Jumaat, 26 Ogos 2011

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

KEADILAN Fully Supports YB Fuziah Salleh And The Anty-LYNAS Movement

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 05:17 AM PDT

BN's ploy of using the UMNO-owned TV3 to discredit YB Fuziah Salleh,KEADILAN Vice President and Kuantan MP's relentless campaign together with the Anti-Lynas movement against the Lynas Advanced Material Plant (LAMP) in Gebeng, Kuantan is utterly desperate and despicable.

BN resorted to hide behind two nuclear experts that misrepresented the aims and objectives of the Anti-Lynas movement in order to further BN's narrow and divisive political objectives.

Zulkefly Mohd Omar, the PAS Central Committee Member and Chairman of Environment Bureau has also released a statement in support of the Anti-Lynas movement which is supported by Pakatan Rakyat as a coalition.

In addition, the Malaysian Medical Association, the Malaysian Bar Council, Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Aliran and the Consumer Association of Penang, among others, have expressed their concern about the project.

The Anti-Lynas movement was never narrowly confined to objecting about radioactivity alone. On the contrary, the movement opposed LAMP on the basis that operating a rare earth refinery in Prime Minister Najib Razak's home state brings with it other hazards such as health and environmental damage that would have dire consequences for the tourism and fishing industry, thus the local economy as a whole.

LAMP will be the world's largest rare earth plant outside China once it operates. We believe that the health and safety of the residents of Gebeng and the surrounding areas are too precious to be sacrificed for short-term economic benefit. In this regard, YB Fuziah has rightly defended the rights of Gebeng residents, and should be applauded for continuing to do so as a responsible Member of Parliament for Kuantan.

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Vice President
Parti Keadilan Rakyat

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‘Pristine Condition’ Of Rectal Swabs Puzzles Expert

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 02:25 AM PDT


How is it that three cotton swabs retrieved from the rectum of sodomy complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan showed no sign of degradation when tested some 100 hours later?

This is the issue that is puzzling Australian DNA expert Dr Brian McDonald.

dr brian mcdonald sodomy llDescribing the findings from the three swabs marked B7, B8 and B9 from the high and low rectal areas of the complainant as “pristine”, McDonald (right) told the Sodomy II trial of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim that this was “inconsistent with the history”.

“This is because there is no sign of degradation and the samples are pristine,” he said about the three samples taken from Saiful’s rectum 56 hours after the alleged sodomy took place between 3.01pm and 4.30pm on June 26, 2008.

Saiful was examined by four doctors at Hospital Kuala Lumpur between 9pm on June 28 and midnight on June 29, 2008.

Investigating officer Supt Jude Blacious Pereira had earlier testified that the samples were kept in a drawer in his air-conditioned office and handed over to chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong at around 7pm on June 30, 2008.

Yesterday, McDonald, 60, told the Kuala Lumpur High Court that the samples should ideally be kept in a freezer at minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Questioned on the three samples by defence counsel Ram Karpal Singh, McDonald said the ‘Male Y’ DNA was prevalent in the low rectal swabs.

However, the witness noted, Saiful’s DNA was prevalent in the high rectal swab.

“Hence, I cannot discount the possibility that Saiful’s semen or sperm could have been up in the high rectal area, based on the tests,” McDonald said.

“Furthermore,” he added, “the three samples from the swab are pristine, although they should have degraded under the circumstances.”

Another Australian expert witness, Dr David Wells, had testified earlier that he would not take samples from a sexual assault victim 36 hours after the attack.

McDonald had also testified that such a sample would be deeply degraded after 56 hours.

Saiful’s semen sperm in anus?

McDonald also explained that chemists Dr Seah Lay Hong was guilty of "guessing" in treating Saiful’s sample, as there was no indication in her report where the sample originates and that he did not use the same numbering system employed by the doctors.

NONE"We have to assume where the swab came from as this is not reflected in Seah’s (right) report," he said, adding Seah should verify where it came from in sodomy cases.

"It could come from a cigarette butt. Seah did not provide the information in the report. She has not reported anything on the sample whether it came somewhere or another."

McDonald said Seah did not properly do the differential extraction process (DEP) test from the samples taken to resolve the issue of sperm and non-sperm cells.

This, he said, has to be done again and again until what is left are sperm and not other contaminants.

He said this has resulted in findings of Saiful’s DNA in the rectum.

"That is the case of the complainant’s semen is in his rectum," he said, adding one cannot assume there is Saiful’s sperm is in his own rectum initially but this had to be assumed following the results of the test.

"I would say Seah’s evidence is a guess."

Ram: Why is that?

McDonald: Because she did not slide on the receptacle and put it under a microscope to verify. That is only way to determine and if there is further, the process has to be repeated again to remove the contaminants.

Ram: Is it possible that there is Saiful’s sperm in his anus.

McDonald: If she had done it properly, we can cut out on such a possibility. The sample taken cannot be relied on because (it contain Saiful’s DNA).

Ram: Can we conclusively say that Saiful’s sperm is not in his anus?

McDonald: No, she is guessing that there are other cells. She did not do the DEP test properly. The Male Y (allegedly Anwar’s DNA) is predominant in B7 the low rectal swab. However, on the B8 (high rectal), Saiful’s DNA was predominant.We cannot discount Saiful’s sperm was up in his own anus, based on the result.

