Ahad, 27 Mac 2011

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Spin-Doctor In The House

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 05:57 PM PDT

By Dean Johns

Dr M’s memoirs are just cosmetic surgery on his image.

I haven’t read Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s brand-new autobiography, ‘A doctor in the House’, or, as it might be more appropriately titled, ‘A spin-doctor in the House’, and I never will.

I’m not much of a fan of fiction, medical or otherwise, and in any case I’ve heard enough of Mahathir’s distortions, evasions and lies to last me several lifetimes.

Having taken the Hippocratic oath and thus assumed the primary ethical responsibility to ‘do no harm to the patient’, he went on to become the ultimate political hypocrite, and did incalculable harm not only to Malaysia’s people but to the nation’s self-identity and international reputation.

In other words, he chose to forsake the cause of healing and resorted instead to stealing.

Robbing Malaysia of not just its natural resources and financial riches by prescribing a regimen of plunder for his supporters, cronies and relatives, but also more crucially plundering the nation of spiritual riches like truth, integrity, transparency and justice.

So I assume that his autobiography, like his Che Det blog and all his other public utterances, is as pernicious a pack of lies as he’s capable of.

And that it includes a repeat of the pornographic fantasies he invented to try and kill the reputation and credibility of the erstwhile deputy who over a decade ago dared to defy him, Anwar Ibrahim.

I doubt that Mahathir mentions in his book the fact that his inspiration for hitting Anwar with a sodomy rap may not even have been original.

Many of us are convinced that he got the idea from his old pal Robert Mugabe, who brought sodomy charges against the first black President of Zimbabwe, the Rev Canaan Banana, just a year or so before Anwar was similarly accused.

As an editor-in-chief of New Straits Times once told me, Mahathir immensely enjoys hearing and telling filthy jokes. So Mugabe’s scatological shafting of Banana could well have struck the dirty-minded doctor as a jolly jape for him to play in Malaysia.

Original or not, however, Mahathir and his minions in the police and judiciary certainly made sure the joke was on Anwar. And the beating of Anwar by the then police chief provided Mahathir with inspiration for one of his best-known sick sarcasms, that the victim’s injuries may have been self-inflicted.

By now, though, being played as it is the second time around and evidently with the same intended punch-line, the sodomy joke has grown terribly stale.

Except, of course, for Mahathir and his current puppet Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, plus the regime’s so-called ‘law’ officers, some cravenly compliant members of Malaysia’s pathetically impotent judiciary, and of course the nation’s ‘mainstream’ media.

As afflicted as they are with Mahathir-style mendacity, and as sanctimonious as they can be in claiming to represent Islamic and other state-sanctioned ‘moral’ standards, the BN regime’s media have long tried to sustain their ailing circulations with regular doses of gay porn.

‘Wee-wee’ and ‘poo-poo’ details:

Gleefully reporting what my daughter and her friends would scornfully call the “wee-wee” and “poo-poo” details of ‘evidence’ of sodomy provided by a parade of ‘witnesses’ paid or otherwise persuaded to perpetuate the disgusting, homophobic Mugabe/Mahathir joke.

Despite some government successes in recent buy-elections, however, it seems to me that more and more Malaysians are failing to see the funny side of Mahathirism, even in its faux-moderate Najib incarnation.

Let’s face it, there are only so many sordid stories of semen stains, anal swabs and such that most reasonable and intelligent people, however broad-minded or tolerant, can be expected to stomach.

Especially when such lurid details are clearly nothing but lying attempts to sustain a sordid fantasy designed to discredit legitimate opposition to the BN regime, and divert public attention from its obscene activities on every other conceivable front.

In the sphere of deaths in custody, for example, in which BN’s disgusting record is currently symbolised by the royal commission into the death at Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission headquarters of the late Teoh Beng Hock.

Some mysterious software glitch, we now learn, has conveniently erased records of calls and messages to and from the phones of MACC officers implicated in Teoh’s death.

This erasure inevitably and eerily recalls the ‘unexplained’ deletion of the immigration records of Altantuya Shaariibuu (left), the Mongolian interpreter whose murder by shooting and dismemberment with C4 explosive was linked to close associates of then Defence Minister and now Prime Minister Najib.

