念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang |
- [JOM UBAH!!] DAP's Candidates for Kuching DUN Seats
- 张念群: 再爆坠楼命案,反贪委会公信力荡然无存
- [Malaysiakini] Customs officer dies after falling off MACC building
- [Sarawak Election] Nomination of N. 39 Repok | DAP's Wong Hua Seh for Repok!!
- Ubah and her drinking water bottle..
- [April 6 -Wednesday@Sarikei] Ubah having FuZhou Meesua as breakfast..
- [April 6 - Wednesday] March with DAP Sarikei candidate on State Election Nomination DAY!!
- [April 5] My roommate UBAH..
- [The Star] Companies must pay 50% of project cost before starting road work
- 【联合日报@砂拉越选战】张念群冀更多女性问政 . 火箭女候选人近三份一
[JOM UBAH!!] DAP's Candidates for Kuching DUN Seats Posted: 06 Apr 2011 09:59 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 08:41 AM PDT Nie Ching: Siapa mangsa SPRM yang seterusnya? Penolong Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Serdang Saudari Teo Nie Ching hari ini mengeluarkan kenyataan media berikutan kes kematian pegawai kastam yang jatuh dari bangunan Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) pagi ini. Beliau berkata, kredibiliti SPRM sudah tidak wujud selepas kes kedua kematian di bangunan SPRM berlaku. Beliau berkata apabila pelbagai pihak masih bertungkus-lumus untuk mencari sebab kematian Saudara Teoh Beng Hock dalam proses siasatan pihak SPRM, kita kedengaran lagi berita yang seumpama di mana seorang pegawai kanan Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia yang diajak oleh SPRM untuk membantu penyiasatan kes rasuah yang membabitkan cukai tidak dibayar mati jatuh dari Bangunan SPRM, ramai orang tertanya-tanya di dalam hati, siapakah yang akan menjadi mangsa kematian siasatan SPRM yang seterusnya? Beliau menegaskan bahawa memberi perlindungan keselamatan kepada individu-individu yang diajak dalam proses membantu siasatan kes rasuah adalah tanggungjawab SPRM yang paling asas. Justeru itu, SPRM harus memberi keluarga pegawai Jabatan Kastam satu keterangan yang benar-benar menyakinkan mereka. Dalam pada itu, beliau turut menyeru para pengundi yang berkelayakan untuk menentukan nasib negeri Sarawak dalam pilihanraya negeri yang akan datang supaya menggunakan undi mereka untuk memberi isyarat yang jelas kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional bahawa rakyat menolak rejim yang menyalahgunakan kuasa semata-mata untuk menjaga kepentingan sendiri ! 民主行动党全国副宣传秘书张念群指出,反贪委会再爆出一宗坠楼命案,已使该委员会在民众心目中的公信力荡然无存。 她说,大马反贪污委员会必须整肃其行政效率丶运作和形象,否则,人民只会把协助反贪委会查案视为畏途。 “2009年7月16日,赵明福在雪州反贪委会离奇坠楼身亡,如今还在皇委会聆审阶段;讵料相隔不到两年,一名涉嫌逃税而被调查的关税局官员,竟然在位於蕉赖葛京路的吉隆坡贪委会总部坠下身亡。” 也是沙登区国会议员的张念群发表文告质询,反贪委会接二连三发生命案,民众对它已失去信心,反贪会连最基本的保护被调查者的人身安全都做不到,情何以堪! 促砂州民终结国阵滥权 (More......) |
[Malaysiakini] Customs officer dies after falling off MACC building Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:48 AM PDT While we are still trying very hard to find the truth of Teoh Beng Hock's death, a Customs officer being investigated by the MACC for graft involving unpaid taxes is believed to have fallen to his death from the 3rd floor of the MACC Building in Jalan Cochrane this morning. Who will be next? Memory of 16 July 2009 flashes back non-stop in my mind.. I need a room where I can cry out loudly.. ~ Hafiz Yatim A Customs Department officer who had been questioned over suspected involvement in graft and money-laundering, died today after falling off the third floor of the Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) building in Jalan Cochrane. Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, 56, who served as assistant director at the Selangor office of the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, had reportedly been released on bail two days ago. He was among 62 officers arrested in a joint operation in Penang, Johor, Selangor and Pahang by a special task force which comprised the MACC, the Inland Revenue Board, the Customs Department and Bank Negara. One officer was found to have several million ringgit in his bank account while another had almost RM1 million. Two others had more than RM500,000 each. The sweeping raid also found gold bars in the house of one officer while another had more than RM600,000 in cash stored in several bags.
He was detained to assist in investigations, but was released last Saturday at 12.30pm. (More......) |
[Sarawak Election] Nomination of N. 39 Repok | DAP's Wong Hua Seh for Repok!! Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:32 AM PDT ![]() DAP/PR candidate for N. 39 Repok Dr Wong Hua Seh in the upcoming Sarawak State Election!!
Ubah and Sdr Chong Siew Chiang are checking the nomination form together.. ;-)
Ubah also helping us to check the nomination form..
