Mohamad Taufek Abd Ghani |
- 6 kampung terputus hubungan
- Apakah perlu bazir duit daftar PLKN 1 Mei, IPTA 27 Mei
- Bersedia untuk pertarungan hebat di N.Sembilan
- Mobilisasi BERSIH 3.0 di Rembau 14 April 2012
Posted: 08 Apr 2012 09:01 PM PDT ![]() Pada tahun 2002 Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad SPNB telah diberi dana oleh kerajaan sebanyak RM300 dalam bentuk pinjaman tanpa faedah untuk menyiapkan projek perumahan terbengkalai. Apakah hasilnya? Kerajaan Negeri Johor Tidak Prihatin Masalah Pembeli Rumah Terbengkalai Bandar Pulai Jaya 6 Apr 2012 ![]() NUSAJAYA- Akibat tidak tahan dengan sikap pemaju perumahan Bandar Pulai Jaya akibat gagal menyiapkan rumah yang sepatutnya sudah boleh diduduki sejak tahun 2007 lagi, lebih 50 orang pembeli bertindak mengadakan satu demostrasi aman bagi meminta campur tangan yang agresif dari Kerajaan Negeri Johor untuk turun padang menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka hadapi ini. Menurut wakil pembeli, Saudara Ainol, rata-rata pembeli terpaksa menangung bebanan hutang dari bank akibat pinjaman bagi membeli rumah yang terbengkalai ini. Mereka terpaksa membayar sebanyak RM800 hingga ke RM1200 sebulan untuk melunaskan hutang rumah terbengkalai ini. "Rata-rata dari kami ini bukanlah mereka yang berpendapatan tinggi. Kami terpaksa membayar bulanan sebanyak RM800 hingga ke RM1200 sebulan. Ada dikalangan kami juga terpaksa membayar sewa kediaman yang kami duduki sekarang ini lagi. Ia amat membebankan kami sebagai pembeli" "Aduan telah dibuat kepada banyak pihak termasuklah kepada YB Aziz Sapian selaku wakil rakyat DUN Nusajaya tetapi respon yang kami dapat amat menyedihkan. Kami menuntut agar Kerajaan Negeri Johor lebih prihatin dan tidak lepas tangan terhadap masalah kami ini. Kami berharap mereka dapat turun padang bagi menyelesaikan masalah kami ini", ujar Saudara Ainol kepada wartawan. Sementara itu, Penyelaras Pusat Aduan Rakyat DUN Nusajaya, Tn. Hj. Dzulkefly Ahmad ketika ditemui berkata bahawa pihak beliau dan juga wakil pembeli bersama ADUN Skudai iaitu YB Dr. Boo Cheng Hau pernah pergi berjumpa dan berbincang dengan Exco Perumahan, Kerajaan Tempatan, Kerja Raya Dan Kemudahan Awam Negeri Johor, YB Zahri Bin Jamil. Namun respon yang diberikan juga amat mengecewakan pembeli. "Pada tahun 2010, saya bersama Dr. Boo Cheng Hau dan wakil pembeli berjumpa dengan YB Zahri untuk berbincang berkenaan masalah ini namun respon yang diberikan amat mengecewakan. Mereka mengatakan bahawa rumah terbengkalai Bandar Pulai Jaya ini bukan dibawah kuasa kerajaan negeri" "Kerajaan negeri sepatutnya lebih prihatin untuk membantu rakyatnya sendiri dan bukannya mengelakkan diri. Urusan ini jelas dibawah bidang kuasa kerajaan negeri dan kerajaan negeri boleh campur tangan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pembeli ini", jelas Tn. Hj. Dzulkefly Ahmad yang juga merupakan YDP PAS Kawasan Gelang Patah. Untuk rekod, seramai 314 orang pembeli terpaksa berputih mata kerana rumah yang mereka idamkan untuk diduduki gagal disiapkan oleh Renewed Group Global Sdn. Bhd. selaku pemaju perumahan di Bandar Pulai Jaya.Projek yang bermula sejak 2005 itu sepatutnya siap dan boleh diduduki pada tahun 2007 namun sampai hari ini masih gagal dimiliki penduduk. |
Posted: 08 Apr 2012 08:47 PM PDT ![]() 6 kampung terputus hubungan 9 April 2012 LABU – "Kami tiada cara lain, selain melintas landasan keretapi," kata Ropiah Omar, 54, penduduk asal Kampung Batu 8, di sini. Biarpun menyedari tindakannya boleh mengundang bahaya, namun mereka tidak ada pilihan lain selain terpaksa menyabung nyawa untuk ke pekan atau ke tempat kerja, Semuanya kerana jambatan dan jalan menghubungkan enam buah kampung ke jalan utama runtuh akibat kejadian banjir, Selasa lalu sehingga menjejaskan hampir 1,000 penduduk. Menurut Ropiah yang tinggal di Kampung Padang Bola, di sini, sejak jambatan berkenaan roboh, dia dan penduduk lain berhari-hari tidak keluar dari kawasan rumah. "Hanya dengan menyeberangi landasan keretapi sahaja kami boleh ke pekan kerana hampir kesemua jalan rosak. Manakala, dua