Selasa, 8 November 2011

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

RM1.4bil In Contingencies Fund Missing

Posted: 08 Nov 2011 02:26 AM PST


The opposition claims about RM1.4 billion of the Treasury's contingencies budget has gone missing.

The contingencies fund, provided for under Article 103 of the constitution, was allocated RM1.5 billion, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said.

This allocation is stated in the 2010/2011 Federal Expenditure Report that was tabled together with the 2012 Budget. he said.

Article 103 states: "Parliament may by law provide for the creation of a contingencies fund and for authorising the minister charged with responsibility for finance, if satisfied that there has arisen an urgent and unforeseen need for expenditure for which no other provision exists, to make advances from the contingencies fund to meet that need.

"Where any advance is made in accordance with Clause (1), a supplementary estimate shall be presented and a Supply Bill introduced as soon as possible for the purpose of replacing the amount so advanced."

Anwar told a press conference at the Parliament lobby today: "However, the 2010 Auditor-General's Report states that there is only a remainder of RM79.147 million in the fund.

"Where has the money gone to? More seriously, where has it gone missing, the RM1.4 billion? I don't think the audit department (made a mistake), they are more meticulous when it comes to accounting."

Anwar also hinted that the "inordinate 17-day delay" in the release of the audit report might have been to hide this fact.

The bulky 31-volume report critiques federal and state expenditure, as well as debt and accounting discrepancies, and assesses the national fiscal health.

It is usually tabled prior to the Budget to allow parliamentarians to debate issues it raises, during the policy stage debate of the annual Supply Bill.

However, the report this year was tabled later than the Budget – for the second consecutive year.

As a former finance minister, Anwar said the contingencies fund is set aside for emergency purposes.

"Now we are forced to suspect there are some other compelling reason why they chose not to table the audit report at the right time," he said, adding that the discrepancies in the fund was also "an attempt to mislead the House".

Projek Fidlot: Najib, Noh Omar Bohong Pinjaman RM250 Juta

Posted: 07 Nov 2011 11:05 PM PST


Pengarah Strategi KEADILAN, Rafizi Ramli menggesa tindakan tata tertib dikenakan ke atas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan Menteri  Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Seri Noh Omar kerana berbohong di Parlimen.

Menurut Rafizi, pembohongan itu berhubung peruntukan RM250 juta wang rakyat menerusi projek National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) yang diberikan kepada keluarga Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil.

Najib pada 1 November lalu memberitahu Parlimen setakat ini hanya RM181.9 juta daripada peruntukan RM250 juta disalurkan kepada NFC, syarikat milik Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat itu.

Sementara Noh Omar pada 31 Oktober lalu berkata, RM250 juta kepada NFC belum disalurkan sepenuhnya.

Sedangkan kata Rafizi, rekod kewangan NFC menunjukkan semua RM250 juta itu disalurkan sepenuhnya kepada Shahrizat sebelum 31 Mac 2009 lagi.

"Rekod kewangan NFC menunjukkan pinjaman pertama sejumlah RM130 juta telah diambil dalam tahun 2008.

"Pada 31 Mac 2009, NFC membuat drawdown kedua berjumlah RM120 juta yang dimasukkan terus ke akaun Maybank milik NFC," kata Rafizi dalam satu kenyataan media.

NFC sebelum ini mencuri perhatian ramai apabila ia dikendalikan syarikat Agro Science Sdn Bhd yang dimiliki suami Shahrizat, Datuk Mohamad Salleh.

Syarikat itu sepatutnya membekalkan 60 ribu ekor lembu dalam masa lima tahun di bawah RMK 9 namun dalam tiga tahun pertama operasinya, ia hanya mampu membekalkan 8,016 ekor lembu.

Menurut Rafizi, kerajaan BN dijangka melupuskan hutang syarikat Shahrizat dengan kerajaan kerana operasi ternakan lembu syarikat itu rugi besar dan tidak mampu membayar kembali pinjaman yang diberikan Kerajaan Pusat.

"Bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2008 dan 31 Disember 2009, NFC mengalami kerugian sebanyak RM7 juta (2008) dan RM11 juta (2009)," kata Rafizi dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

"Jika ini berterusan, kerajaan pusat tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali melupuskan pinjaman RM250 juta yang diberikan kepada NFC seperti amalan sebelum ini yang membabitkan Perwaja dan syarikat-syarikat berkepentingan lain," kata Rafizi.

Kerugian besar itu juga berpunca tindakan Shahrizat memberikan diskaun besar kepada restoran mewah milik keluarganya sendiri yang membeli daging lembu daripada NFC.

"Tindakan ini bertentangan dengan prinsip tata kelola yang baik apabila NFC yang dibiayai wang rakyat memberi subsidi kepada restoran mewah yang dimiliki oleh keluarga seorang menteri," kata Rafizi.

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PM And Agro Minister Lied On NFC

Posted: 07 Nov 2011 11:01 PM PST


Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Noh Omar had lied to the Dewan Rakyat regarding a soft loan awarded to the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC), claims PKR.

"Najib and the agriculture minister (Noh) lied to the Dewan Rakyat…The PM's written answer stated only RM181 million has been disbursed, while Noh Omar said (the same, and) that there was no conflict of interest," party strategic director Rafizi Ramli said in a press conference in Parliament House today.

The opposition party contended that the entire soft loan and grant disbursement totalling in excess of RM256 million has been drawn in full by the cattle rearing company owned and operated by the husband and children of a federal minister.

