Jumaat, 30 Disember 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Cheap Sale of 50% SACOFA’s share to CMS Berhad,3 Question to ask The State Government

Posted: 29 Dec 2016 08:04 PM PST

Since the publication of my statement about the "Cheap Sale of 50% SACOFA's share to CMS Berhad", the State Government has no defence. 

Instead, on 23-12-2016, CMSB came out to attempt to justify its acquisition of the said 50% SACOFA shares, claiming that the acquisition was done in transparent manner in compliance with the rules and regulations set out by the KLSE Bursa.

CMSB's statement about the compliance with the Bursa's regulations was in fact a statement speaking from its business perspective, BUT NOT from the perspective of the public interest of Sarawak.

In 2015, the Sarawak State Government sold 50% of SACOFA's share to CMS at the price of RM186.79 million.  This is a SUPER Cheap Sale price and only the company with the close relationship with the Governor's family benefits from such SUPER CHEAP SALE.

There are 3 reasons why this is a SUPER CHEAP SALE:

1.         No premium for the Controlling stake in a monopoly company

In all company acquisitions, there has to be a premium price for a controlling stake in the company.  SACOFA is the company with the monopolistic power to control the tele-communication infrastructure throughout Sarawak, yet there was no premium price for the controlling stake in such a profit-guaranteed company.

The net asset of SACOFA Group as at 31-12-2014 was RM403 million (50% = 201.5 million).  The deal was completed in 2015, yet the State Government used the net asset value of RM344 million to base its sale price of RM186.79 million.

2.         Super low Price/Earning ratio

The after-tax profit of SACOFA group for the years 2012 to 2015 are as follows:

After-tax Profit
 RM 62,818,577
RM 51,763.604
RM 59,479,489
RM 89,760,847

The State Government, through Wong Soon Koh, claimed that the State Government used the 2013 profit figure to calculate its P/E ratio of 7.23 for the sale of SACOFA shares. 

It is noteworthy that 2013 is the year of exceptionally low profit, a drop of approximately RM10 million compared to the profit for year 2012 and 2014.  If you were to take the SACOFA's profit for the year 2012 for your calculation, the P/E ratio would be 5.95.

However, even with this exceptionally low profit year figure, the P/E ratio of 7.23 is still very low compared to the P/E ratio of other telco companies, eg. Digi.com (23.5), Maxis (22.6), Telekom (28.3), Axiata (29.5).

With such low P/E ratio, CMS's investment in SACOFA is even more profitable than banking sectors in Malaysia.

If one were to look at the acquisition price from the perspective of Rate of Return (ROR) on investment, for the year 2014 its ROR was 15.9%, while its ROR for the year 2015 was 24.0%.

 With such ROR, CMS will be able to recover fully, all the money it invested in purchasing 50% stake in SACOFA within 6 years and own 50% of SACOFA.  This is an exceptionally high ROR, which means, an exceptionally low price for the said acquisition.

3.         CMS will be entitled to 50% of Government Allocation to build Telco Towers

With CMS becoming 50% shareholder of SACOFA, we are now hearing increasing calls from the elected ADUNs in Dewan UndanganNegeri Sarawak asking the Government to approve allocation of funds to build Telco towers in their areas.

As SACOFA is the sole authorised company to build telco towers, such government allocation, if approved due to political pressure to develop the rural area, will be channelled through SACOFA.  As 50% shareholder of SACOFA, CMS will be the 50% beneficiary for all such government allocations in future.

The acquisition of 50% share in SACOFA by CMS is definitely a superb deal for CMS.  Sad to say, the gains by CMS is at the loss and expense to Sarawakians in general.  That is why until today, the State Government did not dare to answer directly to the following questions:

1.       Why did the State Government privatise a regulatory body for telco infrastructure and turn it into a regulatory cum business entity?  Under such position of conflicting interest, how is the government going to ensure that the regulatory role of SACOFA will not be compromised for its business interest?

2.       Why did the State Government sell off 50% share in SACOFA at such a low price?

3.       Was the political background and connection of CMS a factor in the privatisation exercise?  There is no shortage of qualified economists in the Sarawak Ministry of Finance, why then is the Sarawak Government cheap-selling SACOFA's 50% share at such low price.

Based on my personal estimate, in the whole privatisation exercise, the Sarawak Government has been short-changed by at least RM300 million.

Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching/ADUN for Kota Sentosa
DAP Sarawak Chairman

砂政府超廉价变卖50% SACOFA股权 3道问题质问政府

Posted: 29 Dec 2016 08:01 PM PST

(古晋29日讯)民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁今出示3大理由证实砂州政府超廉价变卖50% SACOFA股权给砂日光公司(CMS Berhad)。 他也同时抛出3个问题针对有关私营化SACOFA的决定,质问砂州政府。

事关,砂州政府于2015年,以1亿8679万令吉价格出售SACOFA 50% 的股权。

张健仁指,以正常商业交易的考量,这1亿8679万令吉价格出售SACOFA 50% 的股权,简直就是超级大平卖。 若以政治术语来形容这项交易,这就是典型的"公家资产私有化",即是,把公家的资产,便宜的卖给朋党公司,变成朋党公司的私人资产。

1.    砂州政府为何要把一间监管电讯基建的政府机构,私营化变成即是监管又是商业性质的公司? 在这利益冲突的情况下,政府又如何能确保私营化之后,SACOFA 不会因为商业利益而妥协其监管的角色?
2.    砂州政府以什么为根据,以1亿8679万令吉如此便宜的价格,卖掉50% SACOFA的股权给CMS公司?
3.  CMS公司的政治势力和关系是否是砂州政府私营化SACOFA 的主要因素?砂州政府的财政部门不乏经济专才,为何会以如此的贱价,变卖SACOFA 50% 的股权?


张健仁反驳,CMS公司的论点,是纯粹从其商业角度来看。 对CMS公司而言,这交易肯定是大赚特赚的。 但是,对砂州人民而言,这是一个大亏特亏的交易。


1.   价格没计算公司控制权及无型资


张氏也说,SACOFA拥有垄断权,控制全砂所有电讯塔和电讯基建工程。 但砂州政府在出售该公司的50%股权时,却没有计算该公司的控制权的价值。 这在商业交易领域,简直就是天方夜谭。

"截至20141231日,SACOFA的净资产4亿300万令吉(不包括无型资产和控制权的价值)。 50%净资产的价值已是2亿150万令吉,更何况再加上无型资产和公司控制权的价值。 因此,SACOFA50%股权的真正价值,是远远超出砂州政府卖给CMS 公司的 1亿8679万令吉的价格。"

2.         超低本益比的价格

张氏说明,"本益比"的定义是,投资的本钱对比所得到的利益的比例。 本益比越低,就表示这投资非常合算,以低投资额换取高回筹。

SACOFA 集团过去4年的税后盈利如下:
 RM 62,818,577
RM 51,763,604
RM 59,479,489
RM 89,760,847

砂州第二财长黄顺舸在州议会表示,砂州政府是以SACOFA集团于2013年的税后盈利来计算出售50% SACOFA股权售价的本益比,即,以该公司2013年的 税后盈利计算,1亿8679万令吉售价的本益比是7.23

张氏特别指出,SACOFA 2013年的盈利,相比其他年份的税后盈利低许多。若我们以2012年的税后盈利来计算,这1亿8679万令吉售价的本益比则是5.95

张氏表示,就以黄顺舸所给予的7.23本益比,若和其他电讯公司的本益比做比较,还是非常低。在马来西亚,电讯公司的本益比,平均都是超过20 以上的,Digi.com23.5),Maxis22.6),Telekom28.3),Axiata 29.5)。

"从另一个角度来看,以这1亿8679万令吉的价钱投资50% SACOFA公司,CMS公司在2014年就可得到(RM 59,479,489/22970万令吉的回筹(15.9%的回筹率),而2015年其则可得到(RM 89,760,847/24488万令吉的回筹(24%的回筹率)。"

"这么高的回筹率,是商业界里所罕见的。 有如此高的回筹率,也就表示,售价太低了。"

3.         今后政府拨款建电讯基建,CMS 也得一半拨款

张氏说,因为SACOFA是砂州唯一全权负责发展电讯基建的公司,今后,若政府有拨款发展乡区的电讯基建,有关拨款的对象理所当然将是SACOFA。 而CMS因拥有SACOFA 50%的股权,也将间接得到政府拨款的50%

