My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉 |
- Chinese Orchestra performance from Beijing
- Kong Min Schools Sport Day at City Stadium
- Traffic improvement at Lorong Batu Lanchang
- Promoting Green Building Index
- Launching new books on folk songs
- Increase of Chinese Books in George Town State Library
- 33 years long wait for a low costs house
- Low cost flats for Balik Pulau
- Berkenaan kutipan sumbangan pemaju untuk rumah kos rendah
- Penang moves to curb low-cost homes quota-selling
- Interview on Rifle Range Flats
- 368 cheap homes for south Seberang Prai folk
- Rewired of Kampung Melayu Flats
- Wong tells JMB members to govern well
- Looking into residents’ safety - Taman Thean Teik
- The underprivileged in Kampung Melayu get a Ramadan treat
- Proposal on location for telecommunication facility
Chinese Orchestra performance from Beijing Posted: 25 Aug 2011 08:26 AM PDT 華夏之夜-北京百人華樂團演奏會 黃漢偉:勇於創新 華樂生機蓬勃發展 2011-06-04 18:06 ■黃漢偉(右)在嘉賓陪同下,為演奏會主持鳴鑼儀式。 (檳城4日訊)檳州房屋、城鄉發展及藝術委員會主席黃漢偉指出,華樂不但繼承了傳統的精神,也勇於創新,使得華樂在現代的社會中,呈現了蓬勃發展的生機。 "我們要透過推動華樂的發展,使民族音樂走向世界,開創新篇章。" 他週五在拉曼學院禮堂舉行的"華夏之夜-北京百人華樂團演奏會"開幕禮上說,這項國際性的活動,間接為檳城增加了國際接軌的機會,從而讓檳城藝術腳步跟上國際水平。 他指出,州政府希望檳城邁向國際化的同時,也將現代化與社區化融合一體,把檳州打造成為多元、包容、傳統及創新的城市。 "我們通過民間團體的努力,引薦各類不同的國際新興藝術活動,以拓展國人藝術欣賞的多元性,并創造藝術交流機會,就如這場演奏會。" 他說,自2008年開始,州政府每年都會主辦一些活動以慶祝喬治市入遺,尤其今年當局將配合入遺3週年,在7月份主辦"2011年喬治市節慶"。此活動會是喬治市規模最盛大的文藝節慶。 他指出,上述節慶的籌辦除了慶祝入遺外,也展示檳城獨特的多元文化及古蹟,這有助提倡公眾對藝術的興趣,并且鼓勵文化及藝術交流。 這場演奏會是由檳城中藝華樂中心及檳州英才文化康樂中心聯辦,北京中國音樂學院呈獻,吸引不少華樂愛好者及公眾參與其盛。出席尚有北京中國音樂學院院長趙塔里木、華樂節策劃人張正仁等。 |
Kong Min Schools Sport Day at City Stadium Posted: 25 Aug 2011 08:18 AM PDT ![]() 公民三校運動會 林冠英:不耍手段 檳新生代靠努力取勝 2011-07-08 18:00 ■公民同學會主席陳裕華贈送紀念品予林冠英,左為黃漢偉。 (檳城8日訊)檳州首席部長林冠英指出,現在生活中,很多人為了要贏取一場鬥爭,可以不擇手段,不過,他相信檳城下一代,不會耍手段贏得勝利,相反會光明磊落的勝出。 他說,任何比賽過程,皆需堅持以"堂堂正正"的方式贏得比賽,要是靠"玩臭"或者是"偷吃步"贏得對手,也有失風度,更贏得不光采,甚至失去他人的尊重。 林冠英週五在檳島市政局體育場,出席公民三校運動會主持開幕儀式致詞時這麼說。 玩臭失風度 他說,不管是在運動場上,工作上或政治上,我們都需要和別人競爭。今天即使輸了,並不代表你是永遠的失敗者,只要肯努力,總會有成功的一天。 較後,公民同學會主席陳裕華贈送紀念品予林冠英。 黃漢偉展示獎牌憶當年 畢業於公民總校的檳州行政議員兼阿依淡區州議員黃漢偉,週五出席公民三校運動會時感觸良多,勾起他小學生涯的回憶,尤其他曾在三校最後一屆聯合運動會上,贏得男子乙組4x100米接力賽金牌,以及100米銅牌,迄今這些獎牌還保留著。 黃漢偉特地把收藏多年的4x100米接力賽金牌及100米銅牌展示給記者看。 他說,公民三校事隔28年後,再次主辦聯合運動會,給了他很多的美好回憶,也很珍惜當年贏得的獎牌。 沒錢買運動鞋赤腳參賽 "28年前我參加三校運動時只有10歲,之後三校運動會就一直停辦,今年才重新主辦。" "當年參加競跑比賽時,因為家裡貧窮,買不起運動鞋,因此在比賽時我是赤腳參加競跑,同時腳板上只粘上膠布就去參加比賽。"他表示,雖然學校面對經費問題,不過希望公民三校每一年都能夠聯合主辦這項運動會。 "今年三校運動會所需要經費多達2萬令吉,同時也獲得檳州首席部長林冠英、壟尾區州議員楊順興與我個人,都從選區撥款中撥出款項資助部份經費。" 2000口罩派學生 為了學生健康著想,週五黃漢偉送口罩給鍾靈獨中與公民學校學生。他說,總共派發1150個口罩給公民學校,同時也派發850個口罩予週五主辦登水壩比賽的鍾靈獨中。他表示,這些口罩都是由檳州衛生委員會派發,而且他也將會繼續派發口罩予選區內的學校。 |
Traffic improvement at Lorong Batu Lanchang Posted: 25 Aug 2011 08:14 AM PDT 可直接左轉發林天德園大道‧州回教堂路首段工程完成 2011-07-16 16:10 在峇都蘭樟巷及天德園大道交界處提昇後,交通工具無需再排隊等綠燈,就可以直接左轉進入天德園大道。(圖:星洲日報) 1 of 2 (檳城)在加寬工程完成後,從峇都蘭樟巷左轉入發林天德園大道的交通工具不再需要排隊等綠燈,交通堵塞情況獲得舒緩,公眾非常滿意! 峇都蘭樟巷及天德園大道交界處加寬工程是州回教堂路提昇工程的首個階段,這項耗資30萬令吉的工程,於4月18日展開至7月17日,為期3個月。 加寬馬路交通不塞 黃漢偉:接獲大型車難轉投訴 亞依淡區州議員黃漢偉昨日(15日)在檳島市政局工程局官員的陪同下,前往巡視走入尾聲的工程。 他說,根據市政局的調查,在傍晚6時至晚上7時的高峰期,從峇都蘭樟巷左轉進入天德園大道的車輛達每小時1千542輛,由於當時使用交通燈控制交通,導致高峰期時交通嚴重堵塞,交通工具有時甚至需要排長龍至青草巷。 "不過在加寬馬路及安置交通島後,交通工具就可以直接左轉,交通堵塞情況也獲得明顯的改善。" 他說,他也接獲一些投訴,指擔心大型車輛,特別是巨型羅里在轉入天德園大道時面對困難。 他說,提昇道路是為了舒緩交通,而州回教堂路也是檳島的主幹道路,能夠銜接多個地區,因此州政府提出提昇有關道路及其附屬道路的建議。 提昇工程分6階段進行 "州回教堂路提昇工程分為6個階段進行,整個工程預料將在2013年全面竣工。" 另外,針對公眾疑惑設立在峇都蘭樟巷及天德園大道交界處的交通島是否太大,檳島市政局高級工程師(交通)拉詹德蘭說,需要較大的交通島,主要是避免當兩邊的車子同時轉入(從安貧小姐妹會安老院方向右轉,及從峇都蘭樟巷福建公塚左轉)天德園大道時發生碰撞。 再努汀:涉及亞依淡路 次階段工程料下月啟動 檳島市政局交通工程師再努汀說,州回教堂路第二階段提昇工程涉及的路段為亞依淡路及州回教堂路交界處,工程預料將在下月初開始。 他說,有關工程將會加寬從亞依淡路左轉前往蘇格蘭路的路段,讓交通工具可以直接左轉,不受紅綠燈的影響。 左轉進入峇都蘭樟巷 擬加寬道路免等"綠燈" 由天德園大道左轉進入峇都蘭樟巷(安貧小姐妹會安老院方向)路段有計劃會進行加寬,讓交通工具也無需"排隊等綠燈"! 黃漢偉說,有關加寬工程將交由峇都蘭樟巷一項新發展計劃的私人發展商展開,因此必須等待發展計劃施工後才進行。(星洲日報/大北馬) |
Promoting Green Building Index Posted: 25 Aug 2011 08:06 AM PDT 黃漢偉:包括減低發展費等‧通過獎掖鼓勵綠色建築 曾添良(左起)、尤端祥、黃漢偉、溫國亮和林華光在新聞發佈會說明獎勵及綠色環保工作。(圖:星洲日報) (檳城)檳州城市及鄉村規劃、房屋委員會主席黃漢偉說,為鼓勵發展商採納綠色建築指數(GBI),檳州政府已通過數項獎掖措施,包括減低發展費和加速批准給符合綠色建筑物指標的發展計劃。 他前日(7月23日)出席綠色建築物指數――獎勵及綠色環保好處及推介新工具研討會開幕時說,州政府關注氣候暖化現象,除實行無塑膠袋日,也鼓勵發展商採用綠色建築指標作為新建築的工程元素。 雖提高成本但有利環境 他說,採納綠色建築指標難免會提高新發展計劃的初期建築成本,不過以長遠來看,該指標有利於整個大環境和達致節省費用的效用。 他也期望中央政府檢討現有的條例,修改及制定適合發展綠色建築的條文,提高人民對綠色建築概念的認知。 溫國亮:應擴大獎掖範圍 大馬綠色建築聯盟(MGBC)主席溫國亮在較後的新聞發佈會說,中央政府為推動綠色建築的發展,宣佈了一系列稅務獎掖以及印花稅減免措施,鼓勵各行業者加入綠色建築行列。 不過,他認為,有關獎掖的範圍和層面應進一步擴大,包括減低土地稅、門牌稅等,達到鼓勵人民購買綠色建筑的目標。目前全國共有181個建築工程申請綠色建築指數證書,其中17份申請是在檳城。但目前只有2個工程取得綠色建築指數證書,包括布城的國家能源大廈。 曾添良建議撥額外獎勵 馬來西亞咨詢工程師協會前主席曾添良則說,綠色建築指數的鑒定工作是每3年進行一次,因此建議政府可以額外撥出獎勵,鼓勵業主繼續保留綠色建築永續發展的理念。出席者包括大馬繪測師公會檳城分會主席林華光及檳島市政局建築部主任尤端祥。(星洲日報/大北馬) |
Launching new books on folk songs Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:55 AM PDT 杜忠全新書保存老文化‧老童謠玩轉姓周橋 2011-08-02 15:52 路人甲表演社的演員在神廟前玩起古早年代的小遊戲,並在海風徐徐吹送下朗誦老童謠,讓新書推介禮更顯特色。(圖:星洲日報) 1 of 3 (檳城)玩轉姓氏橋,玩轉老童謠! 本地作者杜忠全的《老檳城‧老童謠:口傳文化遺產》新書推介前晚(7月31日)在姓周橋成功舉行,獲得近百人的踴躍支持! 這項由周橋公司、大將出版社聯合舉辦的新書推介活動,內容相當豐富。掀開序幕的是路人甲表演社,4位演員首先以古早年代小朋友的童謠如Lalali la tam pong、搖啊搖,搖啊搖,搖去唐山偷挽茄……及一些小遊戲,帶領出席者一步一步進入回憶的隧道。 年輕一代不知童謠 接著,當卡卡女神的歌曲進入後,所有表演者逐漸失去說話的能力,不僅不會創作或朗誦童謠,以致連方言也不會說了。劇終,導演更讓所有演員頭上都綁上白巾,象徵在地文化逐漸死亡的悲哀。 這場約20分鐘的表演,給在場的觀眾帶來相當大的思考空間,觀眾隨著演員的精彩表演時而歡笑、時而寂靜,演出結束後,掌聲更是不斷。 黃漢偉:民族文化遺產 口傳民間文學須記錄 大會嘉賓暨掌管檳州房屋、城鄉規劃與藝術事務的黃漢偉說,要維護一個民族的文化遺產,首先就要維護它的語言。他認同杜忠全的看法,即再不做記錄,我們珍貴的口傳民間文學就會走向滅亡。 "檳州政府鼓勵更多的學者專家作出這樣的研究與記錄,協助檳州保存老文化。" 他也說,這項活動趕在"喬治市節慶"的最後一天舉行具備很大的意義,因為這將鼓勵更多熱愛檳城的文化人以多種方式書寫及刻畫檳城的獨特性,並將之保留及傳播。 "另一方面,我們希望透過喬治市節慶的舉行,讓更多的藝文工作者得到發揮的平台,當然,我們的終極目標是培育出藝文領域的大師級人物,並讓我們的城市因為擁有他們而顯得更具生命力。" 收錄44首童謠及描述童謠散文‧《老檳城‧老童謠》10年心血作 杜忠全在推介其新書時說,若不是在課堂上與學生一席談話,他也不知道本土童謠原來已走向末路。那些生於80年代的學生,童謠對他們來說竟是個陌生名詞,更別說生於90年代的學生了。 他預料再過個十年二十年,當那些懂得童謠的老人家都死去後,童謠就完全消失在這塊土地上。收集童謠這個任務需有人來做,就從他自己開始。 他表示用了10年的時間,讓這本《老檳城‧老童謠》與讀者見面,共收錄44首童謠及描述童謠的散文。 這也是"老檳城三部曲"最後一本系列,之前已出版的兩本份別為《老檳城‧老生活》與《老檳城路誌銘》。 當晚的活動上,出席者也在戲耍笑鬧中重溫老檳城的童謠說念,同時,現場更準備了姓周橋特色小點心招待(草龜、色莪炒、蟹棗等),讓大家可以盡興的享用,熱鬧的氣氛,就連老外也忍不住駐足觀賞。(星洲日報/大北馬) |
