Khamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Dr Wafi’s advice to all employees of MAS by CROOKS BUSTER

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:35 AM PDT

Sir Tony wrote in his blog on 13 Oct 2011
"Since the 2008 general election, one particular MP has been obsessed with us and has been obsessed with AirAsia.
Now he's attacking us on the MAS-AirAsia shareholder share swap.
Rather than support us, this MP seems to want us to go bust and make 9,000 people jobless. STRANGE for an elected Wakil Rakyat. And his dislike of me personally is just immense. After all I have done for this country."

Dear Tony, do not flatter yourself.
Like YB, we are not only against you, we are also against QUESTIONABLE DEALS. We do not think you understand what that means otherwise who in the right mind would say this "I know Malaysians very well,” said Fernandes, a native of Malaysia. “If you put a fare low enough, they’ll risk their lives,” he said, as the crowd laughed.

I guess it is true when people says " TF is so cunning, he can sell fridge to Eskimos, Disneyland to Walt Disney, Virgins to Richard Branson and now MAS to Khazanah" Hmm, Tony where is your ethics.

We also know how you operate. You had used KJ before (remember FAX) and now after KJ can no longer serve you well, you dumped him and now, you are using Nazir. Well Nazir, enjoy the fast lane and glamour while you can.

Comment on Dr Wafi’s advice to all employees of MAS by CUNI

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 06:47 AM PDT

Ha, ha, ha good one thirddevil “Since Azman Mokhtar's accession to KNB leadership, Khazanah has issued multiple books , e.g. Red book to GLC on their codes and conducts”.

Even those manuals were done by con sultan. Being Con sultan themselves, Khazanah MO is to outsource their thinking and brains to con sultan.

Comment on Dr Wafi’s advice to all employees of MAS by SK Tan

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 06:42 AM PDT

Competition law expert should advise before the share swap deal. Even if the share swap was done secretly, he can still advise Tan Sri Azman and the eager beaver Rashdan that the share swap contravened Competition Act. This “expert” only advise staff to keep everything hush hush and contact him. Then what? Stupid advice if you were to ask me.

If MAS and AA are competitors than they should be acting like one and not following what Tony was doing (QPR and so on) and stopping Firefly from expanding. If the share swap and the co-operation are genuine then why the fear of this and that?

Comment on Dr Wafi’s advice to all employees of MAS by buddyluv

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 06:38 AM PDT

Dr M says that he was fed up with MAS management, but in fact he was the one who started all this. See what happend to MAS during Tajuddin Ramli/Daim Zainuddin!

Comment on Dr Wafi’s advice to all employees of MAS by Razak of MAS

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:57 AM PDT

Pnadailah si Gaji Buta ni. He is so clever in teaching MAS employees how to circumvent the Competition Act. Very Very clear boy. With senior manager like this guy, the future of MAS is dark. Hello, Mr Gaji Buta if the share swap was transparent and acceptable, why do you have to worry about the outflow of info from staff when you are not worry about the outflow of info to Tony and Kamarudin who are sitting in MAS board. No wonder he is an expert in Competition law like any Alam Flora workers that collect our rubbish daily.

Have some self respect Wafi. Look after MAS interest and not your new boss’s interest.

Comment on Dr Wafi’s advice to all employees of MAS by ThirdDevil

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:48 AM PDT

One of the objective of forming Khazanah is to ” improve the corporate governance of the GLC”. Since Azman Mokhtar’s accession to KNB leadership, Khazanah has issued multiple books , e.g. Red book to GLC on their codes and conducts. Obviously in this MAS-AA things Khazanah did not follows it own code and conduct that they expected from their own companies. One interesting aspect of this so called ” to anti competition issues” both MAS – AA have appointed Bain & co as their consultants. The cost of this consultancy work, which will come to million RM will definitely be shared by MAS-AA. Consultants will work based on the pay master wishes – hence at the end of the these studies , the report will shows one company is better that the other. You don’t need to pay million to have that report- just get together and do comparison. Afterall whatever been done today is already an anti competition already. In addition consultants report is used mainly to “certify” the management objectives. So if later on, if something is terribly wrong with the organization, the management can always blame someone else – I.e. The consultant. By that time those consultant already earned their fat fees. The question Khazanah should ask themselves how many time consultant employed by them has wrongly advised them? And you don’t need a consultant and spend million just to get a data showing you are not competitive – just employ few of our still unemployed graduates , give them a decent computers with the necessary Microsoft spreadsheet and ask them to tabulate data . And they will not even cost million and at the same time you keep RM in Malaysia for Malaysian benefits.

Comment on Dr Wafi: MAS – AirAsia share swap contravened Competition Act? by Antitrust

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:38 AM PDT

an opinions???oh please…all the BALACIs there are supporting him…Air Asia is like comunist???…fikir-fikirkan…

Comment on Dr Wafi’s advice to all employees of MAS by Jangan Curi

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:34 AM PDT

TF will korek all the rahsia…MAS cannot korek the rahsia of Air Asia coz no representative there…after that no collaboration anymore…like RAS…TF is so ‘Brilliant’…curi-curi then lari…shammed on you…

Comment on Dr Wafi’s advice to all employees of MAS by Dr Longkang

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:29 AM PDT

This buta gaji guy is trying to protect AA X and he has short memory that AA X has screwed MAS before in RAS, Thank you YB for reminding him and the others like him still lurking around in MAS. He appeared to be worry about the deal being screwed for violation of Competition Act. The fact is that the spirit of the share deal should not violate Competition Act and not the passing of info between company. If the spirit is ok whatever info that passing around will not in any way affect MAS at all.

Don’t where he got his Dr from?

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yaacob

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:27 AM PDT

ayah ketipang

Terima kasih atas maklumat Tuan.

Pihak kami telah menghubungi pihak pengurusan perumahan Seksyen 1 dan melapurkan mengenai aduan Tuan dan lain-lain pengadu. Pihak pengurusan nampaknya begitu meneliti perkara ini dan kini didalam perhatian dan tindakan pihak mereka.

Kami juga bersetuju dengan pandangn Tuan bahawa kita perlulah saling menghormati dan bertolak ansur antara sesama jiran tertangga. Ini adalah amat penting terutamanya di kawasan perumahan seperti di Seksyen 1 ini. Apa pun pihak kami menghargai pandangan Tuan dan diharapkan pandangan Tuan itu akan dapat dikongsi bersama-sama dengan jiran-jiran yang lain. Dan pihak kami akan memaklumkan kepada penduduk-penduduk sekiranya mendapat maklum balas dari pihak pengurusan di perumahan Seksyen 1.

Terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu kepada
YB Wee Choo Keong

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