Selasa, 27 November 2012

Mohamad Taufek Abd Ghani

Mohamad Taufek Abd Ghani

Para wanita di Rembau di serang panggilan lucah

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 11:10 PM PST

Beberapa wanita di Rembau telah menerima panggilan lucah dari individu yang tidak dikenali. Yang menghairankan bagaimana individu tersebut boleh mendapat data nombor telefon wanita-wanita yang berada di Rembau. Kita doakan agar pihak polis dapat segera menangkap penjenayah tersebut sebelum kejadian yang lebih buruk berlaku.

Several women in Rembau receive erotic messages
27 Nov 2012

Several women in Rembau, Negri Sembilan, have reportedly received erotic messages via SMS, China Press reported.

The women began receiving the messages last Thursday and when they called the number, there was no answer.

However, they continued to receive calls from different phone numbers.

One of the victims, who managed to get through to the caller, asked him who he was. He replied by saying that he had had sex with her.

She immediately hung up.

The victims, who have lodged a police report, said they did not know how the man got their phone numbers.

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