Ahad, 9 Disember 2012

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

The Prime Minister’s Twin Promises Of Building A Monorail And 20,000 Units Of Affordable Housing Only If BN Wins Penang Is A Clear Attempt To Buy Votes And A Recognition Of BN’s Failure To Deliver Its Past Promises. (en/cn)

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 10:38 PM PST

Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 9.12.2012

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's twin promises of building a monorail and 20,000 units of affordable housing only if BN wins Penang is a clear attempt to buy votes and a recognition of BN's failure to deliver its past promises. I doubt Penang voters are impressed for two reasons.

One, such promises are within the jurisdiction of the Federal government and it is thus their public responsibility and natural duty to take care of public housing and public transport from the tax receipts collected, including from Penangites. Two, these promise are nothing new as they have been promised before, especially by former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi when he was Prime Minister during the 2006 Chinese New Year

If BN fails to fulfill and deliver its promises to build the monorail when it was in power at both the Federal and state government level in 2007, what guarantees are there that BN will deliver and fulfill its promises should it win back Penang at the next general elections. Even in building affordable homes, BN has failed to deliver its promsies dismally.

As far back as 1984, the BN government had acquired 330 acres of land in Bertam, Kepala Batas for RM5.1 million to the Defence Ministry with the promise to build housing for families of the staff of Tentera Udara di Raja Malaysia(TUDM). 28 years later such promises remain unfulfilled with an oil palm plantation instead of affordable housing, that is rented out to a crony BN company at a ridiculously low rate of RM7,000 only.

For Najib to give a conditional promise to build only if BN wins power shows he is behaving not as the Prime Minister of all Malaysians but only as Prime Minister of BN. By requiring Penangites to fix a condition that BN must win back Penang before these promises to be fulfilled shows contempt for democratic right of the people to choose their elected representative freely without threats or inducement. This is another infamous case of "You help me, I help you" uttered by Najib during the Sibu by-election that was completed rejected by Sibu voters giving DAP an upset win

Najib should learn from the Penang state government which resolved a 27 year old problem suffered by 103 families in Rumah Pangsa Mak Mandin in Butterworth yesterday. The 103 families moved into Rumah Pangsa Mak Mandin in 1985 and were promised by the previous BN state government that they will be given a low-cost housing unit as a replacement for land where they had stayed, because it would be developed by BN. Like all BN promises, this was neither fulfilled nor delivered since 1985.

Many of the 103 families had even paid up the purchase price of the low-cost houses in full. A total of RM1,160,899 was paid by many of the 103 families. Yesterday I announced yesterday that the state government would resolve the 27 year old problem by unconditionally giving them not only the 103 houses for free but would also refund in full all monies they had paid to the state government to purchase their low-cost flats.

In other words the state government did not impose a condition that the 103 families would be given houses for free and a full refund of RM1,160,899 paid only after PR had won the next general elections. Instead whether PR won or lost, the 103 families would get their house for free and a full refund of all monies paid

This is the difference between PR and BN. BN adopts the undemocratic and conditional approach of "you help me, I help you" whereas PR helps the people unconditionally as part of our duty as a people-centric government.

Further, the BN government should be ashamed of their failure to build sufficient affordable housing for Penang. Only 70 Projek Perumahan Rakyat(PPR) or low-cost house for rental will be built in Penang by Federal government, the lowest amongst all states in Malaysia.

The PR state government had even offered a prime 2 acre site in Jalan S.P. Chelliah for free to build PPR in early August this year but received no response. The state government then decided to build more 300 units of affordable housing for bumiputeras Malays by utilising the Penang Bumiputera Fund.

Can Najib only make a conditional promise of building 20,000 units of affordable housing if BN wins back Penang when the Federal government has a Budget 250 times bigger than the state government's budget? When the state government can promise to build unconditionally 18,000 units whether PR win or lose the next general elections, should not Najib be promising not 250 times more but at least 5 times more or 100,000 units?

