Isnin, 29 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

GST is a sell-out of Sarawak’s Rights and on average every Sarawakian had paid RM1,000 each GST to the Federal Government

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 05:27 PM PST

GST is a sell-out of Sarawak's Rights and on average every Sarawakian had paid RM1,000 each GST to the Federal Government

On average, every Sarawakian has paid a whooping RM1000 of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the first 9 months of the implementation of GST.
According to the announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the total GST collection for the first 9 months of its implementation (1-4-2015 till 31-12-2015) exceeded RM30 billion.
Sarawak's population is 1/10th of Malaysia's total population and its economy size is approximately 10% of the national's economy. Therefore, out of the RM30 billion GST collection, RM3 billion is estimated to be coming from Sarawakian.
Given the population of Sarawak is approximately 3 million, RM3 billion is a whooping RM1,000 of GST payment for every Sarawakian, from baby to old folks!
The biggest irony of it all is that, despite the constant trump-up autonomy agenda of Adenan, the Sarawak BN's support for GST is actually a surrender and sell-out of Sarawak's autonomy which hurts the people of Sarawak most.
Under the Federal Constitution, Sarawak Government has the rights to collect Sales Tax which constitutes a major part of GST. By supporting the implementation of GST, the BN Sarawak is in effect surrendering its autonomy to collect Sales Tax to the Federal Government, unless it intends to subject all Sarawakian to both GST and Sales Taxes, a double whammy.
If Sarawak Government truly wants autonomy for Sarawak, the most important item is to increase the source of revenue for the State Government. That was also the reason why shortly (3 months) after Adenan became the Chief Minister, Sarawak DUN accepted and passed the motion to demand for the increase of Oil and Gas Royalties from 5% to 20%.
21 months have gone by, yet Adenan is getting no where on this motion. He has even dropped the 20% Oil and Gas royalty agenda from the top priority item to the last priority item.
The saddest of it all is that: at the same time when the State Government failed to get the 20% Oil and Gas Royalties, the common people of Sarawak has, on average, paid RM1,000 each to the Federal Government in the form of GST in the first 9 months of its implementation.
While Adenan is bragging about the 13 autonomy which he has successfully fought for from the Federal Government, these so-called 13 autonomy are, in true fact, administrative power, not true autonomy. More importantly, these so-called 13 administrative autonomy does not bring direct benefit to the common people of Sarawak.
On the other hand, while Adenan is boasting about the said autonomy, he is surreptitiously surrendering the Sarawak's Autonomy on Sales Tax to the Federal Government, which affects every Sarawakian and hurts the Sarawak's economy as a whole.
Therefore, Adenan's autonomy agenda is in fact, only a show to create the "feel good" factor amongst the people but which has no direct tangible benefits to the people of Sarawak.
If Adenan truly wishes to do good for Sarawak and its people, he should immediately pull out from the UMNO-led BN and force the reduction of GST to zero rate. He should stop hugging and supporting Najib.
Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa

缴30亿消费税 油气税未增砂民已亏

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 05:22 PM PST

(古晋28日讯)阿德南争取主权的议程,对砂州而言,未见其利,先见其害。 真正甜头还没拿到,砂州人民却已先亏蚀一大笔钱了。 足见国阵政府根本就没有意愿要给予砂州任何真正的主权。
张氏说,这也是为何砂州行动党早在几年前就提出20%的石油天然气开采税。 阿德南上任后,也清楚这一点,因此,他把争取20%石油天然气开采税的议程,摆在其和联邦争取砂州权益的第一议程,于2014年5月的州议会(其上任仅仅3个月后),就在砂州州议会通过争取20%石油天然气开采税的动议。 当时,这动议也获得在野党的一致支持。
"遗憾的是,石油天然气开采税的动议被通过21个月后,仍旧没有下文,但砂州人民却已经先给联邦政府抽了大约30亿令吉的消费税。 钱还没从联邦政府手中拿到,砂州人民却已先大出血了。"
张氏说,砂州的人口和经济是全国人口经济的大约10%,这也意味着,砂州人民所缴交的消费税,截至2015年12月31日,是大约30亿令吉。 平均砂州人民(从小孩到老年人),在过去9个月,每人缴交1000令吉的消费税!
他指出,在我国宪法下,砂州政府拥有征收销售税的权利,而销售税则是消费税的其中一个主要项目。 砂州国阵政府在国会支持消费税的实行,其实就是把砂州政府征收销售税的权利,卖给联邦政府。
张氏揶揄,当阿德南在自吹自擂有关他所争取到的那些13项所谓的行政主权,这13项行政主权对普通的砂州人民而言,根本不会影响或改善他们日常的生活,也不会减轻他们日常的生活负担和压力。 但是,阿德南却允许联邦政府实施消费税,直接的打击全体砂州人民的日常活和经济。
"若阿德南是真心要造福砂州平民百姓,他应该带领砂州国阵退出巫统的国阵,促成零消费税的政策。 他应该停止继续拥抱和支持纳吉。"