Increase of Chinese Books in George Town State Library Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:47 AM PDT 蘇克莉雅:闢專區以"星洲贈送"字眼辨別‧讀者捐書9月杪全上架 2011-08-14 11:27 書架上出現"星洲日報贈送讀物"字眼。(圖:星洲日報) 1 of 5 (檳城)由星洲日報大北馬讀者及《大北馬面子書》粉絲捐出的圖書,9月杪全面上架! 星洲日報捐書運動去年6月杪發動以來獲得了讀者及粉絲的熱心捐助,一年後的今天,有捐書人反映他們在圖書館未見太多的圖書"蹤影"。針對此事,《大北馬》約訪檳州圖書館主任蘇克莉雅,以瞭解書本的"去向"。 策略錯誤借閱率高致書失蹤影 人手不足耽誤上架時間 蘇克莉雅解釋,因為人手不足問題耽誤了圖書上架時間,不過至今已有1千743本圖書在喬治市圖書館內上架了,只是或許是"策略錯誤"和圖書借閱率高,才導致捐書人找不到他們的書。 她應允所有熱心的捐書人,只要是透過星洲日報捐書運動"籌獲"的圖書就會在9月杪完全上架。 她說,檳州圖書館在5月份時已經507本書放上架,不過當時那些書都是被分散到州內一些圖書館,當中被分配到最多圖書(116本)的是詩不郎再也州圖書館,最少的是只獲分2本書的浮羅山背圖書館。 中文書借閱率 首6月達4千次 她表示,檳州圖書館的中文圖書借閱率非常高,單是今年1月至6月份在喬治市圖書館,中文圖書的借閱率就達4千次。 "當時我們也沒有特別將從星洲日報捐書運動中獲得的書本分開擺放,因此捐書人說找不到他們的書,可能是被'淹沒'在'書海'中、被人借出了,或是被放在其他圖書館。" 為此,在與一直協助跟進"叢書去向"的檳州行政議員黃漢偉商討後,蘇克莉雅決定"改變策略",只將叢書分放在州圖書館及喬治市圖書館,並開闢部份書架專放由星洲日報讀者及面子書粉絲捐獻的書籍。 她說,目前仍有980本捐出的圖書仍未處理,因此圖書管理員將會快馬加鞭,儘早完成書本在上架前的程序。 可上網查詢"書蹤" 她也促請捐書人安心,因為所有書本雖然只被分配到兩個圖書館,但所有圖書還是能夠讓全檳的圖書館使用者"受惠"。 她解釋,檳州的圖書館有一套完整的目錄庫,因此公眾可以透過網上目錄庫查詢書本的"行蹤",甚至要求將書本送到最方便公眾的圖書館去。 須擁相關學位及有耐心 聘諳中文管理員不易 檳州共有102個公共圖書館,但卻只有一名諳中文的圖書管理員! 蘇克莉雅說,由於圖書管理員必須擁有圖書管理學士或碩士學位,因此在聘請職員方面,特別是諳中文的圖書管理員是有一定的難度。 "雖然我們也曾徵收諳中文的義工前往詩不郎再也圖書館協助整理中文圖書,然而這份需要很大耐心的工作似乎不太吸引人,義工持續性也不高,因此唯一諳中文的圖書管理員——柯金蘭的工作量是非常高的。" 她說,圖書在上架之前需要進行多個程序,加上檳州圖書館獲得了ISO的認證,因此根據規定,每本書從開始檢查到上架只可以耗上最多21天,而且新購的書本也必須在同一年上架。 她表示,檳州圖書館及沙巴圖書館是全馬"唯二"擁有馬來文及英文以外書籍的圖書館。目前檳州圖書館有馬來文、英文、中文及淡米爾文叢書。 黃漢偉:與州政府意願相符 捐書運動應續延燒 黃漢偉說,他在5月份前往浮羅山背圖書館時,也沒有發現讀者的捐書,因此他就致函給州圖書館,要求瞭解書本的最新進展。 他說,這次星洲捐書運動的叢書將會放在喬治市及詩不郎再也圖書館,未來捐書運動的叢書則會放在其他的圖書館內。 他感謝星洲日報讀者及面子書粉絲發動捐書運動,將自己收藏的好書捐出來,豐富州內的圖書館。 "星洲日報讀者和面子書粉絲的捐書運動非常好,因為這和州政府有意豐富讀物及增添母語書的意願符合。我也希望這項運動能夠延續。" 中文捐書上架程序 1.檢查書本(包括查清楚書本是否完整、有否破爛或遺失頁數) 2.為中文書名標上漢語拼音 3.為書本標上編號 4.將作者、書名等資料輸入目錄庫 5.將書本份類,如故事書、科學等 6.貼上編號貼紙、蓋章、借書及還書卡等 7.書本成功上架 注:從1至7的過程只有21天。 |
33 years long wait for a low costs house Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:34 AM PDT ![]() 圖:星洲日報)楊亞芝和兒子祁永海說由於家貧,只能贈送一盞具保健作用的『鹽燈』予黃漢偉,祝愿他永遠健康、繼續成人民明燈。 47歲申請‧80歲圓夢‧"33年,她等到廉屋了!" 楊亞芝(前排右二)在家人陪同下贈送感謝信給黃漢偉(左二),感謝黃漢偉讓其一家終於有安樂窩,並希望黃漢偉身體健康;後排右二為祁永海。( 檳城)她從47歲的中年申請廉價屋,直到今年80歲的老年了,終於獲分配一個單位,歷時33年! 祁永海(54歲,按摩師)昨日(6日)陪同80歲的母親楊亞芝(譯音)向檳州房屋委員會主席黃漢偉致謝,因為一家大小終於可以擁有安樂窩,不需要再租房子了。 楊亞芝在1978年申請廉價組屋後,20年後終於獲分配到天德園一個5萬令吉的廉價組屋單位,並繳付了10%的頭期和律師費,但該屋業計劃卻在第二年就擱置了。 前前後後搬遷6次 楊亞芝帶一家大小奔波 而楊亞芝也從年輕,就帶著一家大小為找房子一事四處奔波和租房子,舉家前前後後搬遷了6次。 12年後(2010年),一家私人機構重新在該地點發展屋業計劃,而當初受影響的購屋者,或可以把當初繳付的頭期款項轉為購買價值約20萬令吉的單位定金或要求退款,唯,只能獲得當初頭期款項的一半數額。 由於無法承擔20萬令吉的房屋,因此楊亞芝和家人只能要求退款。 今年內可搬住新家 2010年12月,祁永海向黃漢偉求助反映母親申請廉價屋的情形後,獲得分配五條路Sri Saujana一個4萬2千令吉的3房廉價屋,而且私人發展商也許諾會在下週退還2千500令吉的頭期款。 如今,她已經繳付新單位的頭期,在完成手續後,相信今年內可以搬入新家居住。 雖然她認為是前發展商引發此事,但私人發展商所提出的方案並沒有讓購屋者受惠,因此她希望發展商可以瞭解貧困的購屋者的處境,儘快退還款項。 14799申請者未獲配屋 黃漢偉:中廉價屋供不應求 截至今年3月31日,全檳有1萬4千799個符合資格的申請尚未獲得廉價或中廉價屋的分配。 黃漢偉說,這數年來,每年申請廉價屋和中廉價屋的人數維持在4、5千人左右,讓廉價屋及中廉價屋出現供不應求的情況。 優先考量社會新鮮人 他強調,由於單位有限,因此將會優先考量沒有房子的社會新鮮人、受逼遷居民及拖延已久的申請。 他表示,峇都蘭樟中廉價組屋收到1千203份申請,但卻只有195個單位,其中257人是被逼遷人數,而本月內也會召開會議以決定獲得單位的名單。 他認為可以出租、提供各區無人租購的單位及建造更多可負擔的房屋,包括在峇都交灣建造超過1萬間廉價及中廉價組屋,也是解決房屋供不應求的方案。(星洲日報/大北馬) |
Low cost flats for Balik Pulau Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:48 AM PDT Low-cost flats are being built to solve Balik Pulau's squatter woes GEORGETOWN: The largest parliamentary constituency on the island, which has its fair share of squatter issues, will be seeing new low-cost housing schemes coming up in the future. State housing exco Wong Hon Wai said there were several low-cost projects in the pipeline for Balik Pulau. He said a few developers had already approached the state government with their development proposals. "Several developers have submitted their plans but we sent them back to the drawing board because they must solve the squatter issues in the areas they are developing to ensure no dislodgement. "That is the condition set by the state... we want the developers to come up with better proposals to ensure that the squatter problems in their development sites are solved amicably," he said on Saturday. Wong, however, did not reveal the exact number of low-cost housing projects Balik Pulau would be seeing or which developers would be involved. There is a substantial number of squatter cases in the Balik Pulau parliamentary constituency that stretches from Teluk Bahang in the north to Bayan Lepas in the south. The areas with squatter issues in Balik Pulau include Teluk Kumbar, Binjai, Kampung Perlis, Kongsi, Sungai Batu, Kuala Jalan Baru and Sungai Pinang. The worst area is Binjai in Bayan Lepas, according to Jaafar Mahshar, assistant to Balik Pulau member of parliament Yusmadi Yusoff. There are 43 squatter families there. Last month, Yusmadi told the press that modern high-end residential projects in Balik Pulau were threatening to destroy local villages and that properties were generally beyond the