Rabu, 4 April 2012

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Tiada Alasan Kukuh Tolak Laporan Minoriti

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 08:33 PM PDT

Sinar Harian

Speaker Dewan Rakyat tidak mempunyai hak untuk menghalang laporan minoriti daripada dimasukkan ke dalam laporanJawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen (PSC) Berhubung Penambahbaikan Pilihan Raya, kata wakil Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Ahli Jawatankuasa PSC, Mohamed Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak) berkata, usul pindaaan dikemukakan kepada Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia telah ditolak tanpa sebarang alasan kukuh.

"Kita minta supaya keputusan itu diteliti semula kerana tiada peraturan dari mana-mana peraturan mesyuarat yang menghalang Speaker untuk membolehkan laporan minoriti dimasukkan dalam laporan terakhir PSC.

"Walaupun pada awalnya Speaker mengaitkan beberapa beberapa amalan di beberapa buah negara, tetapi kita telah kemukakan beberapa amalan yang turut dilaksana, malangnya ia ditolak," katanya pada sidang media di lobi Parlimen, semalam.

Azmin berkata, pihaknya bersedia sekiranya majoriti Ahli Parlimen menolak laporan minoriti tersebut tetapi Speaker tidak boleh menggunakan kuasanya untuk halang laporan ini dibentangkan bagi tujuan perbahasan.

"Ini perkara pokok dan sebab itu, kita desak laporan minoriti ini mesti dimuatkan dalam laporan terakhir sebelum perbahasan bermula jam 2.30 petang.

"Isu dibangkitkan dalam laporan minoriti ini bukan perkara baru seperti dikatakan Speaker, ia isu penting yang telah kita bincangkan panjang lebar dalam jawatankluasa induk di peringkat btertinggi, tetapi semua perkara ini dipadamkan dalam laporan trakhir," katanya.

Seorang lagi anggota jawatankuasa PSC, Loke Siew Fook (DAP-Rasah) berkata, mereka tidak berpeluang membentangkan laporan minoriti ini dalam PSC dan menyebabkan mereka terpaksa mambawanya untuk dibentangkan dan diputuskan di Parlimen.

"Perkara yang telah dipersetujui tidak dimasukkan dalam laporan minoriti dan perkara pokok dan paling penting berkenaan daftar pemilih dimasukkan dalam minoriti," katanya.

Menurutnya, terdapat lima perkara berkaitan daftar pemilih yang dibuat secara khusus iaitu berkenaan dengan persempadanan semula kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) dan Parlimen tanpa persetujuan.

"Sejak Mac 2008 hingga suku ketiga 2011, SPR telah memindahkan 31,294 pengundi keluar dari kawasan pilihan raya mereka. Ini melanggar prinsip belah bahagi yang telah ditetapkan sendiri oleh SPR.

"Keduanya, melibatkan 42,000 senarai pengundi baru belum dibersihkan oleh SPR pada akhir tahun lepas dan ia belum dibersihkan sehingga hari ini," katanya.

Selain itu berkenaan nama pengundi yang melebihi 100 tahun di mana kajian dijalankan mendapati 65,000 pengundi berusia 85 tahun ke atas dan terdapat 1,000 pengundi yang usianya melebihi 100 tahun.

Perkara keempat, menurut beliau, terdapat 15,000 nama pengundi yang didaftar dengan kad pengenalan berlainan jantina dan yang kelima, isteri anggota polis yang didaftarlkan sebagai pengundi pos.

"Kita dapati lebih kurang 4,500 isteri anggota polis yang didaftarkan jadi pengundi pos. Anggota tentera, isteri anggota tentera dan anggota polis sahaja yang layak jadi pengundi pos, manakala isteri anggota polis tidak layak jadi pengundi pos. Mereka sepatutnya jadi pengundi biasa," katanya.

Dewan Rakyat semalam menolak usul Pakatan Rakyat untuk melampirkan laporan minoriti dalam laporan PSC.

Laporan minoriti merujuk kepada laporan bertulis oleh sekurang-kurangnya dua anggota jawatankuasa untuk mengesahkan pandangan mereka yang bertentangan dengan pendapat majoriti.

