念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang |
- [May 20] Group photo with JKKK Kampung Baru Seri Kembangan..
- [May 20] Dialog bersama penduduk Pangsapuri Seri Pagi, Seri Kembangan..
- Pertanyaan untuk Mesyuarat Kedua, Penggal Keempat Parlimen Ke-12
- 【星洲六日谭】谢谢您,老师
- [The Star] Seeking compensation for late delivery of house
- 【光华日报】达成协议迟交房屋赔偿 . 发展商反悔引购屋者不满
[May 20] Group photo with JKKK Kampung Baru Seri Kembangan.. Posted: 20 May 2011 06:47 PM PDT |
[May 20] Dialog bersama penduduk Pangsapuri Seri Pagi, Seri Kembangan.. Posted: 20 May 2011 05:34 AM PDT Lokasi: Pangsapuri Seri Pagi, Seri Kembangan Berdialog dengan penduduk-penduduk Pangsapuri Seri Pagi, Seri Kembangan bersama Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kawasan Seri Kembangan Saudara Ean Yong Hian Wah serta ahli-ahli Majlis MPSJ (More......) |
Pertanyaan untuk Mesyuarat Kedua, Penggal Keempat Parlimen Ke-12 Posted: 20 May 2011 05:04 AM PDT Below are the questions submitted for the 1st Parliament sitting of 2011 which scheduled to convene from Jun 13 until Jun 28, Your comments are welcome. n_n Pertanyaan Jawab Lisan 1. Puan Teo Nie Ching [Serdang] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan perbelanjaan Suruhanjaya Pillihanraya, PDRM dan Kerajaan dalam pilihanraya Dun Sarawak. 13 Jun, 2011 |
Posted: 20 May 2011 04:36 AM PDT Article published on the Website of Chinese newspaper Sinchew.com.my 踏上政坛,演讲已经是家常便饭﹔可我当初没料到,歌唱也是政治的必修课。 这三年多来,我不时都被要求高歌几句。或在行动党的晚宴上,或在社团的活动上﹔有时是为了筹款,有时是为了助兴。时间一久,我也慢慢习惯。可是开始时,唱歌的要求总是让我直冒冷汗。 看我平日能言善道,或许大家很难相信,可是我确实对唱歌怀有恐惧。自小但凡需要上台的比赛表演都难不倒我,唱歌是唯一的例外。 能把歌唱好也算是我自小的心愿。还记得有一回,我在班级唱歌比赛前特意偷偷埋头苦练。结果遴选代表时音乐老师果真挑我出来试唱。可是没唱两句,音乐老师就被我的荒腔走调弄得大笑起来,从此我对唱歌的恐惧正式陷入万劫不复的深渊。时过境迁,我当然也没恼过这位小学老师,也不能因此否定她是位好老师。事实上,我想她也绝对不会意识到自己造成的影响。可有一段很长的时间,我内心深处都深切渴望当时的音乐老师能给我多一些指导而非嗤笑。 一位老师让我与歌星梦绝缘(这么说可能有欠公平,我本来也没多少当上明星的潜能)﹔可是也有一位老师成为我继续辩论的动力。 (More......) |
[The Star] Seeking compensation for late delivery of house Posted: 20 May 2011 04:32 AM PDT A HOUSE buyer in Lestari Puchong is frustrated with the developer for refusing to honour its promise to compensate him for late delivery. Businessman Desmond Chiam, 36, said he signed the sale and purchase agreement in June 2001 and the double-storey house was supposed to be handed over two years later. “However, the project was delayed and we only received the keys on July 2004. We then brought the case to the Housing Tribunal in 2005. “An officer, who guided me to file the case according to the documents I had, said the late delivery period was only 78 days and the compensation amounted to about RM3,000,” Chiam said. Chiam was awarded a compensation of about RM2,000 in 2009, but he met another house buyer who received RM20,000. “After his explanation, I realised I made a mistake in the late delivery period. “Before I filed an appeal, I talked to the developer who advised against it by offering me a compensation of about RM14,000 for a late delivery period of 330 days. “It sent me a letter on November 2009 to confirm that they would pay me through six instalments starting May 31,” he said. Chiam had expected to receive the first payment this month but instead received a letter from the developer informing him that the earlier letter had been declared null and void. (More......) |
【光华日报】达成协议迟交房屋赔偿 . 发展商反悔引购屋者不满 Posted: 20 May 2011 04:28 AM PDT ![]() 詹祥星不满与发展商达成的赔偿协议,遭临时否决掉,向张念群寻求援助。 (吉隆坡18日讯)与屋业发展商达成协议,争取到迟交房屋赔偿,讵料,屋业发展商却在1年半后反悔,使购屋者感到不满,直斥发展商的作法荒谬! 购买蒲种乐斯丽达里房屋单位的詹祥星(36岁,商家)投诉称,他是于2001年6月17日,正式与发展商签署买卖合约,以15万9000令吉购下房屋单位,在合约之下,发展商必须在两年内移交房屋。 无论如何,由于该屋业发展计划之后受到搁置,2004年7月才拿到新屋的锁匙,延迟了整一年余。 詹氏因此在2005年向房屋仲裁庭提出正式投诉,惟首次购屋的詹祥星,对于屋业发展商正式移交房屋的程序感到混淆,结果把当局所发出的临时入伙纸,与正式移交锁匙的日期搞错,在2009年仲裁庭下判时,只索取到70余天迟交房屋的赔偿,共2700令吉。 之后,他通过其邻居处了解到,其他购屋者也提出了同样的控诉,并获得约2万今吉的赔偿;由于与他所获取的赔偿额差距甚大,因此,他于2009年11月,再次向发展商进行理论。 当时,屋业发展商是以他们的法律部经理艾德蒙卢及沙蓝吉星与詹氏接洽,两人之后认同,屋业发展商共延迟了330天,才把房屋移交予詹祥星,因此,同意再作赔偿,从2011年5月31日起,以分期付款的方式,总供赔偿詹氏1万4456令吉。 令詹祥星感到惊讶的是,这项协议最终却遭到否决掉,以艾德蒙卢发出的一封志期2011年4月15日的信函指出,发展商只会遵照仲裁庭的裁决,而不认同双方之后所作的赔偿协议。 詹祥星对此感到非常不满,即到艾德蒙卢的办公室进行理论,惟后者拒绝认同有关协议的态度,更是令他忍无可忍。 詹氏之后向行动党沙登区国会议员张念群投诉,要求后者给予他援助。 (More......) |
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