affordability of low- and middle earning locals from Balik Pulau. Wong, during a visit to the newly-completed Desa Nipah low-cost flats off Jalan Sungai Nipah here, said the new units were a good example that the state was not only concerned with approving luxury housing projects in Balik Pulau. "We are also working to ensure that there are low-cost housing available for the poor," he said. The five-storey Desa Nipah flats by Belleview Group has 80 three-room units that measure 64 sq metres each. The developer is expecting the occupancy certificate to be granted soon. Wong said the units cost RM35,000 each and the government would be giving priority to Balik Pulau residents. "The government's criteria for selection would also be based on the applicants' household income of below RM2,500," he said. "But because Balik Pulau does not have many low-cost housing schemes like the other districts, we will also consider households with income slightly higher than RM2,500." Wong added that the state would be working closely with Yusmadi and also Penang state legislative assembly speaker Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain in dealing with the squatter issue in Balik Pulau. Meanwhile, Belleview managing director Datuk Sonny Ho, who was present, said building the Desa Nipah flats was part of the development firm's corporate social responsibility. He said instead of following the state's requirement to build 46.5 sq metre units, Belleview went further to upgrade the units' size. "We felt it was not right to cramp three rooms into a 46.5 sq metre unit so we took the liberty to build larger units to allow the future owners and their families to be more comfortable while sticking to the RM35,000 price. "We also adopted a 'built-and-sell' approach with this project," he said. Also present was Penang Island municipal councillor Gooi Seong Kin. It was previously reported that about 15,000 people had registered for low- and medium-cost houses in Penang, and that developers here paid RM30,000 and RM40,000 in premium respectively to the state government for every low-cost and low-medium cost unit that was not built. Read more: BETTER HOUSING |
Berkenaan kutipan sumbangan pemaju untuk rumah kos rendah Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:40 AM PDT ![]() YB Wong Hon Wai merujuk kepada kenyataan oleh Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan 10 August 2011 Kenyataan Akhbar oleh YB Wong Hon Wai – EXCO Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang (Perancang Bandar & Desa, Perumahan dan Kesenian) pada 9-8-2011 di George Town, Pulau Pinang Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan oleh Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan yang menanyakan kepada Kerajaan Negeri berkenaan kutipan premium dari pemaju untuk rumah kos rendah. Pada masa pemerintahan Barisan Nasional, isu-su penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah berlaku secara berleluasa di pasaran bebas di mana pemaju yang tidak dapat menyediakan rumah kos rendah membeli kuota daripada pemaju yang telah menyediakannya. Transaksi penjualan kuota berlaku antara pemaju-pemaju dan tiada kawal selia daripada Kerajaan Negeri pada masa itu. Kerajaan Negeri tidak menerima apa-apa sumbangan daripada aktiviti tersebut. Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Pulau Pinang berpendapat aktiviti penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah ini perlu dikawalselia di samping kepentingan awam perlu dijaga. Oleh itu, kita telah menetapkan bahawa pemaju yang membeli kuota daripada pemaju lain diminta menyumbang RM40,000 (empat puluh ribu ringgit) seunit bagi perumahan kos rendah dan RM30,000 (tiga puluh ribu ringgit) seunit bagi perumahan kos sederhana rendah. Ini adalah jauh lebih tinggi daripada yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang tidak mendapat apa-apa wang sumbangan pun. Wang sumbangan daripada pemaju ini akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Wang tersebut akan digunakan untuk membiayai pembinaan rumah mampu milik pada masa akan datang. Kerajaan Negeri juga akan merangka formula baru untuk menangani aktiviti penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah antara pemaju-pemaju dan pengumuman baru akan dibuat pada masa yang sesuai. Kerajaan Negeri komited terhadap pembinaan rumah mampu milik seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh kelulusan 11,596 unit rumah kos rendah dan kos sederhana rendah di bahagian Pulau dan Seberang Perai semenjak pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang. Ketua Menteri, YAB Lim Guan Eng juga telah membuat pengumuman terhadap pembinaan rumah mampu milik di Batu Kawan di atas tanah Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang (PDC) seluas 150 ekar. As reported in Malaysiakini 规定发展商买廉屋固打需缴费 黄汉伟称收入转建可负担房屋 2011年8月9日 傍晚 6点41分 槟城廉价屋课题继续掀起朝野骂战。槟州城乡策划,房屋及艺术行政议员黄汉伟今天反击槟国阵昨天对民联房屋政策的质疑,反抨国阵执政时期,廉价屋销售固打问题严重。 他更说明,民联槟州政府已开始管制发展商对廉价屋的固打,并且能够从中获利,未来这些收入将转用作建设可负担房屋。 槟州国阵工作委员会主席丁福南昨天要槟政府明确交代目前采纳的房屋与土地政策,同时质疑新政策是否屋价高涨的导因。 前朝政府放任固打交易 黄汉伟在今天文告解释,由于前朝国阵政府的漠视,廉价屋销售固打问题在民联执政之前更严重。 "无法提供廉价屋的发展商,可自由的在市场上向其他发展商购买其所应该提供的固打,这种问题在那时非常猖獗。" 他更揭露,当时的州政府未监管这种在发展商之间的固打交易。 "州政府也没有在这种交易中收到任何收入。" 向发展商收费兴建房子 黄汉伟指出,槟州民联政府发现这种售卖固打问题需要管制,大众利益也必须被照顾。因此,当局规定只要发展商向其他发展商购买固打,一间廉价屋就必须缴付4万令吉,而一间中廉价屋就须3万令吉。 "这价格远远高过在国阵执政时期的零收入。发展商的献金将会进入槟州政府户口内,而这些钱日后将会用在兴建可负担房屋上。" 他说,州政府也将制定一个新的公式来处理发展商之间的廉价屋固打问题,州政府在适当时间将作出宣布。 他不忘重申,自从民联执政以后,州政府已批准在槟岛及威省兴建1万1596间廉价屋及中廉价屋。首长林冠英则已公布将在峇都交湾槟州发展机构(PDC)150依格地段上,兴建可负担房屋。 |