Lim Guan Eng

—– Mandarin Version——


首相送槟州人民两大礼,承诺如果国阵重掌槟州 或考虑建单轨火车(monorail),并兴建2万间可负担人民房屋,很明显地这是买票行为,也承认他们从前无法兑现诺言。

首相送槟州人民两大礼,承诺如果国阵重掌槟州 或考虑建单轨火车(monorail),并兴建2万间可负担人民房屋,很明显地这是买票行为,也承认他们从前无法兑现诺言。我认为槟州选民不会为此感到特别兴奋,原因有二:













Lynas Admission That Rare Earth Waste Will Not Be Exported Out But Will Remain in Malaysia Presents A Rare Opportunity For The Malaysian Government To Cancel The Kuantan Rare Earth Facility For Breach Of Compliance Without Needing To Pay Compensation.(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 09:13 PM PST

Opening Speech by DAP Secretary-General and MP for Bagan Lim Guan Eng During The Joint DAPSY and Wanita National Congress On 9.12.2012 in Kuala Lumpur.

DAP demands that BN should stop the operation of Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (Lamp) now or 4 Ministers should resign to take full responsibility for failing to fulfill their own promise that the rare earth waste will not remain but be exported out of Malaysia. BN's insincerity and lack of commitment to make public health and safety the utmost priority follows a recent admission by Lynas' Managing Director, Mashal Ahmad that no residues from the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (Lamp) would be exported out from Malaysia.

The admission by Mashal contradicts the 7-paragraph joint ministerial statement on 22 February 2012 by 4 ministers whose portfolios are directly associated with Lynas' application to set up and operate the plant namely International Trade and Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamad; Science and Technology Minister Maximus Johnity Ongkili; Natural Resources and Environment Minister Douglas Unggah Embas; and Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai as follows:
"Prior to the issuance of the Temporary Operating License (TOL), Lynas shall submit a letter of undertaking that it will accept a return of any residue generated by its factory in Gebeng to its original source."
Lynas' admission that rare earth waste will remain and not exported out of Malaysia presents a rare opportunity for the Malaysian government to cancel the Kuantan Rare Earth Facility for breach of compliance without needing to pay compensation. Mashal Ahmad had confirmed that Lynas have no plans to export the rare earth wastes because Lamp needed to abide by international conventions which prohibit the export of toxic wastes to overseas countries. Earlier, the Australian government has repeated that they will not take back the radioactive waste.

Clearly Lynas' Managing Director have shown that this is an empty BN promise and another example of "Janji Tak Ditepati". Only by revoking Lynas' temporary operating licence (TOL) or issue a stop-work order until the Permanent Disposal Facility (PDF) proposed by Lynas can save the credibility and the jobs of these four ministers.

A condition imposed by the AELB on Lynas is for the submission of details of the plans and location of a proposed permanent disposal facility(PDF) that will manage the residue, if any, generated by the factory. The submission must be made within 10 months from the date the TOL is issued. To-date no one knows where in Malaysia does Lynas plan to build their Permanent Disposal Facility?

Although Lynas is confident that by-products of the LAMP will be recycled and reused in commercial applications, and will not require long-term storage, a prominent chemist from China Chun-Hua Yan commented that it is an outdated method abandoned by China. Will there be more victims like the residents in Bukit Merah, Perak?

Clearly Lynas has shown that the guarantees of Liow Tiong Lai and 3 BN ministers are worthless as Lynas's toxic residues can not be exported but will remain in Malaysia. As there is no radioactive waste or toxic residue management plan, BN should revoke Lynas' TOL or issue stop work order to Lynas until Permanent Disposal Facility (PDF) proposed by Lynas is confirmed out of the country.

If BN refuses to defend the interests of the people's health and the environment but prefers the profits of cronies, by cancelling the Lynas plant for breach of compliance, then PR will do so when we take over Putrajaya as the plant can now be cancelled for breach of compliance without needing to pay a single sen in compensation.

