Khamis, 22 Ogos 2013

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Expats & Seabury Consulting are the flavours of AJ by Iron Man Buddy

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 08:13 AM PDT


You may want to probe that AJ is actively interfering with insurance procurement of MAS.

He wanted to appoint Sterling Insurance Brokers to advise MAS despite no experience in managing aviation risks.

Sterling is owned by Halim J, iron man buddy. AJ gave exclusive appointment to Sterling for Malakoff when AJ was with Malakoff.

With full brokerage the deal was in milllions of RM, speculation are high that H… financed A..’s expensive kit plane hobby.

Dig deeper brudder…

Comment on Expats & Seabury Consulting are the flavours of AJ by Anonymous

Posted: 21 Aug 2013 08:41 PM PDT

Can I say somethıng durıng the old tımes before Tajuddın even took over mas do not even have a revenue managemnet system to check where and how the seats are sold and who took them then when ıt was ıntroduced the old folks sabotage the system because then the seats sold can be checked hello
mas was havıng a fıeld day sellıng what god knows what to whom at what prıce and even whether anybody even paıd check when the ınventory systme was really ıntroduced so you want to reemploy the old folks one sure way for mas to dıe early lıke on ınternal folk dıd when he was md tıme for a drastıc change no need to look at the old folks they are all jaded mas need a new

Comment on Expats & Seabury Consulting are the flavours of AJ by Bob the Builder

Posted: 21 Aug 2013 06:29 PM PDT

It’s clear that you’re the one that’s actually clueless.

I suggest you go take the Airline Finance Appreciation Course to bone up on how finance works.

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