Penang moves to curb low-cost homes quota-selling Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:40 AM PDT Penang moves to curb low-cost homes quota-selling Posted on 9 August 2011 - 09:39pm Himanshu Bhatt A mugshot of Wong GEORGE TOWN (Aug 9, 2011): Developers in Penang who "buy" any portion of their required quota for low-cost and low-medium cost housing from other developers must contribute to the state government for every such unit they obtain. The state government has fixed RM40,000 and RM30,000 respectively for every low-cost and low-medium cost transacted in such a manner as contribution to the state's coffers. State Housing Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said the move is necessary as the state had found such quota-selling occurring actively in the market without any control. "The contributions from the developers will be deposited into the Penang state government's account," he said in a statement today. "The money will be used bear the costs for building affordable housing in the future," he added. Wong said this in response to a question posed by Penang Gerakan chief Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan, who is also Penang BN Working Committee chairman, on whether the state was collecting premium from developers for not building low-cost houses. Wong replied that the new contribution rate imposed by the current Pakatan Rakyat state government is far higher than any amount fixed by the previous BN state administration on such developers. "During the BN's rule, quota-selling for low-cost houses was rampant in the free market where developers who had not prepared low-cost houses bought their quota from developers who had," Wong said. He said the previous state government neither exerted any control over the quota transactions nor received any contributions from the activities. Wong said the current state government will also devise a new formula to clamp down further on quota selling between developers, and an announcement on this matter will be made in the future. He added that the state has approved 11,596 low-cost and low-medium cost units under the Pakatan administration since March 2008. It is also in the process of developing a new social housing project on a 60ha land belonging to the Penang Development Corporation (PDC) in Batu Kawan on the mainland. ===================== YB Wong Hon Wai merujuk kepada kenyataan oleh Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan 10 August 2011 Kenyataan Akhbar oleh YB Wong Hon Wai – EXCO Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang (Perancang Bandar & Desa, Perumahan dan Kesenian) pada 9-8-2011 di George Town, Pulau Pinang Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan oleh Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan yang menanyakan kepada Kerajaan Negeri berkenaan kutipan premium dari pemaju untuk rumah kos rendah. Pada masa pemerintahan Barisan Nasional, isu-su penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah berlaku secara berleluasa di pasaran bebas di mana pemaju yang tidak dapat menyediakan rumah kos rendah membeli kuota daripada pemaju yang telah menyediakannya. Transaksi penjualan kuota berlaku antara pemaju-pemaju dan tiada kawal selia daripada Kerajaan Negeri pada masa itu. Kerajaan Negeri tidak menerima apa-apa sumbangan daripada aktiviti tersebut. Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Pulau Pinang berpendapat aktiviti penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah ini perlu dikawalselia di samping kepentingan awam perlu dijaga. Oleh itu, kita telah menetapkan bahawa pemaju yang membeli kuota daripada pemaju lain diminta menyumbang RM40,000 (empat puluh ribu ringgit) seunit bagi perumahan kos rendah dan RM30,000 (tiga puluh ribu ringgit) seunit bagi perumahan kos sederhana rendah. Ini adalah jauh lebih tinggi daripada yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang tidak mendapat apa-apa wang sumbangan pun. Wang sumbangan daripada pemaju ini akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Wang tersebut akan digunakan untuk membiayai pembinaan rumah mampu milik pada masa akan datang. Kerajaan Negeri juga akan merangka formula baru untuk menangani aktiviti penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah antara pemaju-pemaju dan pengumuman baru akan dibuat pada masa yang sesuai. Kerajaan Negeri komited terhadap pembinaan rumah mampu milik seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh kelulusan 11,596 unit rumah kos rendah dan kos sederhana rendah di bahagian Pulau dan Seberang Perai semenjak pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang. Ketua Menteri, YAB Lim Guan Eng juga telah membuat pengumuman terhadap pembinaan rumah mampu milik di Batu Kawan di atas tanah Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang (PDC) seluas 150 ekar |
