Khamis, 26 April 2012

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Malaysians Should Mobilise In Full Force For The Sit-In Bersih Protest On 2pm 28 April At Dataran Merdeka To Press For Clean, Free, Fair And Independent Elections.(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 11:30 PM PDT

Press Statement by DAP Secretary-General and MP for Bagan Lim Guan Eng, in Kuala Lumpur on 26.4.2012.

The Denial Of The Basic Democratic Principle Of One-Person, One-Vote Is Another Reason, Apart From Phantom Voters And Irregularities In The Electoral Roll, Why Malaysians Should Mobilise In Full Force For The Sit-In Bersih Protest On 2pm 28 April At Dataran Merdeka To Press For Clean, Free, Fair And Independent Elections.

The denial of the basic democratic principle of one-person, one-vote is another reason, apart from phantom voters and irregularities in the electoral roll, why Malaysians should mobilise in full force for the sit-in Bersih protest on 2pm 28 April 2012 at Dataran Merdeka to press for clean, free, fair and independent elections. Election watchdog NGO Tindak Malaysia, had provided irrefutable evidence that the Election Commission's (EC) biasedness towards BN by gerrymandering and manipulating electoral boundaries until a rural voter is effect worth an average of six urban voters, as BN is stronger in the rural areas.

According to Tindak Malayisa, BN won 112 out of the smallest 139 federal seats in Election 2008, giving it simple majority in Parliament with just 18.9 per cent of the popular vote. The seats have not been changed for the next general election. Where is the democratic principle of not just "one-person, one vote" but also majority rule when BN can win 50.4 per cent of Parliament with just 18.9 per cent of the votes?

In effect BN won 62 of the smallest seats with just 6.2 per cent of the popular vote with the smallest federal seat was Putrajaya, won by BN, with 6,008 voters, while Kapar, won by PKR, had over 112,000. Instead of majority rules, we have a case of minority rules which is a gross violation of representative democracy.

There is no point for the EC to waste money to print 5,000 copies of a special Malay information booklet to counter all allegations against the EC's faulty election process, when falsehoods can not prevail over facts. How can EC dismiss the issue of the over 42,000 'doubtful voters' in the current electoral roll where they are not citizens as confirmed by the Registration Department and the alleged over-registration of voters in one single address. The problem may be even worse than the 42,000 doubtful cases admitted by both the EC and Registration Department.

The Malaysian Electoral Roll Analysis Project (Merap) headed by noted political scientist Dr Ong Kian Ming, had identified approximately 3.4 million cases where further investigation needs to be conducted by the EC in order to verify the legitimacy of these voters because this is the pool of problematic registrations that currently tars the integrity and accuracy of the electoral roll. He cited 4 critical issues.
1. approximately 3.1 million voters were identified as potential non-resident voters by the National Registration Department (NRD) in 2002. This data was given by NRD to the Election Commission (EC) but no action was taken by the EC to assess the magnitude of this problem and to identify ways to rectify it.
2. using the EC’s own data which lists the nationality or 'bangsa’ of each voter, approximately 65,000 voters were identified as having foreign nationalities. Of these, close to 90 percent or 58,000 had IC numbers which indicate that they were born in Malaysia. In addition, approximately 49,000 of these voters came from one state alone – Sabah – which has a well-documented history where ICs were given to illegal immigrants in order to allow them to register as voters.
3. by comparing the electoral rolls in Quarter 4 (Q4) 2010 and Quarter 3 (Q3) 2011 and by cross-checking them with the quarterly updates in the first to third quarters in 2011, it was found that there were 106,743 voters removed from the electoral roll without public display and another 6,762 voters added to the electoral roll during the same period, also without public display.
4. important information provided by the EC in the Q1 to Q3 2011 quarterly roll updates such as the reasons for the deletion of names from the electoral roll were omitted in the Q4 2011 quarterly roll. This omission immediately raises concerns about the possibility of concealing important information by the EC in order to prevent detailed analysis from being conducted.

Further, the registration of foreigners as voters and the EC's unilateral move to correct the voting localities of some 19,000 voters by shifting voters around without their consent. Even Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim was a victim when he found his voting locality shifted from Selangor to Federal Territory.

Other complaints from critics include the allegedly unnatural spike in voter numbers in certain constituencies, the existence of over 100 voters registered to a single address, claims that foreigners have been given voting rights, the moving of voters from one locality to another, the registration of the spouses of armed forces personnel as postal voters, the sudden spike of voters in certain constituencies and the unusual number of voters who are more than 100 years old.

