Khamis, 31 Disember 2015



Civil court can't rule on conversion cases

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 07:13 PM PST

Rabu, 30 Disember 2015



Civil courts can't rule on conversion cases, declares Appellate Court

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 07:10 AM PST

Selasa, 29 Disember 2015



soalan parlimen dan jawapan Menteri atas Vivekananda Ashram untuk Mesyuarat Ketiga, Penggal Ketiga, Parlimen Ke- 13

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 06:22 PM PST

soalan parlimen dan jawapan Menteri atas dasar gaji minimum untuk Mesyuarat Ketiga, Penggal Ketiga, Parlimen Ke- 13

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 05:59 PM PST

Sabtu, 26 Disember 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

National Security Council Act, an Act to further curtail Sarawak’s Autonomy and position. Yet it is supported by the Sarawak BN

Posted: 25 Dec 2015 07:27 PM PST

The passing of the National Security Council (NSC) Act is yet another strong proof that the BN Sarawak has to toe the line of Najib and its UMNO counterparts in Parliament. It also exposes the hypocrisy of SUPP.
The SUPP President Dr Sim has on numerous occasions issued press statements expressing his objection to the said NSC Act on the ground that the provisions are unfair to Sarawak. Yet, at crunch time, when the Bill was put to vote in the Parliament, he and his BN Sarawak colleagues were all in full support for the Bill. It is with the BN Sarawak Members of Parliament's support that the NSC Bill was passed by the Parliament and became an Act.
It is clear that the provisions of the NSC Act are aimed to counter the autonomy demands of Sarawak.
Under the NSC Act, the members of the National Security Council comprises the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Defence Minister, Home Affairs Minister, Communication and Multimedia Minister, Chief Secretary to the Government, Chief of Defence Force and Inspector General of Police.
The Council is empowered under the Act to declare any area in Malaysia to be a "security area" based on what the Council deems as detrimental to territorial integrity, socio-political stability, economic stability, national unity, etc.
Under the Act, once a place is declared "security area", the Security Forces will move in and shall have power to arrest people and search and seize property without any Court warrant. They can even use what they deem necessary force against anyone in the name of carrying out their duties.
Basically, the power to declare an area "security area" is similar to the power to impose curfew in the heydays of the insurgency or threats by the Communists. But under the Act, the power now lies in the hand of the Prime Minister and his Council members.
I can list out a few real examples where the Act can be used to justify suppression by the Federal Government against Sarawak, especially on our autonomy movement in Sarawak:
1. Sarawak Government demands for 20% Oil and Gas Royalties.
• The Prime Minister may use the excuse that the 20% royalty to Sarawak will greatly reduce the revenue of the Federal Government and thereby cause economic instability to the country, and thus suppress all demands for 20% Oil and Gas Royalties.
2. Sarawak Government wishes to implement English as the second official language of the State.
• The Prime Minister may use the excuse that it will undermine the status of the Bahasa Malaysia and thereby affect the socio-political stability of the country or even use the excuse of affecting "national unity" to go against the State Government's said decision.
3. Sarawak demands for more autonomy.
• The Prime Minister may use the excuse that it affects the socio-political stability of the country and declare Sarawak as a "security area" whereby the Security Forces will take over the running of the State.
4. There are currently some demands for independence of Sarawak.
• The answer to that will be the Prime Minister using the excuse under "territorial integrity" to declare Sarawak as a "security area".
In gist, the NSC Act is an Act to undemocratically suppress any autonomy demands and movement in Sarawak. The Opposition (except for some PAS MPs) opposed the Bill strongly. All the BN MPs supported the Bill, including the Sarawak BN's MPs.
The BN MP's support for the Bills is despite the numerous press statements outside Parliament by Dr. Sim that the Bill is "UNFAIR TO SARAWAK".
Adenan's heroic image in Sarawak is also dented by the passing of the Bills. He may be the No.1 hero in Sarawak having the courage to speak up against the UMNO, but ultimately, when his MPs go to Parliament, they have to toe the UMNO's line, to the detriment of Sarawak's interest.
Of course, at present, the Federal BN Government will not use the NSC Act to suppress Sarawak on the demand for 20% Royalty and the autonomy movement. This is mainly because such movement in Sarawak is actually helping the BN to divert Sarawkian's attention on the RM2.6 billion donation and 1MDB scandals ofNajib.
If one day, the autonomy movement takes a more tangible form and poses a threat to the Federal Government, then the foundation for suppression has been laid and the NSC Act will be used to suppress such movement.
As the Chief Minister of Sarawak and also a lawyer, there is no reason that Adenan is unaware of the potential threat of the NSC to Sarawak. Then, why is he allowing his Members of Parliament from Sarawak BN support the NSC Act?
Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa


Posted: 24 Dec 2015 08:01 PM PST

《国安会法令》的通过,再次证明,砂州国阵(包括人联党)只是巫统和纳吉的拥护者。 在砂州权益和纳吉/巫统利益之间,砂国阵只会选择支持纳吉/巫统利益。 它也再次的暴露人联党的双面人角色。
"一旦一个地区被宣布为'安全区',军队或警察将有绝对的权力管制该地区,包括在没有法庭庭令下进行逮捕任何可疑人士、搜查或占据任何房子、店屋和产业以及使用任何他们认为合理的武力对付抗议份子。 这些侵犯基本人权的行使权,都将是由该'安全区'负责人做决定。"
1. 砂拉越州政府要求20%石油开采税,在该法令下,首相则有权力以'20%开采税若给予砂州,它将影响联邦政府的收入进而影响国家经济稳定'为由,运用该法令对付砂拉越及任何提出20%开采税的人士。
2. 砂拉越政府要以英语为第二官方语文,首相则有权以'它将影响国语地位及影响国家的社会政治稳定'或以'影响国民团结'为由,运用该法令对付砂拉越。
3. 砂州政府要求更多的自主权,首相也有权以'影响国家社会政治稳定'为由,宣布砂州为'安全区'进而以军事统治砂州。
4. 一些甚至争取砂拉越独立的言论,首相则有权以'影响国家领土主权'为由,宣布砂州为'安全区'进而以军事统治砂州。
"这《国安会法令》,基本上就是以不民主的手段,来压制砂拉越主权运动的一个法令。 反对党的国会议员(除了一半以上的伊斯兰党国会议员)都反对该法令的通过。 但是,国阵的国会议员,包括砂州国阵的国会议员却都赞成并支持这法令。"
张氏说,沈桂贤多次在报纸上指责该法令对砂州不公平,甚至在该法令被上议院通过后,他还在报章上发表言论说该法令对砂州不公平。 既然他非常清楚该法令对砂州不公平,为何他却仍旧在上议院支持该法令?
"这就是人联党领袖一贯的厚颜作风:国会外逞英雄,国会内当狗熊! 最终,人民的权益都被他们的代议士在国会里典当掉。"
张氏表示,当然,联邦政府目前还不会运用这法令来对付砂州的这些争取主权或20%开采税的运动和言论。 因为这些运动目前还不成气候,而且更重要的是,它或多或少也可协助纳吉和砂国阵,转移砂州人民对纳吉26亿捐款和1MDB丑闻的关注。 但是,若有朝一日这运动有机会成功时,《国安会法令》将会被启动为压制砂州的工具。

Jumaat, 25 Disember 2015



Kelantan ketepi levi hiburan Kafa

Posted: 24 Dec 2015 07:23 PM PST

13 RabiulAwwal 1437 [MOD] -

Kerajaan Kelantan hari ini bersetuju mengetepikan levi hiburan sebanyak RM517,974.10 yang dikenakan ke atas Persatuan Bola Sepak Kelantan (Kafa) pada 2014 dan 2015.

Exco Kerajaan Tempatan, Perumahan, Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar, Datuk Abdul Fattah Mahmood berkata ia antara usaha kerajaan negeri untuk pembangunan sukan terutama bola sepak di Kelantan.

"Kita amat maklum dengan kekangan kewangan yang ditanggung Kafa ketika ini dan kita cuba cari alternatif lain (untuk bantu Kafa).

"Cuma dari sudut kita nak beri duit tunai, buat masa ini kita masih lagi belum buat keputusan muktamad," katanya selepas menghadiri mesyuarat Exco di Kompleks Kota Darul Naim di Kota Bharu hari ini.