Interview on Rifle Range Flats Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:20 AM PDT ![]() The key to winning Bukit Bendera Stories by CHRISTINA CHIN Photos by GARY CHEN RIFLE Range residents may be an ageing population but they have been — and will remain — the 'kingmakers' of the Bukit Bendera parliamentary constituency in Penang. With a high concentration of some 13,720 voters in the Kebun Bunga state constituency, the nine blocks of 17- and 18-storey flats are seen to be the pulse of Bukit Bendera. The veterans: Rifle Range remains one of the most densely populated housing developments in Penang with most of its population comprising senior citizens. Hence, Phak Cheng Por as the locals would have it called, never fails to attract the attention of politicians on both sides of the divide. Indeed, the huge chunk of voters may well determine the fate of any aspiring politician, especially in a nail-biting electoral battle. And keeping the residents happy can help to swing the votes and result in a thumping win for the hopeful MP. While the Federal Government has pledged to improve the water pressure at Rifle Range flats — a nagging issue faced by the residents — the state authorities have announced plans to repaint the buildings at an estimated cost of RM2.7mil, of which 80% would be borne by the Penang Development Corporation. Initially, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had said the balance of 20% would have to be paid by the residents themselves, but that was before two anonymous donors contributed a total of RM200,000 to the project. Repainting the blocks is slated to start in the next six months with a linear park in the planning. The private sector has also chipped in to help improve the living conditions there. Recently, the old basketball court was upgraded at a cost of RM40,000, courtesy of Dell and another anonymous donor. Elaborating on the state government's plans, Penang Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said the immediate priority was to fix the basic facilities — things that go unnoticed unless you are a Rifle Range resident. Top on the list is to replace the sewerage and water piping system and lifts. "Just the pipes will cost more than RM1mil. We are doing this in stages," he said. Residents' major grouse are the faulty lifts. Rubbish strewn along the common areas a usual sight. Cars parked haphazardly at Rifle Range flats. As it is, there are no immediate plans to demolish the blocks which consultant architects have reportedly said were still rock solid. Furthermore, most of the units are now privately owned. Through the years, the living conditions in Rifle Range have deteriorated and the place has been unfairly dismissed as a slum. It was under the late Penang Chief Minister Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee that the development took shape. Rifle Range was a crucial housing project at the time, especially for workers of the nearby textile factory. The rental was cheap and the location convenient but today, cleanliness is a problem. Another headache facing the state are some 100 dilapidated, abandoned units. The state government has refurbished half of the abandoned units for the relocation of squatters from other areas but there are some 50-odd units left to spruce up. The ageing population is also a problem. Rifle Range is still one of the most densely populated low-cost housing developments in the state but most who live there are senior citizens. Indeed, the Rifle Range project has left an important legacy for the current administration. You can build public housing anywhere but good public transportation, convenient amenities and job opportunities are a must. "Rifle Range has all that. The common areas may have deteriorated but it is not a slum. People say parking is a problem but I disagree. "If you come at night, when most residents are home, you will see that the car park is not full," he added |
368 cheap homes for south Seberang Prai folk Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:15 AM PDT Saturday August 6, 2011 368 cheap homes for south Seberang Prai folk By S. ARULLDAS NIBONG TEBAL: A total of 368 low-cost and low medium-cost houses are being built at Taman Sungai Duri Permai near here for the people in south Seberang Prai district. They comprise 224 units of low-cost terrace, 114 units of low medium-cost terrace and 30 units of low medium-cost semi-detached houses. The low-cost units are built in townhouse style, with two units occupying each double-storey townhouse. The houses, under the Penang government's privatised housing programme, are expected to be completed by the end of October, said state Housing, Urban and Town Planning Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai. Wong said the low-cost units are priced at RM38,000, low medium-cost units at between RM80,000 and RM104,760 while the semi-detached units are priced between RM90,000 and RM112,200. "The Pakatan Rakyat state government will continue to approve and build low and medium-cost houses to meet the needs and demands of the people in the state. "It is our commitment