Isnin, 9 Januari 2012

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on MYCC has commenced investigations into the “STRATEGIC ALLIANCE” between MAS & AirAsia by Anak Malaysia

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 10:09 PM PST


So MAS pays him very high fee and on top of that give him free passages to where he wants to go. Well paid him to advise them how to bring MAS down. It seems that he always feels proud of himself for the “Turun Padang” thing.

What does the management sees in him, sampai dia dah step down from being a member of Board of Director then MAS take him again as the advisor.

He is really Panamera Deadwood who gets all the perks. Tak malu betul Martin Barrow ini. Don’t depend on AJ, AMOK’s Crony and Danny to stop the leaklage coz they are the one who created this mess and stir shit in MAS, Martin Barrow pun part of this croonies team.

MAS Guy, think you all better voice out your concern pasal Martin Barrow (Mat Salleh yang tak guna ni)

Comment on MYCC has commenced investigations into the “STRATEGIC ALLIANCE” between MAS & AirAsia by MAS Guy

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 09:37 PM PST

Anak Malaysia

We all know that this Mat Salleh Martin Barrow is another Panamera deadwood. He should be out of MAS for he has no or very little contributions to MAS. His only contribution to MAS was getting all the free ticket for his personal travel to Japan mainly to see his family.

Hope AJ and the Azman MokhtaR’S CRONY, RASHDAN, will stop this leakage. I wonder how much fees he is receiving as an advisor. Advising what? only God knows!

Comment on MYCC has commenced investigations into the “STRATEGIC ALLIANCE” between MAS & AirAsia by Anak Malaysia

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 07:05 PM PST

Have anyone ever wonder who this Martin Barrow guy is? Got to know he was one of the Board of Director during Idris Jala & Tg Azmil time. then he step down together with Tg Azmil when they announced the “Secret Share Sawp”.

Now he is back in MAS as the Advisor. Wonder why step down and then come back as Advisor. This Martin guy doesn’t do anything except poke his bloody big nose into all MAS departments. Heard from MAS friends that he will always do a so call “turun padang” before he flies out of klia. He will go to the department look around at the staffs table for info. He also have the habit of taking manuals and circular from the staffs table without asking for permission.
He act as though that he is very concern for the compnay but I think he acting the other way round.

He travels very frequently to klia from Japan, Hong Kong and London (He is from London) and all this are free on MAS and on first class too. Well we only know he travel to and from this place…..he might travel to other part of the world which we doesn’t know. All this are on MAS expenses and I think he is hansomley paid too.

A friend of mind told me that he was in klia on saturday evening before he flies home to London and he went to this deparment called RAMP to do his turun padang. Wonder why as an advisor, you have to go to all departments in MAS and do the turun padang thing? Could he be the one that is feeding info to the bloody pariah TF and is he one of MAS leakage? Nobody ever check or investigate what he does in MAS as an Advisory and why he goes around to all MAS department?

Well anyone out there, any idea WHY?

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by orang lama zonR1

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 06:40 PM PST

diharap semua pihak pengurusan(mc) kawasan wangsa maju seksyen 1 , dapat menganjurkan gotong royong bersama-sama pihak dbkl dan alam flora serta pihak yang bertanggung jawab bagi membersihkan kawasan perumahan penduduk wangsa maju ,seksyen 1 .

kawasan ini sudah terlalu semak mata memandang dari segi kebersihan dan pemandangan ( BLOCK A hingga BLOCK F ). diharap pihak yang bertanggung jawab dapat memberikan kerjasama yang sebaiknya demi penduduk kawasan ini .

Comment on Launching of the Petition Campaign against the “Bazar Sore” in Prima Setapak by Anak Malaysia

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 06:25 PM PST

Thank you YB for having the Petition campaign yesterday and we hope that the Bazar sore 1Malaysia will not take off. Read in STAR today that the organiser of Sore Market (Lau Kok Heng) is not happy with the petition.

Doesn’t he sees the problem that the residents in Danau Kota is facing now. There is NO need to have such bazar, what more like this one that operate from 12pm-12am.

Lau Kok Heng…why don’t you use your bloody brain…now with the morning market the traffic is bad, what more with the setting up of the Sore Market. Any blind man can see that it will cause many more problem other than traffic congestion. We (The residents of Prima Setapak) are not having negative thoughts but we are talking facts. You are helping to invite more crime, more social illness, causing unpeacefulness and on top of that the market is situated near schools.

STOP talking about some traders trying ot earn some money by setting up stalls at Sore Market. This Sore Market actually benefits the organiser rather than the traders. Now you talked about 1.6ha with 350 stalls…..I can bet you after opening for 1 week or so…the number of stalls will increase to maybe 600. Don’t think you can bullshit the residents here.

I sincerely hope and ask that the residents of PRIMA SETAPAK would fully support YB’s in his petiton campaign against the Bazar sore 1Malaysia. I surely don’t want to face the same problem that been faced by residents in Danau Kota & Setapak Indah now due the “Bazar Larut Malam Danau Kota”

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