Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

'To fight extremism, Najib must start from Umno'

Posted: 28 Feb 2015 01:10 AM PST

Sarawak DAP welcomed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's statement on fighting against extremism, as it is not good for the country and the people.

"But to fight extremism, I urge him to walk the talk. Don't only pay lip service. He must start from Umno, of which he is the president," said Sarawak DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen (left) when commenting on the matter.

Last night, Najib told some 40,000 people who were attending a Chinese New Year gathering at the compound of Dewan Masyarakat Kuching that the BN government rejected any form of extremism.

He said he was aware that the Chinese in Malaysia wanted peace, stability, good governance and rejected extremism.

"They want, above all, peace and stability. If you don't have peace and stability, you cannot do business or make money, and BN can provide peace and stability in Sarawak.

"When we have peace and stability, we must reject extremism," Najib was quoted as saying.

Speaking at a news conference this morning, Chong - who is also the Bandar Kuching MP and state assemblyperson for Kota Sentosa - stressed that the PM should first tackle Umno, which he claimed was full of extremists.

"Some Umno leaders and cabinet ministers have been issuing racist and religious extremist statements.

"For a minister to make a racist statement like accusing the Chinese of exploiting the price of goods and urging the Malays to boycott Chinese traders, it shows that this minister is not fit to be in the cabinet," said Chong, referring to Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob's infamous Facebookposting.

Najib has to take a series of actions against the many extremists in Umno and to tackle them one by one, only then will he have showed that he walked the talk, added Chong.

"As far as Sarawak as concerned, we do not have any extremism, and we don't welcome extremism from the peninsula.

"That is why we don't welcome Umno," he said.

Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor returned to Kuala Lumpur this morning after a three-day visit to Sarawak.

on Malaysiakini(28/2/2015)


Posted: 27 Feb 2015 09:10 PM PST

自从20/1/15高庭法官献议双方庭外和解,改革派宣布放弃要召集违法的18中委特别会议。许多关心华教体系的团体或个别人士,纷纷表示欣慰,期待董总风波早日落幕,更建议双方通过中立社团,主办圆座会议,以民主公开方式,辩论议题,推行中庸之道。当权派叶邹表示,愿意和解只要不伤害各方,不预定条件,按会章,不触犯教育法令和社团注册法规,以免陷董总未来与不利之境。希望在3月5日之前各方自我克制,不发表任何干 扰 司法的言论。
令人遗憾的是,挑战派,漠视民意,怂恿其文化打手,继续狂攻,抹黑,重复无中生有的旧事,增添莫须有的罪名,尽情羞辱诋毁董总领导人, 例如 说叶邹与时任新院理事长王今钟成立一家新纪元私人有限公司,是意图将董教总名下的新院和产业及资金,转到这家注册在叶邹和王今钟名下的新纪元私人有限公司。要成为新院这家大学的老板 ,把三位为新院格升大学义不容辞的承担 ,诋毁为贪腐,嚣张,想鲸吞公产的卑鄙之徒。这是极度的毁谤。
其实,2014 年3月17日成立新纪元私人有限公司的成立,获董教总教育中心董事一致同意 ,一星期后, 24/3/2014就将所有股份转移到董教总教育中心 。 如今被指私人有限公司是要私有化新院或吞拚新院。
劳动新院理事长出面证实,新纪元私人有限公司是100% 由董教总中心非营利有限公司拥有的子公司。组织新纪元私人有限公司是应当权者的条件,是新院格升为大学学院的必要程序。
农历新年来临,去年抄董总多次召集中常委会议,团拜事宜都例入讨论议程,问题是傅振荃等,执意要先解决倒邹(违章的动议)不果,便不顾正常会务,制造流会。原先因内部矛盾无法近期解决,董总 宣布今年不筹办新春团拜,但一班支持者咸认新春团拜是华人文化精髓,对来年的进展有正面的影响,举办新春团拜可促进政府,党团,群众交流,互相激励,作用大,希望所有董联会成员支持今年的团拜,不因人废事,把董总推向分裂的深渊,新春团拜是破镜团圆最适当的平台。董总在一批董联会的支持下,决定在不花费董总财政一分一毛的情形下,新春团拜照跑。
挑战派此刻,坚持挑起人事课题,如此凌厉打压叶邹,如此猴急要拉叶邹下台, 令人怀疑他们背后的隐议程。是否在转移人民对华教路线斗争的中心点,挑战派要逼迫董总认同关丹中华中学是华文独中,指鹿为马;要董总接受关中学生参与独中的统考,以身试法。事实证明,关中按批文是一间马来文私立中学,董总不能接受关中学生参与独中的统考,除非得到官方考试总监书面的批准。挑战派无法自圆其说,只能选择逃避,另挑话题转移关心华教人士的视线。让人事纷争蒙蔽华教危机的真相。这将 迎合当权者执行单元文化的新政策,顺利推行教育大蓝图的政令。华社绝不能等闲视之。
挑战派要改朝换代不是不可以,但要改之有道,挑战派领军人物也要有自己的业绩,同时彰显取代队伍的素质,方能令人信服。怎能一味对现任的领袖乱套罪名,一举抹杀叶邹数十年来呕心沥血, 尽心尽力,义务为华教抗拒单元文化政策不断侵蚀华教的恶作剧的所有付出。挑战派的激烈无情夺权手段,将使有志献身华教者心寒,望而却步。叶邹诚如挑战派所指的大奸大恶,傅振荃诸公与叶邹二老十多年来共事,认同所推行的议案,按理也难逃助暴为掠之嫌。何况仅在1年前,叶邹是在众望所归,没有挑战的情况下蝉联旧职,这一切真令人费解!
新年伊始, 万象更新,希望董总裂痕愈合,同心协力迎接未来的挑战。希望董总百万人签名运动的壮举成功说服当权者,修改教育大蓝图中不利母语的条文。祝华社董总全体同仁,万事顺心如意。
张守江 律师
稿于 26/2/2015