to provide sufficient affordable homes for the poor and the middle income group," Wong said after visiting the RM28mil project undertaken by Asas Dunia Bhd in Sungai Duri yesterday. He said only those whose monthly income was below RM2,500 were eligible to apply for the houses through the state housing department or their assemblyman. Wong said the state had approved low and medium-cost housing projects in all five districts in the state under its privatised housing programme but could not provide details on the number of projects approved. He said some developers had yet to start their projects due to factors like squatter problems and ground works. As reported in Sinar Harian Inisiatif ringan beban rakyat SUNGAI DURI – Bagi meringankan beban rakyat terutamanya yang menetap di Pulau Pinang, Kerajaan Negeri mengambil inisiatif dengan meluluskan lebih 10,000 rumah jenis kos rendah di sekitar kawasan Seberang Perai. Exco Perancangan Bandar dan Desa, Perumahan dan Kesenian, Wong Hon Wai berkata, pelaksanaan itu sekali gus bertujuan menepis tohmahan daripada pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri yang tidak membantu rakyat untuk memiliki rumah. "Melalui polisi Kerajaan Negeri juga, pihak kita meminta pemaju swasta melaksanakan projek perumahan terbabit dengan syarat yang ditetapkan dan mengawal harga bagi setiap pembelian rumah," katanya ketika ditemui semasa mengadakan lawatan pembinaan rumah kos rendah di Taman Sungai Duri Permai, semalam. Projek perumahan kos rendah di Taman Sungai Duri Permai dijangka siap sepenuhnya pada penghujung tahun ini. "Penduduk yang ingin memiliki rumah ini boleh mendapat maklumat lanjut daripada Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Sungai Bakap; Makhtar Shapee, ADUN Jawi; Tan Beng Huat dan Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP). "Meskipun terdapat persepsi rumah kos rendah adalah kurang bagus, tetapi Kerajaan Negeri sentiasa memastikan agar rumah yang dibina itu mempunyai kualiti sejajar dengan polisi Kerajaan Negeri. "Oleh hal demikian, Kerajaan Negeri bukan sahaja memenuhi kuota, tetapi turut mementingkan kualiti bagi setiap rumah yang dibina. Hadir sama pada lawatan berkenaan, Pengarah Urusan Asas Dunia Berhad; Datuk Jerry Chan, ADUN Jawi; Tan Beng Huat, Ahli Majlis MPSP; Teoh Seang Hooi dan Loh Joo Huat. As reported in China Press 黃漢偉:落實居者有其屋 冀發展商建更多廉屋 05/08/2011 21:17 威南5日訊)檳州房屋事務委員會主席黃漢偉說,檳州政府積極解決貧窮者住屋問題,除了施行多項惠民政策,也希望發展商興建更多廉價屋,實現低收入群體"居者有其屋"心願。 "一個安定的居所,就是一份尊嚴。發展商興建人民可負擔、品質良好的房屋,可讓購屋者活在尊嚴的居家環境。" 檳國陣領袖日前頻頻指稱州政府沒興建中廉價組屋,黃漢偉反駁說,民聯執政3年來,已批准和興建逾1萬間中廉價組屋,因此對方指責是子虛烏有的事。 3年批建逾萬中廉屋 他今早巡訪新興雙溪奴力柏邁花園(Taman Sungai Duri Permai)房屋計劃工地時,這么說。 是項房屋計劃發展商是Asas Dunia,共計368間3款式可負擔及廉價房屋興建中。 他說,峇都交灣近期是密集發展的黃金地段,未來這裡會有許多新興的工商業,有望打造成檳州第三個衛星市。 "州政府將通過檳州發展機構在峇都交灣建中廉價屋,讓購屋者享有第二大橋交通便利。" 他說,他日前已巡訪壟尾旭陽之苑(Suria Vista)中廉價屋業計劃施工地,往后則將巡防浮羅山背類似的屋業計劃。 Asas Dunia發展商董事經理拿督陳福星說,他希望州政府在說服發展商建中廉價屋時,也能考慮發展商立場,提供更多獎掖以減輕發展商在建中廉價屋的損額。 他指出,發展商不會拖延建中廉價屋,因為土地和原料價格會持續飆漲,緩慢建中廉價屋只會加重房屋的成本負擔。 As reported in Kwong Wah 黄汉伟:对于中廉价房屋计划质疑破坏者 槟政府用"建设"反驳 •地方 •北马新闻 •2011-08-06 18:42 •点击数:14 •新闻由光华日报提供 有关计划下,售价3万8000令吉的联排廉价屋共有224个单位。 ■ 有关计划下,售价3万8000令吉的联排廉价屋共有224个单位。 (威南6日讯)槟州房屋委员会主席黄汉伟行政议员表示,对于那些质疑州政府房屋计划的破坏者,州政府最佳的反击就是"建设",以实际行动来反驳。 他说,槟州民联政府自从执政以来,已经批准逾万间的中廉价屋发展计划的申请,这种实际的行动,已经证明国阵领袖指责州政府没有兴建中廉价屋,是不确实的指责。 他于周五上午,在爪夷区州议员陈明发及威省市议员罗如发的陪同下,巡视位于威南双溪鲁里的"双溪鲁里粕迈花园"中廉价屋发展计划工程后,向媒体发表谈话如此指出。有关计划是由著名房屋发展商ASAS DUNIA BHD所推行的计划,该公司董事经理拿督陈福星也在场讲解。 确保房屋品质良好 黄汉伟说,槟州政府规定房屋发展商必须兴建30%的中廉价屋,然而,发展商也必须履行社会责任,有关房屋除了廉价外,也必须确保其品质良好,让购屋者购得优良品质的屋子。 他说,委员会于7月16日巡视在槟岛东北县垄尾的旭阳之苑集合中廉价公寓,当中有60%已经完成工程,除了33间是用来赔偿被逼迁者外,另外的90间在本身巡视,并经媒体报导后,获得4000民众前往参观示范屋,而其中有200人登记有意购买,经过州政府房屋电脑系统的筛选后,鉴定61人以签署买卖和约,另外29人则因为本身问题没有接受购屋献意。 他说,州政府实际行动兴建中廉价屋,除了东北县外,也在浮罗山背及威南区等地进行相关计划,包括也计划在峇都加湾卫星市兴建可负担房屋,而这计划将在未来数年内逐一落实。 他也赞扬ASAS DUNIA所进行的中廉价房屋计划,符合州政府的要求,同时也属于品质优良的房屋计划。 槟政府关注贫困者 发展商给予合作 拿督陈福星说,有关计划总共耗资2800万令吉,公司以州政府所监督的价格售予合格者,若以各单位售价计算,仅能以2100万令吉售出所有单位,意即公司需补贴700万令吉来完成有关计划工程。 他说,在这项发展计划中,共有224个单位的联排廉价屋,114间单层排屋,以及30间单层半独立。 他说,槟州政府关注贫困者,以期达致居者有其屋,而身为发展商积极给予合作,以建更廉宜价格,但是品质优良的屋子来销售。 他说,该公司目前尚有其他中廉价屋计划,分别在威中建69间,打昔258间,以及华都302间。 也是槟州屋业发展公会主席的拿督陈希望,在发展商与政府配合下,州政府应该提供更多奖掖给予发展商,同时豁免一些税收,让发展商能够在生意上取得平衡。 陈明发州议员表示,州政府在兴建中廉价屋方面做出努力,以便协助解决面对中廉价屋缺乏的问题,造惠中下层人士。 |
Rewired of Kampung Melayu Flats Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:10 AM PDT ![]() As reported in The Star Rewired to reduce fire risks By CHRISTOPHER TAN THE RM1.13mil rewiring works along the corridors of Block A and B of the Kampung Melayu low-cost flats in Air Itam, Penang, are now completed. State Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said the wiring works which included the rewiring of 496 units in Block A and changing of the electrical switch box in the units of Block A, started eight-months ago and were completed in June. "There are however 48 units in Block A and five units of shops in the same area whose owners refused to undergo some rewiring," he said. Wong, who is also the Air Itam assemblyman, said the owners might have recently changed or rewired their units on their own and thus, felt the move unnecessary. "The state is concerned over the residents' welfare since the wiring has not been maintained since the units