Everyone knows that educational standards in Malaysia have deteriorated alarmingly. In the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which compares international standards of reading, mathematics and science of 15-year olds, 44% of Malaysian students failed to meet the minimum standards for reading, 60% failed to the meet minimum standards for Mathematics and 43% failed to meet the minimum standards for Science. Overall, the competency of 15-year olds in Malaysia was measured to be 3 years behind the international average.
We as a nation must bridge the gaps and overcome any educational deficits together, so that not only do we avoid the pitfalls from any brain drain, but permit ourselves to scale new heights towards a high income economy.
In the US, Americans worry about a fiscal cliff that could cause economic recession with global implications, Malaysians as a nation face a talent cliff that can hamper economic growth and cripple our efforts to transform ourselves into a high-income, knowledge-based developed country. Unless we grow and build human talent, retrain and retain them as well as attract new talent, we face the risk of not just falling behind from new developed economies like Singapore and South Korea but also being overtaken by neighbours like Indonesia and Thailand.
Penang has adopted another 3 initiatives to try to overcome this talent cliff and to attract a brain gain. Apart from establishing the Penang Science Council that organises scientific events such as the Penang International Science Fair at PISA and building the RM25 million Tech-Dome Penang – another Malaysia's first, the Penang state government has
• provided annual grants of RM12 million annually to primary and secondary schools to seed our young at the earliest edge;
• attracted a world-class university that is run by Smith College, the No. 1 women's university in the USA;
• set up Penang Learning Centres to provide remedial teaching to academically weak students and assist disadvantaged students by adopting new and different learning methods.
We hope to have not only the best and brightest, but also to create a rising tide of supporting talents of high standards. Let us ensure our schools and universities produce the best and brightest so that our children are not 3 years behind the international average but is on par. Only when we have a culture of merit can we ensure a brighter future for our children.

Lim Guan Eng

—BM Version —

Ucapan Pembukaan oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng Semasa Kongres DAPSY dan Wanita Kebangsaan pada 9.12.2012 di Kuala Lumpur

Pengakuan Lynas Bahawa Sisa Nadir Bumi Akan Kekal Di Malaysia Dan Tidak Dieksport Keluar Membuka Peluang Keemasan Kepada Kerajaan Malaysia Untuk Membatalkan Loji Nadir Bumi Kuantan Kerana Melanggar Syarat Tanpa Membayar Pampasan.

DAP menuntut agar BN menghentikan operasi Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) sekarang atau 4 Menteri harus letak jawatan untuk mengambil tanggungjawab kerana gagal menepati janji bahawa sisa nadir bumi tidak akan kekal tetapi akan dieksport keluar daripada Malaysia. Ketidakikhlasan BN dan kekurangan komitmen untuk mengutamakan kesihatan awam dan keselamatan adalah ekoran daripada pengakuan baru-baru ini oleh Pengarah Urusan Lynas Mashal Ahmad bahawa tidak ada sisa LAMP yang akan dieksport keluar daripada Malaysia.

Pengakuan Mashal bercanggah dengan kenyataan 7 perenggan pada 22 Februari 2012 oleh 4 menteri yang berkaitan dengan permohonan Lynas untuk menubuhkan dan mengoperasi loji, iaitu Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Mustapa Mohamad; Menteri Sains dan Teknologi Maximum Johnity Ongkili; Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Douglas Uggah Embas; dan Menteri Kesihatan Liow Tiong Lai seperti berikut:
"Sebelum pengeluaran Lesen Operasi Sementara (TOL), Lynas akan mengemukakan surat akujanji bahawa ia akan menerima pengembalian apa-apa sisa daripada kilang di Gebeng kepada sumber asal."

Pengakuan Lynas bahawa sisa nadir bumi tidak akan dieksport keluar tetapi kekal di Malaysia membuka peluang keemasan untuk membatalkan Loji Nadir Bumi Kuantan kerana melanggar syarat tanpa membayar pampasan. Mashal Ahmad telah mengesahkan bahawa Lynas tidak bercadang untuk mengeksport sisa nadir bumi kerana LAMP harus mematuhi konvensyen antarabangsa yang melarang pengeksportan sisa toksik ke negara-negara lain. Sebelum ini, kerajaan Australia telah berkali-kali menegaskan bahawa mereka tidak akan menerima balik sisa radioaktif.

Jelas kenyataan Pengarah Urusan Lynas membuktikan bahawa kes ini merupakan lagi satu janji kosong BN dan contoh "Janji Tak Ditepati". Kredibiliti serta jawatan keempat-empat Menteri ini hanya boleh diselamatkan dengan membatalkan TOL atau mengeluarkan arahan henti kerja sehingga Kemudahan Penghapusan Sisa (PDF) yang dicadangkan Lynas disahkan akan berada di luar negara.

Satu syarat yang dikenakan oleh AELB ke atas Lynas adalah penyerahan maklumat pelan dan lokasi Kemudahan Penghapusan Sisa (PDF) yang akan mengurus sisa kilang, jika ada. Penyerahan ini harus dilakukan dalam tempoh masa 10 bulan daripada tarikh pengeluaran TOL. Sehingga hari ini, tiada sesiapa tahu tempat manakah dalam Malaysia yang akan dipilih Lynas untuk membina PDF mereka.