Kafa sebelum ini dilaporkan bergelut dengan kekangan kewangan sehingga menyebabkan persatuan itu gagal membayar gaji kakitangan pengurusan serta pemainnya.

Abdul Fattah berkata surat rasmi berhubung keputusan mengetepikan levi hiburan itu akan dihantar kepada Kafa minggu hadapan.
- Bernama

Khamis, 24 Disember 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 21 Dec 2015 09:19 PM PST


"这5间公司是,Sarawak Capital Assets有限公司、SSG Capital Resources有限公司、SGOS Capital Holdings有限公司、Equisar有限公司和Sarawak Technology Holdings有限公司。" 





张氏表示,他从2010年开始就不断的追问这笔钱到底用在那里,但砂州政府都三缄其口,不肯透露这户口里的钱的来龙去脉。 直到2013年,经过国家稽查司发出警告书之后,砂州政府才在州议会提呈该户口2006 – 2010 的财务报告书。 但是该5年的财务报告书却没指名几十亿令吉的钱是用在哪里。

"之后我还是不断的追问,最终,在今届的砂州议会,砂州政府终於在州议会提呈了该户口2011年 – 2014年的财务报告书,其中也透露,几十亿令吉的钱都是用在还砂州政府这5间子公司的债务。"


张氏也说,通常,若是政府要拨款进行发展工程,政府必须在每年的财政预算案中列明工程的资料。 但是,以这种方式(透过政府借钱来资付工程),政府就可隐瞒有关工程的资料和进展,即,工程批给谁、各项工程的数目是多少、是否有无经过公开超标、工程的进展程序、甚至乎钱付了到底工程有没有进行、等。

"就比如,砂州政府透过Sarawak Capital Assets有限公司,借了6亿5000万美元的贷款,这笔约马币20多亿令吉的贷款,到底用在资付什么工程,及还给谁,州议会都不得而知。 当中是否有'干捞'或中饱私囊的事件,州议会也不得而知。"


这与举国闻名的1MDB的资金转移的原理是一样的。 只不过,1MDB的情况是,政府以价值连城的政府地给1MDB来偿还1MDB的贷款,而砂州政府却是直接以发展拨款来偿还这些政府公司的贷款。

"另外,这些外债的债卷大部份是以美金计算。 当砂州政府借钱时,1美元是约3.2 – 3.5令吉。 如今马币贬值到1美元兑4.2令吉,致使砂州政府的这笔33亿美元债卷,平白无故的增加了30%的还债负担。 砂州政府本来需要还100亿令吉的债,现在这笔债却无端端的增至130亿令吉的。 这些都是要砂州人民去承担的。"


Billions of Development Allocations to Repay Debts of Sarawak Government’s Subsidiary Companies

Posted: 21 Dec 2015 09:13 PM PST

The Sarawak Government has been using Billions of Development Fund to repay the debts of 5 of its subsidiary companies, namely Sarawak Capital AssetsSdnBhd, SSG Capital ResourcesSdnBhd, SGOS Capital HoldingsSdnBhd, EquisarSdnBhd and Sarawak Technology HoldingsSdn Bhd.
Since Year 2006, the Sarawak State Government has, on average, allocated more than RM1 billion of its Development Fund into an account called "Government Contribution Towards Approved Agencies" Trust Account, including a sum of RM1.418 billion in the 2016 Budget.
The State Government has been keeping very secretive on the operation of this Account and has evaded many questions asked by me since 2010 in respect of its operation.
It was not until 2013, after a reprimand by the Federal Auditors-General that the Sarawak State Government tabled in DUN Sarawak, the Financial Statements of this Account for the years 2006 – 2010.
However, those financial statements were all one-page statements where no information was revealed to whom the billions of Ringgit in the account was paid.
After several rounds of persistent questioning, finally, in the recent DUN meeting, the Government tabled the Financial Statement of the said Trust Account for the years 2011 till 2014. In those statements, its revealed that the billions of Ringgit in the said Account were all used to repay the loan taken up by the Sarawak State Government through the above-mentioned 5 of its subsidiary companies.
The financial statements of the "Government Contribution Towards Approved Agencies" Trust Account for the years 2011 till 2014, which were tabled in Sarawak Dun in the December,2016 meetings, reveal as follows:
1. For the past 10 years, the Sarawak State Government borrowed a total RM1.7 billion and US$ 3.373 billion.
2. From 2011 – 2014, the repayment of the loan by the Sarawak State Government are as follows:
Year - Amount of Loan Repayment (RM)
2011 - 1,603,684,801.03
2012 -1,601,528,773.96
2013 -2,005,791,252.49
2014 -1,465,369,532.17
(no information was given on the repayment of loan for the years prior to this)

