Selasa, 19 Jun 2012

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Questions Time 19-06-2012: Non-Disclosure clause in the BinaFikir’s consultant agreement on WAU by Anonymouse

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 09:35 AM PDT

Is there any way the shareholders can compel MAS to disclose this in the AGM on Thursday? Is there a legal avenue for this from a shareholder’s perspective? Maybe some lawyers out there can help? To me its in the interest of the public and shareholders that this be disclosed.

Comment on Questions Time 19-06-2012: Non-Disclosure clause in the BinaFikir’s consultant agreement on WAU by weechookeong

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 07:22 AM PDT


I will definitely bring this matter up in the debate on the Supplementary Budget about this “non-disclosure clause and the behavior of the little Napoleons in Khazanah.
I am in full agreement with you that how can the cost of consultancy fees be confidential unless it was costing Khazanah or MAS by the hundred of million RM!

Thank you.

wee choo keong

Comment on Questions Time 19-06-2012: Non-Disclosure clause in the BinaFikir’s consultant agreement on WAU by KPS

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 07:08 AM PDT

The answer given for this non-disclosure is utter rubbish,adakah dengan memberitahu Parlimen akan menyebabkan negara kita terancam? YB. Saya merayu agar apakah dari implikasi dari sudut undang2 yang akam berlaku jika yuran untuk konsultansi ini didedahkan.Apakah modiul yang digunakan untuk pembayaran?adakah secara man-month atau pun secara lump sum based on percentage.Cuba YB dapatkan penjelasan.

Comment on Questions Time 13-6-2012: MAS uplifted the 35,000 AAX passengers at very low fares by New CEO Please

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 06:48 AM PDT

Please leave the CEO Maybank where he is, he is doing a fantastic job. PM Najib, since Syed Zainal has left Proton, can you please send him to be MAS CEO? From all that we have heard, seen and know of Syed Zainal, we are convinced he will do a far better job than the current clueless AJ. Besides, his people skills are a million times better, so “winning the hearts and minds of staff” will be right up his street. When staff trust you, half the battle is already won. PM Najib, we are serious on this.

Comment on Questions Time 19-06-2012: Non-Disclosure clause in the BinaFikir’s consultant agreement on WAU by Con Man in Khazanah

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 05:58 AM PDT

A short answer. Hope the MOF know what the hell is going on in MAS, which is under the control of the little Napoleons in Khazanah. Hope the MOF will monitor the movements of the little Napoleons in Khazanah and their kuncu-kuncu in MAS and other GLCs.

We in Khazanah want to know what type of salaries those little Napoleons get in Khazanah. Can’t wait to get the answers.

Comment on Questions Time 19-06-2012: Non-Disclosure clause in the BinaFikir’s consultant agreement on WAU by Fence Sitter Voter

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 05:45 AM PDT

Syabas YB for the great works that you have done. I wish the voters at your constituency do vote YB for another term.

Another issue that is close to the rakyat is Firefly. Appreciate YB can find a way to lobby in the parliment for the revival of Firefly as another low cost operator operating at KLIA just like before.

Again thanking YB for the great works.

Comment on Questions Time 14-6-2012: Gambling activites in Cyber Cafes by weechookeong

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 02:37 AM PDT


You should lodge a report to DBKL and polcr if there are gambling activities.

If it is causing social problems then you should lodge a report to DBKL.

Thank you.

With kindest regards

Wee choo keong

Comment on Questions Time 13-6-2012: MAS uplifted the 35,000 AAX passengers at very low fares by ex-maswingmate

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 11:55 PM PDT

Then get engage the govt to support getting the freedoms of the air. Those rights are not for MAS to get, it’s for the governments to agree. It may not be MAS’ problem alone.

Considering the usually full KUL-ARL-EWR vv route was scrapped because it wasn’t making profits means that unless and until the real problems in their operations and sales are addressed effectively, all the 5th freedoms to all the airports in the world won’t help them.


Posted: 18 Jun 2012 08:59 PM PDT

Dear YB. CCF is cancel. Why MAS dont get back all the routes he give to AA? So if like this, CCF is like just cancel on paper. What give and take during CCF is still active. Where got fair ma? So if like this, MAS where can make money one when all he profit been taken away forever?

Comment on Questions Time 14-6-2012: Gambling activites in Cyber Cafes by mypv12 (@mypv12)

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 08:53 PM PDT

Dear YB,

Would like to seek your advice what will be the next step to counter this type of gambling cyber cafe that is currently infesting in the condominium compound. What will this type of implementation helps us to stay safe and sound from such activities being carried out in condominium which has commercial lot?

Many thanks in advance for your kind advice.


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