Isnin, 11 Jun 2012

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

WHOSE RM3 billion! Let me revive an olde issue, BUT not as ancient as what RPK did…

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 05:16 AM PDT

Malaysia Chronicle

Now that DPM Muhyddin Yassin has challenged Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim to account for that RM3billion held in EIGHT ACCOUNTS, and Anwar had thrown the gauntlet down challenging Muhyiddin to also open his bank accounts for public scrutiny, it’s OPEN SEASON for us to dig into the archives to see if there is any valid case to answer by Barisan Nasional leaders, past or present.

Just for the record, Muhyiddin had quoted a former assistant governor in Bank Negara, Abdul Murad Khalid, in reviving an old issue; this source later recanted that he had been forced to make the allegations against then deputy prime minster, OR ELSE!

From fellow blogger, I copied the following:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
DSAI ada RM3Billion!!… sah fitnah dari pencacai UMNO..
Kah.. kah.. kah.. nampaknya pencacai-pencacai UMNO kena cipta fitnah baru pulak la…

ACA had cleared Anwar of ‘RM3 bil bank account”

Former ACA director of investigations Abdul Razak Idris told the High Court today he had cleared Anwar Ibrahim of allegations of stashing RM3 billion in foreign accounts and having foreign links to Western interests.

Abdul Razak, 60, who is now retired but a director of several companies, said ACA had investigated the matter following allegations made in a statutory declaration by former assistant governor of Bank Negara Abdul Murad Khalid.

He said a team of ACA officers went to Singapore and United Kingdom to probe the allegations.

“We went to meet Murad and several British witnesses. But the investigations resulted in ‘No case’ against Anwar pertaining to allegations made in Murad’s statutory declaration.”

“Further, I concluded that the allegations contained in the SD (statutory declaration) were baseless and unsustainable, and I consequently ordered that the investigations be closed.” – Malaysiakini

Wala! So funny of Muhyiddin to forget that!

Furthermore, you all know the Prime Minister then was Dr Mahathir Mohamad, so all the ministerial “misconduct” would only be exposed when he wanted it to, just like the alleged “Sodomy I”, don’t we all know that?

Desi combed the cobwebs off at his Midnight Voices’ abode, and since he’s not of the self-exiled blogger rank to be able to hide overseas, I am writing on “home soil” and be prepared for any repercussions. But the royal one in London challenged the former DPM Anwar to “debate” with him — I’m sure you remember the wikileaks forum?

Humble me, unlike you know who…

I shall not exalt myself to challenge Muhyiddin for a debate.

I nevertheless like RPK also “retrieved” an old issue to ask MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek, a former Health Minister (turned Hel minster following the sex tape leak more like sabotage from within his party?), and his current deputy-cum-Health minister Liow Tiong Lai, to answer. Maybe Liow would be grateful to Desi to divert attention from the WWW15 shenanigan lurching from one lie to cover a smaller lie followed by a BIGGER LIOW– oops, BIGGER LIE!

Just for backgrounding, THAT POST which the news portal freemalaysiatoday closely associated with m2day has cooked into a news item — or is it history? — here’s just reproducing the headline and first para, for I ain’t going to publicise RPK and his associated press, don’t you dare ask why!

Anwar covered up Bank Negara losses, says RPK


Tuesday, 05 June 2012 Super Admin

The influential blogger said the former deputy prime minister had absolved Bank Negara of any wrong-doing in 1994, which prompted Lim Kit Siang to accuse Anwar Ibrahim of lying.

(FMT) – Former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim was involved in covering up the multi-billion ringgit losses by Bank Negara some 20 years ago, blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin claimed.

OKAY, after a not so “cheong hei” intro, I then turned to my archives to reprise the following post with only the RELEVANT EXTRACTS:

Is someone talking crap?

There is more than meets the eye nowadays when you listen to government leaders speaking, especially when overseas and addressing only certain targeted groups…

When I read the following, my reaction is whispering to myself: Is he talking crap?

From The Star,

Wednesday May 3, 2006

Money is not everything students told

KUALA LUMPUR: Money is not everything, Malaysian medical students in Britain have been told.

Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamedsaid the students must have a strong sense of nationalism and patriotism, and should return home to serve the country after completing their studies,

He said that despite the lower financial reward in the government service, the students should be proud to serve the Government, just like many other doctors who continued to be in the civil service although they could have opted for private practice.