Mahathir, still evidently a power if not the power behind the premiership of Malaysia, must be as surely aware of the truth behind the Altantuya and Teoh cases and countless other BN government atrocities.

Yet I’ll bet his so-called autobiography either fails to mention them at all, or attempts to justify them in the same way that I read in pre-publication reports that it defends his sick jokes on Anwar. And denies, defends or justifies the massive corruption and blatant cronyism so characteristic of his own career and those of his BN confederates.

Mahathir, for all the cosmetic surgery he’s carried out on his own and his regime’s image, is seen increasingly in Malaysia around the world as a monstrous example of social, ethical and political malpractice.

Rather than working to cure fractures between Malaysia’s races and religions, he’s devoted his time and talents to exacerbating them. Instead of working toward a healthy body politic, he’s fostered a system plagued by repression, greed and injustice.

And in the process he’s revealed himself as a chronic, pathological liar. Which is a pity, really, as he could have been such a force for good.

Many of us have been hoping, and some even praying, that he’d repent in his retirement and old age, and spend his final God-given years in heeding the ancient exhortation, ‘Physician, heal thyself’.

However, if early reports are any indication, he shows no sign of self-doubt, let alone repentance, in his new book. But as healthy as he looks on the cover of this tome, maybe he still has time to redeem himself.

Perhaps he has a few years left in which to pen a sequel of true confessions before the day Allah chooses to transform him from a doctor in the house to a doctor in the hearse.

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Sorry, Prime Minister — Othman Wahab

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 05:54 PM PDT

Finally, the Prime Minister has spoken. But I suppose he had little choice because he had to attend the Umno Supreme Council meeting and then meet the chaps with notebooks ( I have decided not to call them journalists because they don't have one critical ingredient of a journalist, which is seeker of truth).

You see Datuk Seri Najib Razak does not like to get his hands dirty. That is why he has so far stayed out of the Alkitab issue, it is too messy for him. If he supports the Christians, the Muslims will be angry. At least this is what his Umno people are telling him.

So put Idris Jala (KPI Minister ) in the forefront. Meanwhile Najib will focus on his Internet community friends and talk about 1Malaysia and scholarships. Similarly when the porn video scandal broke, the PM kept silent.

Instead of denouncing the skullduggery and stating equivocally that Umno was not involved, he stayed silent. Probably he like cautious politicians like to see how this affair was going to play out.Anyway, last night he spoke and this is what he said: the main task
ahead was to find out the authenticity of the video tape. Umno's role in the matter is not important.

Not important! Okay, I agree that we need to find out if the tape is
doctored, etc. And whether the main actor is the leader of the Opposition.

But the guys who put this tape together have broken half a dozen laws and should be charged. And if Umno's role can be ascertained, then we can surely say that Umno's leadership sanctioned the act. After all, there is a report that Najib met the Datuk T gang a few days ago. So if Umno's top leaders sanctioned this sting operation what does it say about their moral compass (sudah rosak).But maybe we should not be surprised. Just listen to the vulgar jokes
at the party assembly every year. Gutter is what they do, and do well. So sorry, Prime Minister, your first statement on the video leaves me uncomfortable. It sounds like you actually like what Datuk T did.

I am just curious. Why is there so much fear of Anwar? He is just another man, flawed sometimes, inspired sometimes, a disappointment sometimes. But why is there such fear.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.

Laporan Muka Depan Utusan Malaysia26 Mac 2011 Adalah Fitnah

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 12:27 PM PDT

KEADILAN mengecam laporan muka depan Utusan Malaysia bertarikh 26 Mac 2011 bertajuk "Di Manakah Anwar Ibrahim" yang jelas satu fitnah dan tidak berpandukan etika kewartawanan yang baik.

Laporan itu berniat jahat dan hanya bertujuan untuk menyambung fitnah dan serangan ke atas Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Pakatan Rakyat. Ia tidak berasas dan hanya memetik satu penulisan blog seorang pimpinan bawahan Pemuda UMNO yang diketahui umum sering menimbulkan fitnah terhadap Pakatan Rakyat.