For these abuses by a politically inclined EC that has allowed itself to be used as a tool by BN, DAP fully supports and will mobilize its members for the Bersih sit-in protest for clean elections on 2pm 28 April 2012 nation-wide. DAP urges all Malaysians to join the Bersih rallies nation-wide, especially at Dataran Merdeka.

DAP strongly condemns the actions and warnings by the government, especially Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, to ban this peaceful sit-in protest by instilling fear of untoward incidents. The use of fear tactics only betrays the real character of the BN government as dictatorial and tyrannical. As American President Thomas Jefferson said,

When a government fears the people, there is liberty;
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

The time has come to ensure a bright and clean future for our children free from fear. Only a clean election process untainted by abuses committed by the EC can give birth to clean leaders that give hope to all Malaysians.

Lim Guan Eng

—BM Translation —

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 26.4.2012

Penafian Prinsip Demokratik Asas Iaitu "Satu Orang, Satu Undi" Adalah Lagi Satu Sebab, Selain Daripada Pengundi Hantu Dan Kepincangan Dalam Daftar Pemilih, Mengapa Rakyat Malaysia Harus Menyertai Bantah-Dan-Duduk Bersih Pada Jam 2 Petang 28 April Di Dataran Merdeka Untuk Menuntut Pilihan Raya Yang Bersih, Bebas Dan Adil.

Penafian prinsip demokratik asas iaitu "satu orang, satu undi" adalah lagi satu sebab, selain daripada pengundi hantu dan kepincangan dalam daftar pemilih, mengapa rakyat Malasia harus menyertai Bantah-dan-Duduk Bersih pada jam 2 petang 28 April 2012 di Dataran Merdeka untuk menuntut pilihan raya yang bersih, bebas dan adil. Badan pemerhati pilihan raya Tindak Malaysia telah mengemukakan bukti bahawa Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bersifat berat sebelah terhadap BN dengan "gerrymandering" dan manipulasi sempadan kawasan pilihan raya sehingga satu undi pengundi luar bandar adalah sama dengan enam undi pengundi bandar, kerana BN lebih kuat di kawasan luar bandar.

Mengikut Tindak Malaysia, BN telah memenangi 112 daripada 139 kerusi Parlimen yang paling kecil semasa Pilihan Raya Umum 2008, lantas memberikan mereka majoriti mudah dengan hanya 18.9 peratus undi popular. Kawasan-kawasan tersebut tidak akan ditukar untuk pilihan raya umum yang akan datang. Di manakah prinsip demokratik "satu orang, satu undi" dan juga di manakah pemerintahan majoriti apabila BN boleh memenangi 50.4 peratus daripada kerusi Parlimen dengan hanya 18.9 peratus undi popular?

BN telah memenangi 62 daripada kawasan yang paling kecil dengan hanya 6.2 peratus undi popular, termasuk kawasan terkecil iaitu Putrajaya yang hanya mempunyai 6,008 pengundi dan dimenangi BN, berbanding dengan Kapar yang mempunyai 112,000 pengundi dan dimenangi PKR. Daripada pemerintahan majoriti, kita mempunyai sistem pemerintahan minoriti, iaitu satu pelanggaran prinsip demokrasi perwakilan.

Tidak ada makna untuk SPR membazir duit mencetak 5,000 buah buku untuk menangkis dakwaan-dakwaan terhadap proses pilihan raya SPR yang pincang, apabila penipuan boleh mengatasi kebenaran. Bagaimana SPR boleh memperlekehkan isu lebih daripada 42,000 "pengundi ragu" dalam daftar pemilih apabila mereka bukan warganegara sepertimana yang disahkan oleh Jabatan Pendaftaran dan juga dakwaan pendaftaran pengundi yang terlalu banyak dalam satu alamat. Masalah ini mungkin lebih teruk daripada kes 42,2000 pengundi ragu yang diakui SPR dan Jabatan Pendaftaran.