他也透露,自CMS 收购50% SACOFA 股权之后,他也发觉,国阵的州议员频频在州议会发言要求政府拨款在他们的选区建电讯塔,以增加电讯覆盖地区。


张健仁强调,SACOFA既然是一间监管砂州电讯基建公司,砂州政府就不应该将它私营化。 就算真的要私营化,也不应该以如此廉价私营化。 在这私营计划中,依据他个人的计算,砂州政府少收了3亿令吉。

Rabu, 28 Disember 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 27 Dec 2016 05:22 PM PST


1. 这纯粹是一些媒体的猜测,根本就没有任何有关交换选区的

2. 前日,我于巴鲁比安圣诞节开放门户拜访他时,我们都没有提起交换美里选区的课题。

3. 对于行动党和公正党议席分配的问题上,为了避免无谓的纷争和浪费彼此的时间和资源,我已建议彼此根据2013年第13届国选所达致的议席分配协议,来迎战第14届国选 



4. 若当中有一党自认在某一选区它没有胜算,愿意交出有关选区,那我们3党才针对有关选区由谁出战,来进行讨论。那并非什么交换选区的问题,而是谁较有胜算在该选区取胜为考量。

今次的国选,可说是马来西亚的关键之役,也是马来西亚人民和国阵的生死战。若再由纳吉和巫统继续领导马来西亚多5年,马来西亚前途坎坷,国家将再倒退5年,马币将再继续滑落5年,人民将再受苦多5年。 5年过后,马来西亚的经济也将再也无法扭转。




Chong wants Adenan to be more serious on NCR over land

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:28 PM PST

Chong (left) during a press conference yesterday, accompanied by state DAP deputy chairman Leon Jimat Donald.
KUCHING: State Democratic Action Party (DAP) is urging Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem and the state government to stop paying mere lip service on defending native customary rights (NCR) of landowners.
Instead, its chairman Chong Chieng Jen said, the state government should take positive moves to amend the Land Code to give legal effect to the concept of 'pemakai menoa' (territorial domain) and 'pulau galau' (communal forest reserve).
He pointed out that the Sarawak BN government was solely to be blamed for the Federal Court ruling on Tuesday that the native customs of pemakai menoa and pulau galau had no force of law in Sarawak.
Chong, who is Bandar Kuching MP and Kota Sentosa assemblyman, said he had three main reasons for attributing the blame for the Federal Court ruling on the Sarawak BN government.
Firstly, he said the Federal Court was only interpreting the law passed by the legislature, adding that it was the legislature that refused to enact laws giving the concept of pemakai menoa and pulau galau the force of law.
"BN has been the government of Sarawak since the formation of Malaysia. There is no reason that for a period of 53 years, the BN government cannot come up with a clear provision of law giving the concept of pemakai menoa and pulau galau the force of law," he told a press conference here yesterday.
Secondly, Chong said the dispute arose because the state government granted to private companies provisional lease of land covering those land which were also subjected to pemakai menoa and pulau galau.
"This clearly shows that the state government itself does not recognise the concept of pemakai menoa and pulau galau. Otherwise, it would not have issued to private companies Provisional Lease of land covering pemakai menoa and pulau galau."
Finally, he said the decision of the Federal Court was made in a case where the state government was a litigant party.
"If the state government is of the view that pemakai menoa and pulau galau have the force of law, the state government can easily concede to this point of law without the Court having to make decision on it. The Court makes the ruling on the state government's argument that pemakai menoa and pulau galau have no force of law."
Given the above three reasons, Chong said it was not the Federal Court to blame but the Sarawak BN government for the position of law that pemakai menoa and pulau galau had no force of law and thus could not create native customary rights over land.
"In fact, it is a simple process to remedy this position. The state government needs only to table an amendment to the Land Code to expressly provide for the legality of pemakai menoa and pulau galau."
He said it was regrettable that the Sarawak BN government, with all its resources and expertise, refused to do that but instead had Masing "crying crocodile tears", attributing the present Dayak predicament to "lack of clear definition of NCR status that leads to Court's decision".
"Again, this is proof that the so-called local parties are the ones oppressing Sarawakians," Chong added.
TheBorneoPost December 22,2016