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2016



Indira Gandhi makes bid to recuse two apex court judges

Posted: 26 Feb 2016 07:02 PM PST

Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

张健仁:砂国阵应退党 禁极端主义渗透砂

Posted: 23 Feb 2016 06:08 PM PST

《转载自 诗华日报》

(本报古晋23日讯) 若要禁止种族极端主义政策渗透本州,砂行动党联委会主席张健仁认为,唯一方式是砂国阵退出由巫统所领导的国阵,并与巫统的国阵切割。

张健仁暂不透露细节 议席协商尽快完成

Posted: 23 Feb 2016 06:06 PM PST

《转载自 诗华日报》

张健仁促州政府交代 轻微暴风雨何以大水灾?

Posted: 23 Feb 2016 05:56 PM PST

《转载自 诗华日报》

Don’t be too sure of your chances, DAP tells BN

Posted: 23 Feb 2016 05:50 PM PST

KUCHING: DAP has advised state Barisan Nasional (BN) not to be so 'gung-ho' by making statements that it is confident of recapturing at least four seats from DAP in the coming state polls.
State DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen recalled that in the 2006 state election, then-chief minister Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud was so confident that the state BN would have a clean sweep in the polls.
Photo by dapkuching
"Before polling day, he (Taib) openly made a birthday wish and was confident that he would have a clean sweep in the state election for BN to celebrate his birthday. The polling day was on May 20, 2006 and the next day was his birthday.
"Everybody knew the result after the state election," he said in a press conference yesterday, without elaborating on the result.
BN had the worst defeat in that state election, losing six seats to DAP and one to PKR. The seats lost to the opposition were Pending, Kota Sentosa, Bukit Assek, Meradong, Kidurong, Batu Lintang and Padungan.
Chong, who is Bandar Kuching MP, was asked to comment on state BN secretary-general Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi Utom's recent statement that the state BN was confident of recapturing at least four seats from DAP in the next state polls.
Dr Rundi, who is PBB secretary-general, said he based his optimism on the people-centric approaches and initiatives by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem.
While acknowledging that everybody had the right to express their own opinion, Chong said with the gerrymandering and shifting of voters from one constituency to another to BN's advantage, coupled with the machinery as well as money at their disposal, there was no reason why BN should not be confident.
On the seat negotiation between Pakatan Harapan partners PKR, DAP and Parti Amanah Negara, Chong said it was on going but declined to disclose the details.
"We have agreed that we should not disclose the details of our negotiations. But you can be rest assured that DAP will try its very best to reach a one-to-one contest against BN in the coming state election."
Chong hoped the seat negotiation could be concluded as soon as possible.
On theborneopost  