were first completed in the 1970s. Feeling safer: Steven and his wife Santana Mary, 64, taking a closer look at the new electrical switch box in their unit at the Kampung Melayu flats "We rewired the units in Block A first because the block was built in the early 1970s while Block B was built in the late 1970s." Wong said the state had decided to do the rewiring for the two blocks of flats to avoid the risk of fire. "As the number of electrical appliances increases in every household, it is important to have a safe wiring network installed," he said during the handing over of the project's maintenance work from Public Works Department to the State Secretariat Housing Department at the low-cost flats on Sunday. Wong also said claims that the Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had sidelined the Malays here was a lie. "The area in Kampung Melayu consists of 75% Malay, 20% Chinese and 5% Indian. This project is an example that we have been taking care of the people's welfare. "The state treasurer had also approved the repainting of Block A and B of the Kampung Melayu flats whereby the state will bear 80% of the cost of painting." Private companies had banked in a sum of RM80,000 to the State Secretariat as part of their corporate social responsibility for the repainting of the flats. Wong said the Penang Development Corporation would be providing him an implementation timeline on the repainting works in about two weeks and the repainting was scheduled to commence after Hari Raya. Retiree Steven Joseph, 70, said the move to rewire the units in Kampung Melayu flats was a good one. "We can now feel secure that there will be less risk of a fire due to wiring complications," he said. 甘榜馬來由組屋 開齋節後展開粉刷 2011-07-24 18:06 ■檳州公共工程局代表費扎(左一)移交工程竣工證書予檳州房屋局主任諾莎達(右一),由黃漢偉(中)見證。 (檳城24日訊)檳州政府將在開齋節後展開首個組屋粉刷工程,檳州房屋、城市及鄉村規劃委員會主席黃漢偉指出,首個工程就是阿依淡甘榜馬來由組屋,該工程預料在明年初竣工。 他說,在其穿針引線下,州內一間私人企業公司願意贊助出資20%的粉刷費用,加上州政府早前承諾願意代為出資的80%費用,意味居民,在不需付出分文的情況下,他們的組屋即可重新粉刷。 他說,這間私人企業公司早在今年6月已把贊助費用存入州政府的銀行戶口,因此這項粉刷工程勢在必行。 他透露,檳州發展機構官員日前已完成考察,而且也已擬定時間表,即在開齋節後開始這項粉刷工程。 在這之前,檳州首席部長林冠英宣佈,目前全檳擁有1萬5000單位的組屋,如果組屋居民想要重新粉刷組屋的話,州政府願意代為出資80%的粉刷費用,至於其餘的20%(即80%:20%方案),則由當地居民承擔。有關方案是在檳州2010年財政預算案下撥款。 甘榜馬來由組屋區共分為A和B座,A座組屋擁有496單位,B座則有470單位,至於居民的種族比例分別是巫裔75%、華裔20%及印裔佔5%。 詢及打鎗埔組屋粉刷工程的進度時,黃漢偉說,目前檳州發展機構與油漆公司正談著工程的細節,相信近期內會有結論。 他說,在州政府實行80%:20%方案時,除了建議居民承擔20%的組屋粉刷費用之際,當地的州議員也會積極尋求私人企業贊助,以讓當地居民從中受惠 |
Wong tells JMB members to govern well Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:07 AM PDT ![]() As reported in The Star - Thursday July 21, 2011 Wong tells JMB members to govern well ALL Joint Management Board (JMB) member should equip themselves with suitable knowledge and skills to handle issues in their respective areas. State Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said that JMB members should plan well as they are the 'government' of their residential areas. "As the 'mini-government', they will have to be prepared to solve issues such as waste collection schedules, lift maintenance as well as security enforcement," he said. He was speaking at the opening of the 'Multi-storey Building Management Seminar' for JMB members within the management area of Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) at Town Hall in Esplanade, Penang, yesterday. During his speech, Wong also shared his experience whilst he was the secretary of a JMB, also known as the management corporation, with the seminar participants. "It is vital for JMB members to be able to listen and weigh in the opinions before coming up with a decision that satisfy the majority of residents," he said. MPPP president Patahiyah Ismai, who was also present, said she hoped the participants would be able to improve their knowledge on managment from the seminar. She added that the seminar is held to ensure that all the JMB members are well equipped to run their respective committees. 黃漢偉:不要一味指責 房屋問題共同分擔 北馬 2011-07-20 18:58 ■峇達雅(左二)贈送紀念品予黃漢偉(右二);由黃偉益(左一)及洪永泰(右一)陪同。 (檳城20日訊)檳州房屋委員會主席黃漢偉認為,擁有較多房屋問題地區的國、州議員,應該與政府當局合作及分擔問題,不應一味指責。 他說,私人發展商利用捷徑從中牟利的事件,州政府承認當局的運作確有不足之處,但身為國、州議員,如果發現有問題,應與當局分享或分擔,而不是隨意指責當局的不是。 他週三為檳島市政局"高樓房屋共管機構及分層地契管理研討會"主持開幕儀式後在記者會上,針對日落洞區國會議員黃泉安日前指峇都蘭樟一帶中廉價組屋計劃,包含黑箱作業,是因為檳州房屋局疏於監督的談話作出澄清。 "私人發展商利用捷徑從中牟利,我們承認仍有不足之處,房屋局官員缺乏有關方面的知識與經驗,但很多房屋投訴個案,我們都會親自前往審核。" 他透露,在上述個案中,發展商保留了195個單位中的100個中廉價組屋單位給地主,在法律上是沒有效用,且違反房屋合約法令第24條文,同時也是違反公共政策及公眾利益的。 曾與三造協商 黃漢偉表示,他曾針對上述問題召開過3次會議,分別與發展商、地主及有關單位進行協商。 他說,最後各方達致協議,即發展商同意將保留給地主的100個組屋單位減至30個,並以金錢賠償給地主。 此項由檳島市政局主辦的"高樓房屋共管機構及分層地契管理研討會"獲得政府機構、檳州土地及礦物局、檳州發展機構等代表出席。 儀式上,檳島市政局主席峇達雅也受邀致詞;其他出席嘉賓包括光大區州議員黃偉益,及檳島市政局秘書洪永泰等人。 處理房屋問題 擬聘多建築委會專員 為更有效解決州內房屋問題,檳島及威省市政局已增加建築委員會專員(COB)人數,然而,認為,目前的官員數量仍不足,因此促請當局聘請更多官員。 "檳島市政局的建築委員會專員(COB)人數已從原本的6增至目前的9人;威省市政局方面則由6人增至8人。然而,以檳島的房屋比例來算,40人才是理想人數。" 黃漢偉週三他已針對建築委員會專員人數不足一事致函大馬公共服務局,惟,至今仍未獲批。 他也認為,除了增加建築委員會專員人數,也有必要不斷提升專員在這方面的知識,以更有效解決房屋問題。 檳島市政局目前共有1067個高樓計劃,房屋單位為15萬1217個;威省市政局則有933個高樓計劃;有5萬7842個單位。檳島內共有641個高樓計劃擁有管理單位,即194個共管機構(JMB),另447個為管理機構(MC)。 他表示,他也已向國會提呈,要求重新檢討2007建築和公共財產(管理及維護)法令(法案663),及1985年分層地契法的不足之處,以讓此兩個法令更加完善。 "之前,州內許多房屋問題都是透過各區國州議員與居民協調後解決,但我始終覺得必須用有一套更妥善的解決方案,因此已向中央房屋部提呈建議,要求成立高樓建築仲裁庭,完善解決房屋問題及糾紛。" 黃漢偉指出,高樓房屋的共管機構及管理機構,就是有關住宅的"小政府",負責管理一切問題,包括衛生、垃圾、聘請承包商、技術員、保險公司、保安,協助居民解決問題。 "任何東西都沒有所謂100%,沒有可能滿足所有人的需求,因此這兩個管理單位必須以大部分人的意願作考量,也必須擁有房屋方面的知識和經驗,才能夠承擔及解決問題。" ( |