jambatan sudah runtuh," katanya ketika ditemui Sinar Harian, di sini, semalam. Ropiah yang bekerja sebagai tukang masak berkata, masalah banjir bukan perkara baru kerana sebelum ini kawasan rumahnya sering dinaiki air setiap kali hujan lebat. Seorang lagi penduduk, Abdul Samad Abdul Hamid, 52, berkata, dia bersama anak berusia 13 tahun nyaris maut apabila kereta yang dipandunya termasuk ke dalam lubang yang berlaku akibat jalan mendap berhampiran Kampung Pasir Puter, di sini. "Kejadian berlaku kira-kira 3.30 petang ketika saya dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah selepas menjemput anak saya pulang dari sekolah. "Saya melihat jambatan dalam keadaan baik, namun sebaik melaluinya secara tiba-tiba tanah mendap dan menyebabkan kereta saya terjunam sedalam satu meter. "Kami segera keluar dari kereta kerana bimbang kereta akan terjunam ke dalam sungai. Mujur saya dan anak selamat dan tidak mengalami sebarang kecederaan," katanya. Abdul Samad yang lebih dikenali dengan panggilan Pak Hashim berkata, jamba-tan yang roboh itu dibina tidak sampai dua tahun lalu. "Penduduk kampung juga terdedah kepada bahaya kerana tiada amaran berbahaya di kawasan jambatan rosak berkenaan," katanya. Siasat kemungkinan penyelewengan Sementara itu, Koordinator Keadilan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Labu, Mokhtar Ahmad berkata, masalah kerosakan infrastruktur melibatkan jambatan dan jalan memutuskan hubungan enam kampung iaitu Kampung Jawa, Kampung Kering, Kampung Merbau, Kampung Condong, Kampung Padang Bola dan Kampung Pelegong. "Setiap kali hujan lebat pasti kampung ini akan dilanda banjir. Bagi penduduk, kejadian banjir bukan asing lagi kerana masalah banjir kerap kali berlaku sejak lima tahun lalu. "Kita percaya kejadian banjir mungkin berpunca daripada sistem perparitan yang tidak sistematik dimana saluran longkang tidak mampu menampung air hujan," katanya. Berikutan itu, katanya, penduduk mencadangkan agar membina pembetung bagi memudahkan air mengalir ke sungai bagi mengelak limpahan air sungai memasuki rumah penduduk. Ahli Parlimen Rasah, Loke Siew Fook yang turut turun padang melihat kawasan berkenaan berkata, masalah berlaku di kampung berkenaan amat teruk dan tidak seharusnya dipandang ringan. "Kami ingin persoalkan berkenaan kualiti projek infrastruktur di kampung ini dilihat tidak memenuhi piawaian sepatutnya. "Bagaimana jambatan yang dibina mempunyai kualiti yang amat teruk apabila mudah mendap dan rosak," katanya. Menurutnya, Kerajaan Negeri perlu segera mengeluarkan peruntukan untuk membaiki kerosakan infrastruktur sedia ada. "Masalah ini perlu disusuli dengan tindakan segera kerana penduduk terbeban, terutama pelajar sekolah dan orang tua yang perlu mendapatkan bantuan sekiranya mengalami masalah kesihatan," katanya. Siew Fook berkata, pihaknya akan meminta Pegawai Pembangunan Negeri untuk mengeluarkan peruntukan khas Parlimen Rasah untuk kerja-kerja pembaikan di kampung berkenaan. "Tidak timbul isu kerajaan tiada peruntukkan kerana ini merupakan masalah rakyat dan ianya perlu didahulukan," katanya. Siew Fook turut menimbangkan untuk membuat laporan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) bagi meminta siasatan dilakukan terhadap projek berkenaan sama ada wujud unsur penyelewengan. |
Apakah perlu bazir duit daftar PLKN 1 Mei, IPTA 27 Mei Posted: 08 Apr 2012 08:02 PM PDT ![]() 1 Mei 2012 ialah tarikh pengambilan pelatih PLKN Siri 9/2012. 27 Mei 2012 ialah tarikh pendaftaran pelajar lepasan SPM ke IPTA. Bukankah ini satu pembaziran jika ada yang mendapat panggilan ke IPT jika menyertai PLKN akan hadir hanya selama 3 minggu untuk latihan PLKN atau mungkin kurang kerana persiapan untuk pemeriksaan kesihatan, urusan kumpul wang untuk mendaftar dan sebagainya? Apakah kontraktor PLKN tetap akan dibayar penuh 3 bulan , jika ada pelatih PLKN yang keluar kerana dipanggil ke IPT? Kerajaan telah membelanjakan sebanyak RM 4.36 bilion untuk melahirkan 629,052 graduan PLKN. Dengan RM 4.36 bilion juga sepatutnya boleh menampung kos pembiayaan pinjaman PTPTN untuk pelajar ijazah pertama di IPTA selama setahun kepada seramai 622,857 orang mahasiswa serta mahasiswi. Berita-berita isu PLKN di Tarikh Latihan PLKN Siri 9/2012 : Kumpulan 2 : 1 Mei 2012 - 14 Jul 2012 Tarikh kemasukan pelajar ke IPTA Pelatih PLKN dapat tawaran IPTA dilepas mulai esok KUALA LUMPUR: Semua pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) kumpulan 2 Siri 7/2010 yang akan mendaftar di institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) bagi program asasi di UM, UIAM, UNIMAS, UiTM, USIM dan UPNM akan diberikan pelepasan awal mulai esok. |