Why the massive floods when mitigation project completed, DAP asks

Posted: 23 Feb 2016 05:45 PM PST

KUCHING: The state government owes Sarawakians, especially those affected by the recent floods, an explanation on why there were still massive floods when the flood mitigation project for Sungai Sarawak had been completed.
Photo by dapkuching
Kota Sentosa assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen, in stating this, recalled that a question was asked during the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting in 2011 on the progress of flood mitigation projects being carried out affecting Sungai Sarawak in general and Sungai Maong in particular.
"According to a reply by Assistant Minister of Environment Datu Len Talif in 2011, Phase 1 of the flood mitigation project had been completed. I then further queried whether it would help to mitigate any flood and his reply was 'it helps to mitigate flood problem in Kuching areas'," Chong said in a press conference yesterday.
Chong said as recorded by the DUN Hansard that time, Len Talif had said there was only one flood mitigation project for Sungai Sarawak, which was known as 'Design, Build and Completion of Flood Mitigation Project in Kuching'.
Chong further said according to Len Talif, Phase 1 of the project, involving the construction of a two-kilometre channel from Batang Salak costing RM148 million, had been completed and for Phase 2 of the project, the consultants for the various components of this phase had been appointed and they were working on the design for the phase.
He also noted that the flood mitigation project comprised a few phases and the first phase only covered two kilometres out of eight kilometres, the total length of the channel to be constructed.
"So I think Len Talif has to explain to the people, especially those in Kuching why this (floods) still happened. It seems that the flood mitigation project and planning have not resulted in flood mitigation, but it actually made worse the flooding problem in Kuching," Chong, who is Bandar Kuching MP, said.
In questioning the progress of the flood mitigation project that the BN government had been boasting about, Chong said this year alone, Kuching had been hit by two major floods and it seemed that there would be flood in Kuching whenever there was heavy rainfall.
"The flood that occurred two days ago was incomprehensible flood. Based on our observation, it was intermittent pouring. It is not like heavy rainfall throughout few hours or one or two days of heavy rainfall."
Chong said this was confirmed by the rainfall data obtained from government website 'Info Banjir' from Feb 17 to 22.
"Based on the category of storm, one to 10mm of rainfall per hour is considered light storm and 11mm to 30mm of rainfall per hour is considered moderate storm.
"Based on the government's own category of storm, the most heavy rainfall that happened on Feb 20 and 21, on average is still considered as light storm except for Kpg Git in Padawan which exceeded 11mm for the first day only and dropped back to light storm category on the second day.
"Basically, we can see that it was only two days of light storm and yet we have over 7,000 flood victims evacuated and sent to relief centres."
He also asked if the light storm for the two days could cause such a massive flood situation in the state, what would happen if the amount of rainfall reached moderate storm category like what happened in 2003 and 2004, when the state recorded an average of 25mm (600mm per day) per hour rainfall continuously for three to four days.

On theborneopost  

Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

阿德南6指教育失败,张健仁3招救砂拉越 ;阿德南做不做?

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 05:00 PM PST

张氏说,教育政策是任何国家未来建设最为重要的一个元素。 既然阿德南知道国阵的教育政策是错误和失败的,那为何他还和国阵同流合污,抱在一起? 难道在阿德南的考量中,迎合国阵巫统的意愿,重要过砂州千千万万子女的未来?
张氏说,6个月前当大家听到阿德南说了这番话,大家都感到高兴终于有一位国阵领袖敢于承认国家教育政策的失败。 之后,当大家再次听到同一番话时,还是会有欣赏阿德南的感觉。
"但是,同样的话,如今他已说了6次了,我们也听了6次。 做为一州的首长(而且是拥有丰富资源和自主权的一个州),难道阿德南只有说话的份,没有解决的能力? 这未免开始让许多砂州人感到阿德南说这些话,只是在哗众取宠,根本没有诚意要解决问题。"
张健仁称,要解决这'重国轻英'的教育政策问题,砂州政府应积极从教育和政治方面着手,而不是阿德南在报章发表就可解决的。 而这3个方法如下:
方法1: 州政府拨款办全免费的英语私立中小学
张健仁表示,行动党去年9月就已向州政府建议,砂州今年的财政预算案拨出5亿令吉,其中重点用在经营英语为教学媒介语的私立小学和中学。 这些虽然是挂名'私立学校',但是由州政府全资,不向学生们收费。 初步目标为25间小学,可将之前的教会学校的执照,转为私立小学或开办全新的私立小学,课程则可采纳国际学校的课程。
"这是最快可实现,也是砂州政府可负担的预算。 但遗憾的是,阿德南却没有采纳。 是怕了巫统? 还是没有政治意愿要造福砂州子女?"
方法2: 促使国阵联邦赋予砂州真正的教育自主权
"阿德南把行政权和自主权混淆在一起的大事渲染,目的是在混淆人民的视线,让人民觉得他在争取自主权,而事实却是,他只是在争取行政主权。 这显示,阿德南似乎较关心即将到来的州选国阵的成绩,多过实际对砂州子女前途的考虑。"
方法3: 砂国阵退出全国国阵,重新全面检讨砂州主权事宜
"今天砂州国阵有25位国会议员人数,若阿德南带领他们退出巫统的国阵,则巫统的国阵将只有109国会议员。在222位国会议员的国会里,109国会议员的政府是一个少数政府。 府不会立刻倒台,但许多政策和财政预算的决定,联邦政府就必须事先得到砂州国阵的国会议员的统一下才能决定。"
张氏指出,这就是所谓的'造王者'的地位。 阿德南空有砂州造王者的国会议员人数,但事事却以巫统和纳吉马首是瞻,在政策上还是被纳吉牵着鼻子走。 这是砂州人民的不幸。
张健仁表示,阿德南现在的身份是砂州政府的领导,不是反对党的领导。 做政府的责任是必须要制定政策,而反对党的责任则是对政策的缺点提出批评和反建议。
"如今大家都知道我国教育政策的失败,阿德南作为政府就应该运用其权力,制定政策解决这问题。 但是,至今阿德南却没有制定任何政策,而只是不断的批评联邦政府。 更可悲的就是,这联邦政府也是和阿德南的政府同一体的,即,国阵。"
张氏指出,行动党不是政府,但我们除了对国家教育政策提出批评,我们甚至也提出解决方案。 这就是一个负责任的反对党所扮演的角色。
他说5亿令吉对砂州政府来说,根本就不是问题。 砂州有270亿令吉的储备金,5亿令吉也只不过是这270亿令吉储备金的1.8%,单只这270亿令吉一年的利息就已足够资付这5亿令吉的开销了。
"阿德南既然是砂州首长,他就有责任去运用这笔钱去解决砂州人民所面对的错误的教育政策的困境。 因此,我希望阿德南认清他的角色,而做他应该做的事,别只是专注于哗众取宠。"