"As a developing country, it is impossible for Malaysia to match the salaries of doctors in Britain. We don't have such deep pockets.

"Money should not be everything," he told about 100 Malaysian students at a dialogue organised by the Malaysian Students Department in London yesterday.

Mustapa was responding to a student's query on last month's survey by the UK Executive Council for Malaysian Students which found that low pay and long working hours in government service were among the reasons Malaysian medical students were reluctant to return home after completing their studies in Britain.

The post continued with:

“From the frontpage of NEW SUNDAY TIMES November 6, 2005 (Bravo! for a news scoop, the SundayStar never had a word…)


RM100million down the drain It’s a tale of money down the drain. Malaysian students, on public scholarships who studied in Ireland at a cost of between RM60million and RM100million to become doctors, have turned their backs on the country.


‘They have also become a bad influence on otrher Malaysians pursuing medical degress overseas’

The report had quoted Dr Chua Soi Lek, Health Minister, talking about Malaysians on scholarships studying in Ireland who NEVER RETURNED TO SERVE THEIR BONDS!

Now Desi’s Q — which I think many fellow Malaysians would like YB DATUK MUSTAPA MOHAMED to enlioghten us, the taxpapers:

What has the Government done/ will the Government do to punish these ungrateful, delinquent Malaysians who broke their bonds?

I know had these scholarships gone to other Malaysians who studied under FAM scholarhsips (FAM: Father and Mother, not any Government or sports body, you dumbasses!), everyone of them would have been so grateful to have saved RM750,000 to RM1million (Yes, that’s what’s spent on a Medical/DEntal/Pharmacy Course overseas!), they would have gladly returned to NegaraKU to serve out the BOND, never mind the pur[pported “low pay”. As I said in my earlier post, IT”S NOT ABOUT THE “LOW PAY” — IT”S MAINLY ABOUT THE RACED-BASED POLITICS!

I know of many parents selling or mortgaging their second house, even their only house, to enable a child to study medicine/dentistry/pharmacy in Australia, New Zealand, where the exchange rate is already lower thah in UK/ IUSA, and they have top spend some RM750,000. Some have had to borrow from the banks.


So Mr Minister, STOP TALKING CRAP ABOUT HAVING “a strong sense of nationalism and patriotism” … who would put the food on the table if these graduates with RM500,000 debts to service to serve in NegaraKu with a starting pay of about RM2,000-RM2,500 which is not even enough to pay for the bank’s interest?

Meanwhile, can you go after those “unpatriotic” bond-breakers?!

DESIDERATA: I guess I must honour the two UMNO bigwig ministers (make it THREE if Muhyiddin wanna join the funD!) too by asking them — Mustapa and current Higher Education Minister Khaled Nordin — to also join the exalted position of Dr Chua, and minister Liow to give straight answers to the following questions:

1. What is the status of those 70-odd (that number is based on my memory recall okay, so I stand corrected! I regret I couldn’t retrieve the full NST report because my laptop kaputed recently!) students who, as described by Dr Chua, refused to come back to Malaysia to serve their bond?

2. Subsequent to that “batch” of scholarship students sent overseas for medical studies referred to by Chua, how many more Malaysians benefited from similar government or government-linkedf scholarships BUT FAIL TO RETURN HOME TO SERVE THE BONDS IF GOVERNED BY THE SCHOLARSHIPS?

3. Would the BN government which flags itself as a “caring government looking after the people’s interest” consider a proposal from Desi? — THAT the government consider reimbursing all family-funded medicate graduates, whether from local or overseas universities, who are now in Malaysia serving fellow Malaysians (YES, THEY ARE MORE PATRIOTIC THAN THOSE BOND-BREAKING IDIOTS ANYTIME, IMHO!) at least HALF OF THEIR STUDY EXPENSES, like a ballpark figure of RM250,000.

Penolakan Usul Tergempar Mengecewakan – Apa Yang Tersembunyi

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 02:49 AM PDT

Pada 30 Mei 2012 yang lalu, rakyat Malaysia telah dikejutkan dengan skandal penjualan
dokumen sulit pertahanan negara, iaitu penilaian Tentera Laut Di-Raja Malaysia (TLDM)
terhadap kapal selam kelas Scorpene, didakwa telah "dibeli" oleh sebuah syarikat pertahanan

Laporan yang didedahkan oleh peguam Perancis, Joseph Breham, yang mewakili pertubuhan
hak asasi manusia, SUARAM, mendakwa syarikat berkenaan telah membayar €36 juta (RM142
juta) kepada Terasasi (Hong Kong) Ltd, dikatakan untuk kerja-kerja “kejuruteraan komersial”.
Dokumen rahsia oleh TLDM tersebut adalah satu penilaian untuk tempahan kapal selam
berkenaan, yang merupakan laporan yang sangat sulit dan memungkinkan keselamatan pertahanan negara tergugat jikalau jatuh ke pihak musuh.