Bersedia untuk pertarungan hebat di N.Sembilan Posted: 08 Apr 2012 05:51 PM PDT ![]() Set for a mighty battle The Star, Sunday April 8, 2012 By Joceline Tan Election talk is everywhere these days. In Negri Sembilan, the Barisan Nasional is gearing up to regain the two-thirds majority it lost in 2008 whereas Pakatan Rakyat thinks the State is about to swing all the way to its side. DATUK Ishak Ismail and the Prime Minister were contemporaries in Umno Youth years ago. Yet everyone thinks he is much older although, at 60, he is only two years senior to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. But Ishak still packs a punch when he speaks. The Seremban Umno warlord is a popular figure on the ceramah circuit because his tongue is like the sword of Zorro – it cuts. The locals know him as "Datuk Sahak", the local pronunciation of Ishak, but his Indian fans, who love the tough-guy image, call him "Mat Chicago" after an infamous Indian character. When Najib visited Seremban last month, he indulged in what the Malays call perli or teasing. He said that in Negri Sembilan, he feared only two people – especially when they opened their mouths – one is former Mentri Besar Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad and the other is, of course, Ishak. "Just now, when Datuk Ishak was speaking, I was holding on to my heart in fear," he joked. The Prime Minister should have also held on to his ears because Ishak's speech was delivered in typical ear-splitting fashion. But his audience rarely complain because most of his speeches are what they call syiok dengar (thrilling stuff). Friendship aside, Najib recognises that Ishak has a real presence in Seremban because even some old ladies at the event were shouting "Hidup Datuk Sahak". Ishak has die-hard supporters who respect him because he embodies that original spirit of Umno. He was a three-term assemblyman for Lenggeng but was dropped in 2008 despite being a winnable face. His supporters were so disheartened that it affected the campaign machinery in Seremban. On March 8 that year, he went to bed at 10pm after learning that the Barisan Nasional had lost its two-thirds majority in Negri Sembilan. Seremban, a Parliamentary area with six State seats, had fallen and five of the six State seats in the area had gone to the opposition. A lot of water has since passed under the bridge and the talk is that Ishak is about to make a comeback. Najib wants to win the State with a two-thirds majority: he knows there is a clear Malay vote swing back to Umno and Ishak, it is said, can make a difference in some of the crucial seats. At the same time, the opposition has never been this strong in Negri Sembilan – it won 15 of the 31 State seats and three of the eight Parliamentary seats. DAP's State chief Anthony Loke has described Negri Sembilan as a "swing State", meaning it can swing either way in the next election. "It's one of the States to capture, we have a fighting chance," said Loke who is also Rasah MP and Lobak assemblyman. DAP was the big winner, sweeping 10 of the 11 seats contested. Loke won Lobak with the biggest majority among all the State seats but he is planning to let a new face contest there while he tackles Chennah, the only seat the party failed to win in 2008. Pakatan Rakyat recently launched its State manifesto in Gemas where the NFCorp farm is located. The coalition is trying to ride on public opinion about the controversial project. They are hoping Negri Sembilan will follow the way of Selangor and are assuring