Lim Guan Eng |
Posted: 07 Jul 2013 04:36 AM PDT Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 7.7.2013 Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's refusal to support the abolition of the 1948 Sedition Act is not only open defiance of the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's promise but also a betrayal of BN's general election slogan of "A Promise Fulfilled". In July last year, Najib had announced that the Sedition Act would be replaced with a National Harmony Act, after repealing the Internal Security Act and the Emergency Ordinance. Such defiance by Ahmad Zahid is unacceptable. Datuk Seri Najib must provide certainty and clarity that he is committed to abolishing the Sedition Act by demanding that Zahid toe the line, reverse his stand and support the abolition. Or else Zahid should resign from Cabinet. Failing which, Najib should explain to the people why he is breaking BN's promise and betrayed the voters by not fulfilling his pledge to abolish the Sedition Act. Zahid claimed that the abolishment of the Sedition Act would mean that there was no law to regulate offenses such as seditious content, slander, accusation or condemnation. This is not only wrong but also ridiculous as there are criminal provisions in the Penal Code and civil defamation action to deal with such offenses. The Sedition Act has a sorry record of been abused and misused against opposition politicians. As a past victim imprisoned by such laws, it is clear that Zahid is intent on retaining such oppressive laws so that it can be used against opposition PR leaders. Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is also wrong to equate the present rise in the crime rate, especially street crimes, to the abolition of the Emergency Ordinance. The rise in crime is caused by failure of enforcement and insufficient police personnel patrolling the streets to fight crime. This is shown by the Criminal Investigation Department(CID) comprisimng barely 9% of the police force. Even the Special Branch of the police has nearly the same number of personnel as the CID. 41% of uniformed police perform management functions, while 31% are tasked with internal security and public order. In fact most of the police personnel is diverted to other non-core police duties not related to fighting crime, including being used as a political weapon by BN to deal with PR leaders. To date the BN Federal government has failed to implement the 2005 Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) Report's recommendations that 20,000 uniformed personnel or 22% of the force could be reassigned to go back to active core policing work in fighting crime. The most important recommendation of establishing the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission(IPCMC) has not been carried out when it would not only prevent police abuses of power and custodial deaths, but ensure that police is effective in preventing and solving crime. LIM GUAN ENG —-Mandarin Version —- 民主行动党秘书长兼峇眼区国会议员林冠英于2013年7月7日(星期日)在吉隆坡所发表的文告: 拿督斯里阿末扎希不支持废除1948年煽动法令,相等于公开违背首相的承诺,也违背国阵"一诺千金"的大选口号! 内政部长拿督斯里阿末扎希不支持废除1948年煽动法令,相等于公然违抗首相拿督斯里纳吉的承诺,也违背国阵"一诺千金"的大选口号。去年7月,纳吉宣布在废除内安法令和紧急法令后,将以国民和谐法令取代煽动法令。 阿末扎希这类公然违抗的行为是不能被接受的。纳吉必须明确地展示其要废除煽动法令的决心,谕令阿末扎希转换立场并支持废除煽动法令。不然,阿末扎希就必须辞去内阁部长的职位。如果纳吉不能这样做的话,他就必须向人民解释为何他违背国阵的承诺、背叛选民,没有落实其本身提出要废除煽动法令的承诺。 阿末扎希指废除煽动法令,将使到国家没有法律管制煽动性、诽谤性、无根据指责、恶意中伤他人等罪行。这不但是错误的说法,更是荒谬的言论。毕竟,现有的刑事法典及民事诽谤诉讼就足以应对这类的罪行。 煽动法令具有被人滥用的前科,专门用来对付在野党政治人物。作为煽动法令其一受害者,我敢相信阿末扎希显然要保住这项恶法,进而用来对付民联领袖。 阿末扎希将现今上扬的罪案率,特别是街道罪案,归咎于废除紧急法令所产生的恶果,更是错误的言论。罪案上扬乃是因为执法不力,以及街上没有足够警员巡逻打击罪案而导致的。 这可以从警方刑事罪案调查组只占总警员人数9%获得证明。即使警方政治部,亦拥有跟刑事罪案调查组相近的警力。 41%制服警员负责警队管理工作,31%则负责维持内部安全和公共秩序。事实上,大部分警力皆被安排到与打击罪案无关的非核心警务,包括作为被国阵用以对付民联领袖的政治武器。 国阵联邦政府迄今还没有落实2005年皇家委员会报告的建议,即确保至少有2万名制服警员或相等于总警力的22%人手,重新被指派处理打击罪案的核心警务。与此同时,这份报告提出最重要的建议,即独立警队投诉和行为不检委员会迄今未能成立。这个委员会不仅能够制止警队滥权和扣留所暴毙案一再发生,亦可确保警方能够有效地遏止和打击罪案。 林冠英 |