Tembelang Utusan Malaysia yang melambangkan rendahnya kawalan mutu kewartawanan terdedah apabila ia menyiarkan dakwaan blog tersebut bahawa Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak membuat sebarang pesanan twit ke akaun Twitternya kononnya pada masa rakaman itu berlaku.

Saya sertakan di sini bukti-bukti dari petikan skrin akaun Facebook Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang menunjukkan beliau menghantar pesanan ke akaun Twitter dan disambut oleh pengikutnya seperti berikut:

1. 21 Februari 2011, 1040 malam: "Inshaallah"

2. 21 Februari 2011, 1049 malam: "That's ds Najib's plan. Our task: pursue reform agenda"

3. 21 Februari 2011, 1050 malam: "Varsity students: Conscience of the majority"

4. 21 Februari 2011, 1052 malam: "Modus operandi of rogue leaders"

5. 21 Februari 2011, 1058 malam: "Bisa"

6. 21 Februari 2011, 1103 malam: "Waras"

7. 21 Februari 2011, 1103 malam: "Ada ruang bias ja"

8. 21 Februari 2011, 1105 malam: "Ngak. Tapi ada sampaikan kuliah diUGM"

9. 21 Februari 2011, 1108 malam: "RT @gst183 Revolution is the festival of d oppressed"

Masa yang dicatatkan di Facebook adalah dua minit lebih lambat dari masa pesanan sebenar di akaun Twitter kerana menggunakan khidmat Selective Tweets. Oleh yang demikian, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim menghantar 9 pesanan ke akaun Twitternya diantara jam 1038 malam hingga 1106 malam seperti petikan skrin yang dilampirkan disini.

Pada masa ini jugalah iaitu diantara 1020 malam hingga 1041 malam kononnya seorang yang mirip dengan wajah beliau dirakam sedang melakukan hubungan seks di sebuah bilik. Semua laporan setakat ini oleh mereka yang telah menontot rakaman tersebut tidak menyebut mengenai si pelaku sedang melakukan seks sambil memegang telefon untuk menghantar pesanan ke akaun Twitter.

Pesanan-pesanan yang dihantar dan dilampirkan disini juga jelas adalah pesanan yang dibuat oleh Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim kerana lenggok bahasa dan interaksinya dengan pengikut-pengikutnya yang diketahui umum.

Oleh yang demikian, mustahil si pelaku yang dirakam di dalam video adalah Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Saya juga ingin mengemukakan bukti yang mematahkan fitnah yang disiarkan oleh blog-blog yang dibiayai UMNO termasuk yang dipetik oleh Utusan Malaysia. Mereka mendakwa bahawa ada perbezaan masa di antara laman Facebook dan laman Twitter iaitu pesanan yang dirakam di laman Facebook adalah sejam lebih lambat dari masa di laman Twitter. Ini adalah pembohongan besar yang direka-reka semata-mata kerana sudah jelas bahawa Dato' Seri Anwar berada di rumah dan berinteraksi melalui Twitter pada masa yang didakwa.

Saya sertakan dua petikan skrin yang diambil dari laman Twitter dan Facebook Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang menunjukkan bahawa pesanan yang dibuat melalui laman Twitter akan dihantar ke laman Facebook 2 minit kemudian.

Maka, pesanan yang dibuat pada jam 12.22 tengahari 26 Mac 2011 [File timestamptwitter.gif] di laman Twitter (mengenai rakaman penuh pidato Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Taman Melawati) dicatat waktunya sebagai 12.24 tengahari 26 Mac 2011 di laman Facebook [File timestampfb.gif].

Penjelasan-penjelasan ini sudah cukup untuk membuktikan kepada rakyat Malaysia betapa hinanya Utusan Malaysia yang tanpa segan silu menyiarkan fitnah tanpa usul periksa, asal dapat menyebarkan dakyah tuan punyanya iaitu UMNO.

Dengan pendedahan ini, KEADILAN mendesak Utusan Malaysia memohon maaf dan sekiranya enggan berbuat demikian, KEADILAN akan mempertimbangkan tindakan lanjut untuk diambil terhadap Utusan Malaysia dan penulis blog UMNO tersebut.

26 MAC 2011

Solat Hajat Dan Pidato Khas Menangkis Fitnah

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 12:19 PM PDT

1 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

keep posting like this it’s really very good idea, you are awesome!