张健仁:摆脱不合理征税 国选换政府唯一选择

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:42 PM PST


 转载自诗华日报 21-12-2016

提呈涉伊刑事法法案 首长人联默不作声

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:38 PM PST


转载自诗华日报 21-12-2016

SACOFA私有化 又一公家资产落入国阵朋党手中

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:31 PM PST


法令通过后,全砂原有的Celcom、Digi或Maxis的电讯塔或安装在建筑物顶楼的电讯传播仪器,都必须另行得到SACOFA的准证,才属合法。 SACOFA则持着这法令所赋予的垄断权,向Celcom、Digi和Maxis这些电讯公司征收准证费。

之后,SACOFA也开始建电讯塔。同时,它也禁止建筑物顶楼安装电讯传播仪器。Celcom、DiGi和Maxis这些电讯公司也被迫必须向SACOFA租用其所建的电讯塔。 租金就任由SACOFA定夺,因为这是门独家生意。

SACOFA -- 从监管,变生意

原本成立SACOFA的宗旨,是在于监管砂州电讯塔和电讯基建设施的发展和建设。 但,这独家的操控权,却很快的变成SACOFA的摇钱树,每年替SACOFA赚取数千万令吉的盈利。

从SACOFA的出发点,有钱赚固然是好事。 但,对于砂州人民而言,它未必就是好事,尤其是对乡村或半郊区人民而言。

SACOFA把其原本推广和监管电讯塔和电讯基建设施的责任,变成其生财工具。 直接受影响的就是电讯公司如Celcom、DiGi和Maxis。 这些电讯公司所付还给SACOFA租用电讯塔的租金,长期而言,比他们各别出资建电讯塔,更加昂贵。 因此,这无形中成为这些电讯公司欲在乡区或半郊区提供电讯服务的阻力。

简言之,当SACOFA向电讯公司敲竹杠榨钱的同时,砂州电讯服务的覆盖率增长也相应的缓慢下来。 这就是SACOFA从监管的角色转为赚钱的工具,对砂州人民所带来的负面效应。



年             税后盈利
2012 RM 59,247,192
2013 RM 52,694,501
2014 RM 60,093,036
2015 RM 79,567,084


砂州政府贱卖SACOFA 50%股权给CMS

如此一家赚钱的公司,在砂州果然逃不过砂国阵朋党的垂涎。於是,砂州政府于2015年将SACOFA 50%的股权以1亿8679万令吉的价格卖给砂日光有限公司(CMS),前砂州首长泰益家族所控制的公司。

以这1亿8679万令吉价格出售SACOFA 50%股权,简直就是超级大平卖。

截至2014年12月31日,SACOFA的净资产是3亿9231万令吉(不包括无型资产和控制权的价值)。 50%净资产的价值已是1亿9600万令吉,更何况再加上无型资产和公司控制权的价值。 因此,SACOFA50%股权的真正价值,是远远超出 1亿8679万令吉的买价。 



SACOFA过去4年平均每年赚取6000万令吉的税后盈利,50%的股权即是每年3000万令吉的税后盈利。CMS以1亿8679万令吉的价钱收购50% SACOFA的股权。 也即是说,CMS投资SACOFA 50% 股权的本益比是6.2(18679/3000)。 


• 马来亚银行 --12.8
• YTL Corp --18.1
• MISC Bhd --11.5
 Digi.com --23.5
• CIMB 银行集团 --11.4
• Axiata --29.5
• AMMB银行 --10.3
• Telekom -- 28.3
• Maxis --22.6
• Sime Darby --20.4
• 丰隆银行 -- 13.3
• 大众银行 -- 14.5
• Petronas Gas --24.4
• Petronas -- 31.0
• Tenaga -- 10.8
• RHB Capital --10.5
• Genting -- 22.5

"本益比"的定义是,投资的本钱对比所得到的利益的比例。 比如,马来亚银行的本益比是12.8,那投资马来亚银行股票,每12.8令吉的投资,一年可得到1令吉的利润。 而CMS投资SACOFA 50% 股权的本益比为6.2,也意味着CMS在SACOFA的投资,只需要6.2令吉就可得到每年1令吉的利润。


更甚的是,SACOFA是属于电讯公司的种类。 在马来西亚,电讯公司的本益比,平均都是超过20 以上的,Digi.com(23.5),Maxis(22.6),Telekom(28.3),Axiata (29.5)。