Najib and The Pied Piper of Malaysia

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 08:18 PM PDT

Malaysia Chronicle

Yes, Mr Prime Minister you are right. Pakatan Rakyat is the Pied Piper of Malaysia not Hamelin. Let me refresh your memory, it seems to be a bit rusty.

In the town of Hamelin in Germany, the town was infested with rats and the people had to hire a man to get rid of these rodents. This man then used his magical pipe to lure the rats into a river, but the townsfolk reneged on their promise and refused to pay him. So in revenge, on a Sunday when all the folks were in a church, he played his pipe and lured all the children away to teach the people a lesson.

So that is the story of the Pied Piper, Mr Prime Minister. But the twist in Malaysia is different because the real pest here is you and your Government, who have been fleecing the people for past fifty-odd years.

Fresh start followed by destruction

It was a fresh start in 1957 when we achieved our independence as one nation with all the races on equal ground, but today your 1Malaysia has destroyed the very epitome of the one nation that was created 55 years ago.

Then in 1963, the Malaysia that was created with addition of Sabah and Sarawak – the land below the wind and land of the horn bills – was a pristine land with rich heritage, diverse and harmonious people, as well as enormous natural wealth. But that wealth has since been robbed, pillaged and plundered by irresponsible greedy leaders appointed by your Government.

Even the citizens of the states were short-changed by your appointed leaders who opened the doors to millions of foreigners, giving them citizen status and thus depriving local legal citizens of a decent living.

Mahathirism sounded the death knell

From 1982, the start of the Era of Mahathirism or the Malaysia Boleh Era, we saw and witnessed the euphoria of a false growth, the birth of cronyism and corruption, the emergence of Government Linked Companies and indiscriminate privatization for cronies. It was big time robbery and to cover it the Judiciary was stifled, the Police and the Attorney General’s office became puppets of the Puppet Master.

An illusion was created to show the people that the growth was immense, buildings, huge sky scrappers, new highways with tolls to burden the people, and a Vision 2020 that will never materialize to fool the people. This Era of Mahathirism plunged us to the bottom with its falsehoods and lies.

Badawism set us into hibernation

Then we went into hibernation when Abdullah Badawi took over from Mahathir. The Era of Badawism made us sleep like him. Although, the citizens gave him a good mandate to celebrate the departure of the Puppet Master and also in the hope of seeing changes being finally made, the Sleeping Beauty PM failed to live up to his promise.

The Puppet Master also made life difficult for the Sleeping Beauty and this resulted in the latter’s ouster. It was then that you were picked to replace Badawi and you gave us 1 Malaysia. Initially, there was hope and high expectation – just like for Badawi.

1 Malaysia or 1 Malay, 1 Chinese, 1 Indian …

But soon the people realized that 1 Malaysia was to divide Malaysians into 1 Malay, 1 Chinese, 1 Indian and 1 Every Other Race in this country. Even your Deputy says that he is Malay first and Malaysian second, so how can your 1 Malaysia survive in a divided country.

Now we have new issues in hand , a Cow Head and a Cow Gate scandal, both of which you condone. We have Churches raided and razed, we have Mosques desecrated with pig heads and paint, we have dangerous accusations being flung around of Christians proselytizing Muslims but nothing is done to punish the accusers despite their flimsy evidence.

We also have the racist Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali, who can get away with anything with the backing of the Puppet Master. And not a word will you utter to defend the minority, whom you are duty-bound to protect. What can we conclude but the obvious – you are also in cahoots with them.

And at your own personal level, don’t forget the Birkin bags, the Diamond ring, the taxpayers-paid private family holidays, shopping sprees and misuse of Public Funds on Personal Agenda such as your daughter’s engagement party. Not to mention the still unexplained murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu and the RM570million Scorpene submarines kickback.

The Pied Piper of Malaysia

So you see Mr Prime Minister, we do need a Pied Piper to get rid of all this evil. We are already hearing the tune from the magical pipe that the Pakatan Rakyat and its conductor Anwar Ibrahim, are blowing.

We are going to follow in droves to the polling stations soon to ensure an end to your Barisan National rule. So Pakatan, you are indeed the Pied Piper that the Prime Minister said you were.

And Pakatan should be proud of it because behind you will follow millions of Malaysians who will place their hope and aspirations in your leaders.