Posted: 06 Jul 2013 06:37 PM PDT Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On7.7.2013 Penang will support Kedah State Government's efforts to seek federal funds to help conserve the Muda River Basin and water catchment areas for the benefit of three states – Kedah, Penang and Perlis. We should be clear that the Muda River does not only benefit Penang. Kedah also draws water from the river for their water supply and irrigation needs. The Muda River is also an important water source for the southern area of Perlis. As such, the preservation of the Ulu Muda catchment in Kedah is a federal issue because it involves three states' water supply as well as the conservation of a natural forest area for the benefit of all Malaysians. As noted on the Friends of Ulu Muda (FoUM) website (, the catchments in Ulu Muda, which cover an area of 160,000 hectares, has been under threat by prospect of logging since 2002, as well as forest conversions, illegal and unregulated extraction of forest resources and unsustainable tourism development. As such it has been recommended that:- All logging in the Ulu Muda forests should be stopped immediately, and the Federal Government directive of 18 May 2003, which bans logging at the Ulu Muda Forests, should be upheld; Since the Ulu Muda forest reserves yield clean water for most of the northern states on the west coast for farming, domestic, tourism and industrial use, the Kedah State Government should gazette the forest reserves as water catchment forests under the National Forestry Act 1984; For the sake of preserving the rich biodiversity of the forests (plants and wildlife), the protection of the greater Ulu Muda forests should be enhanced by establishing a State or National Park; and The Federal Government should deliver on its promise to compensate the Kedah State Government for not logging the Ulu Muda forests. As much as 96% of Kedah's and 80% of Penang's water supplies originate from the Ulu Muda forest. The Muda Irrigation Scheme which accounts for 40% of total rice production in Malaysia, also relies greatly on water sourced from the Ulu Muda forests. Therefore, Kedah should act quickly and get Federal funds to conserve the source of the Muda River. Federal funding is justifiable because the Ulu Muda forests are: A critical raw water catchment for three states, An indispensable irrigation resource for Kedah as the 'Rice Bowl of Malaysia', and Green and biologically diverse areas that should be gazetted as a National or State Forest Park for the benefit of all Malaysian nature lovers now and in the future. If necessary, the Penang State Government will support Kedah's application for Federal funding to protect the Ulu Muda forests. I am sure the Perlis State Government will also support the application. After all, in Chapter 6, page 305, of the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011-2015), under the heading of 'Building an Environment that Enhances the Quality of Life', the Federal Government had stated that it will "undertake initiatives to encourage states to gazette forests, especially the water catchment areas, as protected areas". If Kedah is sincere in conserving the Ulu Muda sustainably, it should rightly seek compensation or funding from the Federal Government for two reasons. Secondly, the Federal Government definitely has the financial resources to pay Kedah, especially following the takeover of water assets by the Federal government through Perbadanan Aset Air Bhd(PAAB). PAAB had committed itself to ensuring adequate raw water supply when Penang signed the water migration agreement with PAAB