【黄顺舸在2015年州议会做总结时表示,政府是以SACOFA 2013年12月31日的财务报告为准。 当时SACOFA的净资产价值较低,而2013年SACOFA的利润也较低,因此,CMS收购那50%SACOFA股权的本益比则是7.23。 但这7.23还是比市场上通讯股的平均本益比低了太多。



换言之,若砂州政府有公开招标售卖SACOFA 50%的股权而非直接不二人选的就卖给CMS,这50%股权的合理价格应该是介于1亿8679万令吉的3倍,大约5亿令吉。

也就是说,在砂州政府贱卖SACOFA 50%股权给CMS的这个交易,砂州人民少收了大约3亿令吉。 这与砂州政府贱卖政府地给国阵朋党的政策,大同小异,如出一辙,即,公家产业私有化。


除此之外,因为SACOFA是砂州唯一全权负责发展电讯基建的公司,今后若政府有拨款发展乡区的电讯基建,有关拨款的对象理所当然将是SACOFA。 而CMS因拥有SACOFA 50%的股权,也将间接得到政府拨款的50%。




阿德南上任之后,实施了一些民粹政策,同时也讲了一些很合砂州人民口味的话。 但,时日一久,人民开始觉醒,在阿德南的美丽言论后面,砂国阵并没有改变过去'公家资产私有化'那种朋党自肥的路线。

正所谓,路遥知马力,日久见人心。阿德南的那些纯属外表美丽的言论,是经不起时间的考验的。 毕竟,他还是国阵的一份子,也是支持纳吉和巫统那种贪污腐败政权的中流砥柱。 物以类聚,同流合污。



更多的电讯塔,将为SACOFA和其股东带来更多的利润。 私营化之后的SACOFA,果然更有冲劲赚钱。 但许多住宅区的居民也因此而遭殃,无端端在他们的住宅区突然竖起一只巨型电讯塔,对他们造成困扰。



Sarawak DAP: Amend Land Code to protect native rights

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:25 PM PST

The state government needs only to table an amendment to the Land Code to expressly provide for the legality of 'pemakai menoa' and 'pulau galau', says Sarawak DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen.
 KUCHING: The Sarawak government can still remedy a Federal Court ruling that has nullified native customary laws by amending the state's Land Code to expressly provide for the legality of native customary rights (NCR) over forest lands.
Yesterday, the Federal Court ruled that the Dayaks cannot apply their native customary rights (NCR) to claim virgin forests as their territorial domains and communal forest reserves.
In a 3-1 majority decision, the apex court allowed an appeal by the Forest Department and the state government in a case filed by headman Sandah Tabau and seven other NCR landowners over an area in Ulu Machan, Kanowit.
The Federal Court ruled the native custom of "pemakai menoa" (territorial domain) and "pulau galau" (communal forest reserve) had no force of law in Sarawak.
It set aside the orders of the Court of Appeal and High Court that recognised NCR over "pemakai menoa" and "pulau galau".
Chong said it was a simple process to remedy this situation.
"The state government needs only to table an amendment to the Land Code to expressly provide for the legality of 'pemakai menoa' and 'pulau galau'," Chong told reporters at the state's party headquarters here today.
Present were the party's state vice-chairman Leon Jimat Donald and Mambong branch chairman Sanjan Daik
Chong also criticised a statement by Deputy Chief Minister James Jemut Masing who said the court has the liberty to define the concept of "pemakai menoa" and "pulau galau" because the Sarawak Native Customs Council – the definitive authority on the status of the land – has not come up with a clear definition on the status of such lands.
Masing said without a recognised authority to define NCR on the land claimed by the Dayaks, the judges had to depend on their own understanding of NCR status of "pemakai menoa" and "pulau galau" and came to the conclusion that it had "no force of law".
"It is regrettable that the Sarawak BN government, with all its resources and expertise, refuses to do that but instead has James Masing crying crocodile tears attributing the present Dayak's predicament to 'lack of clear definition of NCR status'," Chong said.
"This again is proof that the so-called local parties are the ones oppressing the Sarawakians."
Chong said the ruling BN failed to come up with a clear provision on the concept of "pemakai menoa" and "pulau galau", leading to the Federal Court to interpret the law.
Court of Appeal president Mohd Raus Shariff, in a written judgment yesterday, said there is no law in Sarawak that gives the force of law to NCR customary rights claims by the Dayaks over virgin forests.
He said the Sarawak Land Code, Tusun Tunggu (Codified Customary Laws), Iban Adat 1993 and a number of Rajah Orders only recognise cultivated land called "temuda" as NCR land.
He said the land dispute arose because the state government granted to a private company a provisional lease of land covering those lands also subject to "pemakai menoa" and "pulau galau".
"This clearly shows the state government itself does not recognise the concept of 'pemakai menoa' and 'pulau galau'.
"Otherwise, it would not have issued to private companies provisional leases of land covering them," Chong said.
Chong pointed out that the decision of the Federal Court was made in this case where the state government is a litigant party.
"If the state government is of the view that 'pemakai menoa' and 'pulau galau' has the force of law, the state government can easily concede to this point of law without the court having to make a decision on it.
"The court has made the ruling on the state government's argument that 'pemakai menoa' and 'pulau galau' has no force of law.
"We, the DAP, urge (Chief Minister) Adenan (Satem) and the Sarawak government to stop paying mere lip service about defending the NCR landowners.
"Instead, it should take positive action to amend the Land Code to give legal effect to the concept of 'pemakai menoa' and 'pulau galau'."

