Isnin, 28 Januari 2013

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Azahari Dahlan: Was SRT’s statement referring to a possible joint venture with MAS? by Omar MAS

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 07:53 AM PST

Those in M & E in MAS must keep our eyes wide open to see what that bloody Botak is doing. As someone here has said he is keeping the bays open for the Pariah/low caste AA/AAX send their planes for repairs.

We all remember very well that immediately after the share suap was reversed by PM, the Pariah severed ties with MAS and also categorically stated that AA?AAX will not send their aircraft to MAS for service or maintenance. Alhamdulilah! Kami semua bersyukur di MAS bahawa si pariah tidak akan hantar karpal mereka ke MAS.

THe Pariah also said that AA will not move to KLIA2 when it is completed. Now obediently agree to move when it is completed. This pariah is full of publicity stance so we better be careful.

We must watch the botak properly and make sure that his every move is properly examined. The moment he does anything in favour of the pariah or gave the Pariah/low caste airline special rates or favourable rates then lets exposed him in YB’s blog which is the only avenue for MAS staffs.

Watch out Botak any wrong move by you and your kuncu-kuncu we will expose you without any hesitation. You hang on to do favour for hte pariah we will carry on to fight you until you follow the footstep of Danny Boy and Rozman Omar.

Comment on Misleading advertisment by Proton Edar? by weechookeong

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 06:28 AM PST

Anonymous 7:17 pm


So far no respond from Proton. I don’t there will be any respond from them unless the rakyat stop buying the cars fro a few weeks. Then they will wake up.

Thank you

With kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on Misleading advertisment by Proton Edar? by Anonymous

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 03:17 AM PST

Hi…just bck from showroom..wanna to book preve or xora..salesmen tell me that for preve are disount untill 7k..but for model 2012 end..for xora cfe standard..model any rebate…soooo sad…adv do not said like that…but what wanna do…buy ja…hope can get the discount…yb..did any respon from proton..

Comment on Azahari Dahlan: Was SRT’s statement referring to a possible joint venture with MAS? by Anonymous

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 02:57 AM PST

You, and many others, please wake up. He will never be thrown out, don’t you know that 2 weeks ago, he invited AA and AAX for a big meeting. Objective, to do heavy maintenance, component overhaul, the whole works for the AA/AAX fleet. That’s why he is not pushing for 3rd party revenue, to make space for the AA aircraft. MAS is preparing quotations for all this. No need to guess if the rates are market rates or not. After all, this is part of the CCF which is still firmly in place.And, please further open your eyes, are you guys still working for MAS E&M, or are you unaware that you are all already “employed” by MAE, which a subsidiary of MAS (for now), and you all may even have different terms and conditions soon? Tony for all his cakap besar, don’t want to send his aircraft to MAS for maintenence, actually has not got much choice. You think the Singaporeans will give him credit, no way, they bring the cash only kerja jalan. So now, with MAS, guess what? Please refresh your memory, remember the Reaccomodation Agreement, something like that. Integrity for top management? They will sell the Company for a song, so long as they can keep their positions. Just wait after the GE13.

Comment on Datuk Bandar KL: Which GLOBAL-ly known company was awarded the new ITIS Project? by Shan

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 02:31 AM PST

I am ITS Engineer at Middle East past three years and before 3 years at Brunei Darulssalam, implementation ITS system is a costly affair but i am surprised of the maintenance cost……how….i am managing 300million project single ITS project………..and the maintenance cost….less than 5 million and middle east, the standard of cost here almost 4 times higher than Malaysia….
I believe they need to revamp the whole working system………..

Comment on Misleading advertisment by Proton Edar? by Lau

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 01:47 AM PST

Hi.. I went to 4 dealers and they offer me different discount rates, ranging from 2k to 5k.. so I think the ad itself is very very subjective.. it all depends on the dealer themselves.. Some are willing to earn less to boost their sales and some won’t let it go. . Just my personal opinion.. same goes to the 5 year warranty coverage. . Any info about the parts covered? Btw, the model I’m aiming is Preve Cfe..

Comment on MAS Integrity Programe NO:7 by Ulat Bulu

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 12:13 AM PST

Talking about Premier Airline Service but look at ticket office in KLIA now. AJ, aren’t you going to do something about it. When MAS have got a beautiful ticket office on Level 3….you got your stupid staff by the name of Parimalar who was formerly from ticketing to closed that office. She should know what service is all about and your plus Salleh tak Berani listen to her stupidity….you buggers closed the level 3 office.
Now the passengers whether First, Business or Enrich have to stand in a Q just to get their ticketing transaction. Give your passengers some comfort and open up the ticket office in level 3 again. The passengers are the one paying your salary and they should get some comfort while waiting.
AJ you have and still have got too many deadwood in MAS. All these deadwood does nothing except polish your bloody balls. I know you are still going witch hunting till today. Don’t just look and hunt the graded staffs, you should look at your VP and above because they are the biggest culprits.

Comment on Datuk Bandar KL: Which GLOBAL-ly known company was awarded the new ITIS Project? by Scandalous ITIS

Posted: 27 Jan 2013 11:47 PM PST

RM370 million already down the drain because of the greed of a few well connected individuals.DBKL better learn that if you are going to try again then all hells will break loose.

Comment on Datuk Bandar KL: Which GLOBAL-ly known company was awarded the new ITIS Project? by Scam! Scam! Scam!

Posted: 27 Jan 2013 04:56 PM PST

Bloody scam!

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