Sabtu, 10 Disember 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by Musnah Harapan

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 08:07 AM PST

How TF conned Khazanah and the PM below:

2] Regarding Tony Fernandes being the CEO of AirAsia and also being a director of MAS (from a Corporate Governance point of view an unsatisfactory situation), I found the following that is of interest.

“A Guide to Corporate Governance in Malaysia”, a publication from CCH, pages 219 and 220:

“Normally, a director is not in breach of duty merely by holding directorships in other companies. However, such a director may be liable for breach of duty if the companies are competing companies and he places himself in a position where the duties owed to each of the companies conflict.
Nevertheless, s 131(5) of CA (Companies Act) 1965 requires a director to disclose at a director’s meeting any office or any property held that may directly or indirectly create a conflict of his duties or interests as a director in the first company. Further, s 132(2) requires of a company to obtain the consent or ratification at a general meeting in order to engage in business which is in competition with the company.
Note that the principle that a person can be director of two competing companies does not apply to executive directors. They cannot be on the boards of competing companies.”

Comment on Teks ucapan di Parlimen terhadap “Gang of Two” by MAS graded staff

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 07:15 AM PST

Dragonlord, you’re very wrong about airlines industry survivality. Tengku Azmil has already planted his genius plan to sustain the airlines for the next 100 years. His plan can produce yearly profit up to RM1billion. The person who leaked out info was Bernard Francis who sold info to … and now TF and KM wanted to be the first person to achieve yearly RM1 billion profit and that’s the reason they are jumping ship from Air Asia to MAS. Current status of debts in MAS is 2.5 billion but Air Asia has more than 7 billion of debts. Danny Rashdan is going to make MAS increase its debts from 2.5 billion to 14.5 billion claiming 6 billion plus 6 billion for only 23 new aircrafts.

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by MAS graded staff

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 07:10 AM PST


There is this antitrust law called “The clayton antitrust” spells INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATES is prohibited for company with capital of USD1million above. And only in our land, this interlocking directorateship is practicable. The new competition law has no such clause prohibiting interlocking directorates that means a competitor can become the board of director of it’s rivalry. Please look into it. We love your blog..

truthfully yours
MAS graded staff

Comment on Teks ucapan di Parlimen terhadap “Gang of Two” by dragonlord

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 03:34 AM PST

KAMAL: mind your words! There is a truth in your post but to say MAS memang awak sial is too much! Are u a muslim! If yes pse istighfar! majority of the MAS staff is the loyal employees, up & down with MAS. Not all are spoilt. I’ve a daughter working in MAS & when you say that words it hurts… She is the bread winner for my family.

To save MAS does not need any colloboration or share swap with Air Asia, the following (a few tips) need to be look into:

1. re group MAS into 1 entity, no more subsidiary. Each of subsidiary extra expenses to MAS as they need MD, BoD, Senior Manager etc. Nowadays MASkargo, Firefly, MASwings each of them have thier own Managing Director, Bod etc All subsidiary will be categorize as division and all transaction will be under respective cost centre.

2. Look into MAS itself – lot of leakages. i.e I travel recently & noted in the departure hall (KLIA) there is 3 person wearing MAS uniform & I believed they are MAS staff. This three is being assisted by another 3 person wearing diffrent type of uniform, It might be employees of other company who will charge MAS on the assistant services provided to the MAS staff.

From my observation 3 staff is enough to perform the duty in the departure hall. Why need 6 , when 3 of them have less work to do.

That is the thing I notice, if it can happened at the departure hall, it might be also happening on the other area.

3. MAS have it lower fare & highest fare ( at time too expensive) in every flight. When the lower fare is sold out people might not be buying the higher fare, seat wil be left empty. MAS should group the fare & make it average to enable the ticket fare is more afordable. Mind you nowadays rich & famous also very price oriented.

4. Reinstate Firefly turbo jet operations & the original objective as another LCC. MAS should diversified its business not only depending on premium airlines. Singapore Airlines the most profitable airlines acknowledge the importance of LCC & MAS should follow the trend. If Air Asia can make a profit with LCC, why cant MAS do it.