freemalaysiatoday  December 21, 2016

Finance Act 2016

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 05:48 PM PST

For all intent and purpose, the FA 2016 is an Act to implement the policies stated in the Budget 2017. The FA 2016 is a consequential act of Budget 2017 and is part and parcel of Budget 2017.

The title of FA 2016 is:
" An Act to amend the Income Tax Act 1967, the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967, the Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976, the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act 1990 and the Goods and Services Tax Act 2014."
The content of FA 2016 is to amend all those Acts stated therein so as to carry out the policies of the Budget 2017.

Every year, after the passing of the Budget, a Finance Act will follow suit, e.g. Finance Act 2015 was tabled and passed the day after the passing of Budget 2016, Finance Act 2014 was tabled and passed the day after the passing of Budget 2015.

The whole of the Budget 2017 was put to vote in Parliament on 22-11-2016 at 11:00 p.m. at night, with 73 Opposition Member of Parliament opposing the Budget, 105 BN Members of Parliament supporting the Budget and 1 MP abstaining. 

Therefore, when the FA 2016 was tabled on 23-11-2016 (the next day) to carry out and implement the policies of Budget 2017, there was no necessity to re-state our position of objecting to it when we have the previous night objected to the whole of the Budget 2017.

In fact, before the calling for vote on Budget 2017 on 22-11-2016, there were calls of vote on the allocation for each and every Ministry, the Opposition did not call for counting of every vote to record our objection to each and every Ministry. That is not taken to mean that w the Opposition have agreed to the funding allocated to the respective Ministries.

The Pakatan Harapan has objected in toto the Budget 2017 and that includes the FA 2016.

It was the Barisan Nasional that proposed, supported and passed the Budget 2017 and to carry out the policies and projects in Budget 2017, the Inland Revenue Board has planned to tax religious organisations on their incomes. 

This is another reminder to the people that when BN leaders talks about projects, the funding comes from the PEOPLE. Previously, it was from individuals, companies and businesses. Now, the BN Government has extended its tantacles to cover religious organisations.

As Jesus has said in the Bible, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, to God what is God's". The present BN Government is now so desperate for money that even revenue to do God's work is now not spared from the taxes of the BN Government.

Had some of the BN MPs had some conscience and not supported blindly the Budget 2017, then FA 2016 would not be tabled and the Government will not be in need of the tax revenue from the religious organisations. 

What angers us more is that despite taxing more from people, corruption and wastages continues and all of us pay our taxes with the knowledge that for every single Ringgit of tax we pay, at least 30 sen will go into the pockets of the BN cronies.

To expect Adenan to go against the wishes of Najib and stop the Inland Revenue Board in Sarawak from collecting taxes from the churches and other religious organisations is to ask for the stars so long as Adenan and Sarawak BN remain in the UMNO's BN. 

Had Adenan dared to go against Najib's wishes, he would have exercised his power to stop the collection of GST in Sarawak. Sales Tax is clearly within the power of the State, yet, Adenan refused to act against the BN policies of Najib and UMNO.