their Malay audience that the State Constitution will be upheld and their Mentri Besar candidate will be a Muslim and a Malay. Loke had declared Gemas as "the epicentre of the next tsunami". But while DAP is a strong Chinese brand, there are doubts whether PKR and PAS can defend what they have now, let alone win new seats. PAS is still trying to find its footing whereas PKR State chief and Teluk Kemang MP Kamarul Baharin Abbas does not seem to have what is needed to take the party to another level in the State. DAP's high-profile Malay recruit Aspan Alias raised eyebrows but there was no wow-effect because it was not the first time he was hopping to another party. He left Umno for Semangat 46, then returned to Umno and then he was out of Umno again. The Umno folk were not angry with him at all and the most unkind remark heard was that "he treats Umno like a revolving door". Enigmatic presence The Chinese mood in Negri Sembilan is not very different from that in the Klang Valley except that it is not as irreversible. One of the mitigating factors is actually Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan, a former corporate man who has often come across as too technocratic and not Umno enough. The plus part to this is that he is not a typically Umno face at a time when non-Malays are critical of Umno. The downside is that he has had to struggle to connect with the Umno warlords. Mohamad is still a bit of an enigma after eight years in the post. In person, he is intelligent, handsome and sophisticated, and also rather charming. He has a rational mind – some say too rational for politics – and an objective way of looking at problems and issues. He is said to be a competent administrator but the Mentri Besar is also the State Umno chief and is expected to manage the party machinery and grassroots. He has been less than successful on that count and his political antenna for the intricacies of Umno politics is just not there. Many blame him for the losses in the Umno seats because he replaced popular incumbents with people aligned to him. In the Paroi State seat for instance, incumbent Puan Sri Bibi Shariza Khalid was replaced and the seat fell to PAS. This was a big blow to Mohamad because Paroi comes under Rembau where Mohamad is the Umno division chief. Many believed that Bibi, a divorcee, was replaced because she was then romantically involved with Mohamad's rival and predecessor Isa. Isa, who was widowed in 2005, married Bibi two years ago and is now riding high as Felda chairman. The defeat of MIC minister Datuk S. Sothinathan in Teluk Kemang was said to be connected to Isa being dropped as a candidate; Teluk Kemang is Isa's stronghold. Mohamad tried to sideline the warlord Ishak by replacing him in Lenggeng. But the Lenggeng assemblyman, Mustapha Salim, is now fighting corruption charges in court and has been distracted from his constituency duties. Mohamad came in with a very corporate style and for a while it worked because he had a powerful patron in then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He is among a handful of Umno politicians who have been able to stay in the good books of the "warring Tuns", namely Tun Abdullah and Tun Mahathir Mohamad. He is struggling now that Abdullah is out of the picture. Negri Sembilan has only eight Umno divisions but several of them are headed by very powerful warlords. Apart from Ishak in Seremban and Isa in Teluk Kemang, there is Information, Communications, Culture and Arts Minister Tan Sri Rais Yatim in Jelebu and Works Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor in Tampin. Closing ranks They are big personalities with big egos and they were not impressed at how Mohamad parachuted into the Mentri Besar's office in 2004. Furthermore, he did not want to play ball with them and even tried to snatch the ball from some of them. Mohamad also complicated things at the start by involving his two brothers in the State's politics. He appointed his elder brother Datuk Azman as the State Umno secretary at a time when people were already unhappy about