5. Noted that MAS employees does not giving full support to Ahmad Jauhari as the new MD compare to the previous MD who come into MAS family.

base on my observation the issue is Tony Fernandes & Air Asia – the share swap. I think without the share swap AJ will received undevided support from the employees.

The suggestion might be very simple but it might help little bit.

We should not keep on cursing as it bring nowhere…. Keep on giving suggestion, who knows a very simple sugestion when expanded is very useful.

P/s sorry for typo / grammar error.

Comment on Teks ucapan di Parlimen terhadap “Gang of Two” by Anonymous

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 01:31 AM PST

Isu utama adalah pertukaran saham yang tak adil pada MAS sebagai penerbangan negara. Anasir macam si TF memang nak gunakan masalah dalaman MAS untuk tiket dia memecah belahkan MAS. Itu yang TF nak.

Masalah dalaman di AA tak bnyak ke? lebih teruk lagi dengan AA cumanya dalam AA tak siapa berani bersuara…kena buang buta je! di AA si TF adalah amat berkuasa macam R A J A di negeri sarang semut. AA company ciput je..kalau nak bandingkan dengan MAS.

Kalau nak tau..semua syarikat-syaraikat milik sdn bhd memang nak tunjuk hebat bahawa pengurusan syarikat mereka lebih hebat daripada syarikat-syarikat milik kerajaan. Tapi sebenarnya mereka bergelumang dengan segala masalah dan tiada yang berhak bersuara…siapa bersuara boleh jalan.. ini syarikat AKU YANG PUNYA…!!

Sebab itu janganlah emosi dengan masalah PENGURUSAN BAWAHAN MAS. Fokus pada peneraju-peneraju MAS yang gaji berpuluh-puluh ribu. Mereka-mereka inilah yang sebabkan MAS seolah-olahnya dah tak boleh diselamatkan lagi.

Azman Mokhtar mesti bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya dalam masalah MAS. Terlalu banyak yang disembunyikan dari pengetahuan awam. Mungkin PM pun tak tau apa yang sebenarnya pertukaran saham tersebut..ini makanya PM tidak dijelaskan secara terperinci..banyak yang disembunyikan…!!

Comment on Tan Sri Bashir upholding “Rakyat DiDahulukan”! by Kunyit Hidup

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 07:03 PM PST

MASEU sejelasnya tidak amanah dan tidak bertanggungjawab. Yang paling penting tidak focus didalam sesuatu isu.

1. Membuat press statement kononnya akan adakan piket di bulan Disember. Malangnya hingga sekarang satu berita pun tidak diketahui oleh ahli. Exco tidak bekerja memberi penerangan. Lebih memalukan, apa asas piket yang ketika itu MAS belum ada new business plan?

2. Basis of disagreement by MASEU should not share-suap but the result of it – breaking MAS into pieces and lay-off that will give impact to members.

Ketika pre-Town Hall, tidak seorang pun EXCO bertanyakan killing questions seperti – What will happen if authority found the share-swap was unconstitutional and shall be reversed?

However, cannibalising MAS is perhaps involving (direct & indirectly) 3 Prime Ministers. Each of the main players are somehow connected to TDM, MAS Advisor & Najip. So instead of fighting over unfocussed issues, MASEU should begin to workout the best ever compensation for the upcoming staff separation scheme.

Mean while, let BN figure out how to win next PRU with heavy baggage – MAS share, Feedlot, Felda Global, Sime Darby and the list continues.

Comment on Teks ucapan di Parlimen terhadap “Gang of Two” by Taj

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 06:10 PM PST

Ha ha ha good one kamal, crooks beget crooks, ignorance begets ignorances, MAS staff begets TF, TF begets MAS cancer and the rest of the world live happily ever after.

Comment on Teks ucapan di Parlimen terhadap “Gang of Two” by Anonymous

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 05:38 PM PST


Sekarang MAS dah jadi Mesti Ada Saudara (kat Air Asia). Kalau tak pun mesti ada perhubungan business dengan Air Asia.

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by Kamal

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 04:50 PM PST

Why everybody so scared one, no ball or no maruah.
MYCC, MACC, semua gaji buta.

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