Walaupun Lynas yakin bahawa sisa Lamp akan dikitar semula dan digunakan untuk aplikasi komersial, dan tidak memerlukan tempat penyimpanan jangka masa panjang, seorang ahli kimia terkenal daripada China Chun-Hua Yan telah memberi komen bahawa ia merupakan kaedah lama yang sudah tidak diguna di China. Adakah orang akan dimangsakan seperti penduduk Bukit Merah, Perak?

Jelas Lynas telah membuktikan bahawa jaminan-jaminan Liow Tiong Lai serta 3 Menteri BN tidak boleh dipakai kerana sisa toksik Lynas tidak boleh dieksport dan akan kekal di Malaysia. Kerana masih tiada pelan pengurusan sisa radioaktif atau toksik, BN harus membatalkan TOL Lynas atau mengeluarkan arahan henti kerja sehingga Kemudahan Penghapusan Sisa (PDF) yang dicadangkan itu disahkan akan berada di luar negara.

Jika BN enggan melindungi kepentingan kesihatan rakyat dan persekitaran dengan membatalkan loji Lynas kerana melanggar syarat, dan lebih mementingkan keuntungan kroni, maka PR akan melakukannya apabila kita mengambil alih Putrajaya kerana loji tersebut boleh dibatalkan kerana melanggar syarat tanpa membayar satu sen sebagai pampasan.


Umum mengetahui bahawa taraf pendidikan di Malaysia sudah pun menjunam. Dalam kajian Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) bagi tahun 2009 yang membandingkan tahap pelajar-pelajar 15 tahun dalam keupayaan untuk membaca, Matematik dan Sains, 44% pelajar Malaysia gagal mencapai tahap minima untuk membaca, 60% gagal mencapai tahap minima Matematik dan 43% gagal mencapai tahap minima bagi Sains. Secara keseluruhan, tahap pelajar-pelajar yang berusia 15 tahun di Malaysia didapati ketinggalan 3 tahun berbanding purata antarabangsa.

Kita sebagai negara harus bersama-sama merapatkan jurang dan menangani defisit pendidikan, supaya bukan sahaja kita dapat mengelak jerat penghijrahan modal insan, tetapi supaya kita boleh memanjat tangga kejayaan dan mencapai taraf ekonomi perpendapatan tinggi.

Di Amerika Syarikat, rakyat Amerika bimbang tentang cenuram kewangan (fiscal cliff) yang boleh mengakibatkan kemelesetan ekonomi yang mampu menjejaskan pertumbuhan ekonomi sedunia serta usaha kita untuk menjadi negara maju yang berpendapatan tinggi dan berasaskan pengetahuan. Jika kita tidak membangunkan modal insan, melatihkan mereka semula, berjaya mengekalkan mereka serta menarik modal insan baru, kita bukan sahaja akan ketinggalan berbanding ekonomi-ekonomi maju seperti Singapura dan Korea Selatan tetapi juga ditinggalkan jiran-jiran seperti Indonesia dan Thailand.

Pulau Pinang telah mengamalkan 3 inisiatif untuk menangani cerunam modal insan ini dan juga untuk menarik modal insan baru. Selain penubuhan Majlis Sains Pulau Pinang yang menganjurkan acara-acara bertemakan sains seperti Pesta Sains Antarabangsa Pulau Pinang di PISA dan pembinaan Tech-Dome Pulau Pinang yang bernilai RM25 juta – yang pertama di Malaysia, kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang juga telah:

• memperuntukkan geran tahunan sebanyak RM12 juta untuk sekolah-sekolah rendah dan menengah untuk menanam bibit-bibit modal insan;

• menarik universiti bertaraf antarabangsa yang dikendalikan Smith College, iaitu universiti wanita terutama di USA.

• menubuhkan Penang Learning Centre untuk memberi pendidikan tambahan bagi pelajar-pelajar yang lemah serta membantu pelajar-pelajar yang susah dengan kaedah-kaedah pembelajaran yang baru.

Kita harap untuk membentuk bukan sahaja modal insan yang terbaik dan terpandai, tetapi juga untuk menjana modal insan sokongan yang bermutu tinggi. Marilah kita memastikan bahawa sekolah-sekolah dan universiti-universiti kita menghasilkan yang terbaik dan terpandai supaya anak-anak kita tidak 3 tahun ketinggalan berbanding purata antarabangsa tetapi boleh mencapai taraf yang sama. Hanya apabila kita mempunyai budaya meritokrasi bolehlah kita menjamin masa depan anak-anak kita.