Projek Analisa Daftar Pemilih Malaysia (Merap) yang diterajui ahli sains politik terkenal Dr Ong Kian Ming telah mengenal pasti lebih kurang 3.4 juta kes di mana siasatan lanjut harus dijalankan oleh SPR untuk mengesahkan kesahihan pengundi kerana ini adalah jumlah pendaftaran yang bermasalah dan mencemarkan integriti dan ketepatan data dalam daftar pemilih. Beliau telah mengutarakan 4 isu kritikal:

1. Lebih kurang 3.1 juta pengundi telah dikenal pasti sebagai bukan permastautin oleh Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) pada tahun 2002. Data ini telah diberi kepada SPR tetapi tiada tindakan yang telah diambil oleh SPR untuk menilai masalah ini dan mencari penyelesaian.
2. Menggunakan data SPR yang menyenaraikan kewarganegaraan atau "bangsa" setiap pengundi, lebih kurang 65,000 pengundi telah dikenal pasti sebagai warga asing. Daripada jumlah ini, dekat 90 peratus atau 58,000 mempunyai nombor kad pengenalan yang menunjukkan bahawa mereka telah dilahirkan di Malaysia. Tambahan pula, lebih kurang 49,000 pengundi ini datang dari hanya satu neger – Sabah – yang mempunyai sejarah yang terkenal dengan sejarah di mana K/P telah diberikan kepada pendatang asing untuk membolehkan mereka menjadi pengundi.
3. Dengan membandingkan daftar pemilih pada suku tahun keempat (Q4) 2010 dan Q3 2011 dan dengan menyoal-periksa data itu dengan pengemaskinian kepada suku tahun pertama dan ketiga 2011, telah dijumpai bahawa terdapat 106,743 pengundi yang dikeluarkan daripada daftar pemilih tanpa paparan awam dan sebanyak 6,762 pengundi telah ditambah kepada daftar pemilih dalam tempoh masa yang sama, juga tanpa paparan awam.
4. Maklumat penting yang disediakan oleh SPR dalam pengemaskinian Q1 ke Q3 2011 seperti sebab untuk pengeluaran nama daripada daftar pemilih tidak dijelaskan dalam pengemaskianian suku tahun Q4 2011. Kekurangan penjelasan ini menimbulkan kebimbangan terhadap kemungkinan maklumat penting disembunyikan oleh SPR supaya analisa data yang terperinci tidak dapat dilakukan.

Tambahan, pendaftaran warga asing sebagai pengundi dan tindakan unilateral SPR untuk membetulkan lokaliti mengundi sebanyak 19,000 pengundi dengan mengalihkan pengundi tanpa persetujuan mereka. Bahkan Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim pun menjadi mangsa apabila lokaliti mengundinya telah ditukar daripada Selangor kepada Wilayah Persekutuan.

Aduan yang lain termasuk tambahan pengundi yang mendadak di kawasan-kawasan tertentu, kes-kes lebih 100 pengundi dalam satu alamat, dakwaan bahawa warga asing telah diberi hak mengundi, peralihan pengundi dari satu lokaliti ke lokaliti yang lain, pendaftaran pasangan kakitangan tentera sebagai pengundi pos, keputusan SPR secara tiba-tiba untuk meningkatkan jumlah pegawai yang bertugas pada hari mengundi dan kewujudan jumlah yang besar pengundi-pengundi yang berusia lebih 100 tahun.

Untuk sebab ini, DAP menyokong penuh dan akan menggerakkan ahli untuk Duduk-dan-Bantah Bersih pada jam 2 petang 28 April 2012 untuk pilihan raya yang bersih, dan menyeru agar semua rakyat Malaysia menyertai perhimpunan Bersih di merata negara, khususnya di Dataran Merdeka. DAP mengutuk hebat tindakan dan amaran oleh pihak kerajaan, terutamanya Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, untuk mengharamkan bantahan secara aman ini dengan menakut-nakutkan orang. Penggunaan taktik ketakutan ini hanya mendedahkan watak sebenar kerajaan BN yang kuku besi dan bersifat zalim. Seperti yang dikatakan seorang Presiden Amerika Syarikat Thomas Jefferson,

Apabila rakyat takut kepada kerajaan, itu namanya kezaliman;
Apabila kerajaan takut kepada rakyat, itu namanya kebebasan.

