Khamis, 16 Ogos 2012

Mohamad Taufek Abd Ghani

Mohamad Taufek Abd Ghani

Sambutan Hari Raya MTD Senaling

Posted: 16 Aug 2012 12:47 AM PDT

A Bridge Too Far in Negeri Sembilan

Posted: 15 Aug 2012 07:01 PM PDT

A bridge collapsed four months ago and no repair has been done.

August 15, 2012 - SEREMBAN: The road that used to connect Kampung Batu 8 and Kampung Padang Bola has been out of service ever since part of it, including a bridge, collapsed in heavy rain four months ago.

Residents of the two villages have taken to using a long detour in order to get to the shops, school, petrol station or bus stop located at Mile 8 of the Seremban-Labu road.

This worries Mokhtar Ahmad, the local PKR coordinator. According to him the detour is dangerous, especially for children, young women and old people. It includes a 500-metre stretch that is thick with bushes and devoid of any human dwelling.

"That stretch is desolate and eerie and not safe for school-going children, factory girls and senior citizens," he said.

Mokhtar, who resides in Kampung Batu 8, said he could not understand why no effort was being made to repair the road and the bridge.

"Although that is bad enough, what really irks me is that not a single warning sign or PVC barrier has been installed at either end of the bridge," he said.

"Hari Raya is around the corner. I'm sure many relatives and friends will visit the residents here. Many of them will not be familiar with the area. The risk of someone plunging into the river with his vehicle is very real."

Mokhtar noted that someone had tied an Umno flag to a steel bar that formed part of the collapsed bridge.

"What is the point of putting an Umno flag on a collapsed bridge that Umno has ignored for four months?

"We are talking about the safety of the villagers and visitors. Are they waiting for a fatal accident to happen before doing something?"

Another resident, Izzudin Ismail, said some villagers would rather trespass KTM's electrified double track than take the long detour to Mile 8.

"This is really dangerous because a train passes by every 15 minutes," he said. "I urge the authorities to repair the bridge as soon as possible."

Anggota keselamatan yang letupkan ATM di Melaka?

Posted: 15 Aug 2012 06:30 PM PDT

Laporan akhbar menyatakan tiga suspek yang meletupkan ATM di Bank Rakyat, Masjid Tanah adalah merupakan anggota pasukan beruniform. Jika benar, ini sesuatu yang membimbangkan kita semua. Adakah bahan letupan yang digunakan hak milik kerajaan, jika ya, dari jenis apa, C4, TNT, Gelatin, H6, PBXN, RDX, Carbide atau Mercun Bola?

Tiga suspek bom ATM ditahan

MELAKA 15 Ogos 2012 - Tiga suspek yang disyaki terlibat dalam kes rompakan sebuah mesin pengeluaran wang automatik (ATM) menggunakan bom buatan sendiri di cawangan Bank Rakyat, Masjid Tanah tiga hari lalu ditahan polis.

Kesemua mereka yang dipercayai anggota pasukan beruniform ditahan dalam tempoh kurang daripada 48 jam selepas kejadian itu.

Ketua Polis negeri, Datuk Chuah Ghee Lye berkata, suspek utama yang berusia 24 tahun dan perancang kes ini ditahan pukul 1 pagi di sebuah premis kelmarin.

"Suspek kedua berusia 23 tahun yang merupakan rakan sekerjanya ditahan polis pada hari yang sama kira-kira pukul 5 petang juga di negeri ini.

"Suspek ketiga yang juga berusia 23 tahun ditahan di Pasir Puteh, Kelantan pada pukul 2.45 pagi semalam," katanya pada sidang akhbar di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen negeri hari ini.

Tiga penjawat awam berusia 23 dan 24 tahun ditahan bagi membantu siasatan berhubung kejadian letupan bom di Bank Rakyat cawangan Masjid Tanah, Ahad lalu.

Siasatan awal mendapati ketiga-tiga suspek yang mengenali antara satu sama lain dan bertugas di Melaka mengaku melakukan letupan itu untuk mendapatkan wang daripada mesin ATM berkenaan, katanya.

Dalam kejadian itu, rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) bank berkenaan menunjukkan seorang lelaki yang memakai topi keledar bertutup dan jaket berwarna biru memasang sesuatu pada sebuah daripada dua mesin ATM di premis itu pada pukul 3.23 pagi.

Bom dipercayai buatan sendiri itu meletup pada pukul 3.34 pagi. Ia hanya merosakkan bahagian luar mesin ATM dan gagal memecahkan peti simpanan wang mesin itu.

Suspek yang gagal mendapatkan duit daripada mesin ATM itu kemudian melarikan diri menggunakan motosikal.

He said initial investigations revealed that the civil servants decided to blow up the ATM because they were facing financial problems.

"We are now zooming in on how they obtained the explosives. We are also tracking down another accomplice," he said.

Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya PAS Kuala Pilah

Posted: 15 Aug 2012 02:13 AM PDT

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