Lim Guan Eng

—Mandarin Version—













在美国,美国人担心财政悬崖(fiscal cliff)会引发影响全球的经济衰退,马来西亚的人才断崖(talent cliff)也会阻碍经济成长并削弱我们成为高收入、知识经济型发达国家的努力。除非我们栽培人才、再培训、留住人才同时吸引新的人才,我们面对的风险不只是落后于新加坡及韩国,还可能被邻国如印尼及泰国超越。

• 提供每年1200万令吉给中小学校,从小栽培孩子们;
• 招揽世界级美国女性大学;
• 设立槟州学习中心,为学术水平较落的学生,采用新的教学法,提供辅助教学。



International Anti-Corruption Day Message (en/bm/cn)

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 06:56 PM PST

International Anti-Corruption Day Message By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Penang on 9.12.2012.

If Penang Can Publicly Declare And Update The Assets of The Chief Minister And EXCO Members, Which Will Be Updated Yearly On January Next Year, Why Can't BN Federal Government Publicly Declare Assets Of The Prime Minister And Minister To Improve Malaysia's Rankings In Transparency International(TI).

Unless the BN federal government follows Penang's footsteps by implementing 6 integrity measures, Malaysia will not only fail to prosper but the weight of the recent exposes of financial scandals will ensure that next year's Corruption Perception Index(CPI) ranking of TI will be worse. The 6 integrity measures of fighting corruption are:
1. Instituting public declaration of assets of the Chief Minister and the EXCO members.
2. Implementing open competitive tenders.
3. Bar family members from involvement in government contracts.
4. Protect genuine whistleblowers.
5. Remove leaders with extravagant lifestyles.
6. Come clean on political donations.

Malaysians will observe International Anti-Corruption Day today with little cause for celebration as despite a slight improvement in Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) ranking from 60th out of 183 countries in 2011 to 54th out of 176 in 2012, our country remains haunted by financial scandals and allegations of grand corruption involving leaders at the highest level.

Although there is a slight improvement in the overall score, it must be remembered that this survey was conducted earlier in the year, before the emergence of major high-profile scandals such as the mysterious RM 40 million donations to UMNO Sabah and recent revelations by businessman Deepak Jaikishan relating to shady land deals. Worse the extraordinary wealth of the Sarawak Chief Minister and his family exposed in the Syariah courts as worth billions of ringgit has not been fully explained and accounted for.

The public has only been informed of the full extent of the abuse of power in the previous Selangor and Penang governments. For example, land in Selangor now worth RM300 million was sold to BN component parties at RM1 per square foot (psf) while prime land in TanjungTokong next to Gurney Drive in Penang was sold at RM1 psf.

If all these exposes of scandals were factored by TI, Malaysia's ranking under the CPI of TI would have been worse. Most worryingly, the CPI score does not reveal telling details such as the fact that 50% of respondents in the Bribe Payer's Survey believed that they have lost business due to bribery. In this area, Malaysia ranked worst out of the 31 countries, worse than even Indonesia (47%), Pakistan (42%) and Russia (39%).

In Penang, not only are our leaders' assets publicly declared and verified by an international accounting firm, we plan to update the asset declaration every year. Hence, there will be an updated version January. If Penang can publicly declare the assets of the Chief Minister and EXCO Members, which will be updated yearly on January next year, why can't BN Federal Government publicly declare assets of the Prime Minister and Ministers to improve Malaysia's rankings in Transparency International(TI).

Lim Guan Eng

—-BM Version—–
Perutusan Hari Anti-Rasuah oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng di Pulau Pinang pada 9.12.2012

Jika Pulau Pinang Boleh Buat Pengisytiharan Harta Dan Mengemaskinikan Maklumat Harta Ketua Menteri Dan Barisan EXCO Setiap Tahun Pada Bulan Januari Tahun Depan, Kenapakah Kerajaan Persekutuan BN Tidak Boleh Mengisytiharkan Harta Perdana Menteri Dan Jemaah Menteri Untuk Meningkatkan Kedudukan Malaysia Dalam Tangga Transparency International (TI)?