This then is the story of the Pied Piper – not of Hamelin – but of Malaysia. Not 1 Malaysia – but just Malaysia, and that is good enough.

Malaysian Parliament Throws Out Democracy – Suppresses Minority Report for Clean Polls

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 08:16 PM PDT

Malaysia Chronicle

The much anticipated with hope debate on the PSC report on electoral reforms in Parliament has been blotched. And with that, democracy in Malaysia has been slayed without mercy.

The Bersih 2.0 that was once branded as “unlawful” had withstood the anti-democracy pirates’ agenda and peacefully navigated into the august house of Parliament the rakyat’s demand for a clean, free and fair elections.

The PSC report that was commissioned after much resistence, reflected the rakyat’s and the sensible leaders’ aspirations to give Malaysia the very brand of democracy that the world-over champions, sanctions and nurtures.

But after all the hard work and commitment to put Malaysia on the world’s pedestal of democratic rights and civil liberties, the very pinnacle of democracy – the House of Parliament, throws out democracy.

A dark day

Indeed if it is not a dark day for Malaysia what else could it be? We have witnessed tyranny overthrow democracy in a fleeting moment. It is tragic for Malaysia.

Only 2 out of the 10 recommendations of the PSC report were accepted in Parliament. It means that even the wisdom, foresight, loyalty and concern of the PSC members are not respected by BN politicians.

Only 1 of the 8 recommendations arising from the 28 million rakyat through the Bersih 2.0 initiative has been accepted. It speaks of total disregard for a population that aspires to protect, nurture and support this nation in the way forward. It simple means that democracy is not the enlightened route of the politicians.

The rakyat – including the learned and enlightened minds of numerous leaders, are being bulldozed over. Their only demand – the expressed need to ensure clean, free and fair elections is deemed as so gross, unappealing and totally unnecessary by the BN politicians.

Clear rejection of free and fair polls

And the PSC report in earnest captured without fear or favour the very essence and fundamentals that will ensure a truly democratic nation that enshrined civil liberties. But that has been completely negated by the very institution that is the pinnacle of democratic nations – the Parliament.

If BN politicians and Parliament was not going to debate and pass the PSC report why in the first place commission it? Is this all not a reflection of a typical and tyrannous regime?

So have we not now entered the darkest hour and period in the history of our nation?

Citizens, leaders, and the learned minds and loyal hearts of Malaysia cannot take a back seat now that politicians have shown in no uncertain measure that even the august house of the Parliament is under their selfish siege.

Tolak Laporan Minoriti, Cubaan Tutup Daftar Pemilih Kotor

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 05:22 PM PDT


Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (gambar) menyifatkan penolakan usul laporan minoriti oleh Speaker Dewan Rakyat hari ini sebagai cubaan untuk menutup kepincangan dalam daftar pemilih.

Ini kerana katanya, laporan minoriti itu antara lain secara jelas mengemukakan bukti senarai daftar pemilih belum bersih.

Beliau merujuk isu 42,000 pengundi ragu yang tidak mempunyai kad pengenalan dalam pangkalan data Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) dan pendedahan Institut Sistem Mikroelektronik Malaysia (Mimos) yang mengesan 80,000 pengundi yang berkongsi alamat sama.

“Bagi saya jelas menunjukkan keangkuhan, tidak mahu dengar, dan tidak bagi ruang untuk kita bagi penjelasan dan tunduk kepada tuntutan Umno.

“(Ini kerana) saya lihat laporan minoriti itu mendedahkan bahawa SPR gagal memastikan senarai pemilih yang sah,” katanya pada sidang media bersama ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat petang tadi.

Terdahulu beliau melahirkan rasa kecewa terhadap sikap Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia yang menolak usul laporan minoriti untuk dimuatkan bersekali dalam laporan Jawatankuasa Khas Parlimen (PSC) Penambahbaikan Pilihan Raya.

Beliau juga kesal kerana Pandikar didakwa tidak mahu mendengar hujah ahli parlimen Pakatan berhubung bukti atau ‘precedent’ laporan minoriti pernah dibuat di negara-negara Komenwel lain.

“Speaker menolak dengan dengan alasan tidak ada ‘precedent’.Dia kemudian tak mahu layan langsung perbincangan.