Though it was stated in the Financial Statements that the loans were "Grants for Financing Various Projects", there is totally no mention whatsoever on the details of the said financed "Projects".
Normally, if projects were financed directly from the development allocations in the Budgets, the Government has to list out and be answerable in DUN on the details of the projects. However, under this mode of financing, ie. through a loan taken up by the State Government, the State Government is circumventing the requirement to be answerable to DUN on the details of the projects.
As such, information like, what are the "Projects" financed, how much is the costs of each "Project", who are the contractors involved, whether there is any open tenders called for the award of the "Projects", progress of the "Projects", etc are all not available and not accountable to DUN.
Because the Projects are financed through loans of the Sarawak State Goernment's subsidiary companies, technically, the State Government is not even accountable and answerable to the Sarawak DUN on the fundamental question whether the Projects actually exist.
For instance, the State Government through Sarawak Capital Assets SdnBhd, borrowed US$650 million, an equivalent of approximately RM2 billion. The DUN Sarawak was kept in the dark on what "Projects" were financed by this amount and to whom the amount was eventually paid. Is there any mis-appropriation of fund or corruption involved?
This mode of circumventing the scrutiny and accountability to the Sarawak DUN is similar to the modus operandi of the 1MDB scandal, except that in the case of 1MDB, the Federal Government transfers valuable land to 1MDB for the latter to sell and repay the latter's debt but in the Sarawak State Government's case, it is a direct allocation of Development Fund for these subsidiary companies to repay their loans.
On another note, when the State Government borrowed these loans, the then prevailing exchange rates are in the region of US$1 to RM3.2 – 3.5. Now the exchange rates is US$1 to RM4.2. For the US$3.3 billion loan, the State Government's obligation to repay has increased by approximately 30%. The RM10 billion debt is now approximately RM13 billion debt and every single Ringgit will have to be borne by us Sarawakian.
Despite the Government's attempted cover-up on the usage of this astronomical fund, I will continue to pursue on this question and make the Sarawak State Government answerable to the people and provide us the answers.
The only way by which the State Government can stop me from asking the questions in DUN is to stop me from getting re-elected as an ADUN.
Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa




Posted: 23 Dec 2015 02:39 AM PST

11 RabiulAwwal 1437 [MOD] -

PAS Kawasan Kuala Kangsar melahirkan rasa kecewa dengan kenyataan Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail yang mendakwa PAS kurang pengaruh di Sarawak. Kenyataan tersebut sangat mengguris hati ahli PAS khususnya di Sarawak yang telah bertungkus-lumus menjalankan gerak kerja dalam menghadapi Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) pada bila-bila masa.

Bagi kami, kenyataan tersebut seolah-olah mahu memberi gambaran bahawa PAS tidak akan diberi peluang meletakkan calon mewakili kerjasama politik PAS dan PKR. Sedangkan, PAS telah pun membuat persiapan rapi dan telah mengenalpasti kawasan sasaran yang akan diberikan fokus.
Sebagai rakan kerjasama, PKR sepatutnya menghormati PAS dan berusaha memperjuangkan hak PAS khususnya dalam konteks PRN Sarawak. Kenyataan yang dikeluarkan Wan Azizah selaku ketua pembangkang lebih mementingkan survival politik Pakatan Harapan berbanding PAS.

Ini membuktikan PKR tidak ikhlas untuk menjalinkan tahaluf siyasi dengan PAS sebaliknya parti itu seolah-olah memperalatkan PAS demi kepentingan mereka dan kedudukan mereka di dalam Kerajaan Negeri Selangor. Kami berpandangan, PKR hanya cuba meraih sokongan penyokong PAS kerana mereka tahu sokongan minoriti pakatan baru mereka belum mampu memastikan kedudukan pembangkang dalam persada politik tanah air.