on 2 June 2011, which was witnessed by the Prime Minister himself. LIM GUAN ENG =============================== Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di Komtar, George Town Pada 2013/07/07 Pulau Pinang Akan Sokong Usaha Kedah Untuk Dapatkan Dana Persekutuan Bantu Memelihara Lembangan Sungai Muda dan kawasan tadahan air. Pulau Pinang akan menyokong usaha Kerajaan Negeri Kedah mendapatkan dana Persekutuan untuk membantu memulihara lembangan Sungai Muda dan kawasan tadahan air untuk faedah ketiga-tiga negeri – Kedah, Pulau Pinang dan Perlis. Kita perlu jelas bahawa Sungai Muda bukan sahaja memberi manfaat kepada Pulau Pinang. Kedah juga menggunakan air dari sungai yang sama untuk bekalan air mereka dan keperluan pengairan. Sungai Muda juga merupakan sumber air penting bagi kawasan selatan Perlis. Oleh itu, pemeliharaan kawasan tadahan Ulu Muda di Kedah adalah isu persekutuan kerana melibatkan bekalan air tiga negeri serta pemuliharaan kawasan hutan semula jadi untuk faedah semua rakyat Malaysia. Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh laman web Friends of Ulu Muda (FoUM) (, kawasan tadahan di Ulu Muda, yang meliputi kawasan seluas 160,000 hektar, kini diancam pembalakan sejak tahun 2002, serta penukaran hutan, pengeluaran sumber hutan haram dan tanpa kawalan serta pembangunan pelancongan yang tidak mapan. Oleh itu, adalah dicadangkan bahawa: - Sebanyak 96% bekalan air di Pulau Pinang dan 80% bekalan air Kedah berasal dari hutan Ulu Muda. Skim Pengairan Muda yang mencakupi 40% daripada jumlah pengeluaran beras di Malaysia, juga amat bergantung kepada air yang diperoleh dari hutan Ulu Muda. Jika perlu, Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang akan menyokong permohonan Kedah untuk pembiayaan Persekutuan untuk melindungi hutan Ulu Muda. Saya yakin Kerajaan Negeri Perlis juga akan menyokong permohonan itu. Lagipun, dalam Bab 6, muka surat 305, dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10 (2011-2015), di bawah tajuk 'Membina Persekitaran yang Meningkatkan Kualiti Hidup', Kerajaan Persekutuan akan "menjalankan inisiatif untuk menggalakkan negeri-negeri mewartakan hutan terutamanya kawasan tadahan air sebagai kawasan perlindungan". Jika Kedah ikhlas dalam memulihara Ulu Muda yang mampan, adalah perlu untuk mendapatkan pampasan atau pembiayaan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan atas dua sebab. Kedua, Kerajaan Persekutuan sudah pasti mempunyai sumber kewangan untuk membayar Kedah, terutamanya berikutan pengambilalihan aset air oleh kerajaan Persekutuan melalui Perbadanan Aset Air Bhd (PAAB). PAAB telah sepakat untuk memastikan bekalan air mentah yang mencukupi apabila Pulau Pinang menandatangani perjanjian pemindahan air dengan PAAB pada 2 Jun 2011, yang disaksikan oleh Perdana Menteri sendiri. LIM GUAN ENG 槟城将支持吉打寻求联邦政府拨款协助保护慕达河流域及其集水区的努力。 有鉴于此,维护位于吉打境内的乌鲁慕达集水区是属于联邦政府的课题,因为这涉及到北方三州的供水,还有属于全马人民利益的自然森林保护。从乌鲁慕达之友的网站(Friends of Ulu Muda (FoUM)所知,占地15万公顷的乌鲁慕达集水区自2002年因为伐木牟利、转换森林成为用地、非法及无节制开发森林资源及没有永续概念的旅游开发后,就遭到威胁。 该组织建议: 乌鲁慕达森林的伐木活动必须马上停止,联邦政府2003年5月18日下达禁止乌鲁慕达森林伐木活动的谕令必须要遵守。 既然乌鲁慕达森林保留地提供干净用水给西海岸北马各州作为农务、家庭用水、旅游及工业用途,吉打州政府应该在1984年国家森林法案之下,公报森林保留地成为森林集水区。 为了拯救乌鲁慕达大森林里的多元物种(植物及野生动物),乌鲁慕达大森林应该充作州级森林公园或国家公园。 联邦政府应该兑现其承诺,赔偿吉打州政府在乌鲁慕达森林停止伐木活动的损失。 要知道,吉打96%的供水及槟城80%的供水来源都是源自乌鲁慕达森林。全马来西亚40%稻米生产仰赖慕达灌溉系统,而该灌溉系统极度仰赖来自乌鲁慕达森林的水源。 乌鲁慕达是吉打作为"马来西亚稻米之乡"不可或缺的灌溉资源。 翠绿及生机勃勃的地区应该公报为国家或州级森林公园,以福泽当今及未来爱好大自然的大马人民。 如有必要,槟州政府将支援吉打向联邦政府申请拨款保护乌鲁慕达森林。我相信,玻璃市州政府也会支持这项申请。另外,在2011年至2015年的第十大马计划下,第305页,第6章,标题为"建立提升生活素质的环境"之下,联邦政府有声明将会主动鼓励各州公报其森林,特别是集水区森林作为各州的保护区。 如果吉打真的有诚意永续保护乌鲁慕达,该州就应该即刻向联邦政府寻求赔偿及要求拨款。其次就是联邦政府绝对有财务能力支援吉打,特别是联邦政府在2011年6月2日,透过水务资产管理公司接管了水资产并与槟城签署水资产转移合约的时候,曾经承诺会确保满足生水供应的需求,当时还是首相亲自见证这项签署仪式。 林冠英 |
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