念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang |
- 【国会复会】新一季国会看点
- Pertanyaan untuk Mesyuarat Pertama, Penggal Keempat Parlimen Ke-12
- Chronology of Today's Press Conference on Serdang Cat Abuser's Apology
- [Malay Mail] Serdang cat abuser says sorry
- 【ntv7华语新闻视频】沙登虐猫短片主角公开道歉
- 【星洲日报】柔佛州武吉明鲁森林保留区 ‧ 盼揪出非法伐木者
- 【当今大马】疑马华党员派钱选民人赃并获 . 沈同钦与摄记遭围堵迫删照片
- [Malaysiakini] Allegedly vote-buying in Merlimau By-election
Posted: 06 Mar 2011 07:04 AM PST For blog post with similar content written in BM, please click here. 即将在周一(7日)展开的国会下议院会议,是第十二届大选后的第四季国会首次会议。预料在国会反对党领袖拿督斯里安华及武吉牛汝莪国会议员卡巴星等人的缺席下,这项为期1个月的会议将比较“风平浪静”。 国会活跃议员安华、卡巴星、鹅唛区国会议员阿兹敏及梳邦国会议员西华拉沙在去年12月被吊销国会议员长达6个月,这次国会会议将少了他们4人的身影。 4人是因“一个大马”口号抄袭“一个以色列”口号的课题被吊销资格,吊销令将到6月才可解冻;而这次会议只持续至4月7日,因此他们皆来不及参与,预计需等候至下一次在6月举行的会议才可恢复“自由身”。 安华是因发表“一个大马”抄袭论遭到处分,而卡巴星、阿兹敏及西华拉沙则被指藐视特权委员会,因为他们对外泄露委员会的开会内容,抵触议会常规85条文。 大型计划、教育课题成焦点辩论 大型计划、教育课题将会是这次国会的焦点问题。行动党八打灵北区国会议员潘俭伟受访时指出,他本身将继续针对政府的大型计划要求解释,以检视这些计划的透明度。 沙登区国会议员张念群则表示,她提呈多项问答题,要求政府说明,是否有意愿开办更多独中,比如昔加末及关丹是否能如愿获批准建独中。 “我的选区有3间华小是308大选前承诺将兴建的,但至今未有下文,我会继续追问。” (More......) |
Pertanyaan untuk Mesyuarat Pertama, Penggal Keempat Parlimen Ke-12 Posted: 06 Mar 2011 04:30 AM PST Below are the questions submitted for the 1st Parliament sitting of 2011 which scheduled to convene from March 7 until April 7. Your comments are welcome. n_n 2. Puan Teo Nie Ching minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan peruntukan dan perbelanjaan oleh "F.L.O.M Division" dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri serta tujuan, justifikasi dan pencapaian penubuhannya. – 9 Mac 2011 3. Puan Teo Nie Ching minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan perkembangan permintaan untuk membuka balik Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina di Kuantan dan Segamat. Sama ada kerajaan pusat akan membenarkan pembukaan dan penubuhan SMPC yang baru. – 15 Mac 2011 4. Puan Teo Nie Ching [Serdang] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan secara terperinci jumlah wang yang dibelanjakan oleh kerajaan pusat samada menerusi kementerian ataupun GLC (Government-Linked Companies) dalam kempen pilihanraya kecil Tenang dan Merlimau. – 17 Mac 2011 (More......) |
Chronology of Today's Press Conference on Serdang Cat Abuser's Apology Posted: 06 Mar 2011 04:23 AM PST Source: http://tatiambia.blogspot.com/2011/03/chow-xiao-wei-cat-abuser-from-serdang.html By: Tati Ambia Event: Press conference with DAP assemblyman and Member of Parliament of Seri Kembangan, YB Ean Yong Hian Wah and cat abuser from Serdang, Chow Xiao Wei My fellow animal activist friend Lynn Wong and I decided to attend the press conference organized by YB Ean Yong Hian Wah in Serdang today. The event was held in order to allow the cat abuser from Serdang, Chow Xiao Wei, to make a public apology.
