Isnin, 11 Julai 2011

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Press Release: The Will Of The People Trumps Government Repression And Police Aggression

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 06:49 AM PDT

Looking back at the events of the past few weeks, the Malaysian Government must realise and accept that neither random arrest, nor preventive detention, nor water cannons, nor tear gas, nor rain, nor the threat of any of the above and more, can quell the spirit of the people to exercise their rights to the twin freedoms of assembly and expression. The two rallies held on 9 July 2011 are eloquent testimony to the will of the people in the face of Government repression and police aggression.

The Malaysian Bar denounces the Government's over-zealous and excessive show of power in its blatant determination to crush the people's exercise of their Constitutionally-guaranteed fundamental rights. According to media and eyewitness accounts, the police used arbitrary, improper and disproportionate physical force, including assaulting some participants physically, wantonly arresting hundreds of individuals and recklessly using tear gas and water cannons on unarmed participants who were gathered in a peaceful and disciplined manner.

The Government must never abuse its power, particularly to undermine the very freedoms that it is responsible to uphold and defend. The elementary freedoms of assembly and expression entitle the rakyat to voice their concerns and grievances, and to call for redress.

The Malaysian Bar calls on the police to adhere to the United Nations ("UN") Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly, of which Malaysia is a member. Article 3 provides that "[l]aw enforcement officials may use force only when strictly necessary and to the extent required for the performance of their duty". Furthermore, in 1990 Malaysia adopted the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, which mandate that law enforcement officials "shall, as far as possible, apply non-violent means before resorting to the use of force", and may use force "only if other means remain ineffective". Even when the use of lawful force is unavoidable, law enforcement officials must "exercise restraint in such use and act in proportion to the seriousness to the offence". Another basic principle is that "the deployment of non-lethal incapacitating weapons should be carefully evaluated in order to minimise the risk of endangering uninvolved persons, and the use of such weapons should be carefully controlled".

The police reportedly fired several rounds of tear gas into the compound of a hospital along Jalan Pudu, one of many acts that day that were antithetical to these basic principles.

The Malaysian Bar calls for a thorough and independent investigation by SUHAKAM, by way of an inquiry on its own motion, into the use of aggression and undue force by the police. We acknowledge the co-operation given by the police to members of the Bar's monitoring teams during the rallies. The Malaysian Bar will submit its report on the events of 9 July 2011, along with its recommendations, to the Inspector General of Police shortly.

We also urge the immediate and unconditional release of the six individuals who are still being detained under the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance 1969. These individuals should be charged and tried in open court instead. Furthermore, their habeas corpusapplications should be heard expeditiously and without further delay.

From lessons worldwide, it is clear that the voice of the people cannot be silenced. Our Government ignores the wishes and resolve of the people at its peril, and should, instead, rise to the occasion, to embrace and protect its people's freedoms and rights consistent with a true democracy.

Lim Chee Wee
Malaysian Bar

11 July 2011

Nota Perbahasan YB Azmin Ali DiSidang Dewan Selangor

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 06:47 AM PDT

1. Anggaran Perbelanjaan Bekalan Tambahan di bawah Maksud B29 Perbelanjaan Am sebanyak RM81.1 juta termasuk RM61.6 juta untuk bayaran bil air percuma dan cetakan kupon bagi tempoh September sehingga Disember 2011 ekoran kedegilan Kerajaan Pusat untuk mengambil sikap bertanggungjawab bagi menyelesaikan isu ini yang berlarutan sekian lama dan membebankan rakyat.

2. Kerajaan Pusat tidak langsung menunjukkan minat untuk peduli terhadap kebajikan rakyat Negeri Selangor sebaliknya lebih cenderung untuk melindungi kepentingan kroni dan memperkayakan kroni-kroni pimpinan UMNO.

Pinjaman Kepada SYABAS

3. Pada Suku Tahun Keempat 2010, Kerajaan Pusat telah memberikan kemudahan pinjaman kepada SYABAS sejumlah RM320 juta. Syarat-syarat pinjaman pula berat sebelah (lopsided) dan berpihak kepada SYABAS.

