Jumaat, 18 November 2011

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Amnesty: Tangkapan ISA Lawak Bagi ‘Reformasi’ Najib

Posted: 17 Nov 2011 11:17 PM PST


Amnesty International hari ini berkata penahanan 13 orang di Tawau, Sabah mengikut Seksyen 73(1) Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) 1960 menjadikan janji Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, sebelum ini, untuk memansuhkan undang-undang zalim itu sebagai satu lawak.

“Kerajaan Malaysia menjadikan rancangannya untuk memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) sebagai satu lawak apabila terus menggunakannya untuk menahan rakyat sekali lagi,” kata Sam Zarifi, pengarah Amnesty International, Asia.

“Janji untuk menghapuskan tahanan ISA tidak mencukupi. Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib mesti membuktikan beliau mahu menamatkan amalan itu,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

“Jika polis Malaysia mempunyai bukti untuk mengesyaki 13 tahanan itu melakukan kesalahan jenayah, dakwa mereka ataupun lepaskan sahaja mereka.

“Menahan seseorang tanpa dakwaan atau dibicarakan, terang-terangan menunjukkan tidak menghormati kedaulatan undang-undang.”

Semalam Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar (kiri) berkata, tujuh warganegara Malaysia dan enam warganegara asing di Sabah ditahan mengikut ISA kerana didakwa cuba menghidupkan kembali gerakan militan di negeri itu.

Najib semasa perutusan Hari Malaysia pada 16 September lalu mengumumkan pentadbirannya akan melakukan “reformasi” ke atas beberapa undang-undang yang berbentuk menindas, termasuk ISA.

Bagaimanapun pengkritiknya ragu-ragu dengan keikhlasan pengumuman itu dan berkata ia adalah semata-mata helah untuk mendapatkan sokongan pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Parlimen Jerman: Fitnah II Cubaan Najib Singkir Lawan Politik

Posted: 17 Nov 2011 11:12 PM PST

Keadilan Daily

Sekumpulan Ahli Parlimen Jerman menyifatkan perbicaraan Fitnah II yang sedang berlangsung sebagai satu cubaan BN untuk menyingkirkan Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Menyifatkannya sebagai "proses menyingkirkan seteru politik", kumpulan  itu yang datang daripada Asean Parliamentary Group untuk Parlimen Jerman berkata perbicaraan Fitnah II bertujuan merencatkan momentum reformasi Pakatan Rakyat dalam pilihan raya umum.

"Kami memerhati dengan teliti perbicaraan Ketua Pembangkang, Anwar Ibrahim yang akan selesai dalam bulan Disember.

"Sewaktu lawatan kami ke Malaysia pada awal 2011, keraguan kami terbukti benar yang perbicaraan itu mungkin merupakan proses menyingkirkan seteru politik," kata Dr Thomas Gambke, ketua Asean Parliamnetary Group itu dalam kenyataannya.

Justeru, mereka menuntut Najib dan pentadbirannya berlaku adil kepada Anwar di samping tidak memanipulasi proses pilihan raya untuk terus berpaut pada tampuk kuasa.

"Kami merayu kepada kerajaan Malaysia untuk menghormati matlamat reformasi demokratik sistem pilihan raya, yang diketuai Anwar Ibrahim.

"Langkah untuk mencegah penipuan pilihan raya perlu diperkenalkan bersama akses lebih meluas untuk media buat parti pembangkang yang kini mentadbir lima negeri di Malaysia.

"Perbicaraan bersifat politik terhadap Anwar akan hanya merosakkan imej antarabangsa Malaysia," kata mereka dalam kenyataan media.

Kenyataan itu dilihat sebagai satu tamparan hebat kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang baru sahaja selesai menghadiri Sidang Kemuncak ASEAN di Bali semalam.

Asean Parliamentary Group (Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) itu diketuai Dr Thomas Gambke (Alliance 90/The Greens), dan Timbalan Pengerusinya adalah Dr Michael Fuchs (CDU / CSU), Holger Ortel (SPD), Dr. hc Jürgen Koppelin (FDP) dan Caren Lay (the Left.)

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Statement of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group of German Parliament on the trial of the Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 17 Nov 2011 11:00 PM PST

Der Vorsitzende der Parlamentariergruppe ASEAN, Dr. Thomas Gambke, der im Rahmen des Programms “Parlamentarier schützen Parlamentarier” die Patenschaft für den malaysischen Oppositionsführer Anwar Ibrahim übernommen hat, erklärt im Namen des Vorstands der Parlamentariergruppe:

“Wir beobachten aufmerksam und kritisch den Verlauf des Prozesses gegen Oppositionsführer Anwar Ibrahim, der nach einem abschließenden Verhandlungstag am 23. November voraussichtlich im Dezember zum Abschluss kommen wird. Bereits während eines Delegationsbesuches in Malaysia Anfang 2011 fanden wir den Verdacht bestätigt, es könne sich um einen Prozess handeln, mit dem ein politisch unliebsamer Gegner ausgeschaltet werden soll.

Die Verteidigung von Anwar Ibrahim wurde in dem sich über mehr als zwei Jahre hinziehenden Verfahren immer wieder in ihrer Arbeit behindert. Die Tatsache, dass nun Ende dieses Jahres mit einer Verurteilung von Anwar Ibrahim wegen des Vorwurfs des homosexuellen Verkehrs zu rechnen ist, scheint uns nicht zufällig in zeitlicher Nähe zu Parlamentswahlen im Frühjahr 2012 zu stehen. Mit einer Verurteilung würde der Oppositionsführer sein Abgeordnetenmandat verlieren und wäre die gesamte Oppositionsbewegung geschwächt.

