My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉 |
- Spiritual journey ahead
- Music in the Garden at Penang Botanics Garden
- New bus stands and designated parking space for bicycles in Air Itam
- Free WiFi for Air Itam folk
- Long term strategic planning for Penang Botanics Gardens
- 黄汉伟:音乐舞蹈语言 盼我国无形文化能申遗
Posted: 02 Mar 2012 01:48 AM PST As reported in The Star Spiritual journey ahead - Air Itam Tai Shang Lao Jun deity By HAN KAR KAY Photos by CHAN BOON KAI THOUSANDS of devotees are expected to pay homage to the Tai Shang Lao Jun deity before it is taken on a grand procession this Sunday. The statue of the deity was brought down from the Lean Wah Thong Temple and placed on a beautifully decorated float at a foothill near Kek Lok Si Temple in Air Itam, Penang. It will remain there until noon on Sunday when the float makes its way to Han Chiang High School for a lighting ceremony before the 1st Tai Shang Lao Jun World Taoist Float Procession. About 100 devotees followed behind the 400kg statue of the deity when it left the Lean Wah Thong Temple yesterday morning, the first day of the four- day celebration in conjunction with the temple's 115th anniversary. Organising committee chairman Loh Soon Cheong said the float procession was made possible for the first time, as the temple committee members managed to "gain permission" from the deity. Loh said it was a coincidence to have businessman Goh Choon Lye sponsoring about RM1mil to ensure the success of the event. "The preparation work for the float procession has taken about two months to complete," he said. Spotted among the crowd yesterday were an 88-year-old American woman and her son. The excited mother, who wanted to be identified only as Joanne, said she was delighted to stumble upon the temple ritual. "My son and I came to visit Kek Lok Si Temple and I intended to hike along the path up to the temple. But this proved too rigorous for me. "So we decided to settle down at the foothill to check out this celebration," she said. Her son David, 57, said it was their eighth visit to the island, and this celebration was a pleasant surprise. Also present were state Tourism Development and Culture Committee chairman Danny Law Heng Kiang and Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai, who is also state Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman. A total of 103 floats are expected to take to the streets for the procession on Sunday. The parade will cover an 11.8km route starting from Han Chiang High School on Jalan Air Itam. The procession is to pass through Jalan Scotland, Jalan Utama, Jalan Macalister, Lebuhraya Peel, Jalan Pangkor, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Lebuh Farquhar, Jalan Mesjid Kapitan Keling, Lebuh Kampung Kolam, Jalan Magazine and Jalan Datuk Keramat, before heading back to the school. Tai Shang Lao Jun, also known as the Grand Supreme Elderly Lord, is the deity of Lao Zi and also the founder of Taoism. |
Music in the Garden at Penang Botanics Garden Posted: 02 Mar 2012 01:44 AM PST ![]() ![]() As reported in Sinchew 細雨未掃走聽眾雅興‧檳花園音樂會"重出江湖" 北馬 2012-02-29 10:55 北海鍾靈樂團表演期間老天爺一直"作怪",時晴時雨,但樂團團員和聽眾的心情沒有受享受。(圖:星洲日報) 檳州愛樂交響樂團自半年前在每個月的最後一個星期天,都會邀請州內其中一所學校的樂團到檳城植物園中央看台公開演奏。(圖:星洲日報) 1 of 2(檳城)在馬來亞獨立前,檳城植物園曾是英國軍樂隊的表演場所。老一輩的檳城人相信仍依稀記得,就算英國人離開馬來亞後,還是有大馬和澳洲軍樂隊、市議會樂隊等不定時到植物園的中央看台公開演奏音樂。 溫文京:半年前重新催生 不過,檳州愛樂交響樂團總指揮溫文京透露,植物園至少三十年前已經失去樂隊表演的風采,他在半年前向檳州政府提出當年的演奏歷史,獻議重新召募州內的中學樂隊,於每個月的最後一個星期天到植物園中央看台表演,立即獲得州政府一口答應,也希望藉此提倡音樂藝術。 北海鍾靈銅樂隊第6支上場 溫文京重新催生久違的"花園音樂會"後,北海鍾靈中學銅樂隊日前成為第六支在中央看台表演的樂團。儘管表演開始下起了細雨,但樂團的團員沒有退縮,先是冒著細雨演奏樂器,過後時晴時雨,部份聽眾繼續撐傘聆聽,雨水沒有打擾音樂愛好者的雅興。 他說,北海鍾靈銅樂團2009年代表馬來西亞前往韓國濟州島參加當地的音樂節,也於2010年檳州學校銅樂隊比賽中奪下演奏組冠軍。 他說,學生能到植物園表演,是一個難得的機會與新的體驗,同時鼓勵更多學校輪流前往植物園表演。 黃漢偉:猴子也會到場 同時享受大自然及音樂 出席演奏會的檳州藝術委員會主席黃漢偉說,在擁有128年的植物園內聆聽音樂,也可以享受到大自然的優美。 他開玩笑地說:"當音樂會表演多次以後,說不定也會吸引植物園裡的猴子到場聽音樂。" 北海鍾靈樂團當天總共演奏9首大家耳熟能詳的中英巫文曲子,包括《茉莉花》、《Getaran Jiwa》、《West Side Story》、等。(星洲日報/大北馬) |