Antara syaratnya ialah :
a. Pembayaran balik akan hanya dibuat selepas tahun yang ke-20. Sekiranya SYABAS mengalami masalah kewangan dalam tempoh 10 tahun dari sekarang, Kerajaan Pusat akan menyerap (absorb) pinjaman ini.
b. Bagi lima tahun yang pertama, tiada faedah dikenakan ke atas pinjaman yang bernilai RM320 juta tersebut.

4. Skim ini lebih berupa sebagai satu geran dan bukan pinjaman.
5. Dalam keadaan belanjawan Negara semakin menguncup, Kerajaan Pusat masih meneruskan amalan membantu kroni sejumlah RM320 juta.

Kedudukan Kewangan Negeri Selangor Kukuh

6. Usaha Kerajaan Negeri di bawah pimpinan Menteri Besar memberikan cadangan balas kepada Kerajaan Pusat ke arah penyelesaian demi rakyat, menunjukkan kebolehan dan kemampuan Menteri Besar dan Pakatan Rakyat untuk mengurus ekonomi dengan cekap dan bertanggungjawab.

Walaupun Kerajaan Pusat masih berdolak dalik dalam usaha menyelesaikan isu penstrukturan semula industri air di Negeri Selangor, saya yakin Kerajaan Negeri punyai kemampuan untuk meneruskan program air percuma ini berdasarkan kedudukan kewangan yang kukuh.

8. Pada 31 Disember 2010, pelaburan yang dicatatkan oleh Negeri Selangor berjumlah RM668 juta dan wang tunai simpanan Kerajaan Negeri berjumlah RM900 juta.

9. Tatakelola yang baik dan ketelusan yang menjadi asas pentadbiran Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Selangor telah memperlihatkan lonjakan jumlah pelaburan dan wang tunai simpanan Kerajaan Negeri. Pada Suku Tahun Kedua 2011, pelaburan telah mencapai RM557 juta dan wang tunai simpanan Kerajaan Negeri berjumlah RM1.2 bilion.

10. Ini menunjukkan bagi tahun 2010, jumlah wang tunai dan pelaburan yang direkodkan berjumlah RM1.58 bilion. Manakala, bagi Suku Tahun Kedua 2011, ianya meningkat kepada RM1.76 bilion. Ini menunjukkan bahawa dalam masa enam bulan sahaja, Kerajaan Negeri sudah dapat meningkatkan rizab sebanyak RM200 juta.

Penstrukturan Semula Perkhidmatan Industri Air Negeri Selangor

11. Cadangan penstrukturan semula perkhidmatan industri air Negeri Selangor secara menyeluruh (holistik) perlu diteruskan dan dipertahankan demi rakyat. Model holistik bagi maksud ini perlu bertegas supaya konsesi air ditamatkan segera dan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor yang menguasai ekuiti dalam Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) mestilah diberikan lesen oleh Suruhanjaya Pengurusan Air Negara (SPAN) menurut Akta Perkhidmatan Industri Air 2006 untuk beroperasi dan menyelenggarakan perkhidmatan industri air demi rakyat Negeri Selangor.

12. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor tidak boleh tunduk dengan tuntutan Kerajaan Pusat bagi pihak SYABAS untuk membenarkan kenaikan tarif air sekurang-kurangnya sebanyak 15%.

Sebarang cadangan pertambahan tarif yang munasabah hendaklah dibincangkan dan dipersetujui oleh Kerajaan Negeri melalui perbahasan dalam Dewan Negeri Selangor yang bertanggungjawab menggalas amanah rakyat Negeri Selangor.

14. Rakyat Negeri Selangor tidak mahu meneruskan dasar dan amalan Kerajaan Pusat yang memberikan kebebasan kepada pengendali air untuk menekan rakyat dan pada masa yang sama, berlaku kecurangan dan ketidak cekapan kos melalui sistem yang ada sekarang.

Projek Rawatan Air Langat 2

15. Saya juga ingin menarik perhatian Dewan berhubung projek Kerajaan Pusat untuk membina kemudahan perawatan air di Langat 2. Persoalannya, apakah benar dakwaan Kerajaan Pusat bahawa akan berlaku krisis air pada 2014 sehingga Kerajaan Pusat tergesa-gesa untuk membina loji rawatan air di Langat 2. Kita boleh merujuk kepada banyak kajian dan kritik berhubung cadangan Kerajaan Pusat yang berpendapat keputusan membina Langat 2 adalah bersifat spekulasi dan berat sebelah kerana kajian yang diguna pakai oleh Kerajaan Pusat dibuat oleh Ranhill dan SMHB Sdn Bhd yang kedua-duanya adalah pemain-pemain utama dalam industri air.

Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air mendakwa bahawa sekiranya Projek Pahang – Selangor Raw Water Transfer yang menelan kos RM9 bilion tidak diteruskan, Selangor akan menghadapi krisis air.

Ini merupakan cerita yang sudah lapuk. SYABAS pernah mendakwa bahawa Selangor akan menghadapi krisis air pada tahun 2007. Orang yang sama dan bersama Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air kini mengulangi dakwaan yang sama bahawa krisis air akan berlaku pada tahun 2014.

18. National Water Resources Study (2000 – 2050) membuat unjuran yang tidak menepati garis panduan water supply system oleh Malaysian Water Association 1994 berpandukan kriteria yang direka oleh JKR.

19. Kriteria yang diguna pakai oleh NWRS adalah :
a. Pertumbuhan penduduk (population growth) melebihi 4% setahun. Sedangkan pertumbuhan menurun daripada 3.7% kepada 3.4%.
b. Pada awal tahun 2001, permintaan air adalah sebanyak 3,000 mld. Tetapi permintaan sebenar adalah hanya 2,647.6 mld.

20. Sepatutnya, isu Non Revenue Water (NRW) perlu ditangani segera. Menurut NWRS, ketirisan adalah sebanyak 35% dan melalui projek Pahang – Selangor Raw Water Transfer, unjuran mencatatkan air dibekalkan sebanyak 1,150 mld.

21. Walau bagaimanapun, pakar-pakar industri air membuat dapatan dalam kajian bahawa 55% daripada jumlah air ini mampu dijana (generate) jika kita dapat mengurangkan ketirisan (leakage).

NWRS juga mendakwa bahawa pertumbuhan ekonomi sebanyak 8 – 9 % sedangkan pada masa sekarang pertumbuhan hanya di sekitar 4 – 5% sahaja.

23. Ini menunjukkan bahawa unjuran yang dibuat menurut kajian NWRS tersebut mempunyai perbezaan yang cukup ketara (glaring discrepancies).

24. Kita harus melihat dan mengkaji semula tren penggunaan air domestik.
1970 : 200 liter sehari per kapita
1980 : 250 liter sehari per kapita
1990 : 300 liter sehari per kapita
2010 : 500 liter sehari per kapita (kawasan bandar)

United Nations telah membuat rekomendasi bagi penggunaan air sebanyak 200 liter sehari per kapita.

25. Penggunaan air yang dirawat dapat dikurangkan terutamanya dalam kempen konservasi air melibatkan penggunaan air di tandas-tandas, membasuh kenderaan, menyiram pokok-pokok dan sebagainya (non essential activities).


26. Saya ingin mencadangkan kepada Kerajaan Negeri untuk mengambil langkah-langkah berikut yang turut mengambil kira isu climate change.
a. Program Air Percuma ini perlu diteruskan tetapi di streamline untuk memastikan hanya kumpulan sasar adalah mereka yang benar-benar memerlukan air percuma khususnya golongan berpendapatan rendah dan miskin. Ini adalah kerana program air percuma melibatkan kos yang tinggi.

b. Kerajaan Negeri harus menurut piawai antarabangsa. Menurut Comment 15 : UN Convention on Rights to Water mencadangkan bahawa hanya mereka yang benar-benar miskin (hardcore poor) patut diberikan air percuma. Ini merupakan best practice yang patut menjadi dasar pemberian air percuma.

c. Kerajaan Negeri boleh memperkenalkan rain water harvesting untuk non-essential activities. Menurut kajian UKM, pengguna rain water harvesting boleh mengurangkan bil air di antara 40 ke 50 %.

d. Mengurangkan penggunaan air menerusi program kempen konservasi.
e. Untuk industri IKS, penggunaan teknologi baru akan dapat menjimatkan penggunaan air.

Truth That Cannot Be Cover – Bersih 2.0

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 01:48 AM PDT

Thousands Of Malaysians Rally For Changes To Elections

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 01:09 AM PDT

New York Times

Police officers arrested almost 1,700 people and fired tear gas at protesters here in Malaysia's capital on Saturday in an attempt to prevent an afternoon rally by advocates of an overhaul of elections.

