Khamis, 6 Disember 2012

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by MightyMo

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 09:00 AM PST

This should help everyone – it is a link to ALL the DCA’s in AsiaPacific

Once in there, just look for the comments/feedback tab, go to it and then start writing away ….

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by MightyMo

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 08:44 AM PST

So here is the organization in Australia that previously kicked AA in the nuts – ACCC (Australian Competiton and Consumer Commission) (

Their website cites among other things, the following:

Report a business if you think it may be:
• misleading or deceiving a consumer or doing something that is likely to be misleading or deceptive
• selling a product that is unsafe or does not comply with mandatory product safety or information standards

There is an online form that needs to completed – the link to it is as follows:

Let’s get cracking !!!

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by Marcus

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 05:20 AM PST

Average Joe

Thank you for the address. We should start to get going. Lets start with the Australian Civil Aviation Department. Lets see whether DCA is still asleep or still taking “sleeping pills’?

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by Average Joe

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 05:13 AM PST

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by Derek

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 03:55 AM PST


I do agree with you that we should all write to the relevant authorities where AA advertise widely and fly to. Can you or someone supply e-mail addresses or website with links so that we can write to them as well.

Public safety muist come first. If DCA officers are not interested to take action because they are more interested in piloting commercial airlines for “shiok sendiri” like Captain Sumali then we should get other authorities to act.

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by Rosli

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 03:41 AM PST

What a deafening silence from the pariah on the 6 months extension of the AOC for AA! Surely if it was not true the pariah and its cybertroopers/monkeys will be out denying. The very best they could do was trying to confuse with MAS. Say what you want about MAS, MAS has a good track record as far as safety is concern. But we know the low caste airline too well.

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by MightyMo

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 03:26 AM PST

There are a 100 ways to skin a cat … why is everyone getting so hot’n'bothered about this ?? If everyone was genuinely concerned about this issue instead of simply talking about it and making heroes of themselves by blowing hot air over this blog, it’s a very easy issue to pull the trigger on … question is, how many of you out there have the will and desire to do something about it ?? And what might that be ?? Well, if the M’sian DCA is useless and refuses to do anything about this issue – probably because they are on AA's p..roll – then the DCA’s in the countries that AA flies to might have a different view of it. For example, Indonesia, Thailand, China, HKG, Taiwan, Vietnam, India and especially Australia – the list is endless – I'm sure they will take an interest and not ignore this issue. Safety is a cross border/international issue – it is not something that just the home based authorities concern themselves with. Start a campaign bombarding their websites with these stories and you’ll soon see how quickly they act – putting to shame the M’sian DCA who refuse to act. Our DCA might not give a shit about the welfare of it's citizens, but other govts – who are not in the pocket of the pariah – will have a different view. Look at how the Australian authorities fined AA for misleading advertising of heir fares … They had to eat a shit sandwich on that one and as usual, The Star – who by the way, we should call AA's PR dept – said didly squat about it …
So stop your whining my fellow Malaysians and lets do something about this, particularly when our limp wristed gov't chooses to keep their heads firmly up their backsides …
Anyone who really feels passionately and strongly about this matter – and every single M'sian should – lets start gathering and sharing the email address of every DCA that AA flies to and then start bombarding them with the facts that AA is a dangerous airline and only has a AOC until March. Lets also hit the press in these countries and in Australia, we should hit the same Consumer body that fined AA for misleading advertising, because they are selling fares in Australia beyond March and they don't have an AOC to operate beyond that.
You see, why waste energy venting here in M'sia and on this blog, when it brings about no change at all ?? Let's actually do something that can make a difference … We can hit 2 birds with 1 stone – cause disruption to AA's business and then bring shame on our authorities and govt for doing nothing about this, while other govt's do.
This will really show this govt for what it is and how all it peddles is empty rhetoric about caring for its citizens …
CEPAT !!!!!!!!!

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Jo Yen

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 02:41 AM PST

Dear YB Mr Wee and Yaacob,

Thank you for your help. I appreciate everything that you have done for me and the residence in Jalan Enak 1. I would also like to apologize for the trouble i have caused for you to contact the officer in Seputeh. However, The Officer in charge in my area did not take any legal actions at all, I dont even think if they have enter the area to have a look.

This issue is very dissapointing for me and the residences. I have called the call centre as well as send them an e-mail with proof of pictures of the construction site are doing some illegal activities. I have not gotten my replied at all nor has anything have been done. The last choice i would have is to go to the DBKL Seputeh office and make my complain and hope and pray actions will be taken.

Lastly, Thank You so much for your effort.

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by Kiru

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 02:04 AM PST

Pak Azmi and others

What do you all expect AirAsia to say about the AOC? Id there is room to twist and turn, you will definitely read the tweet and/or statement from AA to say that it was not true because they would want to instill confidence in the prospective customers. Just like the issue about owing airport taxes, there was a denial under the pretext of AA disputing the airport charges, which was a totally different matter to airport tax. But they were still trying to twist and turn. Fortunately for this issue, there is no room for twisting except sending out the cyber monkies to confuse by talking about MAS, Qantas and other airlines.
Please try harder MONKIES!

Comment on AirAsia did not meet regulatory standard? by Pak Azmi

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 01:38 AM PST

Betullah tu. Kalau AOC untuk 6 bulan tidak benar kenapa pegawai AA diam aje. Diam kerana perkara ini memang benar. Kementerian Hal Ehwal Pengguna perlu mengambil tindakan terhadap AA diatas iklan untuk mempromosikan jualan tiketnya selepas March 31 2013.

Monyet2 cyber si pariah udahlah. Kami nampak dengan jelas dah. Tak payah sibuk nak mengelirukan orang awam.

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