Anwar Ibrahim |
- Penghujahan Kes Fitnah Versi 2 Di Mahkamah Tinggi Jalan Duta
- Fitnah Blog Umno: AMK Lapor Polis Serentak Seluruh Malaysia
- Father of Transformation or Father of Corruption: Look Again at The CPI Slide
- Program Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim Di Pulau Pinang Dan Perak
- Kebebasan Bersuara, Internet Dan Fitnah
Penghujahan Kes Fitnah Versi 2 Di Mahkamah Tinggi Jalan Duta Posted: 09 Dec 2011 02:56 AM PST Mahkamah Tinggi telah menetapkan penghujahan(submission) kes fitnah versi ke-2 pada hari Isnin/Selasa, 12 dan 13 hb Disember 2011.Mahkamah akan mula bersidang jam 12.00 tengah hari. |
Fitnah Blog Umno: AMK Lapor Polis Serentak Seluruh Malaysia Posted: 08 Dec 2011 11:16 PM PST Angkatan Muda KEADILAN akan membuat laporan polis di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah terpilih di seluruh negara terhadap penulis blog Pro-Umno, PapaGomo petang ini. Menurut Ketua AMK, Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin, tindakan itu bagi memberikan tekanan kepada polis agar segera menyiasat penulis blog tersebut yang sering menyebarkan fitnah terutama membabitkan Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. "Tindakan blogger peringkat melampau, fitnah yang disebar ini seolah menunjukkan beliau tidak boleh disentuh. Hari ini kita memberi isyarat kepada polis dan membangkitkan satu persoalan, apakah polis akan mendiamkan diri walaupun berpuluhan laporan polis dibuat?" katanya kepada KeadilanDaily. Katanya jika tiada sebarang tindakan dibuat terhadap blogger tersebut ini jelas menunjukkan segala fitnah yang dilemparkannya mendapat restu dari Umno BN. Laporan polis akan dibuat serentak jam 2 petang ini i IPD Shah Alam, IPD Ipoh dan IPD Seremban 2, IPD Batu Pahat, bebeak. Sementara itu Ketua AMK Selangor, Irwan Ismail berkata AMK menolak politik jahat yang dibuat penulis blog pro-Umno dan menyifatkan pemerintah sebagai tidak mempunyai modal untuk menjatuhkan Pakatan Rakyat. "Mereka tidak ada modal lain, hanya mampu memfitnah, tidak mempunyai fakta yang kukuh dan AMK Selangor menolak sekeras-kerasnya fitnah yang dilemparkan oleh blogger tersebut." Terbaru seorang kolumnis media, Amin Iskandar membuat laporan 6 Disember lalu terhadap PapaGomo atau nama sebenarnya Wan Muhammad Azri bin Wan Deris di Balai Polis Jalan Travers, Kuala Lumpur. Dalam laporan polisnya, Amin berkata, PapaGomo dalam blognya menuduh beliau kononnya dicabul Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sedangkan kenyataan itu adalah fitnah. Sebelum ini AMK turut mendesak pihak polis mengambil tindakan segera terhadap individu dan penulis blog pro BN kerana menyebar video seks fitnah, yang dikaitkan dengan Anwar Ibrahim. Walaupun pelbagai desakan dan bantahan dibuat terhadap mereka, namun Polis tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan terhadap mereka terutamanya PapaGomo. |
Father of Transformation or Father of Corruption: Look Again at The CPI Slide Posted: 08 Dec 2011 06:29 PM PST Prime Minister Najib Razak came into office promising to focus on domestic economic issues and political reform. In his maiden speech, Najib also pledged to conduct a comprehensive review of the much-criticized Internal Security Act, which allows for indefinite detention without trial. In the speech, he emphasized his commitment to tackling poverty, restructuring Malaysian society, expanding access to quality education for all, and promoting renewed "passion for public service." Najib then set out to implement his much hailed Government Transformation Programme (GTP). He identified six major policy areas in which KPIs will play an especially important role in improving the effectiveness of the Malaysian government. These are known as National Key Result Areas (NKRAs). The NKRAs include crime prevention, reducing government corruption, increased access to quality education, improvements in the standard of living for low income groups, upgrades to rural infrastructure, and improvements in public transportation. The NKRA for reducing government corruption is interesting. The official statement reads : "The government is working to increase public trust in government, reduce fraud and waste in government procurement, and combat what it calls “grand corruption. The government has begun prosecutions of elected officials and civil servants, regardless of party affiliation. Whistleblower legislation and improved transparency in government contracts are key components of this effort. The government is also working to pass legislation to require those suspected of corruption to be brought to trial within one year. Performance will be assessed using Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index." Ignored the result Take note of that last line, that performance will be assessed using Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI). And it is the CPI score for 2011 that has raised concern among Malaysians. Yet, it went totally unnoticed and unacknowledged by UMNO even though the report came during its annual assembly last week. Najib, as UMNO president and architect of the GTP, pretended not to notice. Either he was too ashamed or it was another instance of his by now familiar irresponsibility and lack of accountability. Perhaps these traits have become amplified as pressure mounts on after failing to deliver anything substantial since taking over from Abdullah Badawi in April 2009. What Najib did instead of facing up to the facts was to run off to hide behind Malay racism and supremacy in a speech to UMNO linked NGO Pekida, vowing not to give an inch and that Malay rights would always be supreme as long as there was UMNO, even at the expense of the other races. Lackeys offer excuses Worse still, his cohorts including minister Idris Jala began to discredit the CPI results. Whether he was man enough to admit his own failing, the fact is the Najib government went back on its own statement to use the CPI as a performance measure. And this did not go unnoticed by Tranparency International nor foreign investors, who are increasingly uncomfortable with his governance or lack of it. “We realise, however, a lot more focus is needed on the initiatives to combat grand corruption. If anything, the CPI (Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index) has clearly shown that we need to address Grand Corruption as it impedes our overall CPI scoring. This issue requires institutional and structural reforms. The Government recognises this," Idris’ Pemandu unit said in a statement. Idris then went on to blame the country's dipping score on a new measure introduced – the Bribe's Payers Index (BPI), yet the BPI is a separate and independent survey from the CPI. The blame does not rest on the BPI measure but instead it can safely be said, Malaysia did poorly in its reforms to eradicate corruption. In fact, Malaysia’s 60th placing from 37th in 2003 and 56th in 2009 is the worst in the country’s history. This is also the 3rd consecutive year Malaysia has slipped in the CPI. And the reasons? Look no farther than the various stumbling blocks installed by the Najib administration and to be fair, the past BN administrations especially during the Mahathir era, and even a novice would be able to tell why corruption is so hard to weed out in Malaysia. To compound this lack of perseverance and to resort to desperate flip-flops when caught in a bind, Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni then suggested that the ranking should not be taken ‘too seriously’. He argued that the CPI rankings slide was "subjective" and "questionable", saying that measures based on perception should not be used as an ultimate gauging method. "It is subjective… Measuring is based on perception… We can use it to improve our position but we cannot say that is the end of everything. When you do comparisons based on interviewing different sets of people, it's questionable. It's hard to say, it is why we have been telling agencies involved to engage more with international bodies. Way we put it it's based on perception…You are not interviewing same person, [it's] different sets of persons in Malaysia, Thailand… it's hard (to gauge)," said Husni. No one likes a cheat Firstly, what about when the Najib administration was drawing up its GTP mission and vision? Why did it choose to specifically state that “Performance will be assessed using Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index”. Why wasn’t it concerned about the methodology then? Face it, no one likes a cheat. No investor like to come to a country which keeps changing the distance between the goal posts to suits its convenience. Remember Mahathir Mohamad and how he suddenly pulled the plug on investors by banning the trading of CLOB shares and making the ringgit non-tradeable in foreign markets? Remember how long it took before Malaysia could even crawl out from the being the pariah as far as big-time long-term FDI were concerned because of Mahathir’s ill-advised policies? The same is happening now. Ahmad Husni’s statement contradicts the initial choice of using the CPI as a performance benchmark and is also downright confusing. If the CPI is subjective, then remove it as a performance benchmark and employ one that is more objective. Furthermore, contrary to Husni’s claims, it is right and logical to interview people who are outside of the Malaysian sphere, lest the response is biased, and additionally, the bigger the interview sample number the greater is the precision of the results. Ask any statistician. Most importantly, what is the point of the BN agencies claiming there is no corruption, but