New bus stands and designated parking space for bicycles in Air Itam Posted: 02 Mar 2012 01:03 AM PST As reported in The Star Tuesday February 28, 2012 Parking sites for cyclists By CAVINA LIM Photos by WAN MOHIZAN WAN HUSSEIN GOOD news for those who are cycling to Air Itam, Penang. A proper designated parking space for bicycles has been created in the area. Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai said more parking spaces for bicycles are now available and this facility would be incorporated into 150 upgraded bus stands on the Penang island. "So far, six new bus stands with such feature have been built in my area in Air Itam and Balik Pulau as there are many cyclists who love to cycle there. "Some of the residents in the Air Itam area have complained to me that there are insufficient parking spaces for their bicycles. For instance, they do not have a proper designated place where they can leave their bicycles upon reaching their destinations," he said. ![]() New shelter: Wong (sixth from right) and Penang Municipal councillor L. Prem Anand (seventh from right) checking out the new bus stand at Jalan Thean Teik in Air Itam Wong said the parking space is among six user-friendly and safety components which will be incorporated into the 150 newly-built and restored bus stands. The other components are sheltered seating area, solar-powered lighting system to conserve energy, notice board with bus schedules, a route map and community notice board, bus shelter location signage boards and a recycle bin. "As the number of crimes in poorly-lit bus stands is increasing, the solar-powered lighting system could help reduce the rate as it would brighten up the bus stop during the night. ![]() New shelter: A cyclist parking her bicycle at the designated space at the bus stand "The lighting system feature will be incorporated by April. "The new bus stand also has disable-friendly features like a wheel-chair accessible route and a blind guide," said Wong. Wong added that the construction and restoration of the bus stands is being handled by Viewplex Sdn Bhd after the council granted the company the project through the Request For Proposal (RFP) open tender process. So far, 11 of the innovative bus stands have been constructed including on Jalan Mayang Pasir (1), Jalan Tengah (1), Jalan Sungai Dua (1), Jalan Thean Teik (5), Jalan Gottlieb (2) and Jalan Air Itam (1). "The cost of the construction and restoration of each bus stand is between RM35,000 and RM50,000," he said during a visit to the newly-completed bus stand on Jalan Thean Teik. As reported in Sinchew 黃漢偉:讓民眾更舒適等巴士‧建議候車亭上色添"藝"彩 2012-02-26 10:05 ![]() 黃漢偉(右五)和等候巴士的公眾談天,瞭解公眾對新候車亭的想法。(圖:星洲日報) 1 of 2 (檳城)為了讓公眾可以在更舒適的候車亭等候巴士,檳島將逐步提昇候車亭,而亞依淡區州議員黃漢偉也建議當局可為候車亭漆上不同的顏色做標識,讓候車亭成為裝置藝術。 黃漢偉說,巴士服務在檳州的公共交通系統中扮演了重要角色,因此市政局有責任興建及整頓全檳466個候車亭。 他昨日(24日)為天德路玫瑰組屋主持新候車亭推展儀式時說,他接到不少民眾反映說很多候車亭陳舊、漏水及骯髒,而且晚上候車亭的陰暗也容易成為不法之徒犯罪的角落,威脅著婦女及孩童的安全。 Viewplex承包第二階段工程 需完成150個候車亭 黃漢偉說:"第二階段的提昇工程於去年公開招標,由Viewplex有限公司承包,以更換檳島150個殘舊的候車亭,而目前也已經完成10個,第三批提昇工程則會在3月份開始,因此在候車亭刊登廣告的收益也歸該公司所有。" 他說,第二階段需完成150個候車亭,而目前已經完成了其中10個,分別坐落瑪央巴西路(1個)、登雅路(1個)、雙溪賴路(1個)、天德路(5個)、哥德路(2個)。 候車亭加上6特色 "這些候車亭也加上6個特色,包括有蓋座位、晚上透過太陽能照明、設立巴士包含時間表、地圖和告示的資訊看板、候車亭告示牌及再循環垃圾桶、無障礙設施及腳車停放處。" 他也建議當局可參考香港地鐵站以不同顏色為主題的運作模式,而這也容易讓搭客以顏色認清是否已經到站了。 葉貴龍:方便騎士 盼巴士可載腳踏車 ![]() 62歲的葉貴龍也在黃漢偉的見證下使用了候車亭腳車停放處,喜愛騎腳車的他希望未來巴士也可以載腳車,讓喜愛騎腳車的人士不必開車到某處騎腳車,反而可搭巴士。 他建議在浮羅山背、亞依淡等處多加腳車停放處,因該處有很多腳車騎士。 東北縣唯一入圍 亞依淡巴剎列模範巴剎 黃漢偉也為亞依淡巴剎被列入檳島市政局模範巴剎入圍行列,成為東北縣唯一入圍巴剎一事感到自豪。 他說,除了亞依淡巴剎,另2個巴剎分別是落在西南區的峇央峇魯巴剎及浮羅山背巴剎。 他說,亞依淡巴剎獲得販商的配合,不久前完成了8個月耗資90萬令吉的提昇工程,自此也令販商生意更加好,尤其是週末期間。 出席者包括檳島市議員柏蘭安南、市局工程師林守海。(星洲日報/大北馬) |