Justeru, kami mengharapkan agar PAS Sarawak tidak tunduk dengan desakan angkuh PKR sebaliknya terus fokus untuk menghadapi pilihan raya di Sarawak. Kami menyarankan agar PAS meletakkan lebih banyak calon pada kali ini khususnya majoriti melayu Islam dan bersedia untuk mengambil alih kerusi kerusi yang ditandingi PKR yang dilihat tidak mampu membawa suara pengundi Melayu dan bumiputra Islam.

Kami juga menyarankan agar pimpinan PAS Pusat dan Sarawak membuat ketetapan, sama ada menghadapi PRN Sarawak atas nama Pakatan Rakyat atau PAS akan bersendirian. Jika PKR mahu menghadapi PRN Sarawak melalui platform Pakatan Harapan, maka PKR tidak perlu untuk bergerak menghadapi BN bersama PAS!

"Beristiqamah Hingga Kemenangan"

Yang Dipertua,
Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS)
Kawasan Kuala Kangsar

Rabu, 23 Disember 2015



soalan parlimen dan jawapan Menteri atas isu PERKESO untuk Mesyuarat Ketiga, Penggal Ketiga, Parlimen Ke- 13

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 07:47 PM PST

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

新“乌巴”将亮相 晋下月火箭晚宴

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 06:06 PM PST

《转载自 诗华日报》
Photo by dapkuching



Bercuti Untuk Pulih Nama Baik

Posted: 22 Dec 2015 01:52 AM PST

11 RabiulAwwal 1437 [MOD] -

PETALING JAYA: Timbalan Presiden PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berkata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak perlu bercuti sebagai salah satu langkah dalam usaha memulihkan nama baiknya, meningkatkan imej Islam dan memperbaiki nama Malaysia.

Katanya Presiden Umno itu perlu bercuti sehingga siasatan Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC) selesai dan Ketua Audit Negara melengkapkan siasatan dan laporan terhadap 1MDB.

"Ini penting untuk memulihkan nama baik Presiden Umno, Malaysia dan juga Islam kerana siasatan perlu akan kelihatan adil sebelum keadilan dapat dilakukan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan, Isnin malam.
Beliau berkata demikian sebagai tindak balas kepada kenyataan Naib Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein bahawa tugas memulihkan imej Islam harus diberi keutamaan.

Cadangan supaya Najib bercuti itu adalah yang pertama dalam senarai enam langkah yang dicadangkan Tuan Ibrahim.

Satu lagi cadangannya ialah memansuhkan cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST), yang didakwa Tuan Ibrahim sebagai bertentangan dengan Islam kerana orang fakir miskin turut dipaksa membayar cukai.

Permintaan ketiganya adalah supaya tindakan tegas diambil terhadap pembaziran dan penyalahgunaan dana kerajaan berdasarkan laporan audit baru-baru ini.

Selain itu beliau turut menyarankan agar kerajaan mengurangkan perbelanjaan dan kementerian hidup berjimat cermat seperti yang terpaksa dilakukan rakyat dalam menghadapi kemelut kejatuhan harga minyak dan juga kenaikan kos hidup yang semakin meruncing.

"Menyiasat Yapiem dengan telus dan terbuka dan memastikan mereka yang didapati menyeleweng dana Yapiem dibawa ke muka keadilan," katanya menerusi cadangan kelima.

Seterusnya, beliau juga meminta agar penganiayaan terhadap Kelantan dihentikan dan royalti minyak dipulangkan dengan kadar segera.

"Semua perkara ini boleh dilakukan Umno tanpa PAS, sebagai langkah Umno menunjukkan kepada rakyat, terutamanya mereka yang beragama Islam, kesungguhannya untuk mendaulatkan Islam.

"PAS pula akan meneruskan kerja dakwahnya agar rakyat dapat turut bersama memperjuangkan Islam sebagai Ad-deen dalam pentadbiran negara dan kehidupan rakyat," katanya.

