的情形下,槟城靠的是以人力资源带动制造业及服务业成长,这促使槟城贡献全马25%的进出口额,占据全马医药旅游60%的市场份额及2010年、2011年外资投资额占据了全马28%的外资。 因此,林祥才的说法偏离事实,他应该先做好功课,查探医药旅游是否因为负增长而放缓。事实是州内几乎所有的私人医院都正在扩展。林祥才毫无逻辑及自相矛盾的言论显示出他是个对经济运行一窍不通的人。林祥才缺乏经济知识的情况,在他一方面说槟城的房产涨价,另一方面又批评槟城经济放缓的时候,让人一览无遗。 房产价格的调涨永远是根据经济的大事增长,不可能会发生在经济衰退的时候。若按照林祥才的说法,那么槟州将成为全世界绝无仅有,在经济衰退时其房产价格也还能调涨的地方。我明白林祥才当初在大学并没有进修经济,但在他还没以他的无知与无能让大马人尴尬丢脸之前,我想请他先做功课,学一学到底什么是经济? 林冠英 |
Posted: 25 Nov 2012 08:03 PM PST Speech By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In The DAP Bidayuh Ceramah In Serian Town, Sarawak On 25.11.2012. DAP challenges Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to prove his claim that a change in government is not necessary to bring changes in the country. In one critical area that BN has failed to change is fighting corruption. Even I will believe the Prime Minister that BN is ready to change if Najib can not only change the Sarawak Chief Minister but asking Tan Sri Taib Mahmud to share his wealth with the people of Sarawak This historic DAP ceramah in the small town of Serian by DAP Serian Branch with over 2,000 mainly Bidayuhs, show that Sarawak native people such as Bidayuh, are ready to accept the DAP for the first time ever because you want a change of government. You want a change in government because you know BN can not change. As long as BN supports corruption as it has done over 50 years, we know that BN will never change just like a leopard cannot change its spots. However let us give the Prime Minister one more chance to prove that BN can change and can fight corruption. Will BN adopt the 6 tests of fighting corruption of making a public declaration of assets, implementing open competitive tenders, bar family members from being involved with government contracts, protect genuine whistleblowers, remove BN leaders with extravagant lifestyles and come clean on political donations? Fighting corruption is not just having clean political leaders but also implementing a system of institutions that can automatically check, detect and punish corruption. Malaysians are disappointed that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak consider the RM40 million donation to UMNO Sabah as proper and appropriate and has even rejected outright the allegations of extraordinary wealth of Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Taib Mahmud. Taib's former daughter-in-law, Mahmud Shahnaz Abdul Majid, revealed that Taib's son charged RM782,520.55 to just one of his credit cards for the first six months of this year. Shahnaz is claiming RM400 million in their divorce settlement in the Syariah courts as her husband is reputedly worth RM1 billion with RM 700 million of deposits in 111 bank accounts in local foreign countries. If Taib's son is so wealthy, definitely his family is wealthier. Let Najib prove that he means what he says by getting Taib Mahmud to share all his family's wealth with the people of Sarawak. PR Will Wipe Out Poverty In Sarawak The Same Way Penang Will Be The First State In Malaysia To Wipe Out Poverty By 2013. PR will wipe out poverty in Sarawak the same way Penang will be the first state in Malaysia to wipe out poverty by 2013. In Sarawak the poverty line is RM 912 per month for every household. In Penang it is RM763 per month per household. Penang will wipe out poverty next year by ensuring that every household next year will exceed the poverty line by receiving at least RM770 every month. For households with less than RM770 every month, the Penang PR state government will top up the difference every month to RM770. For instance, if the family only receives RM600, then the state government will top up the difference of RM170 every month to RM770. RM 20 million will be allocated for this poverty eradication exercise by the Penang PR state government. If Penang can do it, a richer state like Sarawak can also do it by ensuring that every household gets at least RM912 per month. Since BN has refused to do it for the last 49 years, let us change so that PR can show how wiping out poverty in Sarawak can be done. LIM GUAN ENG 民主行动党秘书长兼峇眼区国会议员林冠英在2012年11月25日出席于砂拉越西连小镇举行的政治座谈会演讲稿。 民主行政党挑战首相拿督斯里纳吉证明他的"要改变国家,未必需要换政府"的说法。国阵连最关键的领域,也即是肃贪都没有办法带来改变。若首相纳吉能够撤换砂拉越首席部长,并谕令丹斯里泰益玛目将其财富与砂州人民共享,我才相信首相的"国阵已准备作出改变"的说法。 这场由行动党西连小镇区部在西连小镇主办的座谈会,吸引了共2千多名、多数为比达友族的听众出席。这对行动党而言是历史性的座谈会,这证明了砂州的当地人诸如比达友族,已经准备首次接受民主行动党,因为要换政府!砂州人民要换政府是因为他们知道,国阵是不会改变的。只要国阵一如它们在过往的50多年般支持贪污,我们知道,国阵永远不会改变的,就如豹子不可能将身上的豹斑改掉一样。 无论如何,就让我们给予首相多一次的机会,以证明国阵是准备改变,也准备肃贪的。国阵会否采纳肃贪的六大考验:公布民选高官财产、公开招标、禁止家庭成员涉入政府合约、保护真正的吹哨人、除掉生活奢华的国阵领袖、坦白交代政治献金?肃贪不只是需要有廉洁的政治领袖,也需要实践一套体系,以自动检查、揭发及惩治涉贪者。 首相拿督斯里纳吉视沙巴巫统所获的4000万令吉政治献金视为正当及恰当,并公然地驳斥关于砂州首长丹斯里泰益玛目不寻常财富的指控,让马来西亚人对此深感失望。泰益的前媳妇莎娜兹揭露,泰益儿子单单一张信用卡,在今年6个月内就狂刷了78万2520令吉55仙。莎娜兹的丈夫,因为据称在国内外111个银行户口存了7亿令吉,共拥有10亿令吉财产,所以莎娜兹透过伊斯兰法庭索取4亿令吉的离婚赡养费。 若泰益的儿子已经这么富裕,肯定地其家庭更富裕。纳吉应谕令泰益玛目与砂州全民共享其身家,以证明纳吉是言出必行的。 民联将仿效槟城的除贫模式,以在砂拉越州除贫。槟城将在2013年成为全马首个零贫穷率的州属。 民联将仿效槟城的除贫模式,以在砂拉越州除贫。槟城将在2013年成为全马首个零贫穷率的州属。砂拉越的贫穷线为每个家庭月入在912令吉以下,而槟城的贫穷线则是每个家庭月入763令吉。 槟城将在明年完全除贫,以确保每个家庭月入超过州内的贫穷线,或至少有770令吉。那些月入低于770令吉的家庭,槟州民联政府将会以加额的方式,每月补贴他们月入及770令吉之间的差额。比如说,若一个家庭月入只有600令吉,那州政府将会在每个月加额170令吉的差距给此家庭,让他们达致至少770令吉的月入。 为了这个除贫计划,槟州民联政府已拨出了2千万令吉,作为除贫计划的基金。若槟城政府可以做得到,一个比槟州富裕多倍的砂拉越州肯定可以做到,确保州内每个家庭每月至少获得912令吉的收入。既然国阵在过去的49年皆不愿意解决这个问题,就让我们作出改变,以证明民联挑起让砂州除贫这个任务。 林冠英 |
Posted: 25 Nov 2012 08:02 PM PST Press Statement by DAP Secretary-General and MP for Bagan Lim Guan Eng in Kuala Lumpur on 22.11.2012 Public confidence in the Royal Malaysian Police Force has severely eroded over the years, with the latest outrageous scandal involving an Indonesian restaurant worker who was allegedly raped by three policemen. Last week, a police corporal and two constables have been charged for the alleged crime. How are Malaysians to have any confidence in the police when the very officers entrusted with upholding the rule of law and public safety can be alleged to have committed such a heinous crime, and in a police station no less! Unless the people have unquestioned confidence that the police will protect the public and not behave like criminals, the billions of ringgit spent every year by the Federal government will not improve the image of the police as a responsible defender of public safety. This incident follows numerous others over the years, including the recent death of furniture salesman Cheah Chin Lee while in