Therefore, now that Adenan has repeatedly pledged his support for Najib and UMNO-controlled BN, the only way for religious organisations not to pay the taxes is through a change of Government in the coming elections which will likely be held in 2017. It is only with a new Government that practise clean, accountability and transparency governance that religious organisations can be spared from paying taxes.

Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching / ADUN for Kota Sentosa
DAP Sarawak Chairman

DAP: Deafening silence among Sarawak BN MPs on shariah bill

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 05:37 PM PST

Leave BN to vote against the amendment, Sarawak DAP urges MPs.
KUCHING: There is a "deafening silence" among Sarawak's BN MPs regarding the bill seeking to amend the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, which is expected to be tabled next month.
Sarawak is a bastion of BN support, boasting 25 MPs, six of them Muslims. DAP has five MPs and PKR one.
"When this bill was proposed by PAS president Hadi Awang, we saw very strong opposition to it," said Sarawak DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen.
"Objections by Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP). Even (Chief Minister) Adenan (Satem) had instructed all the BN MPs from Sarawak to object to the bill.
"Now that Umno has adopted the whole bill, there is a deafening silence among Sarawak BN," Chong told reporters here today.
PAS president and Marang MP Abdul Hadi Awang had completed the first reading of the proposed amendments in Parliament last month as part of parliamentary procedure.
Minister in Prime Minister's Department Jamil Khir Baharom is expected to read it as a government bill at the next Parliament sitting.
"The contents of the whole bill have not changed. It is the same. It is still a hudud bill. But now it will be tabled in the name of the BN.
"SUPP's strong objection to the bill, now that the bill is being picked up by the government, has changed suddenly. They've become quiet. They do not even dare to voice any opinion," Chong said.
He charged that Sarawak BN followed the lead of Putrajaya and of BN's dominant component, Umno.
"This only proves another fact that within BN, Umno is the taiko (big brother) and whatever Umno decides, all the others have to follow.
"No matter how strong the words Adenan speaks in Sarawak, when it comes to the implementation of BN policies, it is still Umno's wishes that matter."
Chong said Sarawak BN would need to leave the coalition to vote against the bill.
"The hudud bill is a clear example of Umno's supremacy in BN. As for other aspects, like education and economic policies, which are also adversely affecting Sarawak, Adenan is also powerless to change.
"As long as Sarawak BN is within the national BN, where Umno supremacy reigns, at the end of the day, it is Umno's wishes that matter. Not Adenan's wishes.
"Adenan can be a kampung hero but that's it. He can't do anything when it comes to crunch time.
"The only way to get out of this situation is for Sarawak BN to quit BN."
Hadi's bill was first tabled in the Dewan Rakyat on May 26. His bill seeks to equip shariah courts with greater punitive powers.
Hadi moved the bill again on Nov 24, but with a slight amendment to his original bill. The amended version caps the shariah court's sentencing powers to 30 years' jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 strokes of the cane.
Currently, shariah punishment is capped at a three-year prison term, RM5,000 fine, and six strokes of the cane.
 FreeMalaysiaToday December 20,2016

Sarawak DAP slams tax on money meant for ‘God’s work’

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 05:34 PM PST

Party leader Chong Chieng Jen rebukes BN MPs for enabling the government to tax the income of non-Muslim religious organisations.