Anwar Ibrahim is charged with sodomising Saiful at the Desa Damansara condominium between 3.01pm and 4.30pm on June 26, 2008.

The trial continues from Sept 19 to 23 with McDonald’s testimony.

Anwar Difitnah Dan Bukan Pemecah Belah Perpaduan Melayu – Islam

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 02:10 AM PDT

Kenyataan Media

Parti Keadilan Rakyat mengalu-alukan kenyataan Mufti Perak Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria di media massa bahawa punca perpecahan Melayu-Islam adalah kerana Kerajaan yang lemah, tidak amanah dan rasuah. Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa demi menjaga perpaduan Melayu, pernah menasihati Dr Mahathir agar tidak memecat Timbalanya ketika itu iaitu Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim serta membuat tuduhan liwat tanpa membawa empat orang saksi.

Dengan kenyataan di atas, jelaslah bahawa apa yang ditanggapi sebagai perpecahan Melayu-Islam pada masa kini adalah berpunca dari permainan politik kotor para pemimpin UMNO sendiri bermula dari Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (Mantan Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia). Kenyataan ini juga menjelaskan dengan terang bahawa perpecahan orang Melayu pada masa kini bukan di sebabkan oleh Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Pakatan Rakyat seperti yang digembar-gemburkan selama ini.

Kenyataan Mufti Perak tersebut juga mengesahkan pendirian kita selama ini bahawa tuduhan liwat ke atas Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim adalah tidak sah dan fitnah semata-mata untuk menjatuhkan beliau sebagai pemimpin politik harapan orang Melayu-Islam. Adalah jelas bahawa pemecatan Anwar bukan kerana faktor moral tetapi konspirasi jahat Dr Mahathir Muhammad dan para kuncunya.

Dengan pendedahan yang dibuat ini, rakyat perlulah membuka mata dan menyatakan sikap menolak dengan tegas fitnah yang dilemparkan ke atas Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Malah, semua yang cintakan keadilan perlulah bersama-sama bertanggungjawab dan bertindak untuk membela beliau dari segala kezaliman dan pembohongan berterusan sejak lebih satu dekad yang lalu.

Justeru, bersempena dengan hari-hari terakhir bulan Ramadan yang mulia dan padanya diturunkan kitab suci al Qur'an, kita menyeru para pemimpin UMNO supaya melakukan muhasabah diri dan menghentikan kezaliman ke atas DSAI demi perpaduan ummah dan seluruh masyarakat Malaysia amnya. Kita berkeyakinan penuh bahawa selagi kezaliman terhadap DSAI tidak dihentikan, isu perpaduan Melayu-Islam tidak akan dapat diselesaikan secara tuntas.

Dr Muhammad Nur Manuty
Ketua Penerangan

Sampel DNA Tidak Diuji Dengan Betul- Pakar

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:34 PM PDT

Keadilan Daily

9.15 pagi: Perbicaraan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur bermula dengan pakar DNA, Dr Brian Mc Donalds masuk ke kandang saksi untuk  menyambung memberi keterangan.

Ahli kimia Jabatan Kimia Malaysia, Dr Seah Lay Hong duduk di antara Peguam Cara Negara II, Datuk Yusof Zainal Abiden Noorn Badaruddin.

9.19 pagi: Dr McDonalds menerangkan kepada mahkamah cara untuk mengekstrak DNA daripada sel sperma.

9.29 pagi: Menurutnya, bahan kimia dikenali dengan nama DTT digunakan untuk mengekstrak DNA daripada sel sperma.

9.34 pagi: DTT akan 'membuka' kepala sperma membolehkan DNA diekstrak, kata Dr MacDonalds.

9.35 pagi: Karpal singh tiba di mahkamah.

9.44 pagi: "Jika analisa DNA tidak dilakukan dengan betul, bolehkah kita anggap sebahagian DNA tidak datang daripada sperma?" tanya Ram Karpal

"Ya, sebahagian DNA boleh datang daripada sel-sel epitelia (kulit)," balas Dr McDonalds.

9.53 pagi: Berdasarkan pemerhatiannya, ada kemungkinan Dr Seah tidak melakukan ujian DTT dengan baik,  kata Dr McDonalds.

Berdasarkan pemerhatiannya, ia tidak dilakukan oleh Dr Seah, kata Dr McDonalds.

"Berdasarkan bukti Dr Seah, beliau tidak menjalankannya.

"Sebab beliau tidak tahu samada terdapat DNA sel epitelia (kulit) dalam sampel sperma yang diambil," kata Dr MacDonalds.

10.07 pagi: Dr Seah tidak boleh menganggap DNA Saiful yang dijumpai dalam putik kapas ditanda B8 dan B9 datang daripada kulit Saiful kerana beliau tiada bukti untuk membuktikannya, kata Dr MacDonalds.

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Program Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim Sempena Ramadhan

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:13 PM PDT

Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan menunaikan solat Isya dan Terawikh bersama jemaah Masjid Al-Husna,PJS 10,Petaling Jaya,Selangor hari ini Jumaat, 26 Ogos 2011. Majlis juga akan diselitkan dengan sesi Tazkirah yang akan disampaikan oleh beliau.

Pejabat Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim

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