Wir appellieren an die malaysische Regierung, die Bewegung für eine demokratische Reform des Wahlsystems, deren führender Repräsentant Anwar Ibrahim ist, zu respektieren, und deren Ziele ernst zu nehmen. Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Wahlbetrug und mehr Möglichkeiten für Oppositionsparteien, die heute in bereits fünf der insgesamt dreizehn Regionen Malaysias regieren, in öffentlichen Medien für ihre Ziele zu werben, sollten geschaffen werden. Eine politisch motivierte Verurteilung von Anwar Ibrahim würde dem internationalen Ansehen Malaysias schaden.”

Dem Vorstand der Parlamentariergruppe ASEAN (Brunei, Indonesien, Kambodscha, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippinen, Singapur, Thailand, Vietnam) gehören als Vorsitzender Dr. Thomas Gambke (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN) sowie als  stellvertretende Vorsitzende Dr. Michael Fuchs (CDU/CSU), Holger Ortel (SPD), Dr. h.c. Jürgen Koppelin (FDP) und Caren Lay (DIE LINKE.) an.


November 11, 2011

Statement of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group on the trial of the Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim

Chair of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group Dr. Thomas Gambke, within the framework of the "MPs protect MPs" program in sponsorship of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, says on behalf of the Board:

“We are carefully observing the trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim which is set to resume on November 23 and due for completion in December. During a visit to Malaysia at the start of 2011, our suspicions were confirmed that the trial may well be a process of eliminating political opponents.

The team of lawyers defending Anwar Ibrahim were gravely disadvantaged during the entire two years of the drawn-out trial. We believe that the timing of the impending conviction of Anwar Ibrahim on sodomy charges has been planned to coincide with the Parliamentary elections due in spring 2012. If convicted, the opposition leader would lose his parliamentary seat thus weakening the entire opposition movement.

We appeal to the Malaysian government to respect and regard seriously the goals of the movement for democratic reform of the electoral system, whose leading figure is Anwar Ibrahim. Measures to prevent electoral fraud should be introduced together with greater access to the public media for the opposition parties which to date are in control of five of the thirteen States of Malaysia. A politically motivated trial of Anwar Ibrahim would only damage the international image of Malaysia."

The Board of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group (Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) includes its chairman, Dr. Thomas Gambke (Alliance 90/The Greens), and deputy chairman Dr Michael Fuchs (CDU / CSU), Holger Ortel (SPD), Dr. hc Jürgen Koppelin (FDP) and Caren Lay (THE LEFT.)

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Dear Malaysian Cabinet, Please be Reminded That Stealing is Illegal!

Posted: 17 Nov 2011 08:07 PM PST

Malaysia Chronicle

Stealing is illegal – except when it is approved by the Cabinet. Ordinary people or those who do not get Cabinet approval will be investigated and quite possibly be prosecuted, unless some sort of "deal" is made to avoid it.

But ministers, party strongmen and their business cronies are free to legally steal or trade stock based on non-public information they have obtained through their official positions as elected officials — and they do so on a regular basis.

Economic crimes

What do you call the PKFZ scandal, the MAS losses year after year, shortage in the FELDA funds, the Gemas NFC debacle, and the overpricing in the government procurement – if not stealing?

The share swap between Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia is being probed by Bursa Malaysia and the Securities Commission for insider trading. The strange collaboration between Sime Darby and E&O, was perceived as possible insider trading by the chairman of E&O, who so happens to be the husband to the SC chief, Zarinah Anwar.

A survey by PwC indicates that 48% of Malaysian companies were the victims of economic crime; the number of reported cases of economic crime committed by company employees in Malaysia is higher than that reported for the Asia-Pacific region and other countries around the world.

Well, some like to call it cheating, fraud, economic crime, breach of trust, but in the end it is still getting ‘it’ illegally, which is stealing.

Thieves and hypocrites

In that case wouldn't it be appropriate that we call those involved thieves? I know, they won't admit it and they have the courts to prove that they are not thieves. But it is their courts; the police, attorney general, prosecutors and judges are all under their payroll and as such, have to be obedient to their paymaster.

We all know how the police can fabricate and dispose of evidence, all for a price. The AG has the power at his will whether to prosecute or not. The Lingam tapes proved that the judges are stooges.

We have also had the most bewildering or bizarre but not surprising incident when both the defense lawyers and the prosecutors somehow concertedly objected to finding out who had ordered the two former bodyguards of Prime Minister Najib Razak to kill Altantuya, who was also alleged to be Najib’s former mistress.

Down the family tree

Where on earth are Haji Mohd Najib and his UMNO-BN government leading us to? The economy is going south. The social fabric, since nothing is being done, is nearly in tatters. The education system is in limbo. Both the morals and morale of the nation are sinking.

No, there is no such word as "self-esteem" now amongst the major ruling politicians in Malaysia. The entire Cabinet, with the exception of Idris Jala who has told us twice that Malaysia can go bankrupt, couldn't care less.

Yes, it seems that nothing else matters to the entire Cabinet and UMNO-BN as long as the stealing continues; more cows will able to buy condos and some would even be clever enough to buy and sell company shares, such as Najib’s son Mohd Nazifuddin who has already created a name for himself in the latest .

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