the rest of the nation and the global community says there is! Free for all corruption DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang put it in a nutshell when he summarized the following facts about Malaysia’s CPI performance through the years. "In the nine years from 1995 to 2003, Tun Dr Mahathir as Prime Minister saw Malaysia's TI CPI score stuck in the narrow groove between 4.8 in 2000 to 5.32 in 1996 while the CPI ranking fell 14 places from No. 23 in 1995 to No. 37 in 2003. (10 is highly clean while 0 is highly corrupt) In the five-year premiership of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Malaysia's TI CPI ranking fell 10 places from 37 in 2003 to 47 placing in 2008, while the CPI score stuck between 5.0 to 5.1,” Kit Siang said in a statement. “In his 2 ½ years as Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak presided over the worst TI CPI ranking and score for Malaysia on many fronts, viz: worst single-year plunge in TI CPI ranking of nine placings. i.e. fall from No. 47 in 2008 to No. 56 in 2009, most precipitous fall in TI CPI ranking in 2 ½ years under Najib's premiership, falling 13 placings from No. 47 in 2008 to No. 60 in 2011; when in five years under Abdullah, Malaysia fell 10 places from No. 37 in 2003 to No. 47 in 2008 and in nine years under Mahathir, Malaysia fell 14 places from No. 23 in 1995 to No. 37 in 2003, in the past three years 2009 – 2011, the CPI score consistently falling below the score 5, when in first 14 years from 1995 to 2008, Malaysia had only twice fallen below the score of 5, viz: 4.8 in 2000 and 4.9 in 2002 and consecutively in the past three years 2009 – 2011, Malaysia's CPI score falling to ever new lows, i.e. 4.5 for 2009, 4.4 for 2010 and 4.3 for 2011." Thus, it seems the NKRA for reducing government corruption under the GTP should get nothing less than a negative score – or F for Fail. Not only have we not improved, instead as the CPI ranking proves, we have regressed.This is a great failing on the part of Najib's administration. The slide has to be addressed, yet no one in Najib's camp wants to do talk about it except to badmouth the index and give excuses. It was also telling that as the country plunged in graft, Najib and his UMNO cohorts were busily praising themselves and defending corruption. Not a single word would they tolerate against Women’s minister Shahrizat Jalil, who family was accused of inappropriately spending RM181 million out of a RM250million government soft loan granted to the NFC cattle livestock breeding project. In fact, the Deputy Inspector General of Police was trotted out to give her family a clean bill of health. This despite a wealth of documentary evidence that they had spent money on luxury condos, a Mercedes, bought residential land, transferred cash and gave huge discounts to family-owned firms. If this goes on, Najib will surely not be remembered as he has vainly proclaimed himself ‘Father of Transformation’. It seems that the more apt title should be the ‘Father of Corruption’! |
Program Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim Di Pulau Pinang Dan Perak Posted: 08 Dec 2011 06:16 PM PST DEMI RAKYAT Program 1) Perak 4.30 – 6.00 ptg – Hi-Tea Bersama NGO Perak Lokasi : Dewan Tokong Sam Sean Meow. Penceramah: Program 2) Pulau Pinang 7.30 – 11.00 Mlm – Jamuan Makan Malam KeADILan Pulau Pinang Lokasi: Straits Quay Covention Centre, Tanjung Pinang, Penceramah: Program 3) Perak 7.00 – 12.00 mlm – Rapat Rakyat Negeri Perak Lokasi : Pekan Beruas, Perak Penceramah: |
Kebebasan Bersuara, Internet Dan Fitnah Posted: 08 Dec 2011 06:07 PM PST The Malaysian Insider Kebebasan bersuara adalah diantara isu penting dan seringkali menjadi perdebatan di Malaysia. Ini kerana walaupun perlembagaan persekutuan menjamin hak ini bagi setiap warganegara, terdapat pelbagai undang-undang dan akta yang menyekat rakyat daripada menikmatinya. Perlembagaan persekutuan Malaysia dalam Perkara 10 (1) (a) dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa setiap warganegara berhak untuk bersuara dan menyatakan pandangan secara terbuka. Akan tetapi, terdapat undang-undang dan akta secara langsung menafikan hak yang telah dijamin oleh perlembagaan persekutuan seperti Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) dan Akta Media dan Mesin Cetak. Malaysia mempunyai sejarah yang unik dalam isu kebebasan bersuara. Jika kita bandingkan kebebasan bersuara semenjak dari merdeka sehingga hari ini, kita akan dapati grafnya semakin lama semakin menurun. Dari masa ke semasa pemerintah mengekang kebebasan bersuara. Tujuannya tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah untuk terus mengekalkan kuasa. Kongkongan demi kongkongan terpaksa dihadapi oleh rakyat Malaysia walaupun negara sudah 54 tahun merdeka. Tidak hairanlah mengapa