Lynn and I arrived at the DAP Service Center at 10:45am. The location was hard to find and I believe the full address that was given to us was incomplete. We ended up asking for directions from 2 petrol stations, 1 police station, 1 post office, 1 school, 1 shop and 1 toll officer. No one gave us the correct address until we met a nice Chinese lady at our 3rd stop at a petrol station. (More......) |
[Malay Mail] Serdang cat abuser says sorry Posted: 06 Mar 2011 04:12 AM PST ~ CECILIA VICTOR SERI KEMBANGAN: "I am sorry. I promise not to repeat the shameful act and would learn to love and appreciate every living being." These were the remorseful words of Chow Xiao Wei who had been identified as the person who had openly abused cats in a video posting which had gone viral on the internet in the past week. Chow 21, who was met at a press conference organised by Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching this morning said she regretted what she did and hopes the public would accept her apology. "With all honesty I sincerely apologise to the community especially animal lovers on my shameful and cruel acts against the three defenseless kittens." "I couldn't control myself and I admit I made a huge mistake and I regret my actions, Chow said. She said her mother Cheong Poh Ling was also upset with what she had done and had brought her to a hospital to undergo a psychological evaluation.Chow admitted she only realised she made a mistake after she viewed the video clip of her abusing the kittens. "My only hope is for the community accept my apology. I promise not to repeat the shameful act and would learn to love and appreciate every living being." Cheong, who accompanied her daughter during the press conference said she was shocked with her daughter's actions and hoped the public would give her daughter a chance to repent. "I'm shocked by my daughter's actions, she has never had any discipline problems in the past. I humbly and sincerely hope as a mother, the public would give my daughter a second chance to make a major improvement as i know her actions were very wrong." "I never raised her to be such a brat, and because of this, my business is affected. I had to close shop, after constant harassment from the press." (More......) |
Posted: 06 Mar 2011 03:17 AM PST ![]() [ntv7 video] 虐猫少女公开道歉 06-03-2011 Accompanied by Serdang MP Saudari Teo Nie Ching and Seri Kembangan State Assemblyman cum Selangor State EXCO Saudara Ean Yong Hian Wah, a cat abuser Chow Xiao Wei from Serdang apologizes to the public for her wrongdoing. Serdang MP urges the public to give the lady a chance to make up for her mistake. “We do not defend the cat abuser. She wished to apologise and we just provide the avenue.” said Nie Ching. After the video clip of Chow killing kittens were uploaded on Facebook, Chow received many death threat SMSes and harassing private facebook messages.
张念群吁各界让筱薇改过自新 沙登区国会议员张念群在与非政府组织代表闭门会谈后表示,大家对于事件的看法出现分歧,有者认为筱薇真心忏悔;有者认为缺乏诚意;有者表示愿意帮助她学习爱护小生命;有者却扬言不会善罢甘休,直至当事者接受法律制裁。她表示,有部分非政府组织或动物协会的代表对于当事人的道歉感到不甚满意,但也有人表示筱薇是真心忏悔。 “当事人已经知道自己做错了,但是现在事情已经闹到很大,兽医局官员特此前来了解情况。” 她也引述兽医局官员的谈话指出,目前兽医局尚未接获有关的投报。惟,一旦罪成,当事人将会面临最高200令吉的罚款或坐牢不超过6个月或两者兼施。 “兽医局在接获投报后,将会展开调查,但至于控上法庭与否,权力在于总检察署。” (More......) |
Posted: 06 Mar 2011 02:09 AM PST On March 5, Serdang MP Saudari Teo Nie Ching accompanied by DAP Johor State Committee Secretary Saudari Gan Peck Chen, Teo's father cum DAP Bekok branch deputy secretary Saudara Teo Chin Liang, DAP senior member Saudara Xie Zhong Cheng, DAP Taman Soga Branch Chairman Saudara Zhang Qing De, Taman Nusa Bestari Baru Branch Deputy Chairman Saudara Lin Jing Hui had been visiting Bukit Bindu Reserve Forrest in her hometown Batu Pahat, Johor to inspect the tree stumps and timber logs left by suspected illegal logging activities.
