Jumaat, 19 Ogos 2011

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang

Loyalty to King and Country II

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 03:55 AM PDT

by drrafick August 19, 2011 1. Words can't describe the anger and pain that I felt with the MAF Chief over his political partisanship comments that disgraced the serving and retired members of the Malaysian Armed Forces. It is unbecoming for a General to call retirees a traitor to the service when he does not [...]

Is the world facing fundamental changes?

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 03:15 AM PDT

Viewpoint by Chris Williamson Chief economist at global financial information firm Markit BBC News Business 18 August 2011 Recent events, including stock market falls, the escalating sovereign debt crises, US credit rating downgrade and a near-stalling of growth in the developed world is leading increasing numbers of experts to wonder if the world is facing [...]

Review of media censorship a major step forward

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 09:54 PM PDT

— CC Liew The Malaysian Insider Aug 19, 2011 AUG 19 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recently announced that the government would review its media censorship policy. This move undeniably constitutes a major step forward for the country and would effectively remove the shackles some civil servants ignorant of present day realities have [...]

Ex-military personnel who come forward to expose postal vote fraud are the true patriots who love army and country

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 08:54 PM PDT

The Armed Forces chief General Zulkifeli Mohd Zin has got it all wrong when he hit out against former military personnel for exposing electoral fraud in past general elections in the manipulation of postal votes as an act of betrayal and questioned their loyalty to the armed forces. In actual fact, the ex-military personnel who [...]

TBH ‘suicide’ finding: The impossible does not happen

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 08:51 PM PDT

By CT Wong | 19 August 2011 CPIAsia Extracts from Teoh Beng Hock Royal Commission of Enquiry: Decision on the second term of reference: [119] Having considered all the evidence in its entirety, we found that TBH was driven to commit suicide by the aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation to which he was subjected [...]

Select committee for show

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 05:34 PM PDT

— Gomen Man The Malaysian Insider Aug 19, 2011 AUG 19 — I would love to believe that the government is sincere about electoral reform but judging by all the statements of BN politicians, I have major doubts. I was pleasantly surprised when I read a few days ago that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib [...]

50 years on, returning to my university

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 05:27 PM PDT

by Tunku Aziz The Malaysian Insider Aug 19, 2011 AUG 19 — I have just returned from a pilgrimage of sorts to my old stamping ground, Hobart, Tasmania where I went to university. It was exactly 49 years ago that I arrived to take up residence at Hytten Hall. This recent visit was made in [...]

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