砂能源舉債150億, 所以胡亂開刀?

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 05:03 PM PST

张氏谴责,这种剥削砂州子民消费者的政策,就是常常把自己标榜为"本土政党"的砂州国阵的所作所为。 法令是砂国阵所通过的,政策是砂国阵所制定的,砂电力公司是砂州政府的公司,被迫害的却是砂州普通老百姓。 这些所谓的"本土政党",就是剥削本土人民的罪魁祸首。
张氏表示,下周一即将开始审讯的有关案件,将对许多砂州普通平民百姓影响深远。 因为,如果他能赢得这起案件,它将有效的阻止砂电力公司继续的为所欲为,鱼肉砂州平民百姓。

Isnin, 22 Februari 2016



Mangsa banjir di Sarawak meningkat 7,931 orang

Posted: 21 Feb 2016 05:22 PM PST

13 Jamadil Awwal 1437 [MOD] -

KUCHING: Jumlah mangsa banjir yang dipindahkan di bahagian Kuching, Serian dan Samarahan meningkat awal pagi ini sehingga menjangkau 7,931 orang daripada 2,033 keluarga berbanding 5,769 orang daripada 1,527 keluarga malam tadi.
Pegawai Perhubungan Awam Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Sarawak, Siti Huzaimah Ibrahim berkata jumlah pusat pemindahan (PP) banjir juga bertambah menjadi 47 buah berbanding 31 malam tadi.
Beliau berkata sehingga pukul 6 pagi, 24 PP dibuka di daerah Kuching berbanding lapan malam tadi sementara di daerah Bau kekal sebanyak sembilan buah.
Katanya bahagian Serian kekal sebagaimana malam tadi dengan tujuh PP di daerah Serian serta satu di daerah Padawan, dan bahagian Samarahan juga kekal dengan enam PP di daerah Kota Samarahan.
Menurutnya keadaan cuaca awal pagi ini di bahagian-bahagian berkenaan kelihatan lebih baik berbanding sejak tiga hari lepas. - Bernama

Khamis, 18 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

張健仁訪談: 砂火箭與國陣共組政府不無可能?(2/2)

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 09:53 PM PST



張健仁訪談 阿德南效應已褪色?(1/2)

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 09:50 PM PST


Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Volunteer Recruitment for Impian Education Camp, Bau!