Khamis, 26 Februari 2015



It will be wise for MIC to resolve its internal problems quickly and with dignity, and then move on to fight for the Indian community it claims to represent with true sincerity, courage and commitment.

Posted: 26 Feb 2015 04:37 AM PST

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Speculation on early election as PM visits S’wak

Posted: 25 Feb 2015 07:44 PM PST

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's three-day visit to Sarawak, starting this evening, has sparked off speculation for an early state election as elaborate programmes have been laid down for him and his wife Rosmah Mansor.

During the visit, he is expected to meet with the state BN leaders to discuss the state's preparations for the coming state election although there is no mention of him meeting them in the programme.

Political observers said that all programmes arranged for Najib and statements made by BN leaders seemed to point to an early election.

Many had expected it to be held in September this year.

The term for the current state assembly should end in June next year.

Yesterday, Sarawak DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen (left) told newsmen that the visit by the  PM indicated an early election for Sarawak and during the visit he would bring a lot of 'election goodies' and make many election promises.

"He will act as 'Santa Claus' distributing election goodies especially to the rural people," said Chong who is the Kota Sentosa State assemblyperson.

"But don't underestimate the intelligence of the rural people now - they know what is good and what is bad.

"We have gone through a number of elections, and we know the voters will not be swayed easily by such goodies and promises," he said.

As for the DAP, they would not be intimidated by the 'election goodies'.

Programmes for PM

Meanwhile, this evening the prime minister will open Sarawak Urban Transformation Centre and the following day he will fly to Sri Aman where he will lay the foundation of the much-talked-about Sri Aman Hospital.

After the function, he will proceed to Beladin to perform a ground-breaking ceremony for the Beladin Community Hall.

In the afternoon, Najib will fly to Serian where he will open the Selabi water treatment plant. He is also expected to announce the upgrading of Serian district into a division.

Tomorrow night, the prime minister and his wife will attend a Chinese New Year celebration with other BN leaders.

Some 40,000 people are expected to attend at the Dewan Masyarakat Kuching.

Before returning to Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, he will visit Satok Food Centre, where he will hand over aid to victims of the recent floods.

on Malaysiakini(26/2/2015)

Sarawak DAP to file motion to make 'Dayak' a race

Posted: 25 Feb 2015 06:04 PM PST

Sarawak DAP will move a motion in the coming state legislative assembly sitting to seek the term 'Dayak' to define all indigenous races in Sarawak, other than Malays.

To do so, there needs to be an amendment to the term 'natives' in the Sarawak Interpretation Ordinance (SIO), state DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen told a press conference in Kuching today.

As it is, Sarawak natives already recognise themselves as Dayak, the Kota Sentosa assemblyperson said.

"It is with this strong sentiment that there is now the call for the term 'Dayak' to replace the term 'dan lain-lain' or the suggested 'bumiputera' in the race column of all government forms."

Chong (left) said the party wants Sarawak natives to be classified as two races – Dayak and Malay.

"All the previously referred to races, like the Iban, Bidayuh, etc, will be regarded as sub-ethnic groups under the unifying term for the race called 'Dayak'," he said.