Pak Lah and his son-in-law. But Mohamad said that chapter has closed and his brothers have been out of the picture since 2009. This time around, Najib wants to respect the division warlords' choice of candidates. He came up from the ranks and he knows that a candidate who does not have the support of the division will not have a smooth campaign or the votes. According to Mohamad, the division chiefs have submitted their lists of candidates directly to the Umno headquarters. Despite the political tango, Umno is quite confident of regaining the three seats that it lost in Sikamat, Ampangan and Paroi by narrow margins of between 165 and 1,100 votes. Barisan's concern is actually MCA which is struggling with factional politics. No one is sure if that can be sorted out but there are now individuals in the MCA wings, relatively new faces who are not exactly tied to one camp or the other and who are focused on sorting out everyday problems faced by people. One of them is Julia Wong, an energetic and attractive executive who is a councillor with the Seremban Municipal Council. "We took a lot of things for granted before 2008 and we lost the way. The important thing is to pick up the pieces and work for the future. I can't deny there are camps in the party but I just want to go on with the service work. "If you go on the ground in Rahang, not many people know who the YB is but I think they know who Julia Wong is. When they have problems they still turn to MCA and hopefully this can translate into votes," said Wong who looks after the Rahang State seat. Not all of the Pakatan wakil rakyat have performed. There have been endless complaints about Seremban MP John Fernandez. A Seremban journalist recalled getting a call from a woman after he wrote an article about Fernandez. The woman told him not to waste time writing about Fernandez. The journalist was stunned when the woman eventually admitted she was a close relative of the MP. A question often asked about Negri Sembilan is whether Mohamad will survive as Mentri Besar. But Mohamad is not giving up that easily. At a recent function with Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, he spoke of what had been achieved under his stewardship and concluded that he deserved to continue as the Mentri Besar. Mohamad is quite confident his coalition will retain the State with a two-thirds majority in the general election. He said surveys showed that Barisan has up to 80% support among Malays, more than 55% among the Indians but only about 23% among the Chinese. The Seremban folk, despite their opposition sentiment, gave Najib a high 63% satisfaction rate for his leadership of the nation. Brand Najib seems to cut across party lines. Nothing can be taken for granted in the new political landscape but few really believe that another tsunami will happen in Negri Sembilan, including those predicting it. In fact, the worst case scenario for both sides is that, given the race-based sentiments on the ground, the State may end up with a mainly Malay government and a largely Chinese opposition. And that would not be good for race relations in Negri Sembilan. |
Mobilisasi BERSIH 3.0 di Rembau 14 April 2012 Posted: 08 Apr 2012 06:36 AM PDT ![]() CERAMAH UMUM Mobilasasi BERSIH 3.0, PTPTN vs PLKN Tarikh : 14 Apr 2012, Sabtu Masa : 9 mlm Tempat : Kg Semerbok, Kota, Rembau Penceramah : ~ YB Ustaz Mohd Nor Hamzah, Ketua Pemuda PAS Terenggganu/ADUN Bukit Payung ~ Sdr Nazree Yunus, Ketua AMK N.Sembilan ~ Dr Rosli Yaakop, Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS N.Sembilan ~ Ustaz Mohamad Nasaei Ismail, Ketua Pemuda PAS Wilayah Persekutuan ~ Rozmal Malakan, Timbalan Yang Dipertua PAS Rembau Untuk pertanyaan hubungi Zamri 013-2124086 Kepada mereka yang ingin menyumbang ke Tabung Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 untuk PAS DUN Kota (N28) , N.Sembilan sila salurkan melalui akaun berikut : Nama akaun : PAS MTD DUN KOTA No akaun : 05-021-02-011755-8 Bank : Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad |
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