Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chinese New Year Gathering

Posted: 12 Feb 2016 09:32 PM PST

DAP Kuching will be having its Chinese New Year gathering at the coffee shop next to its Kota Sentosa Service Centre, After Seven Café, this coming Sunday (14-2-2016) morning from 8:30 – 10:30 am. All our elected representatives will be attending the event.
We welcome members of the public and our supporters to attend our said Chinese New Year gathering.
This year, the celebration will be a bit different. Instead of the normal buffet meals, we have arranged for the food stalls in the said coffee shop to provide free kolo mee, hand-made noodles, kampua mee, pork porridge, laksa, nasi lemak and cha siew buns for the public, all of which are our normal breakfast meals. However, other food items will not be provided for by the Party.
Such decision to substitute these normal breakfast food items with buffet meals was made in light of the current economic recession where many small food stall operators are finding huge business drop and thus difficult to make ends meet. We hope that while we are celebrating the Chinese New Year gathering, we can also help to bring some business to them.
The program for the gathering on the day will kick off with lion dance at 8:30 am, followed by short New Year greeting speeches by our elected representatives.
Chong Chieng Jen
DAP Sarawak Chairman


Posted: 12 Feb 2016 09:30 PM PST

民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁表示,今次行动党庆祝新年团拜的食物,有别于往年,全部都是由该咖啡店的数位小食摊主们提供。 出席的民众则可免费享用'哥罗面'、'干盘面'、'猪肉粥'、'laksa'、'椰浆饭'、'叉烧包'和'手工面'以及一些茶水。 其他食物则是自费食用。
张氏指出,今年国家经济萧条、市面生意冷淡,尤其是经营小生意的小商家们,要赚点钱养家糊口都非常幸苦。 因此,行动党的一众议员们决定在今次的团拜庆典上,不安排餐馆的自助餐,而把预算的开支项目,用以支付这些小食摊提供以上的7道本地味道而大家也惯用的早餐食物。
"我们也希望民众和支持者可以体谅,我们行动党今次的团拜没有丰富的自助餐佳肴,而只是大家每天早餐惯吃的面、粥、laksa和叉烧包。 最重要的是,大家可以聚一聚,互相交流祝贺新年。"
张氏呼吁该党的支持者和民众踊跃出席该新春团拜。 节目方面,该党也安排舞狮以及该党议员们一些简短的致词和大家分享时下政治局势。

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