"At the moment, the shocking truth is that there is no 'Dayak' race in the SIO."

DAP's proposal will also see sub-ethnic groups Berawan, Lakiput and Tering, now omitted from the definition of 'natives', to be recognised as 'Dayak'.

Under the SIO, the term 'natives' means Bidayuh or Land Dayak, Bukitan, Berawan, Bisayah, Dusun, Iban or Sea Dayak, Kadayan, Kelabit, Kayan, Kenyah (including Sabup and Sipeng), Kajang (including Sekapan, Kejaman, Lahanan, Punan, Tanjong and Kanowit), Lakiput, Lugat, Lisum, Melanau, Murut or Lun Bawang, Penan, Sian, Tagal, Tabun, Tering, Ukit and any admixture of these races with each other.

No more divisions

The proposal will not be the final draft, Chong said, and welcomes suggestions from Dayak NGOs, academicians and community members.

Sarawak DAP vice-chairperson Leon Jimat Donald (below, right) has been tasked to receive feedback on the proposal, which the party wants to finalise before the deadline for submissions to the secretary of the state legislative assembly.

Submissions must be made two weeks before assembly sitting. The date for the next sitting has yet to be announced but the Sarawak assembly traditionally sits in May and in November.

"Under the BN regime, the Dayak have been divided into small groups and marginalised, sometimes even totally forgotten in the federal government's policy-making process.

"It is time that the Dayak stand united so that their voices be heard and their plights be addressed properly by the ruling government.

"Hopefully, this amendment will be the first small step towards the unification of Dayak into a stronger political force, so that their interests may be better protected," Chong said.

on Malaysiakini(25/2/2015)

行动党来届州议会 动议修改《砂拉越诠释法》

Posted: 25 Feb 2015 06:01 PM PST

他们指出,近期有许多达雅族的非政府组织已在许多场合做出公布,大部分的砂拉越(非马来人)土著,都认为他们属于"达雅族"。他们认为"达雅族"包括伊班、比达友、比砂雅、肯亚等。因此,这些非政府组织也已做出强烈的呼吁,要求所有政府部门的表格,在种族归类方面,对于砂州(非马来人)原住民的归类,应该取消之前的"其他(dan lain -lain)"或阿迪南所建议的"土著(Bumiputra)",而由"达雅族"来取代。
"早在英殖民时代,除了马来人之外,砂州原住民都被统称为'达雅'族,但是,让人感到纳闷的是,我们的法令却没有给予'达雅'族这个砂州最大的民族一个法律的定位。 这是否又是国阵的分而治之的权谋?"
"如果在法律上都没有'达雅族'这个民族,那又如何能够在官方文件上填写'达雅族'这种族? 因此,若'达雅'这个词要有法律的定位,受到法律上的承认为一个民族,首要条件就是必须修改《砂拉越诠释法》对砂拉越原住民的定义。"
1. 砂拉越原住民包括两个民族,即,达雅族和马来人。
2. 达雅族包括以下的所有籍贯(sub-ethnic group),即,Bidayuhs or Land Dayaks,Bukitans,Berawans,Bisayahs,Dusuns,Ibans or Sea Dayaks,Kadayans,Kelabits,Kayans,Kenyahs (including Sabups and Sipengs) ,Kajangs (including Sekapans,Kejamans,Lahanans,Punans,Tanjongs and Kanowits),Lakiputs,Lugats,Lisums,Melanaus,Muruts or Lun Bawangs,Penans,Sians,Tagals,Tabuns,Terings,Ukits
他希望所有的建议可以通过其电邮地址 电邮给他。行动党将给予考虑和讨论,直至来届州议会提呈动议的期限为止。
"因此,是时候达雅族团结一致,加强达雅族整体的声音以便政府会正视他们的诉求和问题。 我们行动党希望,这次行动党所建议的《砂拉越诠释法》的修改,可以成为团结达雅族的第一个小步。"

张健仁:料将出现重叠 火箭放眼攻30州议席

Posted: 25 Feb 2015 05:59 PM PST


Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Why the rush? Chong asks EC

Posted: 23 Feb 2015 06:46 PM PST

KUCHING: The Election Commission (EC) should be taken to task for the extreme short notice to those who object from Batu Lintang to attend the public enquiry and their insensitivity to the Chinese New Year celebration.

State DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen said the notice was served on the eve of the Chinese New Year, and the hearing was scheduled for Monday (the first working day after the festive celebration) at 8.30 am.

"This is less than one working day notice," he said in a press statement yesterday.