Oleh kerana pihak-pihak yang bertanggungjawab – termasuklah Dato' Sri Najib Razak, yang
merupakan Menteri Pertahanan pada waktu itu – masih belum memberikan jawapan yang
memuaskan mengenai hal ini, pada 7 Jun lalu saya telah memfailkan satu usul tergempar agar
Dewan Rakyat dapat membincangkan hal penjualan rahsia pertahanan negara, yang merupakan
satu tindakan khianat tertinggi terhadap kedaulatan dan kepentingan Malaysia.

Penolakan usul ini oleh Speaker pada pagi ini tidak memungkinkan perbahasan
dilaksanakan bagi mendesak kerajaan Malaysia khususnya Perdana Menteri dan juga
Menteri Pertahanan memberi penjelasan sebaiknya bagi membersihkan nama mereka, menjelaskan peranan Terasasi (Hong Kong) Limited yang selama ini tersorok daripada pengetahuan umum dan memperbaiki imej Malaysia yang tercalar angkara kontroversi ini.

Alasan yang digunapakai oleh Speaker menggunakan Peraturan Mesyuarat 23 1. (h):
sesuatu pertanyaan itu tidak boleh dikeluarkan dengan tujuan hendak mendapat buah fikiran atau hendak mendapat penyelesaian berkenaan dengan perkara undang-undang yang belum menjadi masalah atau kerana hendak mendapat jawab dalam perkara yang dimisal-dimisalkan sahaja;

Jelas bahawa masalah yang menjadi persoalan dalam usul yang saya bawa ini bukan sekadar perkara undang-undang yang belum menjadi masalah ataupun perkara yang dimisal-misalkan sahaja. Masalah berkait dengan pembayaran komisyen bernilai Euro 36 juta oleh syarikat pertahanan Perancis Thint Asia kepada Terasasi (Hong Kong) Limited ini, yang mempunyai dua orang Pengarah iaitu Abdul Razak Baginda dan ayahnya Abdul Malim Baginda untuk sesalinan laporan penilaian rahsia Pertahanan Tentera Laut diRaja Malaysia. Maklumat ini kita perolehi menerusi Joseph Breham, peguam SUARAM yang merujuk kertas siasatan dokumen rampasan polis Perancis dan badan kehakiman Perancis.

Kedua, usul yang dibawa bukan sekadar untuk meminta buah fikiran daripada kerajaan, tetapi menuntut penjelasan, sehaluan dengan apa yang telah dibangkitkan oleh Ahli Parlimen Malta Evarist Bartolo dalam sidang parlimen Malta 5 Jun lepas.

Ketiga, tanggungjawab kerajaan Malaysia tidak boleh dilangsaikan apabila dakwaan rasuah yang melibatkan pelbagai negara khusus dalam operasi anti rasuah yang melibatkan Malaysia-Perancis-Pakistan-Malta-Luxembourg dan Hong Kong. Tambahan lagi, Malaysia sudahpun meratifikasi konvensyen United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Justeru, Malaysia tidak boleh lari daripada tanggungjawab membantu membawa mereka yang bersalah ke muka pengadilan, lebih-lebih lagi dalam kontroversi pembayaran rasuah untuk pembelian senjata yang melibatkan Perdana Menteri kita sendiri.

Keempat, kenyataan Menteri Pertahanan yang disiarkan pada 8 Jun 2012 jelas menunjukkan wujudnya elemen yang mencurigakan bila beliau mengakui kewujudan dokumen pertahanan sulit dalam kenyataan berikut, walau pihak beliau tidak menerima sebarang maklumat berhubung penjualan dokumen rahsia:

" Bagaimanapun, memang ada dikesan maklumat itu keluar (dari Malaysia) namun kita sedang memantau perkembangannya."

Manakala yang paling parah, Perdana Menteri yang merupakan Menteri Pertahanan dalam penjualan kapal selam Scorpene masih membisu seribu bahasa.