Masa sudah tiba untuk memastikan masa depan yang cerah dan bersih serta bebas daripada ketakutan. Hanya proses pilihan raya yang bersih dan tanpa salah guna kuasa oleh SPR boleh menzahirkan pemimpin-pemimpin yang dapat memberi harapan baru kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Lim Guan Eng

—-Mandarin Translation—


由于选民册上出现幽灵选民及许多不正常的现象,破坏了选举一人一票的民主原则,因为马来西亚人必须全体总动员,于2012年4月28日参与净选盟3.0独立广场静坐抗议,要求一个干净、自由、公平及独立的选举。选举监察非政府组织行动马来西亚(Tindakan Malaysia)提供了一个无可辩驳的证据,选举委员会偏袒国阵,让国阵为己党利益擅改选区、操纵选民册,以致一个郊区选民的影响力与6个城区选民一样,这是由于郊区是国阵的票仓。




1. 根据2002年国民登记局资料显示,大约310万选民为非居民。这是国民登记局给选委会的数据,但是选委会没有采取行动来评估这个问题的严重性及确定解决方法。

2. 根据选委会本身列出的选民国籍和"种族",约有6万5000名选民是外国国藉。当中,近90%或5万8000人拥有身份证,表明他们出生在马来西亚。还有,其中4万9000人来自沙巴州,这有历史可循,我国曾发出身份证给非法移民让他们登记成为选民。

3. 比较2010年第四季及2011年第三季选民册,然后对比检查2011年第一季到第三季每季的更新,他们发现有10万6743名选民从选民册上被移除,在同一个时期有6762名选民被加入选民册,这都是在没有公开展示的情况下进行的。

4. 选委会在2011年第一至第三季的选民册更新中,原本提供一些重要资料如选民名字被删除的原因,但是在2011年第四季却没有这些资料。这种做法让人担心选委会是为了隐埋实情,以阻止人们针对数据进行分析。







Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin Should Direct Penang Port Commission (PPC) And Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) To Make A Full And Unconditional Apology For The Demolishing The 50 Year Old Muniswarar Shrine Without Notice And Rebuild The Shrine Before The Next General Elections.(en/cn)

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 10:53 PM PDT

Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 26.4.2012..

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhydin Yassin in his visit to Penang today should direct Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) Chairman Dato Seri Dr. Hilmi Bin Hj. Yahaya and the Penang Port Commission (PPC) Chairman Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek to make a full and unconditional apology to the Hindu community for demolishing the 50 year old Hindu shrine and rebuild the shrine immediately before the next general elections. The demolition of the shrine on 20 April at the Prai Bulk Cargo Terminal in the Prai Industrial Area, shocked devotees as it was done by PPSB without any demolition notice pasted on the shrine.

Whilst the Penang state government welcomes Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak recent announcement of RM 8.5 million in development funds to the Nibong Tebal Parlimentary constituency, many Penangites are disappointed that he did not give the same amount to each of the other 12 Parliamentary constituencies in Penang. Such discrimination against the other 12 parliamentary constituencies, including BN areas, is regrettable as it gives the impression that only Nibong Tebal parliamentary constituency matters for BN at the next general elections.

Further some Nibong Tebal residents are also unhappy that the Prime Minister did not give any money to the newly approved Seberang Perai Selatan Jit Sin Secondary school, whose organizers are seeking RM 20 million of Federal funding for the RM 30 million school. Hopefully Tan Sri Muhyidin will not disappoint the Indian community by directing PPC and PPSB to fully repent for their outrage to the Hindu community.

Prai Bulk Cargo Terminal (BCT) Abdul Halim Abdul Kader has told me when I visited the area on 23.4.2012, that there are no plans by PPSB to rebuild the 50 year old Hindu shrine on a small 6.1m X 6.1 m site. So far there is only silence from PPC Chair Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek and PPSB Chairman Dato Seri Dr. Hilmi Bin Hj. Yahaya, who is also the UMNO ADUN for Teluk Bahang.

The Penang state government hopes that Tan Sri Muhydin understands the sentiments of the Indian port workers and the Hindu community who are hurt by what they perceive as a barbaric act of demoliton done without any notice on their religious place of worship. Tan Sri Muhydin should make PPC and PPSB realize that nothing less than an apology and rebuilding the Hindu shrine can atone for their grievous mistake.

Lim Guan Eng

—Mandarin Version–





北赖散装货运码头总经理阿都哈林在我2012年4月23日到访该地时告诉我,槟州港口有限公司并没有计划重建这个被拆除,建于面积 6.1公尺 x 6.1公尺的地皮的50年历史兴都神龛。截至目前为止,槟州港务局主席拿督斯里蔡细历医生及也是直落巴巷州议员的槟州港口委员会主席拿督希尔米一直保持沉默。



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