念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang |
- 【光华日报】助查709警察攻击同善医院 . 张念群被传召录口供
- [The Sun] Police's assault at Tung Shin probe in final stage
- [reg2vote.com] Register2vote this weekend, 20-21 Aug!
- 【念念有辞】官官相护最佳写照
- 【星洲日报】公寓围墙坍塌 ‧ 蓄水池泥土外露恐下陷
- [The Star] Structural fault may have caused wall to collapse
- Picture..
- Fu Yu, my niece, also the princess of my family :-)
【光华日报】助查709警察攻击同善医院 . 张念群被传召录口供 Posted: 16 Aug 2011 07:56 AM PDT For new report written in English, please click here. 张念群(右)和再里基尔,被传召接受警方录取口供向记者发表谈话。 (吉隆坡15日讯)沙登区国会议员张念群和槟城首席部长兼行动党秘书长林冠英的政治秘书再里基尔,今日受传召到八打灵再也警区总部,以协助警方调查7.09大集会期间,朝吉隆坡同善医院范围喷射水炮事件。 他们也是继民主行动党八打灵再也北区国会议员潘俭伟后,另两名受传召录取口供的人,目前还有升旗山区国会议员刘镇东仍未受到警方传召。 张念群和再里基尔今日中午11时15分,抵到警局接受警方录取口供。 张念群说,她上周三接到查案官玛祖基助理警监拨电后,约定今日到警局,后者在两小时中,记录的问题和口供纸长达10页。她说,查案官问她基本问题,包括当天身在何处、如何抵达有关地点、出现在当地的原因、目睹的过程等。 不过,她说,当被询及当时和谁在一起时,她选择不愿作答。 “我告诉查案官,有看到水炮射入同善医院范围,不过,当时有很多人在同善医院范围聚集,于是,我从医院后面的斜坡处离开医院,我没目睹有关发射催泪弹的经过。” 再里基尔指出,事发时,他有被水炮射到,同时也目睹催泪弹被射进同善医院范围一幕。 转载自《光华日报》 (More......) |
[The Sun] Police's assault at Tung Shin probe in final stage Posted: 16 Aug 2011 07:32 AM PDT ~ Alyaa Alhadjri PETALING JAYA (Aug 15, 2011): The investigations into allegations that police had fired tear gas and water cannons into the Tung Shin Hospital compound during the Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9 are now in their final stages, Home Ministry secretary general Tan Sri Mahmood Adam said today. However, Mahmood when contacted, declined to confirm when the findings will be revealed. "Let them finish the report first. It should be done soon," said Mahmood in reference to the police and Health Ministry who had both initiated investigations into the incidents which allegedly took place on the day. The police had reportedly formed two special teams to investigate claims by 11 doctors at Tung Shin Hospital that tear gas was fired into the hospital compound. The doctors' claims, which were backed by eye-witness accounts, came after a denial by Tung Shin Hospital's Board that the incident had taken place. Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai had on July 14 also ordered a high-level committee of inquiry to investigate the matter. theSun learnt that the police had recently concluded their investigations into the allegations and the findings had been submitted to the Attorney-General's Chambers for further action. However, it is believed that the police were ordered to strengthen their case as several more witnesses were called to have their statements recorded. (More......) |
[reg2vote.com] Register2vote this weekend, 20-21 Aug! Posted: 16 Aug 2011 07:23 AM PDT These are the venues where you can register as a voter. Note however that we are not authorised to change voting addresses. Don’t forget your MyKad! Do email us at info@reg2vote.com if you have any queries. More venues will be confirmed this week, so please check back here for updates/amendments! Unless stated otherwise, registration will take place at ALL venues on BOTH days. 更多地点待确定,请在前往登记前再次检视此网页。请注意,登记日期和时间胥视个别地区而定。 KLANG
PUCHONG (More......) |
Posted: 15 Aug 2011 08:05 AM PDT Article published on the Website of Chinese newspaper Chinapress.com.my 为了调查雪州民联议员滥用拨款的情报,前雪州反贪会副总监希山慕丁从各分局调派人手来参与7月15号的行动。其中一人是布城反贪污委员会总部官员布基尼(Bulkini Paharuddin)。 布基尼的职责在于审问以RM2400售卖1500面国旗给欧阳捍华的陈文华。 布基尼在皇委会供证时宣称,他在16号凌晨2点半问完话后,就已经允许陈文华离开。 可是,皇委会不接受布基尼的说法,因为陈文华在口供书上签名,清楚标明着16号早上11点30分,而他也是在同一时间取回他之前被扣留的随身物品。 皇委会的结论是:如果陈文华真如布基尼所言在凌晨2点半时已获准离开,为什么他的口供和随身物品不是在那个时间签署归还?很显然布基尼的证词是捏造的。(皇委会报告第80段) 布基尼的皇委会上也言之凿凿的表示,他在凌晨2点15分录完口供后就到茶水间进餐。不久后陈文华来到茶水间找他,透露自己希望能够得到一杯水解渴并获准使用洗手间 。布基尼二话不说马上就陪同陈文华到茶水间隔壁的厕所。也就是洗手间的入口处,布基尼自称看见了一名和陈文华身高差不多的华裔男子,陈文华对着那名男子高喊“你咯!”皇委会认为,布基尼的这段供词目的在于隐射欧阳捍华在拨款的使用上有些猫腻,而陈文华正迁怒明福作为捍华的政治秘书向警方透露了太多信息。 可是,布基尼的这段证词同样也被皇委会认为是蓄意编造的,原因有四。 (More......) |
Posted: 15 Aug 2011 07:45 AM PDT For news report written in English, please click here. (雪兰莪‧沙登14日讯)昨日下午一场倾盆大雨导致沙登岭第八区金峰岭公寓长约100公尺的围墙坍塌,除了引发围墙工程不符规格外,蓄水池下方的泥土也曝露在外,居民担心泥土下陷,威胁安全。 居民表示,昨天下午5时开始下起倾盆大雨,没想到雨势在20分钟后转小时,围墙在毫无预警下坍塌,部份“围墙块”压到停放在围墙旁的休旅车,幸无造成人命伤亡。 居民补充,由于围墙坍塌处属车道,没有车辆停放该处,否则可能更多车主遭殃。他们指出,围墙坍塌后,蓄水池下方的部份泥土也曝露在外,由于近来频频下雨,居民担心泥土流失,将来造成意外发生。 (More......) |
[The Star] Structural fault may have caused wall to collapse Posted: 15 Aug 2011 07:34 AM PDT Location: Bayu Apartment in Section 8, Taman Bukit Serdang, Seri Kembangan PART of a boundary wall at the Bayu Apartment in Section 8, Taman Bukit Serdang, Seri Kembangan, collapsed shortly after a downpour on Saturday evening, damaging a car. The cause of the collapse was believed to be structural failure, said Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching, who visited the site with several Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) personnel, including those from the Engineering Department. “The engineering department officers found out that the boundary wall did not have the necessary support frame. “They estimated that it would cost RM50,000 to rebuild and repair the wall,” she said. (More......) |
Posted: 14 Aug 2011 10:12 AM PDT |
Fu Yu, my niece, also the princess of my family :-) Posted: 13 Aug 2011 11:05 PM PDT |
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