Selasa, 26 Jun 2012

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Tan Sri Wan Azmi steps down from MAS, the aviation expert Dato’ Rohana of ASTRO hangs on by Tan Chak Pin

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 07:21 AM PDT

I am curious…why buy the A380…which can easily sit over 450 passengers…can someone inside MAS enlighten me which sector does MH have over 400 passengers…Malaysia Boleh…

Comment on 25-6-2012 Questions Time: “Little Napoleoans in Khazanah are still dreaming about the share swap” by Tan Chak Pin

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 07:16 AM PDT

This issue have to be one of the priority before the GE..Let’s.see what is the next move of the BN govt…feed the Napolean or contribute to the rakyat coffer..Way to go YB

Comment on 25-6-2012 Questions Time: “Little Napoleoans in Khazanah are still dreaming about the share swap” by anwar

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 06:37 AM PDT

We can say anything but MAS people will still do what they want to do unless they get directive from the PM.
They don’t care what happen to MAS as salary every 25th of the month or earlier is confirmed.
Do something YB and do it fast before MAS collapse and government has to dump in the rakyat monies to save it

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by Anonymous

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 06:32 AM PDT

Easy to blame the captain of the boat. Did his lieutenants tell him when the boat was heading for disaster? Or perhaps everyone huddled together and pray for miracle? Perhaps they have all put on their life vest. But in the case of mas, the captain has to be incompetent. Gomen will not allow a good captain and everyone knows why. Idris jala left behind a half rotten PMS system which encourages staffs to be PMS oriented putting their primary functions and duties aside. Bodek culture and politicking became rampant. Good staffs who do their job do not get good PMS ratings as they are deemed as threats. With my extensive connections and knowledge on MAS and Airasia operations, I assure you that a person’s job in Airasia is shared by atleast 3 in MAS, especially those jobs behind the scene. MAS’s managers attend too many loooooonggg meetings, that’s where gotong

Comment on 25-6-2012 Questions Time: “Little Napoleoans in Khazanah are still dreaming about the share swap” by Gofirefly

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 06:23 AM PDT

If AJ and Nanny Danny is so adamant saying that Firefly jets are losing the deal…why dont you ask former firelfy MD Dato Eddy if he is up to the challenge of running this segment independently..give him a license to run Firefly jet if MAS is no longer keen to run Firefly jets. I’m sure he will get a lot of support from Malaysian especially Sarawakians and Sabahans..New LCCT2 is just handy for Dato Eddy to operate as a base to spread the wings. Then only we will see how AA will react after becoming so arrogant when commenting about LCCT2 as if MAB must beg them to use this terminal…enough is enough..Dato Eddy..are u ready? But please remember..we dont need another anaconda if he succeded later.

Comment on “Ular lidi, ular sawa, sekarang jadi anakonda” by Anonymous

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 06:06 AM PDT

Since AJ told firefly jet is not making money and MAS is not keen to run it except turboprop flights..why dont you ask former firefly CEO Dato Eddy if he is keen to take the challenge of running this business under a separate entity and give him a stake and let him run all Firefly jets as a separate entity..and proof to AJ that he is wrong!! I’m sure a lot of Malaysian will support it especially Sarawakians and Sabahans. Hopefully, Dato Eddy will not be another anaconda if he is successful later.

Comment on 25-6-2012 Questions Time: “Little Napoleoans in Khazanah are still dreaming about the share swap” by Tony's Baloney

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 05:36 AM PDT

We have too many academics (read : morons!) & no real business savvy leaders running Khazanah.
Anywhere else in the world & the,pariah will be behind bars
But possible in BOLEHland

Comment on 25-6-2012 Questions Time: “Little Napoleoans in Khazanah are still dreaming about the share swap” by anonymous

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:39 AM PDT

With the economic situations and challenging competitive; It’s the best time for MAS to reconsider to put back their Firefly jet services. Lots of demand on low cost carrier and we don’t want to let the anaconda to swallow everything by himself. Do remember that Firefly revenue will go back to MAS & MAS revenue will go back to Khazanah but AA revenues ??

Comment on 25-6-2012 Questions Time: “Little Napoleoans in Khazanah are still dreaming about the share swap” by jack1960

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:34 AM PDT

Little Napoleans got to PM/MOF and our leader is stuttering to make any sense, if at all. (NST Prime News Pg 11, 26 June 2012)

Comment on 25-6-2012 Questions Time: “Little Napoleoans in Khazanah are still dreaming about the share swap” by Ordinary Staff in Khazanah

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 03:47 AM PDT

The little napoleons in Khazanah better wake up before they will suffer the same fate as the Nanny Danny.

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