行动党一行人前往被疑有非法伐木活动的武吉明鲁森林保留区视察,图为不法人士还来不及载走的木材。(图:星洲日报) (柔佛‧峇株巴辖5日讯)近日被揭发疑遭人非法伐木的峇株巴辖武吉明鲁森林保留区,相信已遭不法人士非法伐走大约100棵的浅红木(Wood Meranti)等名贵木材。 这个疑遭人非法砍伐的森林保留区,距离沙登区国会议员张念群位于明鲁的老家就只有5公里。张念群今天上午特地深入上述地区视察情况后,在记者会上呼吁柔佛州森林局与警方尽快采取行动。 她表示,这些珍贵的木材是国家与人民的财富,她希望有相关执法权的上述两个单位,能尽快公布他们的调查报告,并把涉案的不法人士绳之以法,而不是让事件不了了之。 居民定时进入森林查看对于所将采取的行动,她说在现阶段,当地居民只能定时进入森林保留区查看,确保非法伐木活动不会死灰复燃,而她也将在下个星期复会的国会上,提出这个问题以进行辩论。 她也指出,峇吉里区国会议员余德华已就此事,呈交信函给柔州森林局,不过至今仍未收到该局的任何回覆,附近居民也不见有人进入该处进行调查。 她也补充,上述地区距离民宅只有3公里,周围又有种菜,养鱼及养鸡等农业活动,被人发现的机率相当之高,但不法人士还是胆敢在那里非法伐木,如果事件发生在偏远山区,她不敢想像情况将是何等严重。 (More......) |
【当今大马】疑马华党员派钱选民人赃并获 . 沈同钦与摄记遭围堵迫删照片 Posted: 06 Mar 2011 01:47 AM PST ~ 高嘉琪 马六甲万里茂补选传出贿选疑云!疑是马华党员派发100令吉现金予选民,被行动党马六甲市国会议员沈同钦和摄影记者突袭发现,当场“人赃并获”,但在对方围堵下被逼删除所有照片。 根据沈同钦于中午12点55分向警察局报案书指出,他于是上午11点45分在行动党行动室接获1名男子的投报,指在Permatang Bukit礼堂附近的一间屋子内,有人正在派钱。 结果,他率领3名男子及1名《中国报》摄影记者匆匆赶往有关屋子查证,果真被他们发现有一名马华市议员和3名男子正在派钱给选民。 虽然摄影记者当场拍下了数张照片,但是最终被逼删除有关照片,以免双方爆发冲突。沈同钦要求有关摄记删除照片,然后向警察局报案。 沈同钦认为,此事具有贿选等嫌疑,同时已经抵触选举法令,因此向警方报案要求彻查。 认得背对马华市议员 沈同钦告诉《当今大马》,这起事件发生就发生万里茂华小斜对面200公尺之内的一间马来屋子里,看到有一批人在公然派钱给华裔选民。 沈同钦指出,他们一行5人依据情报来到现场,对方就在屋子外的五脚基处派钱。 “我趋近一看,跟他们的距离就只有5呎之间,还隔着一道3呎高的矮墙。我看到这名马华市议员,他虽背对着我,但我还是认识他。” (More......) |
[Malaysiakini] Allegedly vote-buying in Merlimau By-election Posted: 06 Mar 2011 01:31 AM PST ~ Kow Gah Chie Allegations of vote-buying have surfaced in Merlimau, with DAP Kota Melaka parliamentarian Sim Tong Him claiming that it happened within 200 metres from the SRJK (C) Merlimau polling station. According to Sim, who lodged a police report soon after, he had seen a group of people handing out cash of RM100 per person to Chinese voters at a footpath. Speaking toMalaysiakini, Sim said he recognised one man in the group of people as an MCA local councilor, although the man in question had his back to Sim. “(Some reporters and I) were able to get a closer look at them, from about five feet away, and I clearly saw a Malay man holding RM50 notes that were about three inches thick, and giving it out to voters,” he said.
“One man said that if we refused to delete the photographs, then we cannot blame them if anything happens to us,” he said, adding that the group was rather aggressive. “The whole incident only took a few minutes. The photographer was reluctant to delete the photographs but I insisted as I did not want any harm to befall us,” he said.
It is understood that the photographer has managed to retrieve some of the photographs but none of them show cash changing hands. (More......) |
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