Jumaat, 23 September 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

女屋主要求网络电视澄清 擅闯“鬼屋”拍灵异片

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 05:50 PM PDT

身兼古晋区国会议员及哥打圣淘沙区州议员的张健仁今日陪同屋主的女儿林女士召开发布会,表示林女士今年8月31日得知网络电视ONFM在优管上载一个标题为"01热线之砂咒怪谈·第三章·饿鬼荒舍"的影片,是在诗巫的双溪德古路(Jalan Sungai Teku)某荒废空屋拍摄的灵异纪录片,说明该房屋是鬼屋,影片中的女主持人更一度被鬼上身,然而,有关空屋是属林女士的母亲,并非荒废的房屋,因为林女士的母亲每个月都会定期回去打扫和照顾果树。

张健仁:虽属人联票仓 八点地民生受忽略

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 05:55 PM PDT


Chong: Improve facilities at BDC Resettlement Scheme

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 05:52 PM PDT

(From left) Yong, Aziz, Chong and Tan check the drain in the resettlement scheme.
KUCHING: Minister of Local Government Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian is urged to look into the infrastructure problems at BDC Resettlement Scheme here.
Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen urged this when he inspected the facilities at the scheme's Lorong 12 yesterday. He was accompanied by Stampin MP Julian Tan, Pending assemblywoman Violet Yong and his (Chong's) special assistant Abdul Aziz. He said for the past three state elections, residents of BDC Resettlement Scheme had given SUPP most of their votes "but they are ignored by the ruling party and the local council".
He said the residents had filed their complaints to the council about the drainage, flood and roads since three years ago but nothing much had been done.
He said the flood problem at Lorong 12 was caused by improper planning. The council did not take into consideration the flood problem when they approved the development plans for the area.
The flood at Lorong 10A during heavy rain was also caused by improper drainage system in the area, he added. He urged the related departments to take action to solve the problems as soon as possible.
TheBorneoPost September 22,2016

替过阵打压在野党 警察勿沦为政治爪牙

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 06:02 PM PDT



今年5月砂州选举落幕后,国阵州选埔奕区落选的候选人许庆璋即入禀法庭,寻求法庭宣判该选举成绩无效,理由是许庆璋指责陈长峰持有双国籍,因此无资格作州议员。 虽然许庆璋在该诉讼案中做出如此指责,但他并无提出任何证据证明陈长峰持有双重国籍。




张氏说,陈长峰的案件和他当年2008年的处境非常相似。 当年国选后,国阵也出钱资助一位古晋市的选民,已故许怀标,入禀法庭寻求法庭宣判他的选举成绩无效。 同期间,警察也扣押他的手提电脑。 当时,他成功向法庭申请宣判警察不合法扣押他的电脑,而法庭也喻令警察将张氏的手提电脑归还给他。



"在这种种的优势条件下,许庆璋还是落败,很明显埔奕选民不要他。 他应该自我反省,也应该接受埔奕选民的决定。他的入禀法庭挑战选举成绩,证明此人心胸狭窄,输不起。 这种人更不应该涉足政坛。"

"至于警察方面,目前砂州还有许多偷窃、打枪、谋杀及犯罪案件,都没有获得破案,警方也没有将嫌犯绳之于法。 就以公正党候选人,Bill Kayong的谋杀案而言,到目前几个月了,凶杀案的主谋,还在逍遥法外。"

张氏提醒大马皇家警察,警察的职责是维持法律和治安,而非干涉政治。 警察应该花多一点时间和精神在打击罪犯,而不是浪费时间和人力来帮助国阵打压行动党。 而且,警察们的薪金是来自人民所还的税收,包括在野党又有还税。 他们的工钱不是许庆璋或国阵政治人物还的。

张氏强烈谴责警察今次搜查陈长峰医生的诊所和服务所。 他也呼吁大马皇家警察应保持独立和中立的政治立场,而不是做国阵的政治打手。

Stop Meddling in politics by helping the BN oppress the opposittion

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 06:00 PM PDT

I call upon the Sarawak BN to accept the verdict of the voters in Pujut graciously and stop harassing the DAP Pujut elected ADUN, Dr. Ting Tiong Choon. I also call upon the Police (PDRM) to stop meddling in politics and helping the BN to oppress the Opposition.
Shortly after the State Elections, the BN Pujut candidate, Hii King Chiong filed an Election Petition challenging the election of Dr Ting as the rightful Assemblymen for Pujut.
Although the ground of the Election Petition is on the allegation that Dr Ting holds dual citizenship, there is no such evidence adduced in support of Hii's Petition.
Then came the Police's raid on Dr. Ting's office and clinic on 14-9-2016, attempting to find some evidence to support Hii's Petition.
This is similar to the previous Election Petition filed by the late Kho Whai Phiaw against my election of the Bandar Kuching Member of Parliament in 2008. It was subsequently disclosed that the Election Petition was sponsored by BN.
During that time, the police also conducted a raid of my office and even seized my laptop. Thereafter, I filed an application in court to challenge the seizure and the High Court in Kuching declared that the Police's seizure of my laptop is unlawful.
Hii King Chiong had all the advantage against Dr. Ting in the May Sarawak State Elections. He had unlimited resources at his disposal, he was in Miri much longer than Dr. Ting, he had the so-called "Adenan Fever" on his side and he had the DAP traitor Fong Pau Teck helping to split DAP's vote. Yet he lost the election.
With all these advantages and yet he lost the election. Hii should accept the Pujut voters' decision. His filing of the Election Petition only shows that he is a bad loser who can't take defeat. If that is the case, then he should not get involved in politics.
As for the Police, there are hundreds of theft, robbery, murder and criminal cases that remains unresolved and the criminals are at large. Take for example, the primary murder suspect of the late Bill Kayong is still at large, yet the Police is not doing enough to bring the culprit to book.
It is the Police's duty to maintain law and order. The Police has no business in politics and should not waste its manpower helping the BN politician to fight the Opposition.
The Police must always bear in mind, that it is the taxes from the People (including the Opposition) that pays the Police's salaries, not Hii King Chiong or the BN politicians who pays their salaries. Therefore, the Police should not be reduced to the tools of BN to oppress the Opposition.
As such, I strongly condemn the police raids of Dr. Ting's clinic and office and called upon the Police to be politically neutral.
Chong Chieng Jen
MP for Bandar Kuching / ADUN for Kota Sentosa
DAP Sarawak Chairman

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