"In the balance sheet and profit and loss statement filed with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM), the non-current liabilities of NFC are listed as just above RM256 million, comprising the RM250 soft loan and the over RM6 million infrastructure grant," said Rafizi (left), refuting the ministerial replies.

Distributing CCM documents and statements of accounts to back their claim, Rafizi pointed out that transaction details in the documents clearly show that the entire amount has been disbursed two years ago.

"RM130 million was disbursed upon signing of the agreement (between the government and NFC) in 2008. While another RM120 million was paid out on March 31, 2009," related the PKR official.

Furthermore, Rafizi revealed how RM116 million from the soft loan drawdowns was taken out and deposited into an NFC-owned fixed deposit account at a local bank to sit and gather interest.

"NFC garnered nearly RM670 thousand interest from the fixed deposit, an amount which is one-fourth of the company's earnings."

This, he said spoke ill of the financial health of the company.

'A serious matter'

"A PM lying to the Dewan is a serious matter, and RM250 million is a large amount," lamented Rafizi.

Both the minister and the PM, he said, should answer with regard to their answerd which go against financial details in audited accounts filed with and affirmed by the CCM.

"If the say our claim is a lie, then they should go open the books," dared Rafizi.

Asked if it is possible that the money paid to the company is being kept in an escrow account, Rafizi said that the facts spoke against such a possibility.

"I do not discount that it may be an escrow account. But if it is an escrow account it is a screwed escrow account," he jibed.

He explained that money kept in escrow accounts must be regulated and its movement monitored strictly by signatories which must include government officials as custodians of the public funds.

"As such there cannot be free movement of funds as we see happening here," he argued.

Escrow accounts, similar to a developer's accounts for property developers, are special purpose accounts where funds for a project are kept, to be drawn down only when specific conditions are met and agreed to by nominated custodians.

Noh had told the Dewan last week that only a portion of the loan has been paid out, that the project is not a failure as claimed by PKR and there is no conflict of interest in the family of a federal minister getting government grants via proper channels.

While Najib also issued a written answer to the Dewan that only RM181 million of the total amount has been paid out, with the remainder still outstanding.

The NFC shot to prominence recently after the opposition dug out details of the project which they said have not only failed to reach its objective and pouring more public funds into loss making projects but also represents conflict of interest in public funds being given to the direct family of a federal minister.

TNB Hadapi Masalah Aliran Tunai, Tarif Naik Lagi?

Posted: 07 Nov 2011 06:37 PM PST


Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) dilaporkan menghadapi masalah aliran tunai yang gawat dan bergelut untuk membayar kos tinggi bahan api alternatif.

Menurut laporan akhbar the Star hari ini, keadaan itu disebabkan kekurangan bekalan gas yang berlaku kali ini pada skala yang lebih besar.

Terdapat cadangan bagi kos berkenaan dikongsi bersama berdasarkan pengalaman sebelum ini pada tahun 2002, iaitu pada nisbah 40:30:30, yang akan ditanggung oleh pembekal gas Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), TNB sendiri dan pengeluar tenaga bebas (IPP). Namun pihak-pihak tertentu memilih mengabaikannya.

Menurut the Star, TNB mendakwa firma utiliti gergasi itu tidak lagi mampu untuk membayar manakala IPP pula berpendirian bukan tanggungjawab mereka untuk membayar.

Sementara itu, Petronas berkata bahawa sehingga Ogos tahun ini, ia telah membayar RM143.4bil bagi perbezaan harga. Daripada jumlah itu, RM103.2bil dibayar bagi membekalkan gas kepada sektor kuasa itu.

Bagaimanapun, laporan itu tidak menyebut sama ada kenaikkan kos itu akan mengakibatkan kenaikkan harga tarif elektrik.

Kali terakhir, krajaan persekutuan menaikkan tarif elektrik ialah pada 1 Jun lalu dengan purata 7.12 peratus. Tindakan itu sebagai sebahagian daripada pengurangan subsidi.

Bayar RM400 juta sebulan

Menteri Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air Datuk Peter Chin (bawah, kiri) juga pada Mei tahun ini pernah berkata kerajaan pada dasarnya telah bersetuju mematuhi mekanisma ‘Fuel Cost Pass Through’ (FCPT) yang akan menentukan kadar tarif pada masa hadapan.

Ini bermakna tarif elektrik di negara ini akan dinaikkan setiap enam bulan bagi tahun-tahun berikut supaya selaras dengan kenaikan harga gas asli yang dijual Petronas kepada pengeluar tenaga.

The Star juga melaporkan agensi penyelidikan seperti Maybank Investment Bank (IB) Research menjangkakan aliran tunai TNB akan kehabisan pada suku ketiga atau keempat tahun kewangannya.

TNB dikatakan membayar RM400 juta sebulan bagi perbezaan harga antara menggunakan sulingan petroleum dan gas sebagai bahan api.

Pada Oktober lalu, TNB mengumumkan syarikat itu mencatat kerugian bersih RM453.9 juta pada suku keempat berakhir 31 Ogos 2011 berbanding kerugian bersih RM440.2 juta pada suku sebelumnya.
Bagi setahun penuh, syarikat tenaga nasional itu mencatat RM499.5 juta keuntungan bersih berbanding RM3.2 bilion pada tahun kewangan sebelumnya, sebahagian besarnya hasil daripada kos bahan api yang tinggi.

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