Isnin, 21 Disember 2015



In Ipoh land deal, shophouses take precedence over school field

Posted: 21 Dec 2015 01:48 AM PST

Cadangan bina hotel bajet berhampiran sekolah dipersoal

Posted: 21 Dec 2015 01:44 AM PST

Fate of Kuala Lumpur’s historic ashram hangs in the balance

Posted: 20 Dec 2015 06:49 PM PST

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 16 Dec 2015 09:50 PM PST




"在一个有尊奉法治的民主国家,当一位政治领袖被揭露有如此巨额的现款进入其私人户口而又无法交代清楚其来龙去脉,早就已经引咎辞职了。 但是在马来西亚,反而是揭露这丑闻的人和调查这案件的官员被对付,其中包括潘检伟被禁止出国和进入砂拉越。"



1. 如果纳吉真的被定罪,纳吉已不能再当首相了,也没有人会效忠他了。 因此,讲'如果他被定罪,会重新考虑继续效忠他'的话根本就是多余的。

2. 现今的情况是,纳吉虽然还没定罪,但他已违反了基本的清廉和透明施政的原则。 如今,连以贪污至上的巫统,都已开始越来越多的基层党员都无法容忍纳吉的行为,但是阿德南还要等到法庭判纳吉有罪,才"重新检讨是否继续效忠于他"。 这根本就违反阿德南口口声声所说的要清廉施政的原则。

3. 今时今日的纳吉,独揽大权,牢牢控制整个国家的执法和行政机关。 别说要他被法庭定罪,就连将他提控上法庭都没有可能,除非他下台。 阿德南是聪明人,不可能不知道这现实。



张氏也说,纳吉的继续专政和滥权,也是造成外资对马来西亚的制度失去信心的因素之一。 他也是造成马币贬值的其中原因之一。


Adenan’s conditional “Re-consider loyalty to Najib” statement is in fact a Re-affirmation of his loyalty to Najib

Posted: 16 Dec 2015 09:48 PM PST

 Adenan's announcement yesterday that "if Najib is found guilty of 1MDB-related offences, Sarawak BN will re-consider their loyalty to him" is full of rhetoric and amounts to nothing.

There are 3 points in his statement that show clearly that Adenan is and will remain the strong supporter of Najib:

1. If Najib is found guilty, Najib will no longer be the Prime Minister and no one in BN, be it Sarawak or nationwide will be loyal to him anyway.

2. As is the current situation, although Najib is not found guilty in Court, what he has done, especially his RM2.6 billion scandal, defies all principles of good and transparent governance. Even in the corrupt UMNO, there are now growing numbers of grass-root members who can't tolerate his misdeeds and are openly calling for his resignation. 
Yet, Adenan has to wait for a conviction by Court for him to re-consider his loyalty to Najib. This clearly goes against Adenan's talk about clean and good governance.

3. It is obvious that Najib is now having full control over the enforcement and other administrative agencies in the country. It is almost unthinkable that Najib will be charged in court, a fortiori, that he will be convicted. Adenan cannot be so naïve as to think that there is even a slightest chance of Najib being charged in Court.

What is even worse than the 1MDB misdeed of Najib is the RM2.6 billion deposited into his personal account which, until today, Najib has no explanation from whom such money was given and to whom the same amount was paid.

In any other democratic country, a political leader involved in such scandal would have long resigned. However, in Malaysia, instead of the political leader resigning, it is the whistle-blowers and the investigating officers who are penalised, including the banning of Tony Pua from leaving Malaysia and from entering Sarawak.

Instead of showing any sign of remorse after the expose of the scandal, Najib sacked those who questioned him and further consolidated his stranglehold to the position. 
He even tabled the National Security Council Bill in Parliament so as to give him more power, including the power to declare any place "a security area" which is tantamount to declaring "state of emergency" where police and army will have absolute power to arrest anyone and seize anything.

Adenan's statement yesterday, on the face of it, is appealing to the people of Sarawak who dislike Najib and UMNO. However, if one were to read between the lines, Adenan is actually re-affirming his support to Najib, for the mere reason that Najib will never be found guilty so long as he remains the Prime Minister.

Chong Chieng Jen
Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa
