Rabu, 23 November 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by Husni

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 07:32 AM PST

Amok, how could it be arm’s length if it was done in secrecy! He thought that Malaysians are stupid. If the share swap was good for the country then the whole process should be transparent. Until today Amok and his ex business partner Rahsdan were not able to give details of CCF. CCF was just big word to scare but actually Amok himself is blurred about it that’s why he could not give details.

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by Mohd ISA

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 07:28 AM PST

Dear PAC
Please do not get conned by these Con Sultans of Con

The questions that need to be answered are
a. Why MAS was allowed to rot after so many parachuted MDs
b. After so many failures, why nobody has been penalized and public not informed but conned instead
c. What make them think this share swap is the answer
d. Why this ccf n swap are shoruded in secrecy
e. Like Daud of Khazanah asked, how much money has MAS and Khazanah paid to the foreign consultants in MAS and Khazanah since 2001.

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by YEE HAA

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 06:37 AM PST

“When question was put: why the share swap was based on market cap of 5-8-2011 and not net tangible asset (NTA)? The reply was: JUDGMENT CALL!”

And the public is paying RM100K monthly salary for him to call that shot based on judgement and not proper due diligence!

No wonder even TDM said BN is a gone case.

Wake up Najib wake up before you end up worst than Tun LAH.

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by Pejuang MAS.

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 06:20 AM PST

Sekarang kita siapa pengkhianat bangsa!

Amok..lebih la kau turut dari tahta kerajaan KHAZANAH sebelum kau dipaksa turun.

Khazanah bukan gudang duit untuk puak-puak kau buat kenduri.
Lebih lama kau di Khazanah lebih cepat la PUNAH KANTUNG KHAZANAH. MACC tak perlu nak kasi layanan Tan Sri pada puak-puak (puaka) ni.

Si AJ pun sama aje kalau nak pangil konsultan baru boleh nak uruskan MAS baik tak payah. Itu semua idea nak memusnahkan MAS SAHAJA.

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by Daud Khazanah

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 06:05 AM PST

Azman, you have failed Malaysia. You have been in Khazanah since 1994. In 7 years what have your achieved? nothing except problems after problems for GLCs. In 2002 you were the WAU architect with that Rashdan. Thereafter, Rashdan sold BinaFikir to MAYbank for RM8 million in 2008 when you are the MD of Khazanah. Of course, that was done when the Sleepy Head was the PM where the 4th Floor was running the country.

If you have any honor, just resign and fade away. Khazanah and the country does not need you and Rashdan. You can go to hell with such a briefing to PAC. I hope that PAC will make the recommendation that you be removed immediately and throw into the drain!

I am ashamed to be in Khaznah when you are the MD. You are just good in appointing consultant firms to think for you and then pay them as though the money fallen from the sky. Please tell Malaysians how much consultant fees you habve paid since you took over Khazanah in June 2004?

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by Mus

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 05:58 AM PST

Yang Berbahagia,

I believe the public is very annoyed with this national issue.

Refers :

Comment on Question TIme 16-11-2011: Anti-Money Laundering Act by Susi Metri

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 05:57 AM PST

saya ingin konsultasi apa bisa lansung disini

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by The stupid idiot in Khazanah

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 05:54 AM PST

No wonder MAS in such shit. All the problems in MAS are the responsibilities of Amzman Moktar because he should be overseeing the operations in MAS and other GLCs. When a GLC failed or lost money, Amok must take responsibility. Stop pushing the responsibilities away. You are the head of GLC. You have put the CEO there like you have put Rashdan, your bed Bina tai fakir partner, in MAS.

In MAS case, you are the actual failure period.

Comment on MH = “MARUAH HILANG” & “MUSNAH HARAPAN”! by troubleshooters2011@gmail.com

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 05:49 AM PST

Dear Olek,

I agree with you that “If we believe that the markets are the best judges of a company's performance and potential, then MAS certainly is not highly-rated.
Care to explain why?”

YB and the Unions never claim otherwise, In fact we have raised these issues many many years ago. Please read what YB and us have written here


Unions leader have said that
1.Claiming that invisible hands had been at work since Tajuddin's appointment, Malek recalled how MAS was making profits every year before Tajuddin came on board.
He said since Tajuddin’s entry, “MAS not only did not make profit, in fact it has been making losses every year.
“It is clear that MAS staff are still angry and cannot forgive what Mahathir did,”

2.This is not the way to revitalise MAS. We should straighten out our own affairs starting with the decision makers.

Please do not spin the issues with all your patchy articles.

Comment on MAS has been saved by the corp GURU? by Bukan Graduate Cambridge

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 05:00 AM PST

Mr. Azman just announced Special High Impact Transformation program for MAS. The acronym for this program will be MASHIT!

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