KUCHING: The opposition has objected to the entire Budget 2017, including the Finance Act 2016 (FA2016), the passing of which has allowed the Inland Revenue Board to tax donations-derived income of non-Muslim religious organisations.
"The BN government is now so desperate for money that even revenue to do God's work is not spared from taxes," Sarawak DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen said.
"Had the BN MPs some conscience and refrained from blindly supporting the Budget 2017, the FA 2016 amendment would not have been tabled to enable the government to tax the revenue of religious organisations," Chong said.
He said FA2016 is an Act to amend the Income Tax Act 1967, the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967, the Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976, the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act 1990, and the Goods and Services Tax Act 2014.
Parliament passed the amendments on Nov 23 and the Senate followed suit on Dec 15.
The amendment to Paragraph 13(1)(b) of Schedule 6 of the Income Tax Act 1967 subjects churches, temples and religion-based charitable bodies governed by the Charitable Trusts Ordinance 1994 to new taxes.
Mosques and Islamic welfare institutions are not expected to be affected as these are regulated by the Majlis Islam Sarawak Ordinance 1984.
"What angers us further is that despite the increased taxes on the people, wastage continues.
"We all pay our taxes knowing that of every ringgit paid, at least 30 sen goes into the pockets of BN cronies," Chong told reporters at the state party headquarters here today.
Present were Pending assemblywoman Violet Yong and Bawang Assan MP Chiew Sung Ngie.
"This is another reminder to the people that when BN leaders talk about projects, the funding comes from the people.
"Previously, it was the individuals, companies and businesses who paid. Now the government has extended its tentacles to take from the religious organisations."
Chong also denied the opposition had approved FA2016.
Budget 2017 was put to the vote in Parliament on Nov 22. Seventy-three opposition MPs opposed, 105 BN MPS supported and one MP abstained from voting.
"Therefore, when the FA2016 was tabled the following day, there was no need for us to state our position again as we had on the previous day objected to Budget 2017 in its entirety," Chong said.
He said voters could not rely on the BN MPs of Sarawak, the bastion of BN governance, to vote against the bill.
"To expect (Chief Minister) Adenan (Satem) to go against the wishes of (Prime Minister) Najib (Razak) is to ask for the stars.
"Had Adenan dared to go against Najib's wishes, he would have exercised his power to stop the collection of GST in Sarawak.
"The sales tax is clearly within the power of the state to oppose, yet Adenan refused to act against the policies of Najib and Umno.
"Now that Adenan has repeatedly pledged his support for Najib and Umno-controlled BN, the only way religious organisations will be able to avoid the new tax is if there is a change of government following the next general election, which will likely be held in 2017.
"It is only with a new government that practises accountability and transparency that religious organisations will be spared paying taxes," Chong said.
Freemalaysiatoday December 20,2016

医院设施短缺 是政府政策所导致

Posted: 11 Dec 2016 05:50 PM PST

 医院设施短缺,本来就是政治问题,是政府政策所导致古晋中央医院设施短缺。 同样的,中央医院安宁疗护(Palliative Care Unit)的资源短缺,也是政治使然。


对于恩林安宁疗护协会及有关负责该安疗护中心的医生今日文告替沈桂贤辩护,张健仁表示了解他们的处境,毕竟沈桂贤是一名部长,政府公务员和非政府组织都必须在表面上展示支持和维护部长。 因此,张氏也不会把他们的言论放在心上,最重要是他们所指的,资源短缺、资金短缺的问题可获得解决。

"不过,从另一个角度来看,他们今天的文告也证实我所说的是对的。 古晋中央医院的安宁疗护中心在过去5年并没有关闭,其实还是继续操作。 这与之前报导所指该中心关闭5年今由沈桂贤开幕重新启用,有很大的差别。"


张氏说,他非常清楚,过去5年甚至之前,有许多中央医院癌症部门的医务人员,都在提供着安宁疗护的服务,他们的贡献也协助了许多癌症病患者以及他们的家人。 对此,张氏向这些无名英雄表示之崇高的敬意和谢意。




1. 若没有政府政策垄断政府医院医药和用具的供应,政府医院可以更便宜的价格买到同样的药和用具,或以相等的拨款,买更多药给病患者服用。

2. 若没有政府政策垄断政府医院仪器和设施的维修合约,医院的仪器和设施维修费用也不会如此高昂,省下的钱也可用在其他设施提升和对病人的服务。

3. 若政府可只专注先建中央医院多层停车场,而不需顾虑朋党的利益,古晋中央医院早在几年就已经有多层停车场,公众人士和医院的员工也无需多年来面对停车位不足的困境。

4. 若政府可以实行公开招标的程序,不需照顾朋党利益,3亿8000万令吉的拨款可建两间类似古晋新的KPJ医院,拥有300个病床并拥有其他更先进的医疗器材(该医院的建筑费只是1亿7000万令吉)。 这将可解决目前中央医院超拥挤的困境。 如今,这3亿8000万令吉的拨款(就算真的有拨出),却连一间新的医院也没有,而只是增加一些目前古晋中央医院的设施。

5. 若政府没有乱花钱,不需偿还如1MDB这类贪污浪费的糊涂账,那2017年财政预算案对于购买药物拨款款项,也不需削减19% (削减3亿令吉)。