Officials said that protest leaders were among those arrested.

Demonstrators were seen scattering as the police fired tear gas on Saturday afternoon. In one late-afternoon skirmish, the police volleyed tear gas at thousands of protesters near the city's Central Market. The Associated Press reported that the police also used chemical-laced water to disperse some demonstrators.

Roads leading into Kuala Lumpur, as well as some streets in the city, remained closed late in the afternoon as helicopters hovered over the city center.

The confrontation was the culmination of weeks of tension, as activists have called on Prime Minister Najib Razak to change the way elections are conducted. The next vote must be held by mid-2013, but there is speculation it could be called as early as this year.

The demonstration on Saturday was organized by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections, also known as Bersih, or "clean" in Malay. The coalition is made up of 62 nongovernmental organizations.

Key leaders of the Bersih movement, most of them dressed in the group's distinctive yellow T-shirts, and some opposition party leaders were arrested after they tried to walk from the Kuala Lumpur Central Station to Merdeka Stadium, where they had planned to hold a rally.

After forcing their way past security and into the city's main train station, the Bersih leaders tried to leave from the other side of the station, where they were met by riot police officers who fired tear gas.

The opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and one of his bodyguards were injured as they tried to flee and were being treated in a hospital on Saturday afternoon, said Latheefa Koya, chief of the opposition People's Justice Party's legal bureau.

Speaking at a news conference before she was arrested on Saturday, Ambiga Sreenevasan, chairwoman of Bersih, said the arrests and the use of tear gas had "stirred a sense of outrage against the exhibition of raw power by our government."

"What is the necessity for this show of might against right? No matter what, right will always prevail," she said. Ms. Ambiga said she had been released about 6:30 p.m.

Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy and a democracy with regular national elections, but Bersih organizers say that elections are vulnerable to manipulation.

They have issued a list of eight demands, including marking voters with indelible ink to prevent them from casting ballots more than once, purging electoral rolls of "phantom voters" and ensuring that opposition parties have equal access to the mainstream news media. The group is also calling for a royal commission to investigate how elections are conducted.

Last Saturday, the government declared Bersih illegal because it had not registered as an organization and was causing unrest among the public. Bersih countered that it was not a new organization, but rather an alliance of existing groups.

Mr. Najib had said the coalition could hold the rally if it agreed to meet in a stadium, rather than on the streets as first planned. Bersih organizers agreed to the terms, but the authorities then said that Bersih could not proceed without a police permit, which normally would not be granted to a group that has been declared illegal. The government had said that Bersih could hold a rally at a stadium outside the city, but the group's leaders insisted that it be held at Merdeka Stadium.

Bersih leaders also accused the prime minister of having "reneged" on his offer to provide a stadium for their rally.

On Saturday, Mr. Najib described the protest as "an illegal rally organized by a section of our community," according to a report by the national news agency Bernama.

"If there are people who want to hold the illegal rally, there are even more who are against their plan to hold the illegal gathering," Bernama quoted Mr. Najib as saying.

Ong Kian Ming, a political analyst at UCSI University in Kuala Lumpur, said the police had prevented demonstrators from gathering at the stadium.

"I think the police lost more credibility than the protesters," he said, adding that there had been no reports of demonstrators attacking the police or damaging property. "I think it would be hard for the police to justify why they needed such a massive presence."

Before Saturday, 225 people had been arrested in connection with the Bersih movement under various laws, including the Sedition Act and Emergency Ordinance, which allows for detention without trial. On Thursday, the police said six people remained in custody. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and other rights groups condemned the arrests and called on the government to stop harassing people associated with Bersih.

"This brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters is undermining Malaysia's claim to be a moderate democracy. Mr. Najib's government has chosen the path of repression, not reform," Amnesty International said in a statement on Saturday.

The protest on Saturday was one of the biggest in recent years in Malaysia. A street rally calling for similar election changes in 2007 was credited with helping the opposition make historic gains in the 2008 elections.

The Walk For Clean & Fair Elections In Malaysia

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 12:56 AM PDT

Liputan Media Antarabangsa Tentang Perhimpunan Bersih 9 Julai 2011

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 11:12 PM PDT

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