Rabu, 4 April 2012

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Penyalahgunaan kuasa, Pelanggaran Prosedur dan Ugutan Fizikal dalam Kelangsungan Projek Pembangunan Semula Kampung Kerinchi

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 01:34 AM PDT

4 April 2012

Penyalahgunaan kuasa, Pelanggaran Prosedur dan Ugutan Fizikal dalam Kelangsungan Projek Pembangunan Semula Kampung Kerinchi

Saya merujuk kepada projek pembangunan semula Flat PKNS 4 Tingkat di Kampung Kerinchi, Lembah Pantai.

Selaku wakil rakyat setempat, saya tentunya mengalu-alukan sebarang usaha untuk membangunkan kawasan Kampung Kerinchi. Pun begitu, aturan tatacara serta prosedur pembangunan harus mengikuti undang-undang dan menghormati pemilik tanah sedia ada.

Tujuan saya dalam perkara ini adalah untuk menarik perhatian umum kepada kaedah pengambilan tanah untuk pembangunan yang nyata melanggar peraturan sedia ada bilamana referendum dan bukan kaedah persetujuan 100% pemilik menjadi penentu pembangunan. Implikasi kaedah ini adalah besar dan akan memberikan kesan pengurangan manfaat semua pemilik lebih-lebih lagi di dalam projek-projek masa depan seperti pemilik bangunan perumahan PPR/PA apabila adanya cadangan pembangunan semula tanak milik mereka kelak.

Sejak permulaan lagi, pelan pembangunan semula Flat PKNS 4 Tingkat dicemari kolusi pihak pemaju dengan UMNO apabila anjuran penerimaan projek tersebut kepada pemilik-pemilik kesemua unit dibuat oleh Yusri Ahmad, merangkap Ketua Bahagian UMNO Lembah Pantai, pada tahun 2007.

Justeru, apabila penduduk mempersoalkan kredibiliti pemaju, dan ada di antara mereka yang menolak pembangunan semula, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar, Datuk Raja Nong Chik telah pula memperkenalkan kaedah baru yang bertentangan dengan peruntukan undang-undang sedia ada – menerusi proses referendum untuk memilih pemaju pada Mac 2010. (Lampiran 1)

Apabila jelas bahawa proses referendum yang dilaksanakan tanpa pembabitan seratus peratus pemilik unit tidak sah di sisi undang-undang, kerajaan pusat memilih untuk menggunakan Akta Pengambilan Tanah 1960. Jelas di saat akta ini digunapakai, kredibiliti Menteri hancur lebur kerana beliau sendiri menggunakan kaedah pincang menerusi referendum dalam memaksa kesemua penduduk bersetuju dengan kaedah pembangunan semula sebegini. Yang membimbangkan, Menteri juga menyatakan untuk mengulang kaedah yang sama di kawasan lain di Kuala Lumpur khasnya Kampung Baru dan juga Jinjang.

Terakhir, tidak cukup dengan penggunaan Akta yang melupuskan hak perjanjian sewa-beli pemilik-pemilik unit Flat PKNS 4 Tingkat, ahli-ahli UMNO di bawah jagaan Menteri WP KB pula telah menggunakan kekerasan, seraya menumbuk beberapa orang awam yang turut ada semalam di perkarangan flat tersebut – khususnya Adam Adli dan Ikhsan Bukhari.

Saya menemplak tindakan provokasi murahan yang didalangi pihak UMNO Lembah Pantai semalam sehinggakan Adam Adli ditumbuk oleh orang UMNO dan ini disaksikan oleh kesemua yang hadir dan bukti jelas melalui rakaman video. Inilah Politik Samseng dan Politik Tidak Matang yang dipertonjol UMNO khususnya di Lembah Pantai.

Saya ingin tekankan lagi bahawa isunya bukan 34 pemilik tersebut tidak ingin berpindah tetapi pihak Jabatan Perumahan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) sehingga kini masih tidak memutuskan status pemindahan mereka ke rumah PPR yang telah dipersetujui. Tempoh perobohan perlu diberikan sehingga selesai status rumah PPR. Justeru penangguhan perobohan unit-unit
milik 34 penghuni flat tersebut buat seminggu yang diberikan oleh Pejabat Tanah akan digunakan untuk menyelesaikan isu pemindahan ke unit-unit PPR berkait.

Akhir sekali, Rakyat tidak pernah menolak Pembangunan tetapi biarlah pembangunan yang dicanang menjadi manifestasi untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik buat rakyat terbanyak dan bukanlah menjadi emas dan berlian untuk pemaju mencari keuntungan di atas tanah rakyat.

“Demi Malaysia yang Lebih Baik”

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai

4 April 2012

Wrongful Use of Power, Improper Procedures, and Physical Threats in Realizing the Redevelopment of Kampung Kerinchi

I refer to the redevelopment of Flat PKNS 4 Tingkat in Kampung Kerinchi, Lembah Pantai.

As the elected representative of the area, I commend all efforts to redevelop the Kampung Kerinchi area. Even so, any redevelopment must be governed by the law, follow existing procedures, and must fully respect all current owners of the properties in question.

My aim in this matter is to draw the public's eye to the means with which the land takeover for redevelopment is clearly in breach of current procedures when a referendum instead of 100% agreement of all owners was used to decide on the redevelopment plans. The implications and ramifications of this method are many and will negatively impact all owners especially in future projects such as the owners of PPR/PA units whenever redevelopment proposals for their properties are put forth.

From the start the redevelopment plans of Flat PKNS 4 Tingkat was marred by collusion between the developer and UMNO when the project was first proposed to the unit owners by none other than Yusri Ahmad, who is the Ketua Bahagian UMNO Lembah Pantai, in 2007.

Hence, when residents questioned the developer's credibility, and some of them outrightly rejected the redevelopment plans, the Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister, Datuk Raja Nong Chik introduced a new method which breaches the law – the usage of a referendum process to select a developer in March 2010. (Appendix 1) When it became clear that the referendum process which was made without the full participation of 100% of unit owners was in fact illegal, the federal government chose to use the Land Acquisition Act 1960. It was clear the moment this Act was employed that the Minister's credibility was completely demolished as it was he himself who chose the unlawful method of a referendum to force all unit owners to accept the redevelopment plans. What is most worrying is that the Minister has is that the Minister has publicly remarked that he would use the same method in other parts of Kuala Lumpur, Kampung Bharu especially, and including Jinjang.

Lastly, it was not just that such an iron-fisted Act was used to abolish the sales-purchase agreement of the legitimate owners of Flat PKNS 4 Tingkat, but UMNO members under the care of the FT Minister have used violence in harming several members of the public who were present at the flat yesterday – specifically Adam Adli and Ikhsan Bukhari.

I condemn this cheap provocative act masterminded by UMNO Lembah Pantai yesterday that caused Adam Adli to be assaulted by UMNO members, which was witnessed by all present and can be seen clearly in video recordings that have been made public. This is Thug Politics and Immature Politics as displayed by UMNO particularly in Lembah Pantai. I demand a response from the Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister, who is also the UMNO Division Chief of Lembah Pantai on this matter; else I deem him to be responsible by condoning such actions by people under his care.

I once again highlight that the issue is not that the 34 unit owners refused to move but that the Housing Department of Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) up until today has not confirmed the move of these owners to the agreed PPRs. A demolition date should only be given once this issue has been settled. Hence the postponement of demolition of these 34 units for one week has been agreed on in order to resolve this matter.

Finally, the Rakyat have never rejected Development, but let any development make manifest a better quality of life for the rakyat and not solely for the profit of developers.

“Demi Malaysia yang Lebih Baik”

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai

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