Jika kerajaan Persekutuan BN tidak mengikut jejak langkah Pulau Pinang dengan melaksanakan 6 langkah integriti, Malaysia bukan sahaja akan gagal mencapai kemakmuran tetapi pembongkaran skandal-skandal kewangan yang terbaru akan memastikan kedudukan Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) TI bagi tahun depan akan merudum. 6 langkah integriti untuk memerangi rasuah adalah:
1. Menginstitusikan pengisytiharan harta secara terbuka oleh Ketua Menteri dan barisan EXCO.
2. Melaksanakan tender terbuka.
3. Tidak membenarkan ahli keluarga untuk melibatkan diri dalam kontrak kerajaan.
4. Melindungi pemberi maklumat yang tulen.
5. Menggugurkan pemimpin yang hidup mewah.
6. Berterus terang dalam sumbangan politik.

Hari Anti-Rasuah Antarabangsa tidak akan disambut dengan meriah oleh Rakyat Malaysia meskipun terdapat sedikit peningkatan dalam Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) Transparency International daripada tangga ke-60 daripada 183 negara pada tahun 2011 kepada tangga ke-54 daripada 176 pada tahun 2012, kerana negara kita masih lagi dihantui skandal-skandal kewangan dan dakwaan rasuah besar yang melibatkan pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi.

Walaupun ada sedikit peningkatan dalam markah keseluruhan, harus diingati bahawa kajian ini telah dijalankan pada awal tahun, iaitu sebelum pembongkaran beberapa skandal besar seperti sumbangan politik RM40 juta kepada UMNO Sabah dan pendedahan terbaru peniaga Deepak Jaikishan mengenai urusan-urusan tanah yang mencurigakan. Lagi teruk lagi adalah kekayaan luarbiasa Ketua Menteri Sarawak dan keluarganya yang didedahkan dalam Mahkamah Syariah sebagai bernilai berbilion-bilion ringgit.

Baru sekarang rakyat mendapat tahu tentang penyalahgunaan kuasa yang berlaku dalam kerajaan-kerajaan Selangor dan Pulau Pinang terdahulu. Sebagai contoh, tanah di Selangor yang kini bernilai RM300 juta telah dijual kepada parti-parti komponen BN dengan harga RM1 sekaki persegi (skp) sementara tanah primer di Tanjung Tokong bersebelahan dengan Gurney Drive telah dijual pada harga RM1 skp.

Sekiranya semua skandal ini diambil kira oleh TI, kedudukan Malaysia dalam CPI TI mestilah lagi teruk. Yang paling membimbangkan, markah CPI tidak mendedahkan hakikat bahawa 50% responden dalam Kajian Pemberi Rasuah mempercayai bahawa mereka telah kehilangan peluang perniagaan akibat rasuah. Dalam persoalan ini, Malaysia berada di kedudukan paling teruk daripada kesemua 31 negara yang dikaji, lebih teruk daripada Indonesia (47%), Pakistan (42%) dan Rusia (39%).

Di Pulau Pinang, bukan sahaja harta pemimpin-pemimpin kita diisytihar dan diiktiraf oleh firma akauntan antarabangsa, kita juga akan mengemaskini pengisytiharan harta tersebut setiap tahun. Oleh itu, kemaskinian akan dilakukan pada bulan Januari nanti. Jika Pulau Pinang boleh buat pengisytiharan harta secara terbuka oleh Ketua Menteri dan barisan EXCO, yang akan dikemaskini pada bulan Januari tahun depan, kenapakah kerajaan Persekutuan BN tidak boleh mengisytiharkan harta Perdana Menteri dan Jemaah Menteri untuk meningkatkan kedudukan Malaysia dalam CPI Transprency International.

Lim Guan Eng

—-Mandarin Version —–


1. 推行公布首长及行政议员资产、
2. 公开招标、
3. 禁止民选禁止官员家庭成员涉入政府合约、
4. 保护真正的吹哨人、
5. 撤掉生活方式奢华的领袖、
6. 坦白交代政治献金。




如果国际透明把这些丑闻纳入评分,我国的贪污印象指数可能会更糟。 最令人担忧的事实是,贪污印象指数并没有透露其它细节如:50%的受访者相信他们因贪污而失去很多商机,导致我们在这31个受调查国家排名最差,比印尼(47%)、巴基斯坦(42%)及俄罗斯(39%)还差。




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