West Malaysia team.. :-)
And this is DAP Sarikei team!!! :-DDD (More......) |
Ubah and her drinking water bottle.. Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:26 AM PDT |
[April 6 -Wednesday@Sarikei] Ubah having FuZhou Meesua as breakfast.. Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:24 AM PDT ![]() Ubah was having FuZhou Meesua as her breakfast this morning in DAP's candidate for Sarikei DUN seat Dr Wong Hua Seh's house. Fu Zhou people believe that it will bring good omen and luck. (More......) |
[April 6 - Wednesday] March with DAP Sarikei candidate on State Election Nomination DAY!! Posted: 05 Apr 2011 08:40 AM PDT ![]() We will gather at DAP Sarikei Election Operation Centre, No. 2, 1st Floor, Jalan Tok Tok, 96100 Sarikei, Sarawak at 8am tomorrow and march together to Sarikei Civic Centre, the nomination centre with Ubah Bersama Dap! Calon DAP bagi N. 39 Repok Dr Wong Hua Seh akan diiringi pemimpin-pemimpin parti DAP termasuk Timbalan Setiausaha Agung dan Ahli Parlimen Beraus Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham, Penolong Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Kebangsaan dan Ahli Parlimen Serdang Teo Nie Ching dan Naib Pengerusi DAP Sawarak, Chong Siew Chiang.Penyokong DAP Sarikei akan berkumpul di Bilik Operasi DAP Sarikei di No. 2, 1st Floor, Jalan Tok Tok, 96100 Sarikei pada 6 April 2011, jam pukul 8.30 pagi untuk berarak ke Dewan Suarah, Pusat Penamaan Calon. DAP Candidate’s CV Name: Dr. Wong Hua Seh (DAP’s Sarikei Candidate) Blog: http://wonghuaseh.blogspot.com/ 履历: 医生(马大1977)occupation health doctor, 民主行动党泗里街支部主席, 福州公会秘书, 民立独中秘书, 家庭协会医药顾问 DOB: 19.5.1951 Place of birth: Sarikei, Sarawak Qualification: M.B.B.S. University Malaya 1977 Profession: Medical Doctor (More......) |
Posted: 05 Apr 2011 08:20 AM PDT ![]() My roommate Ubah will force me to read for her every night before we sleep. She can't understand why one would want to kill a mockingbird.. (More......) |
[The Star] Companies must pay 50% of project cost before starting road work Posted: 05 Apr 2011 05:20 AM PDT 相关新闻: 【星洲日报】 勒令电讯公司暂停工程 ‧ 无拉港8住宅道路重铺 【星洲日报】 确保承包商妥善修护公共设施 ‧ 加影市议会规定工程50%按柜金需缴现金 UTILITY companies, developers and those involved in road work in Kajang will have to pay a 50% cash deposit of the cost involved to the Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj). MPKj councillor Steven Chan said the new guideline was decided on at the council’s previous financial meeting. “If the road work is not done according to our guidelines, we will use the deposit to fix the problem. We will resort to this if the company involved does not fix the problem within one or two weeks,” he said. He was speaking to reporters about the road work in Taman Mudun, Taman Wangsa Cheras, Taman Cheras Perdana, Taman Cheras Jaya, Bandar Hussein Onn, Taman Angsana, Taman Cheras Utama and Bandar Damai Perdana. He said the road humps built by a telecommunications company, following its broadband upgrading work, were lower than the ones built by the council. “We want the company to reconstruct the road humps according to specifications,” he said. Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching echoed the same sentiments on imposing stringent rules for road work. “Previously, if the council wants to use the deposit to rectify shoddy work the process takes almost two months because the companies are issued a 30-day, two-week and one-week notice before the local authority can use the deposit. “I understand that the telecommunications company needs to upgrade its system but during this interim period, we received many complaints from road users on the poor road condition over the past few months. (More......) |
【联合日报@砂拉越选战】张念群冀更多女性问政 . 火箭女候选人近三份一 Posted: 05 Apr 2011 03:22 AM PDT [Pilihanraya Sarawak 2011] Hampir Satu Pertiga Daripada Calon DAP adalah WANITA Semasa menghadiri Majlis Pelancaran Bilik Operasi Pilihan Raya DAP di Borneo Highland, Ahli Parlimen Serdang Saudari Teo Nie Ching menyeru lebih ramai wanita tampil ke hadapan dan bergiat dalam aktiviti politik supaya bersama-sama memperjuangkan hak dan agenda kaum wanita. Menurut beliau, daripada 15 orang calon DAP yang dinamakan untuk bertanding dalam pilihanraya Sarawak yang akan datang, 4 daripda mereka adalah wanita, nisbah ini adalah hampir satu pertiga daripada bilangan keseluruhan calon wakil DAP pada pilihan raya kali ini. Bilangan calon wanita ini masih belum mengambil kira bilangan calon wanita dari parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat yang lain. Sementara itu, menurut Senarai calon wakil rakyat yang diumumkan oleh Ketua Menteri Sarawak Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmu pada hari Ahad yang lalu, daripada keseluruhan 71 kerusi yang ditandingi, BN hanya menamakan 4 calon wanita! Beliau berbesar hati di mana purata umur keempat-empat calon wanita DAP adalah 29.75 tahun dan ini jelas menunjukkan DAP telah menampilkan calon wanita yang betul-betul muda, bertenaga, berazam, berkaliber dan medekati nadi masyarakat. Beliau berharap lebih ramai wakil rakyat wanita akan dipilih dalam pilihanraya Negeri Sarawak kali ini sekaligus meningkatkan kesedaran politik kaum wanita di negeri Bumi Kenyalang ini. (本报诗巫4日讯)行动党沙登区国会议员张念群表示,该党在本届州选的女性候选人增加至4人,而这与15名候选人相比较下,将近三分之一的该党候选人为女性。 她说,该党的女性候选人,平均年龄在29.75岁,而这也是一个好现象。 张念群指出,她个人首次代表出战也是年满27岁,同时也希望更多女性有政治醒觉,看到砂州有更多女性在未来进入州议会问政。她表示,她将一直驻扎在本地,至17日才返回西马。 据悉,在本届州选,国阵阵营已公布的候选人阵容中,只有4名女性候选人。张念群今日出席该党在高原区竞选行动室启用仪式后,发表了谈话。 转载自《联合日报》 (More......) |
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