Khamis, 11 Oktober 2012

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

[Malaysiakini] 'Audit report delay at variance with Pemandu's targets'

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 12:44 PM PDT

~ By Aidila Razak

DAP’s Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching today pointed out that the delay in the Auditor-General’s Report goes against specific targets set by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) in the second phase of the Government Transformation Plan (GTP 2.0).

“During the GTP 2.0 open house in July 24, 2012... one of the proposals put forward by Pemandu... to fight corruption is to have the periodic Auditor-General’s Reports tabled in Parliament each and every sitting, so that members of parliament can debate on it every time we meet in the Dewan Rakyat instead of debating it once a year,” she said.

According to Pemandu’s website, the auditor-general’s reporting processes are to be transformed by tabling the report “thrice yearly, thereby enabling speedier and more efficient processing of its contents enabling quick remedial action”.

“If we are not to follow Pemandu’s recommendations, then why do we spend so much money on them? Is Pemandu just decoration? Just a vase?

NONE“The prime minister and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Pemandu Idris Jala must explain,” she said.

Teo (right) added that with the audit report still not tabled today, MPs lose the chance to openly debate the matter.

【当今大马】总稽查司报告迟迟不见踪影 张念群批政府违反转型建议

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 12:35 PM PDT

~ 李龙辉

尽管首相兼财政部长纳吉提呈《2013年财政预算案》 至今已有两周,但《2011年总稽查司报告》仍不见踪影。
NONE行动党沙登区国会议员张念群(右图)今日就批评,政府已违反“ 政府转型计划2.0”的建议, 即每年分3次向国会提呈总稽查司报告,这是开倒车的做法。

她在国会走廊召开记者会指出,表现管理与传递单位( Pemandu)于今年7月24日的政府转型计划2.0开放日, 在打击贪污的关键表现领域建议, 总稽查司报告必须一年分3次提呈国会。


她指出,这是为了让国会议员能在每季的下议院会议, 辩论总稽查司报告,以便协助打击贪污。

Sumbagan kepada Fakir Miskin Apartment Melor

Posted: 09 Oct 2012 11:28 PM PDT

Pada 7hb Oktober 2012, pihak kami telah melawat Apartment Melor di Taman Sutera bersama Ahli Jawatankuasa Surau Taman Sutera.

menziarahi dan memberikan sumbangan dalam bentuk barangan Dan wang tunai kepada keluarga puan farahidayu bt abdullah yg anaknya mengalami kecacatan kerana kejatuhan semasa masih bayi.

penyampaian sumbangan barangan kepada fakir miskin apartment melor.

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