Selasa, 1 Januari 2013

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Penang Will See 2013 As Ending Poverty And Continue The Successes Of Fighting Corruption So That There Are No 3rd Class Ecoomic Citizens.(en/cn)

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 08:02 PM PST

Penang 2013 New Year Message By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar George Town On 1.1.2013.

Penang will see 2013 as the end of poverty and continue the successes of fighting corruption so that there are no 3rd class economic citizens. Over the last 5 years the PR leadership in Penang has worked hard to reduce income inequality and introduced CAT governance of competency, accountability and transparency to accumulate record budget surpluses to implement social programmes, carry out traffic infrastructure works and build affordable housing.

Under PR's Agenda Economic Sosial(AES) or Social Economic Agenda, Penang will be the first state in Malaysia to wipe out poverty by ensuring every household/family has an income of at least RM770 per month. The poverty line is RM763 per month for every household/family in Peninsular Malaysia.

Those families with less than RM770 monthly income will have the difference topped up by the state government every month. In other words, a family with RM600 monthly income will receive RM170 monthly under the PR AES programme. AES will cost the Penang state government at least RM20 million yearly and a huge majority of the recipients will be Malays.

At the same time, construction will begin for the first of 18,000 units of affordable housing throughout Penang, including on the island. 2013 will see the selection by open competitive tender of contractors for 5 major roadworks including the proposed third link of a underwater sea tunnel between Gurney Drive and Bagan Ajam in Butterworth.

Fighting corruption will be continue to top the agenda as only a clean government can ensure a knowledgeable, fair, progressive and prosperous society. Corruption has turned Malaysians generally into 3rd class economic citizens. The first class economic citizens are BN leaders whereas the 2nd class are BN cronies and followers.

The Malays have become 3rd class economic citizens as a result of financial scandals such as the RM 52 billion bumi share scandal. RM54 billion of shares were allocated to bumis but none of the ordinary Malays or bumis from Sabah and Sarawak received a single share and only RM2 billion remain. To date the BN government has refused to investigate the loss of RM52 billion of bumi shares.

The Chinese have also become 3rd class economic citizens, being forced to finance Chinese schools when MCA Ministers and BN leaders were more interested in the RM13.85 billion Port Klang Free Trade Zone scandal. Whereas the Indians have become 3rd class economic citizens with the unresolved and failed MAIKA scandal.

In Sabah and Sarawak, two of the richest states in natural resources in Malaysia, also have the highest poverty levels because the leaders are more interested in enriching themselves or their families. 28 million Malaysians are 3rd class economic citizens following the expose of RM871 billion outflow of illicit funds or "black" money from 2001-2010 by the Washington-based financial watchdog 2012 Global Financial Integrity (GFI) Report.

Penang has succeeded in stemming corruption following strict enforcement of 6 integrity steps of:
1. Instituting public declaration of assets of the Chief Minister and the EXCO members vetted by an international accounting firm.
2. Implementing open competitive tenders.
3. Bar family members from involvement in government contracts.
4. Protect genuine whistleblowers.
5. Remove leaders with extravagant lifestyles.
6. Come clean on political donations.

Establishing integrity will not only bring human dignity but also economic dignity to Penangites that reward hard work and gives equal opportunities to all. Only with economic dignity can Penang develop into an international and intelligent city that is clean, green, safe and healthy.

—-Mandarin Version —-




那些月入低入770令吉的家庭,州政府将会每个月"加额"补贴凑数。 换句话说,一户月入600令吉的家庭,在民联社会经济议程下,他们会额外获得170令吉。这项计划每年将会耗资州政府2000万令吉,大部分受惠的家庭将是马来家庭。





沙巴及砂拉越,是我国天然资源最丰富的州属,却是最贫穷的州属,这两州的领袖更加致力于为本身及他们的家庭致富。全国2800万人口都是三等经济公民,我国被爆在2001-2010年期间,约有8710亿令吉的黑钱外流,这是美国金融监督机构全球金融廉正所发表的2012 年度报告揭发的。

1. 制度化公布首长及行政议员的资产,并由国际会计公司审核。
2. 推行公开招标。
3. 禁止高官家庭成员涉及政府合约。
4. 保护吹哨人。
5. 撤除生活作风奢华的领袖。
6. 清楚交待政治献金。

廉正体制能够褒勤、提供平等机会,不只会为槟城人民带来人类尊严,也会带来经济尊严 。唯有经济尊严才能让槟州发展成为清洁、绿意、安全及健康的国际智能都市。


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