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 04:56 PM PST

Our 3rd education camp for the month of March will be happening in Kg Skibang, Bau (just outside Kuching), from the 12th to 17th! This means that we are officially launching our volunteer recruitment drive from now, and we want YOU.
For those who are interested to join us, you can drop us an email, or go to, if you have yet to register. Our recruitment closing deadline is Feb 23.
We will need you to help us facilitate the camp alongside Impian coordinators, in areas of logistics and administration, or teaching if you have the passion. Your only paid expenses are your own return airfare and transport fee to / from Kuching airport or bus station as well as shared accommodation, while Impian will take care of your meals and insurance coverage.

State needs a strong opposition for counter-check, says Chong

Posted: 14 Feb 2016 04:53 PM PST

Tan (left), Chong (third from left) and Yong pose for a photo.

KUCHING: The people must continue to support the opposition to ensure effective check-and-balance on the government.
In stating this, state DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen said the chances of the opposition taking over the administration of the state in the coming state election were slim, so the focus was to enhance the opposition's strength.
"There is a very small chance that the government will change in the coming state election. (So) what is key is to ensure the opposition is stronger in order to check on the government," he told reporters covering the DAP Kota Sentosa Chinese New Year open house at its service centre here yesterday.
Yong and Chiew (second from left) interact with guests at the DAP Chinese New Year open house.

Chong opined that Adenan alone could not change the direction of Sarawak or Malaysia.
"The DAP can check and pressure the BN government, so to speak, so that the state and nation can improve."
Present at the gathering were Stampin MP Julian Tan, state DAP organising secretary Violet Yong and DAP assistant treasurer Christina Chiew.

On theborneopost February 15, 2016, Monday

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chinese New Year Gathering

Posted: 12 Feb 2016 09:32 PM PST

DAP Kuching will be having its Chinese New Year gathering at the coffee shop next to its Kota Sentosa Service Centre, After Seven Café, this coming Sunday (14-2-2016) morning from 8:30 – 10:30 am. All our elected representatives will be attending the event.
We welcome members of the public and our supporters to attend our said Chinese New Year gathering.
This year, the celebration will be a bit different. Instead of the normal buffet meals, we have arranged for the food stalls in the said coffee shop to provide free kolo mee, hand-made noodles, kampua mee, pork porridge, laksa, nasi lemak and cha siew buns for the public, all of which are our normal breakfast meals. However, other food items will not be provided for by the Party.
Such decision to substitute these normal breakfast food items with buffet meals was made in light of the current economic recession where many small food stall operators are finding huge business drop and thus difficult to make ends meet. We hope that while we are celebrating the Chinese New Year gathering, we can also help to bring some business to them.
The program for the gathering on the day will kick off with lion dance at 8:30 am, followed by short New Year greeting speeches by our elected representatives.
Chong Chieng Jen
DAP Sarawak Chairman


Posted: 12 Feb 2016 09:30 PM PST

民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁表示,今次行动党庆祝新年团拜的食物,有别于往年,全部都是由该咖啡店的数位小食摊主们提供。 出席的民众则可免费享用'哥罗面'、'干盘面'、'猪肉粥'、'laksa'、'椰浆饭'、'叉烧包'和'手工面'以及一些茶水。 其他食物则是自费食用。
张氏指出,今年国家经济萧条、市面生意冷淡,尤其是经营小生意的小商家们,要赚点钱养家糊口都非常幸苦。 因此,行动党的一众议员们决定在今次的团拜庆典上,不安排餐馆的自助餐,而把预算的开支项目,用以支付这些小食摊提供以上的7道本地味道而大家也惯用的早餐食物。
"我们也希望民众和支持者可以体谅,我们行动党今次的团拜没有丰富的自助餐佳肴,而只是大家每天早餐惯吃的面、粥、laksa和叉烧包。 最重要的是,大家可以聚一聚,互相交流祝贺新年。"
张氏呼吁该党的支持者和民众踊跃出席该新春团拜。 节目方面,该党也安排舞狮以及该党议员们一些简短的致词和大家分享时下政治局势。

Jumaat, 12 Februari 2016



Court disallows bid to develop Vivekananda ashram land

Posted: 12 Feb 2016 04:12 AM PST