According to Chong, the spokesperson for those who objected from Batu Lintang is Bong Kuet Vui, the special assistant to Padungan assemblyman Wong King Wei.

Bong received the notice on last Wednesday.

"With a less than one working day notice to attend the hearing is by all standards grossly insufficient and inadequate, bearing in mind that the holidays in between the notice and the hearing were the Chinese New Year celebration.

"What is the rush for the EC? Is the EC trying to rush the matter so that the new areas will be in time for the next Sarawak state election? Is EC taking instructions from BN to rush?"
Chong said the DAP had rounded up more than 100 voters in Batu Lintang constituency to make the following counter-proposal.

First, to create a new state constituency by joining two polling districts, namely Tabuan Jaya and Tabuan Laru, from the existing Batu Lintang constituency with four polling districts – Kenyalang, Supreme, Chong Kiun Kong and Simpang Tiga – from the existing Pending constituency.

"The new proposed state constituency shall be called 'Tabuan Jaya'."

Second, to create a new parliamentary constituency with the new Batu Lintang and Kota Sentosa state seats, leaving Stampin parliamentary constituency with only Batu Kawah and Batu Kitang state seats.

The proposed name for the new parliamentary constituency should be called 'Sungai Maong', added Chong.

"The purpose for our counter-proposal is to, more or less, equalise the number of voters for all the parliamentary and state constituencies.

"In Sarawak, the average number of voters for each parliamentary constituency is 36,700. But according to the proposal by the EC, the new Bandar Kuching Parliamentary constituency will have 78,000 voters.

"This number is more than double Sarawak's average. It is also more than triple the number of voters for those constituencies with less than 20,000 voters."

He alleged that "such unfair electoral delineation is totally against the principle of one-person one-vote one-value."

"What the EC is doing is trying to mess up the voting rights and vote values of the electorates. It seems the sole purpose of the existence of the EC is to ensure electoral victory for the BN, notwithstanding that the majority of the voters will vote against the BN."

on BorneoPost(24/2/2015)

不认同选区划分 火箭提反建议

Posted: 23 Feb 2015 06:40 PM PST


Jumaat, 20 Februari 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

行动党新年大计 盼攻下土著选区

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 01:00 AM PST

该党国州议员张健仁表示,若州选于今年内举行,该党将在土著区争取突破, 即攻下3至5个议席;现有的议席(华人区)也可增加多一至两个议席。

Isnin, 16 Februari 2015



Police need to take stock and clean their own backyard

Posted: 16 Feb 2015 04:32 AM PST

Jumaat, 13 Februari 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 12 Feb 2015 06:11 PM PST

张氏指出,7里一带的交通紊乱,显示巴达旺市议会的治理无方。 而7里刘善邦路中间开口处封路的事件,更显示巴达旺市议会罔顾民意,把问题越搞越糟。
张氏说,当时封路后,罗克强叫7里一带的商家给市议会一点时间试试。 一转眼已是一年了,交通堵塞问题没有解决,反而更糟糕。 巴达旺为了面子问题,还是不愿意开路。
"难道市议会的面子,比人民的不便来得更重要? 再者,当天我陪同一些商家去到罗克强的办公室,他却不允许那些商家进入。态度专横高傲,根本没有把人民当老板看待。"
张氏指出,巴达旺已有热线,罗克强若真的要服务人民,7里镇交通堵塞、停车位不足、巴达旺管辖下的地区道路沟渠失修、街灯不足的问题就够其忙了。 放着这些正务不处理,再多的热线也是枉然。
"7里大路交通灯到Batu Kitang轻工业区短短不到一公里的大路,多年没有路灯,许多民众也已投诉几年来,而行动党也数次提出,巴达旺也没有处理。 这短短的一段路,若巴达旺一年安置一盏路灯,现在整段路也已经有路灯了。"

Khamis, 12 Februari 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 11 Feb 2015 09:26 PM PST

We are looking for volunteers again!
Under our Impian Sabah programme, we are now recruiting volunteers for this micro-hydro project that will run from 7-15 March 2015. This project will provide green and sustainable energy to villagers at Ulu Papar.
Volunteers are expected to assist the project manager on manual tasks such as:
– Carrying materials and equipment to the project site
– Building concrete forms and connecting cables from power house to houses
– Helping to cook and prepare meals for the whole team.
Your expenses will include airfare (if applicable) to Kota Kinabalu Airport and RM200 volunteer contribution that covers your return ground transfer from KK Airport to the kampung, food, accommodation, and insurance.
For those who are interested, please kindly fill in this form:
Enquiries can be directed to