Posted: 02 Mar 2012 01:00 AM PST As reported in the Star. Free WiFi for Air Itam folk AIR Itam residents can now enjoy free Internet access under the Penang Free WiFi service after 15 WiFi points were fixed in the area. Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai said the service provided by REDtone Telecommunication Sdn Bhd would give residents, especially students, the opportunity to access technology and knowledge for free. "There are a lot of schools in Air Itam area and the free WiFi can bridge the digital divide. "This is the first area under the Bukit Gelugor constituency to have access to the Penang Free WiFi service," he said after launching the service and announcing the repainting work completion for Kampung Melayu's Block B flats on Sunday. Wong, who is also state Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman, said the Kampung Melayu Community Development and Security Committee (JKKK) would organise a colouring contest on March 18 in order to obtain designs and ideas for the Block A flat repainting. "The contest is open to all children and students living at the two Kampung Melayu flat blocks." After more than 10 years, the Block B of Kampung Melayu flats is now sporting a new coat of paint in white, beige, red, dark green and light grey. Repainting work for the block, which was built in the late 1970s, was completed in late January. The state government paid 80% of the RM270,000 repainting cost while the rest came from the private sector. |
Long term strategic planning for Penang Botanics Gardens Posted: 02 Mar 2012 12:58 AM PST As reported in The Star More time to give views on gardens' SAP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The public can still submit their views on the Penang Botanic Gardens Special Area Plan (SAP) draft as the deadline has been extended to March 14. State Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said 60 feedback had been received so far. He said the views must be submitted to the Penang Botanic Gardens Department. He added that a special panel that would be appointed by the state government would review the feedback after the closing date. Department officer Nazrina Mohd Haniffa said they had also provided online forms since two weeks ago for the public to voice their feedback. She said this during the first briefing to the public on the SAP draft at the gardens' pavilion building on Sunday. According to the SAP draft, the total expansion area covers 212.93ha while the existing area spans 29.14ha. It has been made available to the public since Jan 18. The public can submit their feedback by filling up the online form available at |
Posted: 02 Mar 2012 12:56 AM PST As reported in Kwong Wah Yit Poh 黄汉伟:音乐舞蹈语言 盼我国无形文化能申遗 二零一二年二月二十六日 晚上六时五分 (槟岛西南区26日讯)槟州艺术委员会主席黄汉伟行政议员希望继槟州乔治市及马六甲列入世界文化遗产名录后,我国能向无形文化(音乐、舞蹈、语言)文化遗产努力,因为有形的文化资产必须要有无形文化遗产结合,才具备更完整的意义和价值。 "特别是我国富有多元文化、种族及宗教的特色,相信只要我们肯努力,相信一定能将其中的独特色彩纳入无形文化名录"。 他希望我国能向韩国看齐,虽然端午祭的起源地是在中国并拥有2500年历史,但是拥有1500年历史的韩国江陵端午祭却成功申遗,被联合国教科文组织颁布"人类传说及无形遗产著作"。 他赞扬江陵端午祭保有丰富的人类文化, 也是具有独特性的活动,也是韩国保存最完整的传统节日习俗之一。 韩国端午祭成功申遗 黄汉伟周六下午主持在峇央峇鲁阳光广场从本月23日至29日的韩国著名品牌锦红人参促销会仪式时,这么表示。 他希望我国也能申报无形文化,比如音乐及特色庆典,确保能在亚洲及乃全世界宣扬,进一步提升我国的文化艺术的发展。 阳光广场促销锦红人参 来自韩国锦山副州长李桐成欢迎大马-槟城的人能尝试来自韩国锦山著名的锦红人参,功效提神、补血补气、固本培元、对老人及体虚者有极大辅助疗效。 韩国驻大马大使馆秘书长赵源甲希望大马及韩国两国能维持良好邦交,确保两国无论在商贸及文化也能保持良好交流。 与会者有阳光百货超市集团总经理余锦明、瑞华集团董事拿督拉菲。 |
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