Akhir kata, kami akan meneruskan usaha membawa isu penjualan rahsia kerajaan ini menerusi:

1) Laporan-laporan polis yang dibuat oleh Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) dan Angkatan Muda KEADILAN Malaysia di seluruh Malaysia.

2) Memorandum yang disertai oleh Kelab Kebajikan Veteran & Pesara Tentera (KERABAT) dan Majlis Rundingan Keselamatan Keadilan menuntut penjelasan dan siasatan terhadap isu ini termasuk mengeluarkan KERTAS PUTIH kepada Perdana Menteri kerana jawapan Menteri Pertahanan tempoh hari bahawa siasatan akan hanya dibuat jika terbukti aktiviti menjual rahsia itu berlaku dan dalam nada yang sama pula mengatakan bahawa sudah pun dikesan maklumat itu telah dikeluarkan dan sedang dipantau; amat mengelirukan.

Mungkin dewan parlimen menolak usul ini tetapi saya percaya Perdana Menteri tidak akan menghampakan rakyat dan akan menjalankan tanggungjawab yang sewajarnya demi keselamatan negara termasuk keselamatan nyawa-nyawa anggota tentera dari diancam akibat angkara khianat menjual rahsia negara.

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai, merangkap Naib Presiden KEADILAN

How Malaysia’s Leader Is Damaging His Reformist Reputation

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 11:38 PM PDT


Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has styled himself a reformer, but his government’s prosecution of protesters shows he still has a long way to go.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak appears determined to give himself a political black eye. On June 13, government prosecutors will haul into court 10 leaders of Bersih, a coalition of civil society groups campaigning to clean up the country's corrupt elections commission. The government is demanding damages for destruction to public property during a clash between Bersih demonstrators and police in Kuala Lumpur on April 28. At least 100,000 people marched for clean elections in the Malaysian capital that day, while tens of thousands more joined protests in 11 other cities across the country and 80 cities around the world. Whether or not the government wins compensation in court, however, no amount of money will undo the damage it is inflicting upon its own reputation by pursuing the case.

The April 28 demonstrations were a stunning show of discontent in a country where protests are rarely tolerated. In half a century, Malaysia has advanced from a poor British colony with a plantation economy to an ambitious, middle-income nation with science parks, cybercities and skyscrapers. But in a trade-off typical of Asia, the Barisan National coalition, which has ruled the country since independence in 1957, curtails civil liberties and keeps a tight rein on political opposition in exchange for delivering prosperity. That governing model, however, contains the seeds of its own decay. Malaysia's successful development "translates into a better-educated electorate who have more sophisticated demands and expectations," political scientist Prof. Farish Noor tells TIME. 

(MORE: Malaysia Opposition Leader Cleared of Sodomy, Paving Way for Fierce Election Fight)

In recent years, the government has found it increasingly difficult to meet those expectations. According to World Bank data on the Gini coefficient, a measure of wealth inequality, the gap between rich and poor in Malaysia is larger than it is in neighboring Thailand, where inequality has been a factor driving civil unrest and political violence in recent years. Since the beginning of the global economic crisis in late 2008, Noor says there is also a "growing anxiety" among the middle classes in Malaysia "who feel their jobs and economic opportunities are threatened."

Keenly aware of the escalating problems, Najib has tried to present himself as a reformer. The steps he has taken so far, however, haven't done much to improve BN's image as increasingly corrupt, ill-equipped to deal with global economic complexities and out of touch with the aspirations of significant segments of the population. In 2008, BN was shocked when opposition parties captured five of the country's 13 states in national elections—the worst showing in the coalition's history. If voters are more dissatisfied now, they are also more frustrated: few can see how real change can be achieved as long as the BN controls access to the media and elections continue to be riddled with irregularities. Najib's attempts at reform "ring hollow when the electoral system remains flawed," Datuk Ambiga Sreenavasan, Bersih chairperson one of the defendants in the case brought by the government, tells TIME. "The stark reality is that genuine reform will not benefit those in power."

(PHOTOS: Living in Malaysia's Melting Pot)

Najib has received credit for repealing the draconian Internal Security Act that was used to suppress dissent. But he then turned around and decided to prosecute Bersih leaders over the violence on April 28. Phil Robertson of Human Rights Watch contends that video evidence shows security forces were actually responsible for the clashes. The forces initially allowed demonstrators into Merdeka (Independence) Square, which the government had previously declared off limits, and then began attacking the demonstrators with tear gas and batons for breaching the area. "If the prime minister was a true reformer, he would have condemned this violence and called for an independent inquiry by the Human Rights Commission,'' Sreenavasan says.