“Dia yang tiga kali cadang supaya kita kemukakan alasan precedent. Bila kita kemukakan dia tak mahu dengar,” tegasnya.


(Anwar bersama anggota Parlimen Pakatan dalam sidang media selepas Speaker luluskan laporan PSC tanpa bahas)


Terdahulu, dewan rakyat kecoh apabila berlaku perang mulut antara ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat dengan BN berhubung pertikaian penolakan laporan minoriti oleh Pandikar.

Kekecohan itu juga menyaksikan Azmin Ali (PKR Gombak), Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad (PAS Kuala Selangor) dan Sivarasarasiah (PKR Subang) diarah keluar dewan oleh Pandikar.

Suasana tegang itu juga memaksa Pandikar membuat undian belah bahagi bagi meluluskan usul PSC tanpa bahas kerana berpendapat ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat ‘tidak berminat’ untuk berbahas yang kemudian diluluskan.

Mengulas perkara itu Anwar sekali lagi membidas sikap Speaker yang membuat kesimpulan mudah sebegitu.

“Siapa yang boleh putus kita tak minat bahas. Kita bangun nak selesaikan ini dahulu kemudian nak bahas.

“Kita bawa dokumen (untuk bahas) tapi sengaja ambil alasan, takut hujah dikemukakan dan rakyat tahu,” katanya.

Siri Jelajah Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim ke Kedah

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 05:08 PM PDT

Sempena Pelancaran Kempen Jom 100% Bersih 2.0

6 April 2012 (Jumaat)

1) 5.00 ptg – Perasmian Pusat Komuniti PKR Alor Setar & Hi-Tea
Lokasi: No 172-I, Tkt 2, Jln Putra (Sebelah Sentosa Mall), Alor Setar

2) 7.15 -8.30 mlm – Solat & Tazkirah Maghrib
Lokasi: Masjid Tengku Ahmad Tajuddin (Masjid Lama), Kuala Kedah

3) 8.00 – 12.00 mlm – Majlis Makan Malam
Lokasi : Dewan Sek Men Keat Hwa, Alor Setar.

4) 9.00 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Pelancaran Kempen Jom 100% Bersih 2.0
Lokasi : Kompleks Sukan Hijau Kuning, Alor Setar

5) Penceramah:

i. YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim
ii. YAB Dato' Seri Azizan Abdul Razak
iii. YB Mahfuz Omar
iv. YB Teng Chan Kim
v. YB S Manikumar
vi. YBhg A Samad Said (Sasterwan Negara)
vii. YBhg Maria Chin Abdullah
viii. YBhg Dato' Dr Toh Kin Woon

BERSIH 2.0: Penipuan pilihan raya akan berterusan

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 08:02 AM PDT

Gabungan pendesak reformasi pilihan raya BERSIH 2.0 kecewa kerana laporan jawatankuasa pilihan parlimen untuk menambahbaik proses pilihan raya (PSC) tidak membawa lima isu utama yang dipertikaikan.

Menurut BERSIH 2.0, lima isu berkenaan ialah:

  • Manipulasi dalam daftar pemilih;
  • Skanda undi-untuk-kewarganegaraan di semenanjung Malaysia;
  • Penguatkuasaan Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 dan mengukuhkan takrid kesalahan pilihan raya;
  • Rancangan untuk menghentikan ‘politik kotor’; dan
  • Pemerhati undangan antarabangsa

Sehubungan itu, jawatankuasa pemandu BERSIH 2.0 menyatakan kebimbangannya bahawa penipuan pilihan raya dan perkara lain yang tidak kena “berkemungkinan tinggi” akan berterusan tanpa dibendung.

"Peluang keemasan untuk membetulkan kesilapan dan untuk berbakti kepada rakyat Malaysia buat masa kini dan masa depan, dengan dukacitanya telah berlalu,” kata jawatankuasa itu dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

BERSIH 2.0 merupakan jawatankuasa yang bertanggungjawab menganjurkan perhimpunan untuk menuntut reformasi dalam proses pilihan raya pada 9 Julai tahun lalu.

Perhimpunan raksasa itu antara lainnya menyebabkan pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menubuhkan PSC yang disasarkan untuk memberi cadangan bagi menambahbaik proses pilihan raya.

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