Malaysia masih lagi belum pernah menukar parti pemerintah semenjak pilihanraya pertama dijalankan di negara ini. Di negara-negara maju seperti United Kingdom, bertukar pemerintahan adalah perkara biasa dan tidak pula berlaku huru-hara. Malahan ianya menyebabkan negara tersebut terus maju oleh kerana parti-parti politik yang ada sentiasa berusaha keras untuk memastikan program mereka dapat diterima oleh rakyat. Revolusi Internet Kehadiran Internet merubah keadaan semasa. Jika pada satu masa dahulu, rakyat Malaysia hanya menerima maklumat dari sebelah pihak kerana terdapat kongkongan yang ketat terhadap media. Internet telah memecahkan dominasi maklumat yang selama ini dikawal oleh pemerintah. Internet turut menjadi ancaman kepada negara-negara kuku besi. Dominasi maklumat oleh pemerintahan kuku besi seperti di negara-negara Timur Tengah dapat dipecahkan. Revolusi Mesir adalah contoh bagaimana Internet menjadi senjata untuk melawan regim kuku besi Hosni Mubarrak. Facebook, Twitter dan blog menggantikan senjata-senjata tradisional seperti AK-47 dan "Molotov cocktail" bagi memenangkan revolusi di Dataran Tahrir. Di Malaysia, kita dapat menyaksikan bagaimana Internet telah merubah lanskap politik negara. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi terpaksa disingkirkan lebih awal daripada pemerintahannya oleh kerana serangan dari Internet terutamanya blog. Dalam pilihanraya umum (PRU) ke 12, kebanyakkan kawasan-kawasan bandar yang mempunyai akses kepada Internet dimenangi oleh parti pembangkang. Di Wilayah Persekutuan kita dapat menyaksikan Barisan Nasional (BN) hanya mampu mempertahankan kerusi parlimen Setiawangsa dan Putrajaya. Selebihnya disapu bersih oleh Pakatan Rakyat (PR). Sebelum PRU 12, hanya ahli politik PR dan penyokong meraka menggunakan Internet secara agresif, dalam bahasa mudahnya, pada ketika itu majoriti blog-blog dikuasai oleh pihak yang menentang kerajaan. Pasca PRU 12 telah merubah dunia Internet di Malaysia. Hari ini, kebanyakkan ahli-ahli politik BN juga telah mempunyai blog, Facebook dan Twitter masing-masing. Kini terdapat banyak juga blog-blog dari golongan menyokong pemerintah. Ini adalah satu perkembangan yang baik. Ertinya, perdebatan di ruang Internet di Malaysia tidak lagi didominasi oleh satu pihak. Rakyat Malaysia terutamanya golongan muda dapat menilai maklumat-maklumat yang mereka perolehi dengan seimbang. Tidak lama lagi, media-media tradisional yang berat sebelah seperti Utusan Malaysia akan ditinggalkan oleh kerana tidak mengikut perkembangan zaman. Akhbar sebegini masih boleh terus hidup hari ini kerana masih terdapat golongan tua yang membaca. Jika tidak melakukan perubahan drastik dalam corak penulisan berita, tidak mustahil akhbar seperti Utusan Malaysia akan pupus bersama-sama golongan tua di Malaysia. Fitnah dan tohmahan menjadi budaya Dalam keghairahan berjuang di alam siber, terdapat juga segelintir kecil yang menyalahgunakan Internet. Internet dijadikan medan untuk menyebarkan fitnah untuk menjatuhkan pihak-pihak tertentu. Terdapat juga blog-blog yang menggunakan kata-kata kesat dan lucah untuk memaki hamun pihak lawan mereka. Fitnah direka untuk mensensasikan penulisan mereka. Lebih aneh lagi, mereka-mereka ini berbangga dengan penulisan yang menggunakan kata-kata kesat dan lucah. Jika dikaji penulis-penulis sebegini kebiasaannya tidak berani mendedahkan identiti mereka. Mereka berlindung disebalik nama-nama samaran yang pelik-pelik dan kadangkala lucu juga. Untuk membela tuan-tuan politik mereka, fitnah dan tohmah digunakan untuk mematahkan hujah lawan. Yang lebih pelik lagi apabila aktiviti sebegini dihalalkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin politik yang tidak sedar satu hari nanti mereka juga bakal menjadi mangsa kepada penulis-penulis sebegini. Kita seharusnya mengambil iktibar tentang apa yang berlaku kepada bekas Ketua Polis Negara (KPN), Tan Sri Musa Hassan. Jika dizaman beliau menjadi KPN tindakan diambil keatas laporan-laporan polis yang dibuat terhadap penulis-penulis lucah dan fitnah tanpa memilih bulu, sudah tentu fitnah seperti yang berlaku kepada beliau baru-baru ini tidak terjadi. Baru-baru ini, bekas KPN difitnah di Internet — menggunakan gambar "super impose" yang mengatakan kononnya beliau berkahwin dengan seorang artis. Penulis-penulis fitnah dan lucah terus berleluasa. Aktiviti sebegini mungkin sudah tidak dapat dihentikan oleh kerana ianya telah menjadi budaya sesetengah pihak. Akan tetapi, sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, pasti akan jatuh ke tanah jua. Kita tidak akan dapat bersembunyi selama-lamanya. Nama samaran yang digunakan tidak dapat melindungi diri selama-lamanya. Kekuasaan tidak akan memayungi diri selama-lamanya. Percayalah, langit tidak selalunya cerah.o |
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