The irony is that Sreenavsan believes Najib truly wants to be a reformer, but is constrained by the realities of his governing coalition–he relies heavily on the support of politicians who control rural provinces in a semi-feudal style. To appease rural voters, Najib and his coalition have showered them with populist policies, such as a new minimum wage that will raise incomes for an estimated 3.2 million people and a 13% pay rise for civil servants. By contrast, they have ignored Bersih's eight demands for freer and fairer elections, such as cleaning the voter rolls of fake names.

Enacting electoral reforms would benefit the government. The coalition would probably still prevail at the ballot box because of its populism and emerge with a stronger mandate because it obtained its victory fair and square. Instead, the rulers are opting to suppress Bersih. That will only serve to stoke a political pressure cooker, deepen divisions and undercut the legitimacy of the government. "This is nothing less than a battle for the political soul of Malaysia,'' Robertson says. No matter the outcome of the court case, it's a battle that is far from over.

Rakaman Ceramah Perdana Di Stadium Kajang

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 10:49 PM PDT

BERSIH: Tidak Memadai Hanya Mendakwa 2 Anggota Berpangkat Konstabel

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 10:44 PM PDT


Pertuduhan terhadap anggota polis berpangkat rendah yang didakwa melakukan kekerasan kepada jurugambar semasa perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 tidak memadai, kata ketua pembangkang.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PKR-Permatang Pauh) berkata, ia tidak dapat menangani isu penggunaan kekerasan oleh pihak polis pada masa akan datang.

Beliau mempertikaikan tindakan tindakan mendakwa dua anggota polis berpangkat konstabel sedangkan menurutnya pegawai atasan terlepas.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengajukan soalan tambahan kepada Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.

Nazri sebelum ini berkata, hanya dua konstabel polis diambil tindakan sebagai sebahagian daripada penyiasatan terhadap dakwaan kekejaman polis semasa perhimpunan pada 28 April itu.

Siapa Bayar Sewa Rumah Muhyiddin Yassin?

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 07:54 AM PDT


KAJANG: Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mencabar Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menjelaskan kepada rakyat siapakah yang membayar sewa rumahnya ketika dia mula-mula menjadi menteri di Kuala Lumpur.

“Saya nak tanya siapa bayar sewa rumah dia tatkala dia jadi menteri di Kuala Lumpur.

“Saya tahu sebab masa itu saya bos dia , saya timbalan perdana menteri.

“Jawab la…nak lawan sangat,” katanya dalam nada mencabar.

Beliau berkata demikian sewaktu menyampaikan ceramah Merdeka Rakyat di Stadium Kajang di sini malam tadi.

Menurut Anwar, selepas menjadi menteri besar Johor, Muhyiddin dilantik menjadi menteri dan ketika itulah sewa rumahnya dibayar oleh orang lain.

Beliau membuat cabaran itu bagi menjawab gesaan Muhyiddin semalam yang mahu Anwar menjelaskan dakwaan yang dihadapinya 13 tahun lalu kononnya mempunyai aset dan wang tunai bernilai RM3 bilion.

Anwar turut mengulangi kesediaanya untuk sedia mendedahkan akaun banknya dengan syarat Muhyiddin yang juga timbalan perdana menteri sedia berbuat perkara sama.

“Muhyiddin Yasin, kamu nak siasat saya tiada masalah.

“Ok, cek akaun kamu, dan cek akaun saya,” katanya.

Dalam pada itu, lebih 5,000 orang membanjiri stadium kajang malam tadi.

Biarpun hujan renyai-renyai, mereka tidak berganjak mendengar kupasan isu-isu terbaru dari pimpinan Pakatan rakyat.

Selain Anwar, antara pimpinan utama lain yang turut berceramah malam tadi adalah Pengerusi Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) Badrul Hisham Shaharin, AJK PAS Pusat Dr. Mujahid Yusof dan Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

Pada ceramah terbut juga menyaksikan 150 orang menyerahkan borang menyertai PKR cabang Hulu Langat.

Ceramah malam tadi diakhiri dengan tembakan bunga api sejurus selesai ucapan Anwar.

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