Looking into residents’ safety - Taman Thean Teik Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:01 AM PDT ![]() Trouble-shooting: Wong (seated, in white), Ang (right) and a representative from the Public Works Department (partly hidden behind Wong) together with Taman Thean Teik residents studying a map of the development project along Lebuhraya Thean Teik As reported in The Star THE Public Works Department (JKR) and Belleview Group will work together to come up with a solution for residents staying along Lebuhraya Thean Teik where road widening works are underway. Representatives from JKR and Belleview met with state Housing Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai and Taman Thean Teik resi-dents to discuss issues about their safety as the back of their homes are practically adjacent to the widened road. Businessman Richard Ooi, 55, said that apart from concerns of cars crashing into their homes, the drainage system would also be a problem. "We are concerned that if there is no proper drainage system, our drains will not be able handle the water from a nearby river. "Another issue is the traffic flow along the highway. There is a bottleneck at its middle (from three lanes to two lanes on either side) and this is going to cause jams," he said. The representative from JKR said they would have a discussion with Belleview to address these issues, adding that they were confident of coming up with a 'win-win' solution. Paul Ang, a supervisor from Belleview, said that he would inform his superiors about the situation. Regarding the drainage problem, he said they were building an underground retention pond in the deve-lopment area. Wong said these were legitimate complaints by the residents and they needed to be addressed. "We hope that the JKR and Belleview will make adjustments in their plans to solve the impending problems." On Monday, The Star highlighted the concerns of residents worried about cars crashing into their homes as well as the noise and dirt from the road works. |
The underprivileged in Kampung Melayu get a Ramadan treat Posted: 25 Aug 2011 04:47 AM PDT ![]() ![]() ![]() As reported in The Star August 18, 2011 The underprivileged in Kampung Melayu get a Ramadan treat ABOUT 170 single mothers, handicapped and underprivileged residents of Kampung Melayu in Penang received contributions in conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan. The event was held during buka puasa at the low-cost flats in Kampung Melayu, attended by about 500 residents. Of the recipients, 150 who were Muslims received hampers courtesy of the state Pusat Urus Zakat, and zakat contributions from Syarikat Manora Sdn Bhd executive chairman Datuk Abdul Rafique Karim in his own personal capacity. The remaining 20 recipients, who were non-Muslims, received hampers from Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai. Wong, who is state Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman, said besides the contribution to the needy, his constituency also rewarded eight students in Kampung Melayu for their excellent results in studies. The students were selected by the Kampung Melayu Village Development and Security Committee. "We would also like to continue the tradition of having a cultural night in Kampung Melayu in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri and will be held next month," said Wong. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who also attended the event, gave an RM500 allocation to the Kampung Melayu surau. |
Proposal on location for telecommunication facility Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:39 AM PDT ![]() As reported in Guang Min. YB Wong Hon Wai made a proposal to mark the location of proposed telecommunication facitlity in new housing development plan. This will minimized the dispute on the setting up of telco towers. 黃漢偉:為免隨處興建‧新屋業須列電訊塔位置 2011-08-12 19:26 黃漢偉:電訊業者告訴我,他們已將這建議呈給中央政府管轄的多媒體及通訊部,以便將這建議納入各州電訊塔的指南。(圖:光明日報) (檳城12日訊)檳州城市及鄉村規劃、房屋及藝術委員會主席黃漢偉說,為免電訊公司隨處建說電訊塔的作法引來民眾詬病,他將建議發展商日後在新的大型屋業計劃申請圖測中列入有關地點附近的電訊塔位置,以便購屋者可以清楚知道所購單位是否靠近電訊塔。 他週五接受《光明日報》訪問時說,檳州民聯的國、州、市議員,於週四與國內各家電訊公司交流與對話,以商如何解決州內非法電訊塔的問題。 他在會上建議,在新的大型屋業計劃申請圖測之時,理應注明在這項屋業計劃的範圍內,其電訊塔位置,購屋者知道後是否願意買,就由他們自行決定。 建議將呈中央 "電訊業者告訴我,他們已將這建議呈給中央政府管轄的多媒體及通訊部,以便將這建議納入各州電訊塔的指南。" 他指出,根據現有條列,發展商在發展大型屋業計劃時,都會標出英達麗水的化糞池、國能電房的位置,因此靠近電房和化糞池的單位,其價格都是相對的便宜。一些不介意的購屋者就可買下有關單位,相反,購屋者可買下較遠離化糞池和電房的單位。 "同樣的,中央政府也可以規定發展商在申請圖則時,將電訊塔位置標在圖測內,有了這規定,購屋者就可以知道,未來這個房屋計劃落成後,那裡有電訊塔,那裡才是遠離電訊塔。這可將不必要的衝突降到最低。" 他建議,這只是業者和他的建議,一切仍有待中央相關部門的通過與接納。 "為免電訊塔課題被政治化,甚至被一些政客用來打擊政敵,當一些地區的居民投訴非法電訊塔問題時,被投訴的電訊公司應該主動出面澄清和解釋,甚至主動採取一些步驟,以解決民間的不滿,而非被動式的面對人民的投訴。" 優先拆受非議電訊塔 班台惹雅區州議員沈志勤指出,會上民聯的議員和各家電訊公司的代表取得了共識,即優先拆除引起反彈最激烈的地區的非法電訊塔。 "雙方都同意,一些地區的非法電訊塔若引起居民強烈反彈,將會優先拆除。"但他暫時不方便透露,那些地區的非法電訊塔將被拆除。 他指出,他與其他民聯議員都建議,將各家公司的電訊塔集中在一起,以避免前街有一支,後街又一支,簡直就是破壞市容。 破壞市容 "但電訊公司對這建議還是有所保留,他們聲稱,若將這些電訊塔拆下再集中一起,將會耗上很多經費。我們要求他們要認真考慮這建議。" 他指出,會上他們也告訴這些業者,州政府將會嚴厲的對付非法電訊塔,同時,業者也坦承他們在這課題上,也面對一些困境。 "業者在會上披露,他們考慮改以更先進的電訊塔以取代目前的電訊塔,新的電訊塔雖然成本較貴,業者在同一個地區,則不必安裝太多支電訊塔,這也可將民眾的不滿降低。"(光明日報) |
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