Jumaat, 20 April 2012

Hannah Yeoh

Hannah Yeoh

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 12:50 PM PDT

I have been called in to beinvestigated by the police for the alleged crime of defamation after a policereport was lodged against me by MCA Kelana Jaya for what they claimed to be adefamatory article posted on my blog titled "MCA's recruitment drive forphantom voters?".

1.    Firstly, howis it possible that MCA can be defamed? In my opinion, one can only defameMCA if MCA has a good reputation to start with. MCA today is not worthy to bedefamed. Instead of providing an explanation as to why the Deputy Home Ministerwas soliciting for foreigners and permanent residents at a MCA program, MCA hasinexplicably made this to be an issue of defamation. MCA has admitted that 2000flyers were printed and distributed calling out to those who were applying forPR or citizenship to come out and meet Dato' Lee Chee Leong.

2.    As the Deputy Home Minister, he must explainas to why he was executing official duties and deploying government machinery at a political party's program? MCAhas admitted that they organised the program, printed, distributed those flyersand they intended to get foreigners and permanent residents to come out andmeet the Deputy Home Minister. The flyer seeks to impress upon the reader thatif you are applying for PR or citizenship, come to this MCA roadshow to meetthe Deputy Home Minister and he will help you. According to the Star report, MCAhas in fact admitted that they have 'helped' tens of thousands of people in thelast two years to become citizens. The Home Ministry worked hand in glove withMCA here, so who in their right mind will not equate this as a vote-buyingexercise? How is it that a political party can play a role in something ascritical as obtaining citizenship? What is the role of the NationalRegistration and Immigration departments? Has it been reduced to just paperworkwhile MCA, MIC and other BN parties do the actual screening, vetting andapprovals? This is a genuine matter ofnational security which warrants investigation but instead the police and theHome Ministry are more concerned with investigating whether I had defamed MCA.

3.    As the elected representative of the peopleof Subang Jaya, it is my duty to speakup for the people, to question and to hold the government of the dayaccountable. When did it become a crime to question MCA or the HomeMinistry? When did MCA become untouchable, unquestionable?

4.    If MCA and the Home Ministry are genuinelyconcerned about being defamed, then they should rightfully investigate others who have come out with claims and even evidenceof foreigners being made instant citizens in exchange for votes. Not just inPeninsular Malaysia but even more so in Sabah. Prove it to all Malaysians byalso investigating the son of the former Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Ghafar Babawho very recently made a public claim at a pre-Bersih rally that the country isbeing sold to foreigners for the sake of winning elections. Investigate him whois still an UMNO member and prove that this 1Malaysia administration does notpractice double-standards. The BN-controlled mainstream media defames PakatanRakyat politicians on a daily basis. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his familyhave been defamed in all ways possible. Lim Guan Eng and even his son have beendefamed with blatant lies by BN cybertroopers. The inaction and deafeningsilence of the Home Ministry and MCA on these blatant cases of defamationindicates that these acts are condoned by them. The hypocrisy displayed here issimply too obvious.

5.    Finally from this latest desperate act by MCAand the Home Ministry, we hear loud and clear the message that BN is sendingthat they are turning to foreigners forvotes and discounting Malaysians'. Last Sunday, the Deputy Home Ministerwent down to the ground to meet foreigners in Subang Jaya. On last Thursday,200 stateless Malaysians went to Parliament to obtain their rightfulcitizenship status but no government representative was present to meet them.If MCA and the Deputy Home Minister are genuinely interested in helping thepeople, why didn't they come out and help these stateless Malaysians? I alongwith the people of Malaysia hold MCA and the Home Ministry accountable for thistravesty of injustice which has been inflicted upon the good people of thiscountry.

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