police custody, and many other high-profile cases over the last few years such as the death of A. Kugan and 14-year-old student Aminulrasyid Amzah who was gunned down in cold blood. The rape of the Indonesian maid in the police station is so serious that not only has it adversely affected the image of the police but also Malaysia's image internationally. The only way left to restore public confidence and to prove the Federal government's sincerity and commitment to integrity, rule of law and public safety is to immediately establish the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) as well as to implement unconditionally the 125 recommendations of the 2005 Royal Commission on the Enhancement of the Management and Operations of PDRM, which was led by former Chief Justice Tun Dzaiddin. The IPCMC was the core recommendation of the Dzaiddin Royal Comission, so much so that a draft bill was even included in the 2005 Royal Commission Report. The IPCMC will also help to remove public perception that the police is used as a political tool to help BN fix up the opposition parties. Further IPCMC will also help to professionalise the police by ensuring that they conduct their duties solely to protect the people by fighting criminal activities and ensure public safety. The failure to establish the IPCMC after 7 years since its recommendation has not only revealed the BN government's unwillingness and insincerity in dealing with the problem of police abuse and corruption but has also led to worsening public perception regarding the police. The establishment of the IPCMC would not only allow the public an avenue for filing their complaints, but it can also keep the police on their toes and ensure that such incidents of abuse of power are not repeated. Thus, DAP demands for the full and unconditional implementation of the 125 recommendations of the 2005 Dzaiddin Royal Commission, including its most important proposal of all, which is to set up the IPCMC. LIM GUAN ENG =========BM Version =============== Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 22.11.2012 Satu-Satunya Cara Untuk Memulihkan Keyakinan Umum Dan Membuktikan Komitmen Kerajaan Kepada Integriti, Keluhuran Undang-Undang Dan Keselamatan Awam, Adalah Dengan Menubuhkan IPCMC Dan Melaksanakan Cadangan-Cadangan Laporan Suruhanjaya Diraja Dzaiddin 2005. Keyakinan umum dalam Polis Diraja Malaysia makin terhakis dalam beberapa tahun yang lepas. Skandal besar ang terbaru membabitkan seorang pekerja restoran Indonesia yang telah dikatakan dirogol oleh tiga orang pegawai polis. Minggu lepas, seorang korporal dan dua konstabel telah didakwa untuk jenayah tersebut. Bagaimana rakyat Malaysia boleh yakin dengan pihak polis apabila pegawai yang diamanahkan untuk menegakkan undang-undang dan menjaga keselamatan awam boleh didakwa kerana melakukan jenayah yang begitu keji, dan lebih teruknya di dalam balai polis! Sehingga masanya rakyat mempunyai keyakinan teguh bahawa pihak polis akan melindungi pihak awam dan tidak berkelakuan seperti penjenayah, peruntukan berbilion-bilion yang dibelanjakan setiap tahun oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan tidak akan meningkatkan citra pihak polis sebagai pelindung keselamatan awam yang bertanggungjawab. Insiden ini adalah ekoran kes-kes yang lain, seperti kematian penjual perabut Cheah Chin Lee di bawah tahanan polis, kematian A. Kugan serta anak muda berusia 14 tahun Aminulrasyid Amzah yang telah ditembak mati dengan begitu kejam. Perogolan pekerja Indonesia dalam balai polis ini adalah begitu serius sehingga ia telah menjejaskan imej polis bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi juga di khalayak antarabangsa. Satu-satunya cara untuk memulihkan keyakinan umum dan membuktikan komitmen kerajaan Persekutuan kepada integriti, keluhuran undang-undang dan keselamatan awam, adalah untuk menubuhkan dengan segera Suruhanjaya Bebas Aduan dan Salah Laku Polis (IPCMC) serta melaksanakan tanpa syarat 125 cadangan Suruhanjaya Diraja Penambahaikan Perjalanan dan Pengurusan PDRM yang diterajui oleh mantan Ketua Hakim Negara Tun Dzaiddin. IPCMC merupakan cadangan asas Suruhanjaya Diraja Dzaiddin, di mana deraf rang undang-undang telah pun disertakan bersama Laporan Suruhanjaya Diraja 2005 tersebut. IPCMC juga akan membantu mengurangkan persepsi awam bahawa pihak polis adalah alat politik yang digunakan oleh BN untuk menindas parti-parti lawan. Tambahan lagi, IPCMC akan membantu memprofesionalkan pasukan polis dengan memastikan mereka menjalankan tanggungjawab untuk matlamat melindungi rakyat dengan menentang kegiatan-kegiatan jenayah dan memastikan keselamatan awam. Kegagalan untuk menubuhkan IPCMC selepas 7 tahun sejak ia dicadangkan bukan sahaja telah mendedahkan keengganan dan ketidakikhlasan dalam menangani masalah salah guna kuasa polis dan korupsi, tetapi juga mengakibatkan penurunan persepsi awam terhadap pihak polis. Penubuhan IPCMC bukan sahaja dapat membuka peluang bagi aduan awam, tetapi akan memastikan pihak polis akan berjaga-jaga supaya salah laku dan salah guna kuasa tidak akan berlaku. Justeru, DAP menuntut pelaksanaan penuh dan tanpa suarat 125 cadangan Suruhanjaya Diraja 2005, termasuk cadangan yang pling penting iaitu penubuhan IPCMC. LIM GUAN ENG ========= Mandarin Version ================= 民主行动党秘书长及峇眼国会议员林冠英于2012年11月22日在吉隆坡发表的文告 要赢回民众对政府所承诺廉洁、依法办事及维持公共治安的信心,唯一的途径就是成立"独立警方投诉及违纪委员会"(IPCMC)及执行2005年赛丁皇家调查委员会报告的建议。 公众对马来西亚皇家警察的信心这些年来每况愈下,尤其是最近3名警方被指控涉及强奸印尼籍餐厅女工。上周,三名警员已经因为上述指控被控上法庭。 当原本受人民信赖及执法维持治安的警方,自己本身也被控告犯下这种可恨的罪行,这要如何叫大马人民对警方有信心,而且竟然发生在警察局!除非人民真的能毫无置疑的对警方有信心,相信警方能保护公众,而不是跟罪犯没两样,要不然联邦政府每年耗费数十亿元也不会增加警方理应捍卫公共治安的形象。 这些年来众多的事件,还包括最近家具销售员谢晋利在被警方扣留期间死亡、古甘死亡案、14岁在学少年阿米努拉希遭警方冷血枪毙案。印尼女工在警局内被强奸这么严重的案件,不仅影响警方形象,更在国际上影响马来西亚形象。 要赢回民众对联邦政府所承诺的廉洁、依法行事及维持公共治安,唯一途径就是马上成立"独立警方投诉及违纪委员会"(Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission ,IPCMC) 。同时,必须无条件执行,以前国家首席大法官敦赛丁(Tun Dzaiddin)主导的2005年皇家调查委员会报告所提的125项建议,以改进大马皇家警察的管理与行动。 "独立警方投诉及违纪委员会"是赛丁皇委会里的核心建议,2005年皇委会甚至在报告中草拟了成立IPCMC的法案。针对警方是国阵用以对付政治异己的工具,IPCMC也将会协助消除民众此类观感。IPCMC能更加确保警方专业执法,透过打击犯罪活动及维持公共治安,严以律己、谨守岗位保护人民。 IPCMC的建议已经出炉7年,国阵尚无法执行,这显示了国阵政府不愿意及没诚意解决警方贪污滥权的问题,这只会让民众对警方的观感每况愈下。IPCMC的成立将不只能让民众拥有投诉警方的管道,更让警方警惕,确保这种种滥权的事件不再重犯。 因此,行动党要求无条件、完整的执行2005年赛丁皇委会所提出的125项建议,包括其中最重要的一项,就是成立IPCMC。 林冠英 |
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